Horizontal progression, how it can work
Let’s take it a step further and add a new tier of items and call them astal items.
Now, what makes an astral item stand out is the huge variance in the stats. Let’s say it has power, precision, MF, and vitality, thus falling somewhere between exotic and ascended amount of stats. Two things sets an astral item aside from the rest.
1. It will have an odd effect on it, for instance…
- every fifth hit received, activate 2s of might
- when damage received equals 20% of max health, refill endurance
- whenever you take a critical hit, your next hit will be critical
- after being revived, your ability with the longest cooldown remaining will be restored
- when you are knocked down, adjacent enemies get’s pushed away
IMO, the game needs more quirky, but character defining item traits like these.
2. It’s stat fluctuations will be a lot greater than the other two items. Meaning, one stat will be higher than ascended values, while three stats will be lower than exotic values.
This means that the item will have an all or nothing feel, being strong in one direction while neglecting the others, but also contains a gambit of sorts with the added effect.
Don’t take my suggestion with the astral gear too much to heart, it’s just a random idea, just to show to what a degree horizontal progression can push itself.
From what I suggested, the playing field will be as such:
Exotic: Items with the most flexibility. Due to the item upgrade slot, a player will have freedom of customization, meaning you can have some semblance of the stats you want, and can even push a few stats beyond ascended (or astral) figures.
Ascended: Items with over all stats higher than exotic gear, but always have six different item stats. There will be an edge in the for of infusions, but ascended stats can never be potentially higher than an exotic item with a jewel sharing stats. Ascended items will have an overall feel of strength.
Astral: A proposed item that can focus majorly in one area, while leaving the rest open. Requires a certain level of skill (or madness) to be done right. This sort of item is only an example of major flexibility of the system.
Alright, I’ve used examples of items already in the game, while adding an off the wall illustration of my own. But I really think this portrays rather effectively how the concept of horizontal progression can’t harm the game. In fact, it will only make the game more intricate by adding options and new ideas of how to play your character.
I can also probably add numbers to my examples, I guess it would explain a lot of things more clearly. However, I think I got a clear point across in the end.