Frostgorge Sound Farming

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inerti.2437


There is problem with farming in Frostgorge sound. Me and my friends were exploring and on the way we came across champions and wanted to kill them of course, but after doing that we got a lot of negative comments from farmers how noob (and other not so nice namecallings) we were because we killed champions and it ruined the “train”. It is like farmers make the rules in the map what can other explorers and players kill and when, isnt that a “little” wrong?. Also because there is a lot of farmers, peoples cant join to Claw of Jormag event because it redirects them to overflow server

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

If people are harassing you in game and breaking TOS, you report and block.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


Oooh fun times….. I dislike all the champ farm train and world boss egg timer rotations so this sounds great fun. Anets stupid rotation and respawn mechanics have moulded players into thinking they own the pixels they chase and no one else is allowed to do what they want… If your ever on Underworld this sounds like something I could help with

Any that cant deal with you playing the game you want to can just be easily blocked to eliminate the hassle from them and a quick report click might yield some extra icing on the cake for you.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


Yes I haven’t been able to even get to Claw in ages- I hit overfow every time.
Farmer can’t make the rules no matter how much they would like to- if you are just playing and they harass you report and block

Gunnar’s Hold

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buffalo Sabres.1072

Buffalo Sabres.1072

Just block them….you can do whatever you want in-game , this is coming from someone who likes the champ train in FG. Although i would consider outof respect for the few good people running train to just join in with them , you will make a lot more money

Cheers and gl m8

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


If you want to kill the champion, kill the champion. It’s your game too.


Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

If you don’t want to do that, then by all means, go and kill what you want to kill. Turn off map chat, and report anyone who PMs you to harass you.

This is the same problem that Queensdale has. Nothing new. Unfortunately, there are kittens in every group. Just look at the forums.

I wish you the best. In the meantime, if you come to Jade Quarry to guest, and you’re of the mind, you are welcome to party up with me and we’ll go ride the champ train together. It is rather fun for a while.

Level 80 Elementalist

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

That is wrong on so many levels. You can make way more money with dungeons. The problem is dungeons actually require you to use more than your auto attack. That’s why so many people do this grind, they don’t want to be challenged they just want to be rewarded for pressing 1 button.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dyno.9467


Put the whole train on the ignore list

“And now, to destroy you”

Asura – Desolation

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

There is problem with farming in Frostgorge sound. Me and my friends were exploring and on the way we came across champions and wanted to kill them of course, but after doing that we got a lot of negative comments from farmers how noob (and other not so nice namecallings) we were because we killed champions and it ruined the “train”. It is like farmers make the rules in the map what can other explorers and players kill and when, isnt that a “little” wrong?. Also because there is a lot of farmers, peoples cant join to Claw of Jormag event because it redirects them to overflow server

Did… Did you just copypasta the Queensdale champ farm complaint thread into this one?

At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

That is wrong on so many levels. You can make way more money with dungeons. The problem is dungeons actually require you to use more than your auto attack. That’s why so many people do this grind, they don’t want to be tediously frustrated they just want to be rewarded for pressing 1 button.


Didn’t people like you complain about CoF path 1 farming? Will you keep complaining until people have to suffer like you to to get any where? Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

The problem is that people do it 24/7, they get used to this “playstyle” and fail and complain as soon as A.Net releases a new dungeon that is more than just auto attacking.

Not sure why I am a masochist for running dungeons, though.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josip.8267


From what you said I understand u know champ train was there and you still ruin it for them. That makes you same as them in my opinion.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xephire.8324


Incoming nerf detected,incoming nerf detected,deploy nerf when ready.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

The problem is that people do it 24/7, they get used to this “playstyle” and fail and complain as soon as A.Net releases a new dungeon that is more than just auto attacking.

Not sure why I am a masochist for running dungeons, though.

Because Guild Wars 2 dungeons are neither balanced, scaled properly, entertaining nor are very rewarding on some paths. The encounters? Tedious. The mechanics? Frustrating. The story? Boring.

