Forging Eternity ruined my game experience
op you should pay attention to whats going on in terms of gw2 news, if you did that then you would have had an idea this might happen.
an expansion has been announced and one of the things the expansion will give us is a guaranteed way to get precursors. the best you can hope for as a seller is that the resulting precursors and legendary weapons will not be sellable to the trading post; the supply will not go up but the demand may still go down if people have a guaranteed way to work towards them on their own. if on the otherhand the precursors and legendaries created via this guaranteed method are tradable then the supply will go up as well as the demand going down. either way this leads to the price likely dropping a fair bit.
as a seller you will want to get the most money possible and this means selling before the expansion. unless you had inside information then the earliest you could have known this was at the same time everyone else found out so you have to assume that people who have been holding on to legendaries and precursors are going to put them on the market during that window as well.
long story short, this was not random so you could have seen it coming IF you paid attention.
With the help of my girlfriend i decided to forge Eternity so i could unlock Twilight and Sunrise skins, sell Eternity to get some money back and craft an ascendent greatsword that has the same stats as a Legendary weapon.
It was my own decision and i blame myself, i don’t blame the game or arena net, i just feel sorry for my girlfriend, since she invested a lot in it to give me the motivation to play this game with her again.
So.. with a lot of investment from your girlfriend who just helped you to keep you playing the game with her, you got three legendaries. You kept two and are now selling the third one to get most of your gold back. Now you are that upset because you have to wait and might lose a bit of gold that you are going to quit playing?
You got three legendaries, she didn’t even get to keep you playing with her.
You do not sound selfish at all.
I wish my game experience could be spoiled like that.
I wish my game experience could be spoiled like that.
I second that.
Just get it off TP and equip it. And then, proudly wearing Eternity, go and farm back all the gold your GF wasted on it and give it back (or even more).
I also thought about selling it once I craft it and simply wear skinned ascended GS, but believe me – equipping it and having the Eternity skin (which by the way was fixed/impoved not-so-long-ago) was the right thing to do. Totally worth it. Totally.
Also I think that with later expansions other stats than berserk might become handy – this is where legendary weapons with their changeable stats will truly shine.
You have already made 5k gold on the two skins unlocked on your account. Sunrise and Twilight aren’t just any skins that everyone has (regardless of how many warriors you see with them)
The simple fact is that now matter how little you sell it for, you have made a massive profit. The problem is you’re looking for a material profit rather than the actual profit you’ve made.
You can skin any greatsword you want, with 2 legendary skins and you can sell eternity for 3.4k gold (3.0-1 with listing fee etc) and that’s a problem for you? You’ve effectively turned 500g (from those precursors) +2.4k from the t6 mats (3k gold) into 7-8k gold worth of possessions. I’m sorry that you might have lost 200g from your 7k gold net worth, but at the end of the day, you can make 3k gold back by selling it right now, and have 2×2k skins unlocked on your account. If this isn’t a GREAT deal, I don’t know what is.
I’m personally still of the mind that legendaries should never have been sellable (pre-Ks I’m still ok with for the most part).
The price got undercut in minutes and it went lower and lower the days after.
We never had really the chance to sell it and i feel like i will never do , there are 7 more Eternity cheaper than mine at moment.
Welcome to free market capitalism.
It was my own decision and i blame myself, i don’t blame the game or arena net, i just feel sorry for my girlfriend, since she invested a lot in it to give me the motivation to play this game with her again.
Glad you accept that. Although if the only aspect of the game you actually played was the trading post then the game clearly wasn’t giving you much in the way of fun.
Now isn’t the best time to sell legendary weapons as everyone seems to be crafting and selling them.
For fear of potential future price drops. So yeah, now is probably the best time to start selling and undercutting.
I wish my game experience could be spoiled like that.
Yeah, I know right.
The simple fact is that now matter how little you sell it for, you have made a massive profit. The problem is you’re looking for a material profit rather than the actual profit you’ve made.
Get out of here with your idealism! Materialism forever! Or until the end of the universe :P
Last night one was listed for 3,500g, seems they are getting cheaper all the time lol.
btw OP i bought mine some time before christmas for 4850g, do i mind losing that amount of gold if i waited, not at all.
You have a choice relist or wait for prices to go back up. I suggest if you dont want it then relist.
OP – let me give you my opinion.
