But you don’t have concrete proof that these new content, which you include Shadow of the Mad King and Wintersday, alienated “significant groups” of players. All we have are sporadic outcry from vocal forum goers, with positive counterpoints. Are one side’s opinions more valid than the other?
You can kind of tell when the forums are just a low buzz of people QQ-ing over this or that, and when a large number of people are actually upset about something. There’s a difference.
I’m pretty sure that ArenaNet has their head in the sand over it, though. I bet they are still wondering why a large chunk of their playerbase left back in November…
The forums for every game released in recent years is full of pointless whining. The people that enjoy the game spend their time playing the game. The people who enjoy whining post on the forums.
The real tragedy is that the legitimate criticism gets totally drowned out by asinine complaining. I honestly wish the mods would do more thread mergers here. Far too many topics on the front page of these forums are all about the same topics because everyone who has a problem with something like dailies or guild missions feel like they need their own personal soapbox.
I’d like to think that this is probably the reason why ArenaNet doesn’t seem to really listen to their customers. Good feedback is just drowned out in the general QQ.
But I think what’s really going on is they have some formula for how they think they’re going to maximize profits, and they’re trying to fit that square peg into the round hole of what would otherwise be a pretty good game.
So we wind up with poorly implemented gear grinds, content that divides up the playerbase (fractals/open world, big guild/small guild, and so forth), and funnels that push people towards certain areas of the game, away from others, and discourage people from “playing how they want”. It’s like they’re trying to please everyone, and that’s mostly just kitten everyone off.
Moreover, they just can’t seem to fix something without breaking 3 other things. Every major update has been bugged badly when it released; and they had to go into damage control mode to try and fix it.
And they just don’t seem to be in touch with the remaining fragmented community at all. Any given communication might be on 1 or 2 social media sites, but it’s never consistent and everywhere. When mega-threads start forming on their own forums, they either let them go ignored, or the moderators look for the one jerk who violated the ToS and use it as an excuse to shut the thread down.
All this tells me that they aren’t listening to anyone, really, and don’t want to. That certainly doesn’t endear them to me at all.
Who are you people, and what have you done with the wonderful ArenaNet of Guild Wars? This fan’s muti-year loyalty is about stretched as far as it can get, all in the course of a few months.