"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DomAltares.8651


I’d love someone’s confirmation or denial, but it seems to me that every shot I’ve seen of the previous clipping issue is on a female human/sylvari medium armor class. And now it appears they’ve solved this by giving the skirt the same bell-profile as all the medium trenchcoat/butt cape armor.

I bought this outfit specifically for my mesmer, and until the ‘fix’ it looked fantastic and was my favorite outfit. Now it looks terrible on every one of my humans and Sylvari, to say nothing of the one it was purchased for.

I doubt I’ll get it, but in light of the change, I’ll be seeking a gem refund for the first time ever. I’m not remotely interested in the look of the outfit now. And even though the clipping was fixed, I can’t see how most who had that issue would be very pleased, either. They also did not get what was advertised.

Very lazy, Anet.

The clipping, as far as my characters go, seemed to be on the more voluptuous body types. My human female ele is one of the skinnier models and I noticed no clipping. My sylvari female necro has a curvy body, and I noticed some clipping. I didn’t notice it have anything to do with armor type. I can’t speak for the other races because I’ve only used it on these two characters.

Got it. I figured it could also be that, but so far I’d only seen screens of medium armor characters. The ones I had this on are both light armor with thin body types, so no clipping.

I do hate to complain about this whole thing, and I am glad that the clipping issue is fixed for those that had it. It’s annoying enough on many characters with plain armor. But this outfit is no longer what I bought upon its release, and I’d like to allocate those gems elsewhere if this is the permanent fix for it that Anet is going with.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Berobad.4536


A proper fix would have been to modify the animation of the skirt.
But that would have been more work then just supersize it.

The new larger skirt even has the animation of the old smaller one, resulting in extremely pointy edges.

Pre “fix” this would have been the part for the leg.


(edited by Berobad.4536)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrostyBou.5491


I’m not really liking the fixed version myself.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sephiroth.4217


90% of the armor including the cultural armor clips. You can’t have hair below the neck or it clips.

True, but in this case, the leg of your char clipped through the skirt, in certain positions, which is why they made it far larger and more flared.

Unfortunately, this “fix” has completely changed the proportions of the outfit.

Hope they fix this too.

With respect, you’re missing the point.

No, not missing the point at all, Anet are releasing buggy outfits and I spent 800 gems on a buggy outfit that I would appreciate fixed… If it was a skin where I could get rid of that part and be selective with armor pieces I wouldn’t mind as much, but this is an outfit.

The point is the same, the severity scale is what’s different.

I mostly play for the new Free-For-All arena in PvP lobby.
….. And Elementalist.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tarak.4759


I’ve noticed another glitch when wearing the monk’s outfit on my human male character.
Sometimes when I get out of the water, my character keeps his breathing mask on and the shoulders change to a reddish brown color. This happens fairly frequently and the only way that I’ve been able to fix it is to rezone.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheRandomGuy.7246


I see why this outfit was pulled from the gem store. The clipping beforehand only seemed to occur on some body types (I was also mostly happy with it before), but now the skirt is ridiculously flared out. Also, my legs don’t connect to my body anymore?

So you fixed the issue for some people while breaking it for others. May I have a gem refund for this please?


Edit: Added a human picture.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noble_Count_Outfit has exact same problem. It is less obvious of course but still noticeable when you run forward. Guys that make this new outfits are probably too kitteno add pants to female versions.

Off topic: Since when S.H.Y. is a bad word?

(edited by TheRandomGuy.7246)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


I see why this outfit was pulled from the gem store. The clipping beforehand only seemed to occur on some body types (I was also mostly happy with it before), but now the skirt is ridiculously flared out. Also, my legs don’t connect to my body anymore?

So you fixed the issue for some people while breaking it for others. May I have a gem refund for this please?


Edit: Added a human picture.

https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noble_Count_Outfit has exact same problem. It is less obvious of course but still noticeable when you run forward.

I’m sorry it has that issue. I don’t have that outfit. This is the first outfit that I bought after the town clothing changes (which is why I’m a bit sore on this issue).

I assume since the noble outfit is so long that the issue is not as noticeable as it is with this shorter skirt, though.

