Game Updates: Runes

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Danicia.1394

CC Danicia.1394

Community Coordinator


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Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enigma.8461


Simple feedback, the changes to runesets and sigils are very underwhelming. Outside of some different stat allocations, there hasn’t been any change that will impact the game outside of nerfed crit damage. It was the only major gameplay changer and I feel like you kitten it overall. The magic find adjustment was a bigger change than a majority of the runesets/sigils.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phoebe Ascension.8437

Phoebe Ascension.8437

Most runesets are VERY underwheming indeed. And boon duration remains ‘shafted’ (a rune you took away). This update is quite bad in that regard. There is a FEW runes that actually got a true boost, but i won’t speak it out loud because, they might get nerfed again and I have no intention of that happening. But a lot of the weak runesets, didn’t get stronger at all.

Legendary weapons can be hidden now!
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: storiessave.3807


Why was boon duration nerfed so badly? You guys left +45% bleed duration for condi classes, but you screwed over anyone who relied on boon duration for buffs. Now the max we can get is 20%…really?

A little healing when you use a heal skill or extra heals on allies isn’t enough to make up for the 25% boon duration that we’re now missing. A lot of people built for this in WvW – guardians and elementalists especially – and I fail to see how it was so OP that it needed such a massive nerf.

Positive side…the Krait runes are very nice for condimancers in WvW now. Didn’t see any other runes that seem to have been made much more worthwhile. I like the small stat increase on the 5th bonus of each rune though.

Tarnished Coast

Catorii | Lustre Delacroix | Catorii Desmarais | Synalie

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Skye.4983


Agree with the comments above. Also just want to point out that your post about “all” runes being reworked is not true. Runes of Antitoxin have not been touched.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sekhmet.6153


Many of the runes still seem very underwhelming. I was hoping for a the 5 and 6’s to become a bit more unique effects that could actually help diverse builds, but that doesn’t seem to be the case to me.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnathan Ralston.5871

Johnathan Ralston.5871

Vampirism runes still don’t make you feel like a vampire.

Vampires do not need to be hit to heal, why do we have use a heal skill to drain health on the next hit. Why don’t we have super speed. Mist effect would be nice but what does it do?

Speed runes are a good defensive speed increase
Travelers is meh
Vampirism would be a good main dps stat increase with speed

Delete the on hit from the 2nd stat, replace the 4th stat with the current 6th and give the 6th speed.

P.S. reduce the cooldown for the healing as well.

(edited by Johnathan Ralston.5871)

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fenrina.2954


From Rune of the Ranger: “+7% damage while you have an active companion.” Does this apply to summons like Necro minions or ele’s summon glyphs?

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: veldrenor.1469


PvE condition necro here, I’m a little curious about the changes to the Superior Rune of Perplexity. I see that the cooldowns have been made drastically longer and the #4 confusion ability has been somewhat nerfed (25% when struck instead of 20% chance when you hit), but have the Confusion Duration boosts at least been fixed to compensate?

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Benson.9063


I’m in agreement here. The rune changes were very underwhelming. I was looking forward to trying new things…

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rethical.3258


Regarding boon duration:

With 2x Monk, 2x Water, 2x Traveler rune, and with 20% boon duration from food it WAS possible to reach 95% boon duration.

During one of the ready up streams a few months ago, the developers were chatting about how they had recognised, some players used a mixture of rune sets to gain a specific effect.

This boon duration combination was mentioned and on the stream the devs agreed that they liked how players had achieved this build and didn’t want to drastically change it.

My question is, will we be getting a rune set that compensates for this loss? As I see it the max possible boon duration you can reach is only 65% now.

Is this a valid and balanced nerf? Or are there plans to introduce new runes to allow us to maintain 95% boon duration.

Concerned guardian.

FSP: Ranger – Rethika. Guardian – Rethical, Warrior – Taym Ah

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BatsLoveCaves.5768


I was one of those few people who used Superior Runes of Vampirism in sPVP; and yes, I used all 6 pieces.

I like what’s been done to the 2-set bonus. I do NOT like what’s been done to the 6-set bonus.

I liked the fact that the mist form triggered at 10% – It was a failsafe against death, and I was able to chain it into Death Shroud to great effect. I use a full lifestealing build. Having mist form trigger at 20% is going to be very annoying, because at 1/5th health, the battle has just begun for me. On many occasions I’ve let people take me down that far only to steal all their health and turn the fight around. Not to mention it’s going to be harder to reap the benefits of Siphoned Power, now – That trait triggers at 25% health, and now if I lose another 5% I’m suddenly in mist form and whatever I was planning to do is interrupted.

