Home Instance Bandit Chest

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Togashi Jack.9531

Togashi Jack.9531

So, for finishing the Point of No Return story we get rewarded with, among other things, a Bandit Chest in our home instance, which like all other things in the home instance is a once per day object.. Yet it still consumes Skeleton keys. Can someone explain the rationale behind this?

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Probably to keep you going to the zone to replenish crests.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Togashi Jack.9531

Togashi Jack.9531

the generic skeleton keys to open up the bandit chests that people dig up in silverwastes are also used to unlock the bandit chest in your home instance..

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

Probably to keep you going to the zone to replenish crests.

If that’s the reason, I think it’s clever. Helps to keep the area from being abandoned after people finish getting their armor skins.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

I find it odd as a player that utilizes alts. I most likely will never use it as I can use my alt in sw to gain as many of these as I want without having to swap keys over to my home instance alt.

Serenity now~Insanity later

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


I have enough stuff in my home instance now that it’s a nice addition to the daily lap. It’s a chest with no work or searching involved at all, once you have the keys.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X T D.6458

X T D.6458

keys only costs 5 crests, and chests give you crests as well. I think its nice to have it, and I dont mind the key req, small way to incentize people to go to silverwastes. Unfortunately last several times Ive been there its always 0/4, no chests around, etc etc. So hopefully this helps in addition to the new living story.

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Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meanddubby.3471


But if it’s a reward it should be one free chest each day. Otherwise, it’s more like a shovel dispenser. I mean, I would at least understand that.

Member of [GSCH] – Banana Pancakes

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aspirine.6852


That is a pretty smart way of keeping people visiting silver wastes.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


That is a pretty smart way of keeping people visiting silver wastes.

If you need cheap tricks like that to make people stay in sw, then you’d better start thinking hard about the (re)design of the whole area.
Really, if i need to go to SW for crests tp buy keys, i might as well use those keys there, without the need to jump to home instance at all. It’s not like i have ever lacked shovels while looking for chests.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


That is a pretty smart way of keeping people visiting silver wastes.

If you need cheap tricks like that to make people stay in sw, then you’d better start thinking hard about the (re)design of the whole area.
Really, if i need to go to SW for crests tp buy keys, i might as well use those keys there, without the need to jump to home instance at all. It’s not like i have ever lacked shovels while looking for chests.

I’m not sure why you believe this.

There are very few zones anywhere, in any MMO that say relevant and keep people long term. People always tend to gravitate to new zones. And the Silverwastes, by design, has to have a minimum number of people running it to be effective.

You make it sound like no really good zone was ever abandoned, but we know from history that this isn’t true.

Plenty of people abandon zones like Timberline Falls, because they have no real reason to go there.

The zone doesn’t need a redesign because people leave it at some point. And it certainly doesn’t need it now, because the Silverwastes has plenty of players currently.

But it may not always be that way.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


If only we had one for the Dry Top chests.

But yes, a nice addition to my home instance.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


it also moves position every day. Today’s spot in my sylvari’s home instance was nearly off the map and I had to brave the “you’re leaving the instance” message to get to it.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


But if it’s a reward it should be one free chest each day. Otherwise, it’s more like a shovel dispenser. I mean, I would at least understand that.

Something that gives 1 shovel per day would actually be much better than the chest. It would also get people to go to the zone. Might even keep people in there longer.

it also moves position every day. Today’s spot in my sylvari’s home instance was nearly off the map and I had to brave the “you’re leaving the instance” message to get to it.

It moves around each time you go in and out of the instance.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mileinnor.7125


This is clearly an oversight from anet. Using up a key for the home instance bandit chest is a loss. Unlike SW, you do not have the Perseverance buff (extra MF) when opening it. You are better off hopping to SW, raise your perseverance level and open them.

Please fix it so it doesn’t require keys thanks.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Essence Snow.3194

Essence Snow.3194

This is clearly an oversight from anet. Using up a key for the home instance bandit chest is a loss. Unlike SW, you do not have the Perseverance buff (extra MF) when opening it. You are better off hopping to SW, raise your perseverance level and open them.

Please fix it so it doesn’t require keys thanks.

That is something I hadn’t thought about and is very relevant. Nice catch!

Serenity now~Insanity later

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Hmm, good point, Mileinnor. But I suppose there does need to be some tradeoff between actually braving the Mordrem in SW to open chests as opposed to just opening them in the safety of your HI.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Djinn.9245


If you have to go to SW to get a key, why not just use the key there? No point in taking the key elsewhere.

