Good thing about the patch!
I am sorry but for me it seems like you don’t really know what actually made the D/D bunkers so strong.
The only annoying thing about RTL was and still is the fact that you can get out of a lot of situations ONCE every 20 seconds. If you think that’s OP you should look at the thiefs and their escape mechanisms. Long stealths, several leaps, multiple shadowsteps and so on. And guess what, both professions need these mechanics. Imagine an ele without a good escape/defense. ANY bursty warrior/mesmer/etc. could pretty much one-shot you. That’s why we need some defensive abilities.
Here is the real problem about D/D bunkers BEFORE the patch:
We had too many heals in too little time. We could heal up and remove conditions by simply dodging. Besides that some other traits were to strong.
This not possible anymore (or at least pretty weak compared to the build before the patch):
“Evasive Arcana: The spell cast while in water attunement has been split between PvE and PvP. This spell’s effectiveness with the healing attribute has been reduced by 50% while in PvP.”
“Soothing Disruption: Vigor and regeneration boons granted by activating cantrips have been reduced from 10 seconds to 6 seconds.”
“Renewing Stamina: This trait now has a 5-second cooldown between activations and has a 100% chance to activate, increased from 33%.”
“Zephyr’s Boon: Fixed a bug that caused Shocking Aura to apply double the boons of other auras.”
“Ride the Lightning: This ability’s recharge has been increased to 20 seconds.”
The synergy between those traits and abilites was simply to strong, not RTL alone. I hope this makes sense to you.^^
hms The new loot system sucks the rich stay rich and the poor just got poorer … Lames Anyways I do like the pick your own Daily and such from the Patch <3
But thanks for making some events even less Social then it was before.
I am not sure how the new loot system makes “the poor” poorer but I do agree, the pick your own daily is really nice. Also not sure about events being less social.
For the next patch though, I would love to see more major bug fixes (culling, sound bugs, etc.).
Well all I can say is this. The elementalist lightning attunement was already horriibly under powered I don’t care what anyone says. I love dual weilding and lightning skills so I wanted to play solely in air attunement with two daggers. I don’t care what anyone says, air-attuned elementalist were already horribly under powered, infact it took hours of number crunching to make it even viable and now they made them even weaker. All I can say is that I am absolutely livid about this new patch. 10sec fury and swiftness duration to Shocking Aura was not a bug by the way, it was granted by an air attunement trait thus gave greater bonus to an air attunement skill, makes sense. As for Ride the Lightning, ok increase the cooldown, but then give it double the damage. This all but destroys the game for me, the balancing is totally out of wack, and for a game that advertises freedom they sure like to limit things; first you cannot dual-weild with any proffession, then they imposed a speed cap and now they’re taking away the onlygood things about air attunement, which is like saying don’t use it. I’m very angery with this last patch and hope they revert the changes back or balance better.
That is indeed true. Imo the air skills do not deal enough damage in general (compared to fire and earth). This is pretty weird since Anet made me think air would be one of the major damage attunements:
By harnessing wind and lightning, elementalists can target specific foes with focused, high-damage attacks. "
The perma swiftness is really nice though.^^
P.S. I think this is kinda off topic. :P