I would just take the sixth rune off, but oh, right, I CAN’T now, because we’re forced to use all six runes. >.<

Please fix.

(edited by BatsLoveCaves.5768)

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


PvE condition necro here, I’m a little curious about the changes to the Superior Rune of Perplexity. I see that the cooldowns have been made drastically longer and the #4 confusion ability has been somewhat nerfed (25% when struck instead of 20% chance when you hit), but have the Confusion Duration boosts at least been fixed to compensate?

I´ve read in the patch-notes that fear now counts as an interrupt – did you try if fear triggers the confusion on interrupt (or was this already the case before?)?

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aezion.3582


I’m fine with the rune combination yielding 45% boon duration being removed, BUT there is no dedicated boon duration set aside from runes of water. Assuming boon duration is your focus that’s 70% boon duration max (76% with the terrible giver’s set). An overall 30% nerf to boon duration and a near 57% nerf to boon duration from runes. I feel this was not intended and would like to request a dedicated boon duration rune set or an existing rune set (rune of altruism perhaps) being changed to satisfy this need. Please consider us when moving forward with the coming game balance changes. Thank you for your time, and happy hunting.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

Herr der Friedhoefe.2490

During one of the ready up streams a few months ago, the developers were chatting about how they had recognised, some players used a mixture of rune sets to gain a specific effect.

This boon duration combination was mentioned and on the stream the devs agreed that they liked how players had achieved this build and didn’t want to drastically change it.

I wouldn’t count on it. This nerf wasn’t at all about encouraging build diversity.

“Encouraging Build Diversity” is Devspeak for a nerf.

My posts are facts as I know them, or my own opinion, and do not represent any guild.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Saulius.8430


my 3x 20% might duration runes(hoelbrak/strength/fire) got ruined

but strength runes now got 45% duration, and sweet damage bonus

so i got that going for me which is nice

kill all ze thingz

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ylinky.5064


Why was boon duration nerfed so badly? You guys left +45% bleed duration for condi classes, but you screwed over anyone who relied on boon duration for buffs. Now the max we can get is 20%…really?

A little healing when you use a heal skill or extra heals on allies isn’t enough to make up for the 25% boon duration that we’re now missing. A lot of people built for this in WvW – guardians and elementalists especially – and I fail to see how it was so OP that it needed such a massive nerf.

Positive side…the Krait runes are very nice for condimancers in WvW now. Didn’t see any other runes that seem to have been made much more worthwhile. I like the small stat increase on the 5th bonus of each rune though.

This is what they said.

We know that some builds rely on mixing and matching different runes to optimize a given stat, and we don’t want to stop players from doing that. Rather than limiting build diversity, we simply want the PvE rune system to be as clear and approachable as possible for new players, so we’re making it easier to understand the benefits of sticking with a single rune set.

But this is what they did.
Superior Rune of the Water second bonus: +15% Boon Duration ------>+5% Boon Duration Superior Rune of the Monk second bonus: +15% Boon Duration ------>+5% Boon Duration Superior Rune of the Traveler second bonus: +15% Boon Duration ------>+5% Boon Duration

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalangamena.3694


most of the runes changes are wonderful, and introduce much more diversity to builds.
but the boon duration nerf was unnecessary.
or at least we should get a proper boon duration stat on gear (not givers!!!! which add a whopping 1 % of boon duration on gear… make it scale like ferocity. 1% for 15 stat points)

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Artemis.6283


Hey Anet, I like the changes, although some of them don’t make sense for me. For example Rune of Hoelbrak vs Rune of Strength.
They are pretty much the same, yet Rune of Strength get a 45% might duration and Hoelbrak only 30%… I think Rune of Hoelbrak needs to be on par with Rune of Strength otherwise it’s just a cheap version of Rune of Strength…

Superior Rune of Hoelbrak

+25 Power
+10% Might Duration
+50 Power
25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
+100 Power
+20% Might Duration; -20% Condition Duration applied to you.
Superior Rune of Strength

+25 power
+10% Might Duration
+50 Power
+15% Might Duration; 25% chance when struck to gain might for 10 seconds. (Cooldown: 5 seconds)
+100 Power
+20% Might Duration; +7% damage while under the effects of might.
Either give Hoelbrak the 15% might duration bonus like Rune of Strength or tweak it otherwise like #4 Bonus get’s -15% COndition duration or #4 applies 15 sec might instead of 10… that would add to the diversity, don’t make a cheap replica of rune of strength…

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Resouled.5614


Underwhelming. You slapped +10 stats on 75% of the runes and almost nothing changed. Still 90% of the runes are nearly useless.