And I dislike the idea of the chest moving around your home instance.

it’s this luck based mystic toilet that we’re all so sick of flushing our money down. -Salamol

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jaymee.1560


I’ll one-up you on that note, how about this: Go in your home instance to get the chest and the friggin thing keeps changing locations. Annoying much?

I use to be a Ritualist and a Paragon in my former life…

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shpongle.6025


So, for finishing the Point of No Return story we get rewarded with, among other things, a Bandit Chest in our home instance, which like all other things in the home instance is a once per day object.. Yet it still consumes Skeleton keys. Can someone explain the rationale behind this?

+1 I concurr, that would be cool

Are you Shpongled?

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mileinnor.7125


Hmm, good point, Mileinnor. But I suppose there does need to be some tradeoff between actually braving the Mordrem in SW to open chests as opposed to just opening them in the safety of your HI.

The trade off is that your home instance chest is mediocre compared to even basic chests in SW (you get Perseverance buff immediately when you enter the area), and you only get one per day. Certainly you shouldn’t need a key to open it?

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daala.4258


To open Bandit Chest in SW you need a shovel and a key PLUS you have to look for a spot to dig the chest, so it is much more convenient in home instance.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


To open Bandit Chest in SW you need a shovel and a key PLUS you have to look for a spot to dig the chest, so it is much more convenient in home instance.

To open a chest in SW, you need things you get in SW. Getting to sw for crests, buying a key for crests, and then going to home instance just to open one chest is way more inconvenient. Especially since you additionally lose on the SW Magic Find bonus.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lalocat.6793


It’s more convenient if you just park an alt in the home instance and give him a stack of keys. It’s not like you can only hold one key at a time. The loss of magic find is a bigger problem. I’ll be opening the chest regardless (champ bag alone is worth it), but I understand why other people wouldn’t bother.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I get where people who would rather use keys in SW are coming from. But me personally, sometimes I honestly don’t feel like going to SW, but I will end up in my home instance for the daily gatherer at some point. The chest is now just an extra thing I get to open which, in my mind, is a plus. Sure I could go to SW, use a shovel, and open a potentially more lucrative chest, but meh.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mileinnor.7125


I get where people who would rather use keys in SW are coming from. But me personally, sometimes I honestly don’t feel like going to SW, but I will end up in my home instance for the daily gatherer at some point. The chest is now just an extra thing I get to open which, in my mind, is a plus. Sure I could go to SW, use a shovel, and open a potentially more lucrative chest, but meh.

You certainly could. But please keep in mind you still need a key to open it. Sooner or later you will run out of keys and crests and you have to go back to SW to farm them.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


I get where people who would rather use keys in SW are coming from. But me personally, sometimes I honestly don’t feel like going to SW, but I will end up in my home instance for the daily gatherer at some point. The chest is now just an extra thing I get to open which, in my mind, is a plus. Sure I could go to SW, use a shovel, and open a potentially more lucrative chest, but meh.

You certainly could. But please keep in mind you still need a key to open it. Sooner or later you will run out of keys and crests and you have to go back to SW to farm them.

That’s true, but I’m sure I would have ended up back in SW at some point before I ran out of keys. I actually like the zone. And I definitely like the new event.

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shen Slayer.3058

Shen Slayer.3058

I won’t be opening the home instance chest, it’s just a waste of a key with the lost of MF. I rather spend it in SW since I’m there at least once a day.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naz.2607


I’m very disappointed in the way they set this up.
What happens when the ‘thrill’ of this content is gone and it’s harder to get keys. The chest then becomes pointless.
Also, the toon I did the silverwastes & story on are not the same toon that I use to collect in my home instance. So, now I have to port to silverwastes, play content to get keys, port to wvw to put keys in bank, switch toons, port to bank, grab the keys, port to home instance & port back….. Unless I’m missing something, that’s dumb.
And I’m not going to park a toon in my home instance. I use all 10 of my toons.
All of this porting around negates any profit from the chest.
seriously disappointing

Naz ©

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cafard.8953


It’s not like keys are expensive. First thing i did was throw a stack of 100 keys to my home instance parked alt, the one that does the daily node mining. Now he’s got one more node per round, and i’ve got 100 days to remember to send him more keys before he runs out…

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naz.2607


In addition, something that I either bought, or worked to earn for my home instance should not require something additional from the outside to function. Just like the rest of what I have in there….

