I know this topic does not belong to this particular section of the forums, but i have a question to ArenaNet forum staff. Do you plan to add a suggestion section to this forum or where can i post my ideas for DEs, Dungeons, Boss fights?
I have some ideas for Dynamic Events, Dungeon encounters, Boss fights etc., but for now, with current forums i see no place where i can post them. My last topic about my dream fight with Zhaitan here( it wasn’t finished tbh i wanted to make it more detailed, but i had no chance) was closed, cuz it didn’t belong to the fan-generated content section. Well i understand that your judgement was based on my opinion about Zhaitan fight there, but You know…Same as You, dear developers, we – fans, want this game to be the best, so You have to understand us
I’m sure there are a lot ppl like me who have ideas, that can be used by ArenaNet or not
, but we need a place where we can express ourselfs. At least create some sort of Off-topic section, where we would be able to post our ideas and put them under the community judgement
I KNOW, this topic is in the wrong section, but there is no forum suggestion thingy where i can post this topic.
I hope the community and Mod team will not “eat” me and i’ll get a factual opinion on this subject.
Inb4 grammar police…English is not my native but always i try my best