[vE] Visceral Effect – Blue

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antares.2586


+10% for Boon Duration at level 2 would have been fair ,
but here a+5% really punishes players who have invested in the 3x2 set :/

(edited by Antares.2586)

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


Regarding boon duration:

With 2x Monk, 2x Water, 2x Traveler rune, and with 20% boon duration from food it WAS possible to reach 95% boon duration.

During one of the ready up streams a few months ago, the developers were chatting about how they had recognised, some players used a mixture of rune sets to gain a specific effect.

This boon duration combination was mentioned and on the stream the devs agreed that they liked how players had achieved this build and didn’t want to drastically change it.

My question is, will we be getting a rune set that compensates for this loss? As I see it the max possible boon duration you can reach is only 65% now.

Is this a valid and balanced nerf? Or are there plans to introduce new runes to allow us to maintain 95% boon duration.

Concerned guardian.

They want you to use Dublons 4% boon duration.

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NoobOnSteroid.7192


The boon duration nerf is just a slap in the face. Other sources of boon duration are a joke (1% per armor piece, 4% as only stat on a jewel or 1% as mixed stats). Time to rework my ele setup.

I always wonder why a devteam makes promises like “We know that some builds rely on mixing and matching different runes to optimize a given stat, and we don’t want to stop players from doing that”, yet ultimately do just what they promised not to do. Unless of course they think dropping it from +45% to +20% (actually, +15% in 2/2/2 setup), won’t stop people from using it…

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


One of worst (not sure if intended) changes that were made is that there is no way to recover runes from unsalvable gear (karma, wvw gear).

Many players had expensive rune sets on those exotic gear and were able to transmute them to their ascended sets, once they crafted it. With the phasing out of transmutation crystals, that not possible anymore.
I know that upgrade extractors are available in the gem store but i think they are intended for infusions, where the actual gold price of 25-30g per extractor is reasonable and warrants a purchase with gold or gems.
I also see the reason why karma/wvw gear is not salvagable and dont expect to see that changed.

But i think, if we could have an option in the wardrobe, to use a transmutation charge the same way as a transmutation crystal used to work, this would solve the problem.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


So the old rune of speed was useless because it combined a passive movement speed boost with swiftness buffs.

Fortunately, Anet rebalanced the runes and made the new rune of speed…

…combine passive movement speed buff with swiftness buffs.

Am I missing something here? Or did they just say they would rebalance runes but didn’t actually bother to…you know, re balance runes?

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fadeaway.2807


Agree with the above. Underwhelming is the word I would use to describe them.
Unfortunately I feel like anet may have wasted development resource on this. Scholar is still the default dps rune (possibly strength) and any support diversity has been removed (boon duration)

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dAcIaW.5107


The rune change was very underwhelming

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: veldrenor.1469


PvE condition necro here, I’m a little curious about the changes to the Superior Rune of Perplexity. I see that the cooldowns have been made drastically longer and the #4 confusion ability has been somewhat nerfed (25% when struck instead of 20% chance when you hit), but have the Confusion Duration boosts at least been fixed to compensate?

I´ve read in the patch-notes that fear now counts as an interrupt – did you try if fear triggers the confusion on interrupt (or was this already the case before?)?

I haven’t yet tried to see if fear triggers confusion because, prior to the feature patch, I didn’t run all 6 Perplexity runes (since I didn’t have a reliable method of interrupting enemies before unless I was underwater). What I’m asking about is the #2 10% Confusion Duration increase and the #6 20% Confusion Duration increase. When the Rune of Perplexity was first introduced both Confusion Duration increases were bugged and didn’t actually do anything. That was still the case prior to the feature patch, so I was wondering if Anet finally got around to fixing the bug or if Runes of Perplexity are just flat out worse than before.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lohre.9031


Why was boon duration nerfed so badly? You guys left +45% bleed duration for condi classes, but you screwed over anyone who relied on boon duration for buffs. Now the max we can get is 20%…really?

A little healing when you use a heal skill or extra heals on allies isn’t enough to make up for the 25% boon duration that we’re now missing. A lot of people built for this in WvW – guardians and elementalists especially – and I fail to see how it was so OP that it needed such a massive nerf.