Naz ©

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naz.2607


It’s not like keys are expensive. First thing i did was throw a stack of 100 keys to my home instance parked alt, the one that does the daily node mining. Now he’s got one more node per round, and i’ve got 100 days to remember to send him more keys before he runs out…

So, you can collect the chest for 100 days then….
All of my nodes are forever, no assembly required.
And when no ones in the silverwastes any more?

Naz ©

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Groonz.7825


I found this little reward useless. If I wanted to open a chest with a key, I’d just do it in SW.

After SW dies down, I won’t be bothering to go back just to get a key to open a chest for a few random loots (mainly a champ bag).

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cafard.8953


It’s not like keys are expensive. First thing i did was throw a stack of 100 keys to my home instance parked alt, the one that does the daily node mining. Now he’s got one more node per round, and i’ve got 100 days to remember to send him more keys before he runs out…

So, you can collect the chest for 100 days then….
All of my nodes are forever, no assembly required.
And when no ones in the silverwastes any more?

Then it’ll take slightly more effort to refresh the stock? Every SW event rewards crests. It’s dead easy to solo a keep and to follow with the rubble event, and you get 30 crests out of it i believe? Or i’ll stop bothering, who knows. It’s not like it’s a gem store item, we got that for free, as an additional gizmo.

edit: of course rubble event follows defense, not capture. Point still stands, but duh!

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!

(edited by cafard.8953)

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naz.2607


It’s not like keys are expensive. First thing i did was throw a stack of 100 keys to my home instance parked alt, the one that does the daily node mining. Now he’s got one more node per round, and i’ve got 100 days to remember to send him more keys before he runs out…

So, you can collect the chest for 100 days then….
All of my nodes are forever, no assembly required.
And when no ones in the silverwastes any more?

Then it’ll take slightly more effort to refresh the stock? Every SW event rewards crests. It’s dead easy to solo a keep and to follow with the rubble event, and you get 30 crests out of it i believe? Or i’ll stop bothering, who knows. It’s not like it’s a gem store item, we got that for free, as an additional gizmo.

edit: of course rubble event follows defense, not capture. Point still stands, but duh!

I do not want to continually be forced to play old content, potentially by myself, on a toon that I have earmarked for other things on the complete other side of the world, just to be able to keep opening that chest.
This also requires extra, full price porting, negating the profit from the chest.
If I had known that it would b like this, I never would have bothered with the story at all.
I have the crystallized node & the candy corn node in my instance. Both were worth the time & energy I spent to get them, because they don’t cost me something additional in order to harvest them.

Naz ©

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Hmm, good point, Mileinnor. But I suppose there does need to be some tradeoff between actually braving the Mordrem in SW to open chests as opposed to just opening them in the safety of your HI.

The trade off is that your home instance chest is mediocre compared to even basic chests in SW (you get Perseverance buff immediately when you enter the area), and you only get one per day. Certainly you shouldn’t need a key to open it?

Well except magic find is mostly a lie …
529% MF and what did I get? Nothing worth mentioning.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mileinnor.7125


Hmm, good point, Mileinnor. But I suppose there does need to be some tradeoff between actually braving the Mordrem in SW to open chests as opposed to just opening them in the safety of your HI.

The trade off is that your home instance chest is mediocre compared to even basic chests in SW (you get Perseverance buff immediately when you enter the area), and you only get one per day. Certainly you shouldn’t need a key to open it?

Well except magic find is mostly a lie …
529% MF and what did I get? Nothing worth mentioning.

Perseverance MF on the chests is not related to your personal MF. It only goes up to 5 stacks max. Compared to zero stacks for the home instance chest. As far as how effective it is, I have no idea – personal mileage may vary according to your own luck. I recommend offering lutefisk to your deity of choice.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Hmm, good point, Mileinnor. But I suppose there does need to be some tradeoff between actually braving the Mordrem in SW to open chests as opposed to just opening them in the safety of your HI.

The trade off is that your home instance chest is mediocre compared to even basic chests in SW (you get Perseverance buff immediately when you enter the area), and you only get one per day. Certainly you shouldn’t need a key to open it?

Well except magic find is mostly a lie …
529% MF and what did I get? Nothing worth mentioning.

Perseverance MF on the chests is not related to your personal MF. It only goes up to 5 stacks max. Compared to zero stacks for the home instance chest. As far as how effective it is, I have no idea – personal mileage may vary according to your own luck. I recommend offering lutefisk to your deity of choice.

That doesn’t change anything. If 529% isn’t making any difference what good is 150%?