1. You got incredibly lucky to pull 2 precursors out like you did. Incredibly. I’ve known people who’ve flushed twice or three times what you used on the forge and have nothing to show for it.
2.You made a mistake not checking around and informing yourself properly. It’s not wise to list high price items near or during a period where huge game-changing things are being announced. It can have huge effects on the market and sway people to buy or not buy various items.
To be blunt – you got very lucky and then you failed to inform yourself and capitalize on that luck properly. There’s nothing wrong with the game or the market.
OP – let me give you my opinion.
1. You got incredibly lucky to pull 2 precursors out like you did. Incredibly. I’ve known people who’ve flushed twice or three times what you used on the forge and have nothing to show for it.
2.You made a mistake not checking around and informing yourself properly. It’s not wise to list high price items near or during a period where huge game-changing things are being announced. It can have huge effects on the market and sway people to buy or not buy various items.
To be blunt – you got very lucky and then you failed to inform yourself and capitalize on that luck properly. There’s nothing wrong with the game or the market.
He got 3…
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
That ruined your experience ? I’ve spent at least 2k gold in the forge and not a single precursor drop. You got 3 and still complaining ? First World problem.
The problem with Eternity is that the wardrobe system allows players to have their cake and eat it. You get to bind 2 very popular legendary skins, then forge them together and get your money back by selling Eternity (which is somewhat less popular).
So… whether or not you’ve sold Eternity at the moment… you have 2 new legendary skins on your account. The only difference is you’ve paid full price for them, rather than getting something of a discount.
well, that´s economy for you – and something all those “playing the tp is bad” whiners usually forget, it is not an endeavour free of risks. But if this incidence really makes or breaks your gaming experience, my take is: you did not really enjoy the game as such anymore, this thing here just accelerated your way out emotionally.
Well i guess Arena net changed my account name for some reason i ignore.
Anyway thank you guys for answering.
I know a lot of you hating on me because i got lucky with forge, and indeed i was, but please believe me i always had bad luck with it and flushed lots of gold in it.
In fact none of my guild mates said to me “how lucky you are” they all said “finally!” “well deserved” when i drop my precursors.
Anyway i am not looking for your sympathy, i just wanted to share my story and maybe be helpful and warn people thinking to do the same i did with Eternity.
About doing item research before listing it, i really did.
If you check Eternity on gw2 tp you will notice that never droped down 4k gold before i listed it ( 17 February ) and the supply was always low, max 20 but usually around 15 while now 27.
I made a mistake, i judged the market in the wrong way, i’m not complaining about bad luck or about the game.
Well i guess Arena net changed my account name for some reason i ignore.
Anyway thank you guys for answering.
I know a lot of you hating on me because i got lucky with forge, and indeed i was, but please believe me i always had bad luck with it and flushed lots of gold in it.
In fact none of my guild mates said to me “how lucky you are” they all said “finally!” “well deserved” when i drop my precursors.
Anyway i am not looking for your sympathy, i just wanted to share my story and maybe be helpful and warn people thinking to do the same i did with Eternity.
About doing item research before listing it, i really did.
If you check Eternity on gw2 tp you will notice that never droped down 4k gold before i listed it ( 17 February ) and the supply was always low, max 20 but usually around 15 while now 27.
I made a mistake, i judged the market in the wrong way, i’m not complaining about bad luck or about the game.
Did it end up selling?
He likely did as all he needed was patience. The lowest sell order price has been as high as 4.3K since then so his 4K listing would have sold.
On March 5th it was at 4198 gold, 9 days after his post.
ANet may give it to you.
… snip…
15 days ago i got spark from forge by just putting 4 random rare daggers i drop from world bosses into it.
It was a good feeling, after all the gold wasted i felt like the game was finally rewarding me.
Feeling lucky i decided to invest 400 golds in greatswords ( always wanted Twilight ) and magically i come back with a Dusk and a Dawn drop.… snip…
So you basically got close to 2k gold thrown at you by rng. I’d keep very quiet around others, there are people having thrown in over 3k gold and not even getting 1 precursor.
You are right though, it is the games fault. You should have been a tad more unlucky and not gotten 3 precursors. Then your gold reserves would not have sufficed to build Eternity and you to become overly greedy.