With the Monk Outfit the way it is currently, I don’t have to try very hard to notice that my legs are entirely see-through while moving.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Noble_Count_Outfit has exact same problem. It is less obvious of course but still noticeable when you run forward. Guys that make this new outfits are probably too kitteno add pants to female versions.

Off topic: Since when S.H.Y. is a bad word?

It isn’t “shy” that is being blocked, it is “shy” followed by “to” where “shy” + the first letter of “to” is a slang term for a swear word with an alternate spelling to its usual “ite” spelling.

Hope that clears it up.

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"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KaizerGr.4815


Yes, the item has been reintroduced to the Gem Store. I will pass along your input regarding the corrected outfit.

Dear Gaile
is Monk outfit reintroduced because was faulty?
if yes, how about Ceremonial outfit, when is going to be fixed?
I have send plenty reports for the neck ornament bug with long hair styles, mainly to females of all races. I spend extra gems on hair kits, just to make it look fine
When is going to be fixed? there was a post 10 months ago with no official response. (https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/support/bugs/Ceremonial-Outfit-glitches-with-hair-styles/first#post4373689)

Please pass this complain to the designer team or who ever is responsible for this mess, and do something about it or reply to us “we can not fix it, deal with it”.
Ceremonial outfit is really nice, the only heavy outfit Anet has release until now, by forcing to wear helmet in order to cover the bug is not a proper solution.

Thanks for listening and I hope that you will reply.

(edited by KaizerGr.4815)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: quagganzilla.6450


This is such a poorly implemented “fix”. I don’t own this outfit but I can see why you guys/gals are annoyed.
You would think a company like Anet knows the old adage “It’s easier to do things right the first time”.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Spirited Was Eceni.3869

Has this outfit been removed from the TP again? I looked for it last night and didn’t see it anywhere. True I was in a rush so may have missed it.

“Judge a person’s character by how they behave when given anonymity.”

Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


90% of the armor including the cultural armor clips. You can’t have hair below the neck or it clips.

True, but in this case, the leg of your char clipped through the skirt, in certain positions, which is why they made it far larger and more flared.

Unfortunately, this “fix” has completely changed the proportions of the outfit.

Hope they fix this too.

With respect, you’re missing the point.

No, not missing the point at all, Anet are releasing buggy outfits and I spent 800 gems on a buggy outfit that I would appreciate fixed… If it was a skin where I could get rid of that part and be selective with armor pieces I wouldn’t mind as much, but this is an outfit.

The point is the same, the severity scale is what’s different.

Well, no, the point of this thread is that they fixed this particular outfit by changing its appearance, after purchase; as opposed to fixing it, without changing its appearance (either before, or after, purchase).

The fact that it was buggy, as a lot of outfits/armour sets/weapon skins seem to be, to one extent or another, although also a valid issue that should be discussed, is not really the main point of this thread.

BTW, I contacted them explaining the issue and Anet appear to have refunded me 700 gems and (to my surprise) not removed the outfit from my collection.

So, that was very good of them.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: conn.2097


BTW, I contacted them explaining the issue and Anet appear to have refunded me 700 gems and (to my surprise) not removed the outfit from my collection.

So, that was very good of them.

Ah well, I tried the same but they rejected my request:
“Purchases from the Gem Store are seldom refundable, and in this case we are not able to provide a refund of your purchase.” :-/

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


BTW, I contacted them explaining the issue and Anet appear to have refunded me 700 gems and (to my surprise) not removed the outfit from my collection.

So, that was very good of them.

Ah well, I tried the same but they rejected my request:
“Purchases from the Gem Store are seldom refundable, and in this case we are not able to provide a refund of your purchase.” :-/

Did you explain the exact problem to them?

Because this is not a case of a change of mind, on your behalf – this is a case of buying one thing and ending up with another.

I’ve noticed another glitch when wearing the monk’s outfit on my human male character.
Sometimes when I get out of the water, my character keeps his breathing mask on and the shoulders change to a reddish brown color. This happens fairly frequently and the only way that I’ve been able to fix it is to rezone.