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: meanddubby.3471


It’s not like keys are expensive. First thing i did was throw a stack of 100 keys to my home instance parked alt, the one that does the daily node mining. Now he’s got one more node per round, and i’ve got 100 days to remember to send him more keys before he runs out…

So, you can collect the chest for 100 days then….
All of my nodes are forever, no assembly required.
And when no ones in the silverwastes any more?

Then it’ll take slightly more effort to refresh the stock? Every SW event rewards crests. It’s dead easy to solo a keep and to follow with the rubble event, and you get 30 crests out of it i believe? Or i’ll stop bothering, who knows. It’s not like it’s a gem store item, we got that for free, as an additional gizmo.

edit: of course rubble event follows defense, not capture. Point still stands, but duh!

I do not want to continually be forced to play old content, potentially by myself, on a toon that I have earmarked for other things on the complete other side of the world, just to be able to keep opening that chest.
This also requires extra, full price porting, negating the profit from the chest.
If I had known that it would b like this, I never would have bothered with the story at all.
I have the crystallized node & the candy corn node in my instance. Both were worth the time & energy I spent to get them, because they don’t cost me something additional in order to harvest them.

You made a good point I hadn’t thought about. Being forced to replay old content.

However, with the new boss, there is the potential to keep people in the zone, albeit for a short while until something new comes along. It’s been nice to find that people are still farming events in Dry Top, but without something similar to the Mawdrey grind to force people to keep farming the map, sw will eventually die down. Unless they’re thinking that new people leveling up and those unlocking the living story via gems at some later point will keep the map relevant, it still does not negate the fact that we were given a permanent node in our home instance that is not worth it. At least it was technically free, I’d be madder than hell if I worked my tail off and bought it and then had to pay to use it.

Member of [GSCH] – Banana Pancakes

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Then it’ll take slightly more effort to refresh the stock? Every SW event rewards crests. It’s dead easy to solo a keep and to follow with the rubble event, and you get 30 crests out of it i believe?

You can, but are more likely to get 10-15. The crest rewards are wildly random lately. And of course, you will likely also get enough shovels to dig up enough chests (or other people will dig up chest) during those very same events.
Generally, it is much more convenient to use up keys fast in sw, than transfer them to another char (or switch locations) and keep using them one by one over a loong time.
And over a longer number of chests, those perserverance buffs (and the Vinewreath kill +50% MF buff on top of it) will really make a difference.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SSGroguey.5841


I find it useless myself. Why bother going to my home instance when I can get more bandit chests out in SW? Compared to 1 thats once per day and [still] needs a key. Why bother going to my home instance when I get some buffs that increase the loot from chests out in SW? Not to mention I’m getting plenty of crests in return for doing a few events here and there while hunting for chests, which means plenty more keys to keep myself busy in SW…

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gulesave.5073


So now I need to have keys taking up an inventory slot for any character who wants to visit their home instance? That is not an attractive proposition.

I should be writing.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fishball.7204


Kinda annoying how it changes places and requires keys.


Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


Keys are essentially free, it’s an extra chest for zero effort.

Let’s just file this under “People will complain about literally everything”

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Keys are essentially free, it’s an extra chest for zero effort.

It’s not extra. I can easily use up any and all my keys in SW, and i usually do so. A key left to open home instance chest is there only because i decided to not open a chest in SW. And since SW chests are right where i get the keys, while the home instance chest is elsewhere, the effort to open the latter is actually greater.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spoj.9672


It doesnt really make sense to me. If you need to go get a key from SW then you may aswell stay in SW and open a chest there.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Windsagio.1340


There is actually a non-zero, sometimes sizable amount of time to find a chest guys. You can even strike out if you’re using a shovel (which of course is extra work/cost).

It’s not worth going all alone, but if you say have a cloth node and a skillpoint (to convert quartz) and a watchwork mine in your home, just dump some keys on whomever clears that stuff every day and pick up an extra champ bag.

Home Instance Bandit Chest

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astral Projections.7320

Astral Projections.7320

There is actually a non-zero, sometimes sizable amount of time to find a chest guys. You can even strike out if you’re using a shovel (which of course is extra work/cost).

It’s not worth going all alone, but if you say have a cloth node and a skillpoint (to convert quartz) and a watchwork mine in your home, just dump some keys on whomever clears that stuff every day and pick up an extra champ bag.


And then there’s being harassed by hyenas and mordrem while trying to find and dig up chests with a shovel and then unlocking it, versus simply running over to the chest in your home instance.

Sometimes you feel like going out there and running around looking for a chest and sometimes you don’t.