Guild Bounties Now Punish Smaller Guilds
Im a leader of a small guild, currently holding ~20 players. We have been doing training missions since it got released with not to much difficulty, sucess rate must be around 90-95% on those missions. As most we have been 8 players total doing a mission. Lowest number we succeeded on is 4 players online.
Last week we tried Bounty Hunter Tier 1, with 5 ppl online. Maybe we got lucky to get 2 pretty easy targets but we manage to capture both targets within 14 min and 20 seconds. Yesterday we were 6 players on, we failed our first attempt when our WP got conquested, but manage to do our second one within 13 min.
Guild missions is awsome, even for small guilds. Its not meant to be an easy task, but it is doable. Try harder if you keep failing with your friends. Maybe rethink how you organize your group, I dont know. But it is not an impossible task.
WvW Commander of Blacktide.
@RaugoolGW2 on Twitter
Before the patch 12-18 of us would hop in vent and have a great time. I don’t think we lost a t1 or t2
After patch the fights seem harder, are harder to find since they cant be stopped, Scotts is now impossible, 2-MULT is always a massive failure even while trying to do the mechanic and their are more targets to find making even tougher then that.
Now we have lost 6+ bounties at all levels and haven’t gotten a merit since the patch. Instead we settle to do a t3 to have better chances of picking who to fight to get our personal reward after continued failure.
Our small guild has 8 Dungeon Masters and cant do a t1 bounty . . . . . Something is very very wrong here.
I’m hoping this can be rebalanced back the way it was or give a buff or less possible targets to smaller guilds.
It seems they’ve gotten on the bandwagon of instead of improving the gameplay choices they want to force everyone into a singular type of gameplay and if you don’t fit than too bad. Kinda goes against their “months ahead” promise about having choices on how you play the game don’t it.
Tiny guilds like mine had this trouble.
Oh and I love how they put these guild events into the game but without a real calendar system or an alarm system so that the GM could actually dynamically ask people if they will attend events.
There is a guild on Tarnished Coast that is solely devoted to allowing small-guild players to do guild content. We don’t ever require repping (other than while you’re attending an event, obviously) and bounties take place at least once a week, sometimes more.
Contact Aceros for an invite.