Advice? Sell Eternity for 3-3.5k and walk away. You’ll be way more lucky than 95% of the player base and get to keep a nice gold pile for HoT. Also, don’t mention this story to all to many people, unless you want envy to be your new constant companion.
Look on the bright side. You contributed to gold deflation. That is the most noble thing you can do in GW2. It means I can buy gems for slightly cheaper.
He likely did as all he needed was patience. The lowest sell order price has been as high as 4.3K since then so his 4K listing would have sold.
Nice, hopefully he took my advice and didnt take it down.
… snip…
15 days ago i got spark from forge by just putting 4 random rare daggers i drop from world bosses into it.
It was a good feeling, after all the gold wasted i felt like the game was finally rewarding me.
Feeling lucky i decided to invest 400 golds in greatswords ( always wanted Twilight ) and magically i come back with a Dusk and a Dawn drop.… snip…
So you basically got close to 2k gold thrown at you by rng. I’d keep very quiet around others, there are people having thrown in over 3k gold and not even getting 1 precursor.
You are right though, it is the games fault. You should have been a tad more unlucky and not gotten 3 precursors. Then your gold reserves would not have sufficed to build Eternity and you to become overly greedy.
Advice? Sell Eternity for 3-3.5k and walk away. You’ll be way more lucky than 95% of the player base and get to keep a nice gold pile for HoT. Also, don’t mention this story to all to many people, unless you want envy to be your new constant companion.
Again, if you read the original post, you can see that the OP wasn’t blaming the game — on the contrary, Mine Laces made it clear that they were frustrated about not being more careful reading the market. The OP was venting about being dispirited after making a mistake.
The OP made it clear they understood they were lucky to get precursors that easily, and that lucky feeling led them into being incautious about how to profit from that luck.
In fact, the OP stated plainly that they were venting: “Sorry if i felt the need to vent my frustration.” And offered their own advice to prevent others from suffering the same fate: “if you plan to sell an Eternity be very careful, this may be not the best moment to do it.”
Forging Eternity ruined my game experience
Oh to have such hardship, I’m not sure how you can go on……….. LOL
Forging Eternity ruined my game experience
Oh to have such hardship, I’m not sure how you can go on……….. LOL
Rich ppl problems :O
Yeah I would have suggested selling Sunrise and Twilight separately. I sold Twilight to buy Eternity not long after the fx buff. I know you might not be getting much sympathy from the responses, but like you said, it’s just pixels. You didn’t spend real world money. It’s just game time. In life and game we make decision, good or bad and deal with the outcomes. We sometimes get too invested too. If these things make you rage quit, I suggest taking the time away from game to work on some life skills. Approach things differently, respond in a more healthy way, in game and out. Its all just 1s and 0s.
Soylent Greenleaf, River Songstress
Gate of Madness
This is an issue not just with legendarys and precursors on the tp but with every single item.
Anet poorly created a trade market in this game and in return has completely removed the entire “trade market mmo” most game possess.
-Mats sell more than the items they create (with almost everything)
-There is no restrictions to underselling other players on the tp (underselling by 1 copper? Completely idiotic move by Anet)
-High taxes on everything sold on the TP
-No player to player trading
Until Anet decides to clean up the mess they created with trading in this game i wouldnt even bother trying to sell something of such high value like legendaries unless you dont mind getting cheated by the buyers you can sell to right away (for a lot cheaper than the items worth)
This is an issue not just with legendarys and precursors on the tp but with every single item.
Anet poorly created a trade market in this game and in return has completely removed the entire “trade market mmo” most game possess.
-Mats sell more than the items they create (with almost everything)
-There is no restrictions to underselling other players on the tp (underselling by 1 copper? Completely idiotic move by Anet)
-High taxes on everything sold on the TP
-No player to player tradingUntil Anet decides to clean up the mess they created with trading in this game i wouldnt even bother trying to sell something of such high value like legendaries unless you dont mind getting cheated by the buyers you can sell to right away (for a lot cheaper than the items worth)
Considering the OP sold it by no later than 9 days after his post, maybe it’s not such a big issue after all.
ANet may give it to you.
This is an issue not just with legendarys and precursors on the tp but with every single item.
Anet poorly created a trade market in this game and in return has completely removed the entire “trade market mmo” most game possess.