The waterbreather thing can happen with other outfits, as well.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: conn.2097


Yup, I did. But I’m not the only one who didn’t get a refund, so no idea what the deciding factor is.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


My refund request was denied on Tuesday too. Gaile mentioned that a memo was sent around the office in my Reddit thread, but I am extremely skeptical that they will have another chance any time in the near future to give this outfit a look while working on Heart of Thorns. Surely the outfit designers’ talents are needed elsewhere other than retouching the same outfit multiple times every week.

I have submitted another refund request because of that. They have already gone over the outfit once, and I do not expect them to try again any time soon. I wish they would just allow gem refunds for everyone affected by this issue.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Testudo.4620


I tried to ask for a refund for the outfit but they made it sound like i accidentally bought it and told me to be more careful in the future. i didn’t accidentally buy it, i just don’t like how they edited it and now i will never wear it…

Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


I tried to ask for a refund for the outfit but they made it sound like i accidentally bought it and told me to be more careful in the future. i didn’t accidentally buy it, i just don’t like how they edited it and now i will never wear it…

I know a few people that have gotten a refund for the outfit, so I’m going to send in a ticket every day asking for a refund or until they actually fix the outfit. I suggest you try again until you either get a gem refund or the issue is fixed.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Yes, the item has been reintroduced to the Gem Store. I will pass along your input regarding the corrected outfit.

Honestly Gaile, there shouldn’t need to be player input regarding the issue of the legs simply being invisible above the thigh. Anyone in QA using a test server should have been able to see the transparency issue. If the test environment doesn’t display this issue, then there is one of the major problems in the first place. Discrepancies between the test are and live.
It’s not that the players are all running around looking up skirts, but all you have to do is go for a swim and you are presented with that angle and it becomes painfully obvious that there are issues.

The work done on this outfit is poorly done, and poorly executed. It’s not worth remotely what people are paying for it, and the player base deserves content that is at much better.

QA needs to do more than just a quick 360spin on the models and say “ok, ready to go”.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DomAltares.8651


I tried to ask for a refund for the outfit but they made it sound like i accidentally bought it and told me to be more careful in the future. i didn’t accidentally buy it, i just don’t like how they edited it and now i will never wear it…

I know a few people that have gotten a refund for the outfit, so I’m going to send in a ticket every day asking for a refund or until they actually fix the outfit. I suggest you try again until you either get a gem refund or the issue is fixed.

I received my requested refund, but my message from the GM contained the same ‘be careful’ verbiage. I’d imagine it’s a type of boilerplate that they are required to use, whether the refund is issued or not.

This is the first (and hopefully only) time that I have asked for my gems to be refunded. As had been mentioned by others, I only made the request due to the fact that had the outfit looked on its release day how it does now, I would never have purchased it. It’s not a case of buyer’s remorse in this instance, but the fact that the outfit was unacceptably altered after I had bought it.

I would keep submitting for the refund, if you haven’t received one. I realize the devs are working on the expansion, but hopefully a slew of refund requests will motivate them to do the right thing, and correct the clipping issues of this outfit in a less lazy fashion.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sonickeyblade.8415


I was looking into this outfit, but I think I’ll wait now… just to be sure.

Oh the positive note, thanks to this thread I now know why the game has gotten so many “Outfits” and less “Wardrobe Skins” that we can mix and match.

And while the reasoning makes 110% sense… it makes me a bit sad. :p

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ana.2415


I sent a ticket and they also said they won’t refund me my gems… ???

It’s not my fault, I bought the outfit before the changes and now they don’t wanna give me my gems back.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DomAltares.8651


I sent a ticket and they also said they won’t refund me my gems… ???

It’s not my fault, I bought the outfit before the changes and now they don’t wanna give me my gems back.

Keep re-submitting. Hopefully we can get an explanation. I have a feeling it’s going to come down to the fact that Anet has no easy method (or no method at all) of removing access to the outfit along with the refund. That doesn’t mean you and others who purchased before the change should not be made whole.

Ultimately, Anet should just work on (and tell us they are working on) fixing the clipping issues while restoring the outfit to its original look.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


Ultimately, Anet should just work on (and tell us they are working on) fixing the clipping issues while restoring the outfit to its original look.