I agree. The build I used on my ele in WvW had 75% boon duration (without food). Now, the highest I can achieve is 50%. I was working on a guardian boon duration build as well. I don’t understand why this was nerfed so heavily. I really dislike this change.

Please introduce a boon duration runeset, scale up existing runesets’ boon duration, or make 2×2×2 viable again.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zMajc.4659


The new runes changed ….absolutely …. nothing.

There’s still few small ammount of runes everyone will use with 80% of them being utter trash noone will even look at.

Two thumbs down.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dankazama.6970


They Nerf my Boon duration guardian build from 80% to 47%. thanks ANET

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Incomingray.8075


Huge letdown on rune and sigil changes, feels like the devs erred on the side of caution big time here, most of the irrelevant ones just got a tiny bit less irrelevant but it’s mostly the same exotic vendor trash.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MadDemon.7548


I have a question about the runes: Does the rune that increases chill duration increase the duration of a chill caused by a rune on the same weapon?

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


Agree with the comments above. Also just want to point out that your post about “all” runes being reworked is not true. Runes of Antitoxin have not been touched.

Yup. These are clearly working on the outdated scale.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

So far what I’ve seen:

  • 1 big buff (Krait – Maybe I’d use this on a condi thief?)
  • 3 major nerfs (Lyssa, Perplexity, any Boon duration runes)
  • A few minor buffs I like (Pack, Hoelbrak, Dolyak based on Level and HPower now)
  • 90% “meh” changes that don’t affect anything.
  • And some runes that seem to have been missed entirely (Antitoxin?)

Lyssa is pretty trash now, since the 6-piece will no longer reliably give you the boons you want (Stability is now impossible to get, because you would have to convert fear to get it…but no class can use their elite while under the effects of Fear…). And Perplexity is trash because I mainly use it on builds where I never want to get hit…I guess luckily I never used the boon duration setup pre-patch, so I can’t cry about that one (although I know how bad it hurt a lot of players).

In summary – I have no new toys, and a couple of my old toys were taken away.

Also, In SPVP we are still missing runes and sigils. No rune of Antitoxin, and no Sigil of Torment to name a few.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ezeriel.9574


I can’t see anyone using 90% of the runes… if you sort exotic runes at the auction house by price, you’ll see almost four pages of runes selling for less than 10 silver.

There’s your feedback…

…four pages of runes the marketplace deems worthless.

The only way to play the engineer is to exploit it.
Playing the engineer “as intended” is simply not viable.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Benson.9063


adding to Ezeriel – there’s a lot of runes that people are selling for vendor price … wouldn’t you make more money if you just sold to vendor? lol.

For the next update they should include about 10 or so rune sets in the “Sell Junk” option when you go to the vendor. quality of life improvement right there.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bratpirat.6137


Dungeonrunes are still soulbound
I hoped this would be changed in this patch, it’s really annoying.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bravoart.5308


Can’t remove runes from gear without destroying the gear or using a cash shop extractor.
Can’t guarantee getting a rune back salvaging unless you use the cash shop salvage kits.
Can’t move runes to new gear because of the transmutation stone changes.
Can’t salvage certain gear at all, have to buy extractors.
Or go buy new runes from the flipper’s paradise. I’m sure they’ll love your business.

Why would anyone want to play a game that puts you in this situation?

Finally I recalled the stopgap solution of a great princess who was told that the
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Spurnshadow.3678


Please, make salvage kits salvage karma or WvW gear. Please. I have so many bloodlust or melandru, or whatever that I need to get since my current sets are useless. For example, the old elementalist water/monk/traveler or consolidating bloodlust with my other weapons so I don’t loose stacks.


Blackgate Native. It takes tremendous strength and skill to pull a lever.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kreen.3925


Sigil of strength does not have a 1 second cool down based on my testing, it seems to be at least 5 seconds. Multiple critical hits over a 10 second period resulted in just 2 stacks of might.

And yes, the issue with recovering expensive runes and sigils from wvw and karma gear to move to new gear now we can’t use transmutation is a big issue and needs to be addressed.

I fight for JQ.
Kreen – Warrior L80, Mono Lith – Guardian L80
Higgsbosun – Thief L80, Silvron – Ranger L80.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LunarNacht.8913


So far what I’ve seen:

  • 1 big buff (Krait – Maybe I’d use this on a condi thief?)
  • 3 major nerfs (Lyssa, Perplexity, any Boon duration runes)
  • A few minor buffs I like (Pack, Hoelbrak, Dolyak based on Level and HPower now)
  • 90% “meh” changes that don’t affect anything.
  • And some runes that seem to have been missed entirely (Antitoxin?)