-Mats sell more than the items they create (with almost everything)
-There is no restrictions to underselling other players on the tp (underselling by 1 copper? Completely idiotic move by Anet)
-High taxes on everything sold on the TP
-No player to player tradingUntil Anet decides to clean up the mess they created with trading in this game i wouldnt even bother trying to sell something of such high value like legendaries unless you dont mind getting cheated by the buyers you can sell to right away (for a lot cheaper than the items worth)
Considering the OP sold it by no later than 9 days after his post, maybe it’s not such a big issue after all.
The op selling it in 9 days doesnt excuse the fact that the trading system in this game is a complete wreck. I’ve had items on TP for weeks before having to take them off after watching the prices constantly decrease 1 copper at a time. It is a big deal but i think the majority of this community doesnt understand the trade systems issues
Just curious, why not do the sell immediately option? Sounds to me like you fell victim to the greed bug and are crying over a couple hundred gold when you could still walk away well ahead. If you are seriously looking to walk away with $4K profit your likely best option is to sell instantly then take that profit and reinvest in more mystic forge gambles, sell any precursors with the instant option, and keep doing this until you’ve made whatever amount of gold you feel is enough to make you happy.
If you are only looking to make a sale by undercutting a gold or two, you better have the liquidity to a) keep relisting at other people’s undercut bids or b) let the listing sit for weeks on end waiting for the competition to dry up. If you can’t afford to do as such, either sell instantly or place your sale at a price that significantly undercuts the competition and presents an attractive offer to potential customers.
(edited by Shadowfront.1983)
This is an issue not just with legendarys and precursors on the tp but with every single item.
Anet poorly created a trade market in this game and in return has completely removed the entire “trade market mmo” most game possess.
-Mats sell more than the items they create (with almost everything)
-There is no restrictions to underselling other players on the tp (underselling by 1 copper? Completely idiotic move by Anet)
-High taxes on everything sold on the TP
-No player to player tradingUntil Anet decides to clean up the mess they created with trading in this game i wouldnt even bother trying to sell something of such high value like legendaries unless you dont mind getting cheated by the buyers you can sell to right away (for a lot cheaper than the items worth)
Considering the OP sold it by no later than 9 days after his post, maybe it’s not such a big issue after all.
The op selling it in 9 days doesnt excuse the fact that the trading system in this game is a complete wreck. I’ve had items on TP for weeks before having to take them off after watching the prices constantly decrease 1 copper at a time. It is a big deal but i think the majority of this community doesnt understand the trade systems issues
I’ve had items for sale for weeks too. In real life. Why didn’t they sell? Because they were priced higher than people wanted or supply was higher than demand. Same as in game. Why should selling in game be different than real life? It always comes down to supply versus demand and unless you do crazy stuff to the market it always will be supply and demand.
Now if you want to argue that there should be more demand for finished items then thats something else and a topic for another thread as it doesn’t relate to this thread where the OP sold his item in a few days for 4000 gold.
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
you should have sold Twilight and Sunrise and use that money to buy an Eternity
You would have all 3 skins and more gold than selling Eternity.
Twilight and Sunrise are easier to sell than Eternity.
edit: oops. it’s a necro-ed thread
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
sold Twilight and Sunrise
You would have all 3 skins
Sure about that?
sold Twilight and Sunrise
You would have all 3 skins
Sure about that?
You always get skins of what it took to craft item you bind to your account.
I got Sunrise skin that way when equipped Eternity.
Plus you will get precursor skins as well.
sold Twilight and Sunrise
You would have all 3 skins
Sure about that?
You always get skins of what it took to craft item you bind to your account.
I got Sunrise skin that way when equipped Eternity.
Plus you will get precursor skins as well.
Hmmm, okay…
You always get skins of what it took to craft item you bind to your account.
I got Sunrise skin that way when equipped Eternity.
Plus you will get precursor skins as well.
To be a little more precise: throwing any item in the Mystic Forge, whether you are crafting a Legendary or just throwing random stuff for a precursor or for fun, will unlock its appearance. So you got Sunrise and Twilight skins in your wardrobe when you crafted Eternity, BEFORE equipping it. If you want both Twilight and Sunrise skins, but are not interested in Eternity, you can do like the original poster, craft Eternity and sell it. So basically you have payed in total a bit less than it would cost to craft Sunrise only, which is nice.
poor guy, getting getting legendaries and precursors. I would cry to if it weren’t for the fact in 3 years of playing I got 0 of either.