Yup! Gaile was super awesome and replied to my Reddit thread saying she sent out a memo. But that isn’t the same as her saying, last week, that a fix was imminent. And, honestly, I don’t expect a fix to come any time soon (as I mentioned earlier in the thread). With how much pressure they’re under, I cannot imagine them visiting this outfit again any time soon to correctly fix it — I wouldn’t say that it’s necessarily unreasonable to expect them to fix it soon, but I understand they have far bigger things on their plate at the moment than one outfit that they have already patched.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cerpin.9152


Ultimately, Anet should just work on (and tell us they are working on) fixing the clipping issues while restoring the outfit to its original look.

Yup! Gaile was super awesome and replied to my Reddit thread saying she sent out a memo. But that isn’t the same as her saying, last week, that a fix was imminent. And, honestly, I don’t expect a fix to come any time soon (as I mentioned earlier in the thread). With how much pressure they’re under, I cannot imagine them visiting this outfit again any time soon to correctly fix it — I wouldn’t say that it’s necessarily unreasonable to expect them to fix it soon, but I understand they have far bigger things on their plate at the moment than one outfit that they have already patched.

I’m pretty sure the people developing the gemstore stuff aren’t the same that are working on HoT. Even if they would be : If they have time to code all kinds of wings they should also manage to make sure that their outfits get released in an acceptable state. I won’t let that excuse count…

I’m probably stupid, but I haven’t send my ticket for a refund yet, because I have a small hope that they will react to our “input”.
I’m definately stupid, because I let a post from Gaile get my hopes up before ( in the bunnyears topic ) and I am still waiting here months later with nothing to show for it…

Maybe it’s just time to give up on the gemstore alltogether. It seems pretty obvious that they simply don’t care beyond quickly throwing out stuff and hoping that enough cash comes back.

PS: Just to make sure that noone gets it wrong: I’m not blaming Gaile or her admirable work for the community! I’m unhappy about the decisions of whoever is responsible for the gemstore releases.

(edited by Cerpin.9152)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Testudo.4620


I submitted a refund request a second time and got the same message about being careful when i spend my gems but i got the refund anyway. i guess just keep submitting.

Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


So earlier in the day they told me they’d refund the outfit, but I didn’t want to say anything on here until the refund went through. I got another response this afternoon telling me that they couldn’t refund the outfit, BUT not to worry because the team is “aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it”.

I guess I’ll wait until July 21st to see if anything happens before pressing the issue, again.

This is totally ridiculous. I know that they don’t have the tools to do a proper gem refund (you get to keep the refunded item even when they refund your gems), but that isn’t my problem. If I bought a faulty product from any semi-professional retailer (in the United States) I would be eligible for a refund, no questions asked. This lack of accountability is absolutely staggering.

And the really stupid thing is that they only lose 700 gems by keeping people happy! Yes, I know that will eventually be $10, but is that really worth upsetting those that want a refund for this outfit because the fix for it was bad?

/rant off

(edited by Athena.3579)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Elana.2584


I sincerely hope that the outfit is properly fixed soon. I paid for a slim-looking GW1 monk outfit, not a matronly outfit that suddenly gives all of my characters thunder thighs and eats the top of my legs… Yes, it originally had some minor clipping issues on my characters, but it didn’t bother me as much as the new look does. Currently I really wish I hadn’t bought the outfit, and I’ll be very hesitant to buy any others in the future.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


I submitted a refund request a second time and got the same message about being careful when i spend my gems but i got the refund anyway. i guess just keep submitting.

Wait, so they gave you a refund but didn’t give me one after saying that they would give me one?

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Testudo.4620


I submitted a refund request a second time and got the same message about being careful when i spend my gems but i got the refund anyway. i guess just keep submitting.

Wait, so they gave you a refund but didn’t give me one after saying that they would give me one?

maybe it depends on who the request is sent to

Graduated top of class esports academy
#1 on fractal leaderboards

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheDuck.4526


So earlier in the day they told me they’d refund the outfit, but I didn’t want to say anything on here until the refund went through. I got another response this afternoon telling me that they couldn’t refund the outfit, BUT not to worry because the team is “aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it”.

I guess I’ll wait until July 21st to see if anything happens before pressing the issue, again.