Lyssa is pretty trash now, since the 6-piece will no longer reliably give you the boons you want (Stability is now impossible to get, because you would have to convert fear to get it…but no class can use their elite while under the effects of Fear…). And Perplexity is trash because I mainly use it on builds where I never want to get hit…I guess luckily I never used the boon duration setup pre-patch, so I can’t cry about that one (although I know how bad it hurt a lot of players).

In summary – I have no new toys, and a couple of my old toys were taken away.

Also, In SPVP we are still missing runes and sigils. No rune of Antitoxin, and no Sigil of Torment to name a few.


I don’t mind the nerfs. I will miss lyssa, especially since there is no rune actually helping with stability now(hint). Not sure if there is a use to lyssa now.

All those general condi-runes are still all the same. Often the only difference is the 6. bonus. Want deathnova on downstate, or condis on elite use or fear someone that attacks you or fear longer or convert some attribute into another? Scrap some of them. There are still too many boring condi runes.

Make dungeon runes accountbound… create more creative (like resistance or perplexity) and specialized (like torment or centaur) runes and not only power and conditiondamage.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

I’m still hoping your oversight of runes like Antitoxin will be fixed in a hotpatch. Melandru and Hoelbrak got nice little buffs, time to help out Antitoxin as well.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moldur.6275


My second post ever on the gw2 forums.
Regards, roaming guardian with a ruined build since April 15.
PS. Never again say you are happy with guardians, followed by adding the biggest nerf since release. Would like to hear the sence behind that.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: hydeaut.1758


Huge letdown on rune and sigil changes, feels like the devs erred on the side of caution big time here, most of the irrelevant ones just got a tiny bit less irrelevant but it’s mostly the same exotic vendor trash.

The only reason I can imagine that these changes could haven taken more than 1 or 2 working days:
“How can we buff useless or borderline useless runes and sigills in a way that they still keep being useless even after the buff?”

Yes, it looks like they don´t trust their own balancing and programming skills and therefore kept almost everything underwhelming and simple, just to be on the save side.

This thread comes to my mind:

The changes are utter disappointment, even more given the time it took to bring them into the game and given the fact that it was probably the last “major” change we´ll see in this field.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Johnathan Ralston.5871

Johnathan Ralston.5871



Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nike.2631


Can’t remove runes from gear without destroying the gear or using a cash shop extractor.
Can’t guarantee getting a rune back salvaging unless you use the cash shop salvage kits.
Can’t move runes to new gear because of the transmutation stone changes.
Can’t salvage certain gear at all, have to buy extractors.
Or go buy new runes from the flipper’s paradise. I’m sure they’ll love your business.

Why would anyone want to play a game that puts you in this situation?

This is not news. This has been true for almost 2 years. Why the sudden rancor?

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


I’m having a hard time understanding the Sigil rules for the stat stacking ones, like say Power and Something else. I understand I couldn’t, say, put too Bloodlust on my staff. Could I put a Bloodlust and then one that gives me Precision (not sure of the name)? Or will that not work because it’s two stats? What about a Bloodlust and one that helps Condition? Same issue?

All that part isn’t too clear.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Algoran.3719


Can’t remove runes from gear without destroying the gear or using a cash shop extractor.
Can’t guarantee getting a rune back salvaging unless you use the cash shop salvage kits.
Can’t move runes to new gear because of the transmutation stone changes.
Can’t salvage certain gear at all, have to buy extractors.
Or go buy new runes from the flipper’s paradise. I’m sure they’ll love your business.

Why would anyone want to play a game that puts you in this situation?

This is not news. This has been true for almost 2 years. Why the sudden rancor?

The problem is really with his third point. Now if I have armor now that I like the look of and the rune in it, but I find better stat armor I can’t just use one transmutation crystal to move the old look and old rune to the new stats armor. Instead I have to use a transmutation charge to make the new stat armor look like I want it to and then either buy a new rune or hopefully salvage it out of the old armor. It’s a 2 step process now instead of a 1 step process.

Game Updates: Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: runeblade.7514


Superior Rune of the afflicted should also do 5-7k damage blast finisher upon death.

This would be an interesting rune set to use.

5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant