Guild Wars 2 and WoW
imo, the only thing that wow has over gw2 is this:
2. How can this be an opinion? Pointing out the fact that Paladin is getting CONSTANTLY buffed and Druid is getting CONSTANTLY nerfed.
3. Better loot drop rate is also not an opinion having in mind that we can take and compare WoW drop rates and GW2 drop rates. WoW has very low drop rates and does actually admit it.
8. Not true remember the way WoW was in the past, therefore can not stand as an opinion either.
2. Math.
3. Luck.
8. Mouth breathers.
2. How can this be an opinion? Pointing out the fact that Paladin is getting CONSTANTLY buffed and Druid is getting CONSTANTLY nerfed.
3. Better loot drop rate is also not an opinion having in mind that we can take and compare WoW drop rates and GW2 drop rates. WoW has very low drop rates and does actually admit it.
8. Not true remember the way WoW was in the past, therefore can not stand as an opinion either.2. Math.
3. Luck.
8. Mouth breathers.
Nice try! We know now you’re a sexy troll <3
Lol the opinion route isnt the most logical one in this argument. Otherwise my opinion is gw2 is the wow killer because it was MY wow killer. Never going back.
Going off opinion gw2 IS my wow killer considering its the game i said well this replaces wow for me forever
2. How can this be an opinion? Pointing out the fact that Paladin is getting CONSTANTLY buffed and Druid is getting CONSTANTLY nerfed.
3. Better loot drop rate is also not an opinion having in mind that we can take and compare WoW drop rates and GW2 drop rates. WoW has very low drop rates and does actually admit it.
8. Not true remember the way WoW was in the past, therefore can not stand as an opinion either.2. Math.
3. Luck.
8. Mouth breathers.Nice try! We know now you’re a sexy troll <3
Opinion, except for the sexy part, that is all fact, you can even check the Wiki!
I play both games.
Guild Wars 2 is generally the better game. It has way better PvP, to the point that Blizzard is taking notes from GW2 in their patch 5.3 and capping gear power. Events vs quests… do I need to say anything? Character customization is immensely better in GW2 with creation options, dyes, and very diversified armor art. You can really make your character unique if you start mixing armor sets that look like they would match.
There is one area where GW2 falls flat though, and it’s dungeons and raids. If you remove something like the trinity, you have to replace it with something better, and dodge-or-die+zerg+kite is far worse than the trinity. And no I don’t mind waiting 30 minutes in queue for a tank if it means I get a better dungeon.
Unfortunately it’s the most important area for me, and it makes GW2 my “off-MMO” rather than my main. In fact GW2 failing on this era is the reason I still feel like playing WoW, because for everything else GW2 tends to do better.
I think the biggest difference, for me at least, is the lack of loot progression in guild wars. World of Warcraft and most Role Playing Games for that matter are based around the concept of treasure.. Gear that allows you to feel more powerful within the game being the most sought after form of treasure. Guild wars seeks instead to offer a relatively flat and even playing field where tactics and strategy are more important than gear. Though this isn’t to say it’s necessarily a strategically superior game. Though in my opinion, it is. Only that gear is no longer the most defining aspect of gameplay. Since that’s what most other RPG’s are based around, that’s huge..
I actually enjoy the gear treadmill. It’s essentially an extension of leveling. I enjoy reaching new levels and getting new skills, the constant feeling of little rewards. At max level, the gear leveling process starts.. It’s not quite as entertaining as actual levels, but I still find the constant upgrade process fun and engaging. Unfortunately, that simply can’t exist if player skill is going to be the most important part of gameplay. And that’s what guild wars is all about.
Honestly as much as I prefer being recognized for my playing skill rather than my shoulder pads, I’d rather have the loot treadmill. That I think is the reason why people who prefer Wow, do so.
For me however, the narrative, cinematics, active gameplay, and diverse beauty of the world more than make up for the lack of loot leveling. Which is why I personally prefer guild wars. I imagine others might also prefer guild wars because of the lack of subscription, or the entirely skill based gameplay. In my opinion it’s just a matter of priorities. They’re both good games in their own way.
Guild Wars 2 has a better and nicer community and is like a living painting.
Wow has:
1-10 snipped as my post is too long…
1. Wow Combat system involves no ability to have movement affect anything. I’ve run through an entire zone before with an arrow following behind me as I went in different directions watching it turn to follow until my movement buffs finally wore out and it caught up and hit me. I’ve ducked around corners only to still be hit by a fireball. I’ve swung my sword in a wide arc only to hit the one guy I had clicked on. In GW… none of that. Outrun it and it misses you, go behind cover and it misses you. All getting cover is good for in WoW is to kite mobs as an LOS gimmick. In GW, if you stand in the path of my sword, it slices you.
In WoW, I’m a 6-year old on the play ground and I walk up to the Sha of Hate and yell “Yo momma so big, she got her own zip code!” and so he ignores the 39 people stabbing him with sharp sticks and tries to punk me, who is armed with only a letter opener. In GW, I yell that, and King Adelburn could care less, its on, and his buddies there are going to kitten us all. Like a real fight.
2. The entire history of WoW is nothing but patches that kitten PvP for PvE and kitten PvE for PvP, class depending. Read their forums sometime. It is full of people complaining about this issue and has been since I started playing it in 2006… Its never changed. This is the curse of -any- game with the same mechanics for PvE and PvP. As long as you can level in WvW and use regular gear and not PvP only gear, GW2 will have this problem as well. But its nowhere near as bad here as it is there – over there with gear scaling, class balance between PvP and PvE gets insanely complex and they will never perfect it.
3. Meh. Both games have shines. This one is pure opinion, just a preference of which kind of shinies system you prefer.
4. WoW’s auction house begs to differ. WoW has suffered from a constant gold inflation problem for years. When I started, getting 100g was a months-long process. Now its an hour. Prices on regular vendor goods have no adjusted – and the difference in amount of funds available for a lowbie versus regular player versus AH-gamer is astounding. In my WoW guild I usually have under 7000g account wide, another member of the guild gold caps 1-million almost monthly, then blows most of it, and starts over… If I could figure out his system I’d be set there, but the advice bounces off my teflon ears… nonetheless players like him can wreck havoc on players like me in terms of availability of good if they simply choose to do so… what with single server Auction Houses. But he just throws the gold off as fun, or buying up junk for the next round.
You can be flat out locked out of some things if like me, you have not mastered the WoW economy. Getting the gear to progress means I have to run a lot more content, and have to struggle behind the curve. Even normal players who are not so bad at WoW-economics as me can feel the pinch. But at the same time, I can flip around and gear up a lowbie new toon to such absurdity that she can ignore the universe as she levels up to about level 80… because the inflation is so out of wack…
and the trading house… to buy and sell things earned in game, but on a scale where only a few items are out of reasonable range, and no content has been ‘broken’ by things becomming out of reach for people at that level of content or too easy to get…
Next time you complain about the gemstore, go look at the blizzard store. There’s a plushy Wyvern sitting on my desk right now, and I have one in-game as a minipet. In GW, I use the gemstore to buy a blue qauggan backpack… or a set of mini-pets? What’s the difference?
Don’t give me the BS complaint about the gemstore… At least here I don’t have to -ALSO- pay a monthly fee.
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
5. GW had a pretty long test cycle during development. Sorry you missed it. But it was there. Now, because the changes are more minor tweaks – testing might be more inhouse. I don’t see a lack of testing here, I see a lack of open knowledge about closed betas. But both games have had testing. One benefit of less transparency in coming patches here is that I haven’t seen it all before it “comes out”. Most WoW players today had completed Mist of Pandaria -BEFORE- that expac ever even hit the shelves… that’s just sad… They had to put into an open beta just to keep subs from dying out, because they were that behind in development…
6. This is again an opinion thing. Both are repetitive forms of content. At least here the bosses are not as predictable. Over there an addon like Deadly Boss Mods works because the bosses are all on timers, and you cna be certain that either 30 seconds in or at X% health, the bosses will -ALWAYS- do XYZ… Here, never any such certainty… The most predictable thing I have found is moments like “Faolain will rez any downed allies when she comes out if you don’t stop her.” And that’s still not a certainty in how it will play out. But for people that want a predictable form of content WoW might be better.
As for loot – again its a style-of-shinies thing. I get quite good loot here compared to what my toon needs to progress in crafting and leveling and getting the right cosmetic look. I get pretty good loot in WoW compared to what I need to gear up – but usually not enough to keep pace with my gold needs (but other players do).
7. “The way you want to” makes this comment all about preference and opinion. If the way you want to play is more like GW2 you will see this one favoring GW2, if its more like WoW you will see it favoring WoW. This is like arguing whether tea is more soothing than coffee…
8. Guild Levels have destroyed small guilds in WoW. Its absolutely pointless to join anything but a giant zerg guild now. The penalties for being in a small guild hit across the board at all stages of gameplay. Influence in GW2 can do the same thing to you. But on the other hand my small 50-member guild was one of the first to unlock all of the newer guild challenges because we’d been slowly leveling up every single category of guild improvement on the theory that “these ones we don’t care for now might get a useful patch later.” So while other guilds had and have more banked influence, we didn’t have to wait a week or two to progress “surprise upgrades”. And we still pull in about maybe 10-30k influence a week (I was going to write 10k here, but I just noticed there’s 5k more influence in there than I saw last night). But in WoW my guild was killed when Guild Levels came out. The leveling in insanely slow if you don’t zerg it with massive numbers, and even a year into Cata we had barely broken level 10 while the 500+ member guilds that by then were all that was out there other than us had hit level 20 by end of first month…
- I had the oldest guild on my WoW server, once known by everyone because we had ‘history’ on server before all the cross-realm stuff, and I shut the doors on it last year after 2 years of less than 10 members left.
(I “might” have the oldest guild in GW2 too. By 2-3 minutes into head start, I had us formed. But this is harder to be sure of as I suspect a few hundred guild leaders were all trying to get formed ASAP as well to get their names.)
9. Mounts… Mounts have killed the world of world of warcraft. Empty zones, and rich content people fly over and past on their way to the next loot pinata. Some call this preference, but I say the day they add mounts to GW2 will be the day the game starts to die… Thank goodness we lack them. In-zone portals is bad enough.
10. I can flip that in the other direction. I’m the only person I personally know who still has a WoW account… 4 people in my extended family play in my GW2 guild… Its great as my brother who just likes to log into an MMO once a month and look at the beautiful graphics can enjoy this game, and my other brother that likes to organize nightly dungeons can enjoy this game. Side by side… In WoW these two had no ability to be at all in the same content or guilds, and my first brother always felt like he was wasting his money (and spent about 7 years trying to get us all to go back to GW1 ).
JAH Bless – Equal Rights and Justice for all.
Justice And Honor – Tarnished Coast.
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