This is totally ridiculous. I know that they don’t have the tools to do a proper gem refund (you get to keep the refunded item even when they refund your gems), but that isn’t my problem. If I bought a faulty product from any semi-professional retailer (in the United States) I would be eligible for a refund, no questions asked. This lack of accountability is absolutely staggering.

And the really stupid thing is that they only lose 700 gems by keeping people happy! Yes, I know that will eventually be $10, but is that really worth upsetting those that want a refund for this outfit because the fix for it was bad?

/rant off

As much as I don’t want to get my hopes up… I guess that’s promising news?

Also a quick question— when people mention gem refunds, are they referring to getting their gems back? Or getting the money back from the gems they bought? Because even if they just gave you back the gems, they don’t really lose any money since you still paid for the gems. Which is why I’m having some trouble understanding why they’re hesitant to give refunds. Maybe I’m just getting this whole refund business mixed up.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DomAltares.8651


Also a quick question— when people mention gem refunds, are they referring to getting their gems back? Or getting the money back from the gems they bought? Because even if they just gave you back the gems, they don’t really lose any money since you still paid for the gems. Which is why I’m having some trouble understanding why they’re hesitant to give refunds. Maybe I’m just getting this whole refund business mixed up.

I personally asked for and received only the gems back. They lost no actual money, and I spent them on other things. I believe any hesitance to refund is due to the possibility that they can’t remove the outfit from your wardrobe when they give the gems back.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Just a flesh wound.3589

Just a flesh wound.3589

It’s possible that one of the reasons that some people are getting refunds and some not, is if the gems were bought with real cash or gold. If you got a refusal and you’re not sure how the game charged you, you might check your gem store purchase history. On the right hand side is a list of items you bought from the gem store. If you buy things with both gold and money, some items will have a box to the right with a gem price inside and some won’t. If your monk outfit doesn’t have this box with gem price beside it, it might mean that the gems used to buy it were bought with gold and I’m pretty sure they don’t refund gold bought gems.

Be careful what you ask for
ANet may give it to you.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I was against buying outfits for so long, but I finally gave in and bought the monk outfit (gold to gems) as it brought back so many fond memories of GW1. I was happy with it and it looked great – I did not noticed any clipping issues on my characters.

Then it was ‘fixed’ and turned into what we have now.

I was no longer happy with my purchase as the new style no longer reminded me of the appearance of my characters from GW1.

I sent my refund request in this afternoon.
I was awarded a refund in 27 minutes from my initial sending of my request.

One thing I must say, I’ve always had extremely wonderful dealings with support save for a single instance the first week of the game launching, though I do not fault support for that situation.

Anyway, this is how I explained the issue in my initial refund request:

Greetings. I recently purchased the “Monk Outfit” from the gem store and I was very happy with my purchase. However, shortly afterward there was an update to ‘fix’ some clipping issues that others were experiencing. Upon fixing these clipping issues, the appearance of the outfit was altered to be that of one I do not like and would not have purchased.

If I may be considered for a refund of the 700 gems I spent purchasing this item, I would be very grateful. I do not like that the item was changed after I purchased it to have such a different appearance.

Thank you very much.

If others find it a useful description of their experience and why they are seeking a refund, feel free to use my description of the situation as yours in your request.

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"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


Thanks for your suggestions, everyone! I posted an inquiry in the Tech Support/Ticket thread and hopefully that will be looked at. At this point, it is more of the principle of the matter and why their support team isn’t all on the same page (or worse, they’re purposefully not granting refunds to certain individuals for unknown reasons).

It’s possible that one of the reasons that some people are getting refunds and some not, is if the gems were bought with real cash or gold.

I haven’t converted gold to gems in a very, very long time. I also wouldn’t have any gems left from that conversion. The only thing I can possibly think of is that it is because the gems spent on the Monk Outfit were from the Ultimate Heart of Thorns Edition. I don’t exactly see why that would make me ineligible for a refund, but that is one of the only things I can think of.

The only other reason I can think of is because I had a whole slew of town clothing refunded back when they did the huge changes to them. And… That’s not my fault. They should quit changing items so drastically post-launch of the item.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tigaseye.2047


So earlier in the day they told me they’d refund the outfit, but I didn’t want to say anything on here until the refund went through. I got another response this afternoon telling me that they couldn’t refund the outfit, BUT not to worry because the team is “aware of this issue and team members currently are working on addressing it”.

