From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Burnfall.9573



From Best to Worst Class/Profession Design… in the game?

-Appearance and Stats-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Do you mean appearance or stats? I’m running a p/p/sb thief right now and it’s pretty horrible but fun for me. I have a good time dropping an AOE chocking gas and then running in pistols with unload. I’m still low but so far I’m putting traits into crits and Trickery for the caltrops on evade. I call it my Matrix build because the strafing and dodge then unload reminds me of the movie.

So it pretty much excludes the main benefits of a thief. I just have fun with it and I’m not expecting to get any party invites anytime soon

The Burninator

From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exxcalibur.6203


Well, Engineer is the ONLY class class i’ve enjoyed levelling. The rest get to 30 odd and die of boredom. Warrior was particularly frustrating as its basically the same, with the same 5 skills, all the way.

And I just hate clothies, so I can’t comment there.

With the tool bar, Engineer seems to have such variety. So I just level them. Same race, same class, and thats it, haha

“Skritt, I’m hit!"

From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I’ve Lvl’d everything, even a little; except not my Guardian much.
Thief is my favorite despite the mess of poorly designed weapon skills and bugs. I like my 80 Warrior and 80 Necromancer’s armor a lot more though, and Warrior has a ton of builds and weapons that make use of everything. My Necromancer is also using every single skill across both weapon sets and utility, as well as death shroud.

I’m taking Ranger slowly to 80 next, they have some of the best skill animations and pets are fun. Utility skills are really dull though and I end up using signets mostly and of course have the medium armor woes.

Asking best/worst stats~ not sure how to respond to that in this game but appearance-wise by armor, weapons and animation imo:
Ranger – would be a lot higher if I enjoyed the armor more.
Thief – cuz of the armor and can’t enjoy guns the way I wanna.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

(edited by Doggie.3184)

From Best To Worst Class Design.....?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StriderShinryu.6923


Appearance is really down to armour type (light, med, heavy) I would say, and I find that all have their hits and misses in terms of design. There’s also the cultural and order variants of course.

I haven’t found a class that feels poorly designed in terms of gameplay. I don’t quite jive with all of them but I’d put that down to personal preference. I do greatly enjoy my Guard, my Engi and my Necro above all of the others. Ranger didn’t totally click with me even though I like the concept of the class and Thief just didn’t connect with me at all. Ele and Warrior didn’t grab me right out of the gate and got deleted before I really was able to form any opinion on them at all beyond that.