All in all. Not my kind of fun nor it is for many others. But if it floats your boat. Have fun! Just don’t keep complaining when you see people having fun in other ways.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashabhi.1365


At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

That is wrong on so many levels. You can make way more money with dungeons. The problem is dungeons actually require you to use more than your auto attack. That’s why so many people do this grind, they don’t want to be challenged they just want to be rewarded for pressing 1 button.

I never said you can’t make money with dungeons. I said that at this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go. Reason? because it is EASY.

The kittens who harass other players for “not conforming” are the ones at fault. On the other hand, there was a group the other day that was deliberately disrupting the train and were just as hateful as the train kittens. That’s different. That’s no better than anyone else who is preventing someone from playing the way they want. If there’s a group doing that, they should be reported right along with the champ train kittens.

What the champ train people have to realize is that it doesn’t matter if a random group kills a champ out of order. Wait a few, and the train will be back on schedule in 3…2…1…

My advice still stands. If you’re playing for enjoyment, and not to deliberately derail the train, then go for it. Turn off the map chat, and report anyone who harasses you in PM.

Level 80 Elementalist

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


If you pay attention when people grumble when a champ gets killed, you find that it’s one or two people at the most, and usually others (usually folks in the same farm group) tell them to chill.

If folks are rude to you, report. On the other hand, if you are deliberately killing stuff with no other purpose than to annoy folks, you are also being rude.

But it’s a lot easier to pretend that a whole bunch of folks are bad, in order to feel like a victim or to try to punish folks further, instead of (no, anet, this is not profanity) acknowledging that it’s usually one or two people out of a large group.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

The problem is that people do it 24/7, they get used to this “playstyle” and fail and complain as soon as A.Net releases a new dungeon that is more than just auto attacking.

Not sure why I am a masochist for running dungeons, though.

I run the champ train sometimes and I don’t see the same players every time, so I doubt people are doing it to the point that they forget how to play. A bad player is bad, champ train doesn’t cause it.

If you kill a champ in Frostgorge or Queensdale, it would be appreciated by the champ farmers if you’d let them know. Ignore the whiners, the train moves on. And if you’re having overflow at jormag, try killing him on another server.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

I wish the champs downscaled to 1 person , i would kill em all.
Those people get too much money for pressing the 1111 button .

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GOSU.9574


I can’t help but feel these threads are troll threads.

Hey dude you are walking into a wall.


Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lambent.6375


I can’t help but feel these threads are troll threads.

I wonder, but there is no proof, so I well. But it would be better if they simply reported them, that way Anet could look at the chat logs themselves and determine whether there is actually a trend going on, or is it just exaggerations, or the person(s) purposefully antagonized them.

“Caithe, someday you’ll see, Tyria needs me. -Scarlet”

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


I wish the champs downscaled to 1 person , i would kill em all.
Those people get too much money for pressing the 1111 button .

Umm, they can be solo’d. Takes a heck of a long time though hence the train.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

The problem is that people do it 24/7, they get used to this “playstyle” and fail and complain as soon as A.Net releases a new dungeon that is more than just auto attacking.

Not sure why I am a masochist for running dungeons, though.

Because Guild Wars 2 dungeons are neither balanced, scaled properly, entertaining nor are very rewarding on some paths. The encounters? Tedious. The mechanics? Frustrating. The story? Boring.

All in all. Not my kind of fun nor it is for many others. But if it floats your boat. Have fun! Just don’t keep complaining when you see people having fun in other ways.

Okay but autoattacking champs over and over is fun.

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylv.5324


Guild Wars caters to different styles. You don’t find it fun, they do. So go do something that you find fun and leave others alone.

Ardeth, Sylvari Mesmer
Tarnished Coast

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


If people are harassing you in game and breaking TOS, you report and block.


However, OP, since you now KNOW that FGS is a place that many servers like to farm as a group (inc yours, apparently) it would be preferable that when in this ONE of TWO farm zones (out of a bunch of zones where groups tend to not get together to kill champions regularly) you should join with your community, not knowingly play against it. There are plenty of other zones you and your friends can go kill champions together without potentially disrupting a large group of players.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

Not all of us are masochists and want to have fun doing some thing mindless at times.

The problem is that people do it 24/7, they get used to this “playstyle” and fail and complain as soon as A.Net releases a new dungeon that is more than just auto attacking.

Not sure why I am a masochist for running dungeons, though.

Because Guild Wars 2 dungeons are neither balanced, scaled properly, entertaining nor are very rewarding on some paths. The encounters? Tedious. The mechanics? Frustrating. The story? Boring.

All in all. Not my kind of fun nor it is for many others. But if it floats your boat. Have fun! Just don’t keep complaining when you see people having fun in other ways.

Okay but autoattacking champs over and over is fun.

When you’re done with every thing else and feel like doing some thing mindless whilst still getting the feeling of progress no matter how small. Yes.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleuth.7964


If people are harassing you in game and breaking TOS, you report and block.


However, OP, since you now KNOW that FGS is a place that many servers like to farm as a group (inc yours, apparently) it would be preferable that when in this ONE of TWO farm zones (out of a bunch of zones where groups tend to not get together to kill champions regularly) you should join with your community, not knowingly play against it. There are plenty of other zones you and your friends can go kill champions together without potentially disrupting a large group of players.


Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


If people are harassing you in game and breaking TOS, you report and block.


However, OP, since you now KNOW that FGS is a place that many servers like to farm as a group (inc yours, apparently) it would be preferable that when in this ONE of TWO farm zones (out of a bunch of zones where groups tend to not get together to kill champions regularly) you should join with your community, not knowingly play against it. There are plenty of other zones you and your friends can go kill champions together without potentially disrupting a large group of players.


This is so true but at the same time would Conan ask others permission if it was ok if he could kill something that was a threat? Would the Hulk, would any hero?

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eleri Tezhme.3048

Eleri Tezhme.3048

At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

Not really. I wasted a good 1/2 hour on the farm train in FS this evening and got two boxes of loot- too many people, not enough hits on the champ to get credit.

I did wonder, though, why people weren’t champ farming the cave in Mount Maelstrom.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zackie.8923


At this point in the game, riding the champ train is the way to go if you want to make some money.

Not really. I wasted a good 1/2 hour on the farm train in FS this evening and got two boxes of loot- too many people, not enough hits on the champ to get credit.

I did wonder, though, why people weren’t champ farming the cave in Mount Maelstrom.

i used to wonder that too, then i realise they are invulnerable

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aerlen.5326


There is problem with farming in Frostgorge sound. Me and my friends were exploring and on the way we came across champions and wanted to kill them of course, but after doing that we got a lot of negative comments from farmers how noob (and other not so nice namecallings) we were because we killed champions and it ruined the “train”. It is like farmers make the rules in the map what can other explorers and players kill and when, isnt that a “little” wrong?. Also because there is a lot of farmers, peoples cant join to Claw of Jormag event because it redirects them to overflow server

Kill the champs if you like. The train doesn’t own them and good farmers understand this. It’s just one less loot box and a little extra time, it’s not worth being a kitten over. If someone decides to be harassing and demeaning towards you for enjoying the thrill of killing a champ with your friends, please report them and block them and don’t give them another moment of your time.

I kinda feel the need to say farmers aren’t honestly all bad like this too. If you kill a champ before “the zerg” gets there, I personally don’t care; I shrug, and move to the next champ which is really what everyone should be doing.

~Tarnished Coast Pride~

Forever known as “that slow guardian who can’t jump worth crap”.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dr Ritter.1327

Dr Ritter.1327

you all cry that we farm the zone yet when they patch it, the zone will be dead and completely empty

join the zerg or leave

The Paragon
[KICK] You’re out of the Guild

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


you all cry that we farm the zone yet when they patch it, the zone will be dead and completely empty

join the zerg or leave

Because of people like you I haven’t set foot in Frostgorge in months
I won’t join the zerg- so I left.

Have to do that zone sooner or later on my Ranger- I will have to solo everything too because the zerg can’t be bothered running events.

Gunnar’s Hold

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Just do whatever you want to solo or duoing the champ and ignore the farming people.

Unless you are bored enough to purposely solo or duoing this champ all day.(mind you there are 20+ other zones full of champ too). I doubt people even care. Most of them probably thank you for taking some health of the champ. And the few of them complaining have slow computer so they can’t waypoint fast enough.

People are just too scensitive and whine too much.

“Oh QQ I’m goign to get maybe 43 box instead of 44 in an hour now…”

“Oh I got to QQ on the forum because some player is QQing on map chat”

“Oh QQ, I can’t get in to jormag because I’m always late to the map anyway so I need to blame the farmers. And mind you I can guest but I just like to blame farmers anyway”.

“Oh QQ, no one ever bother with event in everyzone. But I got to blame those farmers for not doing event that no one do anyway.”

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mathias.9657


you all cry that we farm the zone yet when they patch it, the zone will be dead and completely empty

join the zerg or leave

Because of people like you I haven’t set foot in Frostgorge in months
I won’t join the zerg- so I left.

Have to do that zone sooner or later on my Ranger- I will have to solo everything too because the zerg can’t be bothered running events.

Too bad events are incredibly unrewarding, huh? I like the champ trains, gives me something to do while in queue or when I just want to relax and watch a movie or listen to music gettin some loots.

I’m glad ANet finally let us farm again, even if the loot is still total garbage at least I’m getting small increments of MF I guess…

I do wish events were worth doing though.

Back to WoW, make GW2 fun please.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


That is wrong on so many levels. You can make way more money with dungeons. The problem is dungeons actually require you to use more than your auto attack. That’s why so many people do this grind, they don’t want to be challenged they just want to be rewarded for pressing 1 button.

I hate the dungeons in this game. They suck. Really, I don’t like the PvE much in this game, it sucks. The PvE I do is for the loot.

I hate trying to get a group in any game.

Champ farming is better for my time and play. Dungeon and champ farming are both boring but I’m less hassled with champ farming than I am with dungeon farming.

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


I run the champ train sometimes and I don’t see the same players every time, so I doubt people are doing it to the point that they forget how to play. A bad player is bad, champ train doesn’t cause it.

If you kill a champ in Frostgorge or Queensdale, it would be appreciated by the champ farmers if you’d let them know. Ignore the whiners, the train moves on. And if you’re having overflow at jormag, try killing him on another server.

I am NOT going to worry about where the zerg is when I see a champion. I am NOT going to wait for the army to show up.

Does that mean I go out of my way to engage and kill every champion I see just to make the farmers cry? Of course not. That’s just being a tool. But if I’m grouped up with some of my guild and we see [Group Event]: Kill Champion (x), whether that champion is on the zerg’s itinerary is the last thing on my mind.

And ya know what? By and large, I have had no problem with the champion train, and I don’t think they’ve had a problem with me or my groups. In the last couple months or so, I can safely say there’s been two incidents (both by the same person) who got indignantly furious that I DARED kill a champion out of turn in Frostgorge, and that fellow probably did not enjoy his short ban.

The zerg farm isn’t the problem that non-farmers want to paint it out to be, and those that are a problem are a very distinct minority.

Frostgorge Sound Farming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


^exactly. So you killed a champ. I dont’ think people even care. It’s really the few minority that like to bad mouth.

People need to stop making a big deal out of everything.

I would care if someone purposely just run around hunting champ for no reason. Apparently I never see it happen. Even so, the group need to be large enough so they actually kill the champ fast enough before the zerg get there.

(edited by laokoko.7403)