I guess I’ll wait until July 21st to see if anything happens before pressing the issue, again.

This is totally ridiculous. I know that they don’t have the tools to do a proper gem refund (you get to keep the refunded item even when they refund your gems), but that isn’t my problem. If I bought a faulty product from any semi-professional retailer (in the United States) I would be eligible for a refund, no questions asked. This lack of accountability is absolutely staggering.

And the really stupid thing is that they only lose 700 gems by keeping people happy! Yes, I know that will eventually be $10, but is that really worth upsetting those that want a refund for this outfit because the fix for it was bad?

/rant off

As much as I don’t want to get my hopes up… I guess that’s promising news?

Also a quick question— when people mention gem refunds, are they referring to getting their gems back? Or getting the money back from the gems they bought? Because even if they just gave you back the gems, they don’t really lose any money since you still paid for the gems. Which is why I’m having some trouble understanding why they’re hesitant to give refunds. Maybe I’m just getting this whole refund business mixed up.

They gave me a gem refund (which is what I asked for).

The gems were the ones from the xpac package – so, bought with real money, effectively.

Not sure if that makes a difference?

Maybe they’re more inclined to refund gems if they were bought with cash?

Or maybe it’s just luck?

The only thing I can possibly think of is that it is because the gems spent on the Monk Outfit were from the Ultimate Heart of Thorns Edition. I don’t exactly see why that would make me ineligible for a refund, but that is one of the only things I can think of.

Mine were, too, so I don’t think it’s that.

“Turns out when people play the game, they don’t admire your feet at all.” sephiroth

(edited by Tigaseye.2047)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: starlinvf.1358


It’s possible that one of the reasons that some people are getting refunds and some not, is if the gems were bought with real cash or gold. If you got a refusal and you’re not sure how the game charged you, you might check your gem store purchase history. On the right hand side is a list of items you bought from the gem store. If you buy things with both gold and money, some items will have a box to the right with a gem price inside and some won’t. If your monk outfit doesn’t have this box with gem price beside it, it might mean that the gems used to buy it were bought with gold and I’m pretty sure they don’t refund gold bought gems.

Thats a “quick buy” button to let you purchase the item again without having to hunt it down in the store menus. The reason some won’t have gems listed is when they are removed from the store (expired, out of season, etc).

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brigantia.5746


It doesn’t appear this outfit has fixed the legs, they are still not attached to anything.


"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


Refund request was denied for the third time in a row. The second time, they said they would refund me and then later “reiterated” that they would not be able to fulfill my request. What’s going on guys?

What are my courses of action here? You already have my money because I bought Heart of Thorns Ultimate (and Standard for a friend that was on the edge for, apparently, obvious reasons).

I have no option but to keep flooding support with tickets? Really?

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I’m afraid of them giving out refunds… does that mean they aren’t planning on fixing the fix?

If that’s the case, I’m going to hop on the refund bandwagon too.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’m afraid of them giving out refunds… does that mean they aren’t planning on fixing the fix?

If that’s the case, I’m going to hop on the refund bandwagon too.

Hiya, Hamfast!

That was mainly why I waited until Gaile made a response on the matter. If the ‘fix’ was going to be fixed, I’d have waited to see what it looked like then. However, her response of ‘passing our concerns along’ told me that it is unlikely to be looked into further and that it’d likely be staying exactly as it is right now. This prompted me to seek the refund as it is very unlikely to be reverted to the pre-fix visual that I purchased but with clipping issues corrected. I recommend your seeking the refund immediately, personally.

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"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athena.3579


Sorry to keep bumping this back up; however, I feel that it’s important to post the good too (and not only the bad).

The support team probably wasn’t entirely unanimous on how to solve this issue since the issue just cropped up Tuesday. Regardless, they took another look at my ticket and solved it for me. Thanks support team!

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hamfast.8719


I’m afraid of them giving out refunds… does that mean they aren’t planning on fixing the fix?

If that’s the case, I’m going to hop on the refund bandwagon too.

Hiya, Hamfast!

