Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


I created this topic because the suggestions topic has gone. It’s based on this thread:

There I made a list of all guild system / tools that are missing and / or people suggested on the many threads about this subject. (So it are not all my idea’s there are even a few I disagree on)

This is just to help ArenaNet to get one list, I did try to make the explanation smaller so for details I would suggest reading the original thread and linked threads.

-Also getting XP for not representing members. There are multiple options given how this would be done.
-More options for ranks. Like splitting admin rights, kick / invite, promote / demote and so on
-More options to sort / organize the guild-roster (Like sort by representing)
-Chat-channels based on ranks. So a channel for only leaders or only officers or only leaders and officers and so on
-MotD should be editable in stead of making one whole message. [FIXED! September 2013]
-Have an option to be able to control to show the message of the day when user log on/off or the message changes.
-Guild Description / info. MotD is a short message about something that will happen soon but there also needs to be place for more information.
-The possibility to make notes. Public (notes everybody can make) en rank-based. (also per member, so add a note behind member x and then allow other officers (or everybody) to read it)
-Show in the chat when a player comes online and logs off.
-Last time online should be visible [Implemented: 15-04-2014 but not yet in both lists]
-Influence tracker
-More and better ways to show the guild-emblem like on your back
-More options for in sPvP like influence increase for PvP or guild Finishing move and so on
-Guild hall
-Mailing to multiple people (in the guild) at once. Rank based or just multiple names at ones or multiple ranks at once.
-Guild calendar to help organize guild-events
-Guild tax. There are also multiple options given how this then should be done. The big difference is some say members should have the option other says guilds should be able to force it.
-Guild Repair Contract an option in “economy” for the guild to pay X amount (determined by Guild leader , customizable per rank ) for guild repairs.
-Guild Bank Change allow for guild leaders to customize the Stacks withdrawn per rank for the guild bank option.
-Confirmation before promoting member
-Guild PvP Server
-Option for alliances
-Option for bigger guilds
-Custom guild emblems that can be uploaded.
-Guild Server Transfer option. Being able to move the whole guild including influence consumables and so on. Obsolete after 2th feature pack.
-Option for no emblem (Pretty sure you don’t have to use an emblem if you don’t want? But it was suggested)
-Confirmation for guild-kick and only available in the guild-roster [Party implemented 07-2014]
-Guild Bound Items
-Guild Badges of Honor for guild-members when doing guild-related things
-Option to make bigger groups with guild-members (permission based)
-Guild vs Guild
-Guild Missions [Implemented]
-Guild Daily/Monthly events
-Possibility to put guild-emblem on normal armor
-Guild Banner/Capes like in gw1.
-More guild permissions for the bank like max amount of money they can take.
-Rename Feature for guild-names
-Show information about all the (representing) chars from a guild-member
-The ability to search for guilds in game. Including linking to them (like way points) + information.
-Guilds must be able to enable or disable the option to represent multiple guilds.
-Make it possible to demote or kick another guild-leader. Like an extra option permission I think.
-More then 10 ranks
-Bigger message of the day [Implemented]
-Guild Advertising in the Forums Improvements (Recruitment boards)
-Guild Funded Repairs
-Notes in Roster on each Member
-Limited Withdrawals from Guild Stash etc. (e.g. 1 withdraw per 24 hours) (has already come up as permission but somebody else mentions it as general option)
-Rank Option to have some form of “highlighted” comment feature. For announcements etc.
-Auto-Represent the first Guild you join, but show a tool-tip explaining this feature
-ability to set times for consumables to auto-activate so it doesn’t rely on a guild officer being online to make it happen
-add fields for entering the guild’s website and voice-chat information
-guild chat should have a feature where it alerts you to guild members talking in guild chat but also allows you the option to turn it off?
-Allow guilds to identify a home server and notify members not on that server of their status. (Still relevant because of WvW)
-Include a crafting panel similar to the personal bank for sharing mats with other guild members.
-No “Message suppressed due to excessive messaging” message when mailing guild-members

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


Part 2:
-Uninvite in stead of Kick when people have not yet joined
-Guild control area options like in GW1
-Guild pays for repairs / waypoints and places to put money for these goals
-Notification of achievements of individual players (eg. XYZ has gained 100% world map completion!)
-Look at giving guilds rewards for doing stuff together, eg. completing a dungeon, or an event etc.
-Guild PvP or WvW rewards or achievements that could be noted or listed on the guild panel, or encouraged
-Make guild-banners that work like the warrior banner. So you can pick them up, place them and they will buff everybody in the area. In WvW they can be captured by the enemy and using permissions to carry the guild-banner
-Possibility for a transparent emblem background (think that is already possible)
-a simple forum in-game private to only your guild or a message board that uses sticky notes or is essentially a daily message with more room are very viable. (roles on ‘forum’ permission based)
-Guild members have got to show up on the map. (like party members but then orange)
-Option Guild Deep Cave Withdraw and Deposit
-If a member leaves also show the name of the character that left apart from the account-name.
-An option to automatically let people get to one (or more) higher ranks when they reach a certain time of representing, or influence or time member. Of course that should be variable for the guild-leaders to choose. (so being able to set those rules or a small script)
-Show how much they are online (like in actual time and in percentage / visual line overtime graph)
-Show how much they represent (again in actual time and in percentage / visual line overtime graph)
-Show when they represent for the last time. (This is something else then last time online)
-Show how much influence they have earned for the guild (also then can be shown over time with a nice graph.)
-Show when members earned influence for the last time.
-Show a full and detailed history going back to the beginning of the guild or (if the information is not being saved at this moment) to the moment this option would be implemented.
-Show who buys and uses guild-armor and other guild related stuff (how much, when and so on) So now that would also mean showing who joined guild-missions
-An options to see account-names in the guild-chat (and party chat).
-guild-message of the day should have a date/time option you can fill (not required) when the message will automatically be deleted. (this is when there is also an options for a bigger message besides the message of the day like suggested before)
-Split permission about money and bank tab
-Stack items in guild-bank directly out of your bags
-Option to select / filter members by criteria like ‘all members who have not been online since x.’ and do something with that selection like changing the rank or sending a message/ mail or adding a note (if the option to make notes for users would become available)
-Option that guild-leaders can send a mail to the real e-mail from members. But only if members allow that and guild-leaders don’t see the real e-mail addresses. (this to contact members that have not been online or whatever)
-Show date and time spent representing
-Add confirmation when changing important things.
-Automated sorting option in guild-bank
-Option to not show the not representing / or not count the not representing members.
-More guild representation in WvW, not only showing the banner for a claimed keep
-Guild-unlocks not per server
-Be able to see guild-chat when not representing as an option that leaders can set on or off
-Make it possible to export a list of all members including all there chars (only that they use to represent the guild, for private / guild-site reasons) and information like current level, rank, profession, race and crafts to a CSV or XML file.
-Next in line leader / officer to become leader if a leader leaves a guild
-Show join date of members
-Show total Influence earned for Guild by member
-Show total time online and representing
-Transfer influence from one guild to another guild
-export mails (I guess you can say that might be guild-related in a way)
-progression-line per member showing, time online, time represented, influence gained over time.
-Have the option for people to show server-time and local-time together.
-Special option in the ranks to activate a guild-mission @ location.
- An API option to get all the claimed camps, towers, keeps, castles by a given guild-name.
- See who accepted / declined credits for another guilds mission.
- Open world guild-houses / guild-castles that guilds can design and build themselves in WvW-like maps with ground around it. On that ground people can then build there own houses and people can fight and defend land.
- See guild-chat from multiple guilds. (See FF14?)
- Option for guild-members to share / donate influence to multiple (selected) guilds.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


Part 3
-Have the option for people to show server-time and local-time together. (useful for guild because people usually prefer to see local time but for guild-events server-time is more useful)

- Add a right to allow a member to activate a mission, (not only in the guild-pannel but also who can activate at the spot once activated in the guild-pannel)

-Unlocking upgrades / building up a guild should also be possible for newer smaller guilds.

-Player Notes (I guess it’s the same as Notes in Roster on each Member)?

- Accept credit only goes to specific roles (that can be selected in the rights panel). [Implemented 07-2014 but rank could me more specificc]

- Being able to set a welcome mail for new members + the option to add items from a stack saved somewhere.

- Option to not allowed members to join a guild if they are not on the guilds home-server (Still relevant because of WvW and maybe for RP reasons)

- Stacking in the guild bank should be possible wihtout first moving it to your own inventory.

- Members should be unable to ‘clean’ bank log by taking one copper, putting it back, taking it again and so on and so on.

(If people come with new suggestions I will try to add them here)

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Some good ideas in there. I completely and totally support this:

Make it so that we can set who is allowed to start guild missions….not activate them from the guild panel, but like talking to the bounty and setting him/her off or activating the puzzle before everyone gets there.

If you do a guild mission with another guild make it so that the pop-up to accept credit only goes to the officers/leaders.

Guild home server should also be an option so that people on other servers cannot join and/or are given a message saying “This guild’s home world is X, are you sure you want to join? Selecting YES will not move your home server and you will not receive benefits activated from the guild.” (something like that)

Being able to set a welcome mail for new members would be nice as well. Upon joining a new member receives a message from the guild in their box with a message set by guild leaders. Possibly a place in that box to store items to send out with the message. (panel contains place for stacks of items and a ^/v box to set number of items sent: i.e. 5 pieces of toast 1 potion) Officers would have to refill the stacks periodically but it would save us time.

Being able to donate influence to other guilds would be nice too…our guild has 1.2mil influence and the max number of mission credits with not much to spend it on.

Guild-System-Improvements [Suggestions]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


The feature pack patch implemented Last Online. Very helpful for many guild. When guild do not require 100% repping then a ’Last Represented” is still needed.

I updated the orginial post.