That was mainly why I waited until Gaile made a response on the matter. If the ‘fix’ was going to be fixed, I’d have waited to see what it looked like then. However, her response of ‘passing our concerns along’ told me that it is unlikely to be looked into further and that it’d likely be staying exactly as it is right now. This prompted me to seek the refund as it is very unlikely to be reverted to the pre-fix visual that I purchased but with clipping issues corrected. I recommend your seeking the refund immediately, personally.

Thanks for the advice, StinVec. I applied for and received a prompt refund, along with the form-letter cautioning me to be more careful about my gem transactions. (As if I should have known it was going to be changed after I bought it).

But maybe it is my own fault. How many minis have I bought that no longer have their sound effects? How many people purchased the black wings only to have them turn into foam when the white wings were released? How many people wanted refunds when the original Flamekissed armor set was completely changed? How many Legendary Weapons have changed after people already owned the one they liked?

But I’m happy they refunded my gems. I used to spend tons of money at the gem store, but I have been extremely stingy ever since they removed Town Clothes. In light of this scenario, I will continue to hold onto my gems. But since I still have the Monk’s Outfit in my Inventory, I will re-spend my refunded gems on something else if it ever gets properly fixed to where I can wear it again.

I don’t know what to advise. It would seem good sense to avoid buying new gem store items for at least a week, until bugs have had time to surface. But even if you own something for a long time, that seems to be no assurance it won’t ever be changed. That’s the problem with virtual goods.

Build a man a fire, and he’ll be warm all day.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I have to say that i do not like the new balloon shape on female characters. Please keep working on a better fix. The ballooned bell-skirt does not look natural and this is not the only armor or skin with this problem. I would rather live with clipping than have it look unnatural.

There are a lot of male cape and coat armors that have similar problems. Bell-shapes and rubbery mechanics look too unnatural.

I hope armor can be adjusted to have mechanics that match exact body types, even if that means a couple of dozen versions for each gender of each species. The rubbery textures have to go, too, so maybe an increase in polygons will help.

The two unnatural looking issues prevent me from buying more outfits and using more variety in armor skins. The deal-breakers are always butt-capes and rubbery behavior.

(edited by Anchoku.8142)

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I have to say that i do not like the new balloon shape on female characters. Please keep working on a better fix. The ballooned bell-skirt does not look natural and this is not the only armor or skin with this problem. I would rather live with clipping than have it look unnatural.

There are a lot of male cape and coat armors that have similar problems. Bell-shapes and rubbery mechanics look too unnatural.

I hope armor can be adjusted to have mechanics that match exact body types, even if that means a couple of dozen versions for each gender of each species. The rubbery textures have to go, too, so maybe an increase in polygons will help.

The two unnatural looking issues prevent me from buying more outfits and using more variety in armor skins. The deal-breakers are always butt-capes and rubbery behavior.

I would have to agree with this.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mea.5491


While they are at it, they should also fix the Norn cultural “Predatory Leggings” on females. It also has the “legs not connecting” issue. I reported it years ago, nothing happened…

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Majic.4801


“Does this dress make me look fat?”

Yes. Yes it does.

“Not the same, real and true. True you feel inside.
Always follow what is true.” — Sentry-skritt Bordekka

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hazenvirus.8154


Just like when they refunded legendary weapons after the wardrobe change. Everyone has the same problem, but anet seemingly randomly decides who gets a refund or who doesn’t.

"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I do not want a refund. I want it to look right, again. There are too many bubble-butt, cape-butt, and bells.

Please fix them, please!


"Fixed" Monk Outfit - Updated July 28th

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kashrlyyk.5364


After sending in a refund request stating that the new version doesn’t look good anymore I got this:

Purchases from the Gem Store are seldom refundable, and in this case we are not able to provide a refund of your purchase.

I am sorry that we could not fulfill you request in this situation, but please let us know if you have any other questions we can address.

After specifying that ANet changed it and now I don’t have the product I spent gems for anymore I got:

We understand your concerns related to the changes done to the Monk’s Outfit. However, because of the nature of outfits, we are unable to do any refund of the purchase. We appreciate your comprehension.

After noting that other people got refunds “support” replied with:

While we understand that you would have preferred to receive a different response to your petition, we must reiterate that we are unable to fulfill your request.

Any suggestions?