How this game can be interesting to people like me

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


GW2 is the kind of game u come home tired from work and u can log in a do whatever da hell u want, u can PVE, PVP, WvW u can just jump in and have fun, that is why most of us love this game, there are no riad schedules or gear progression u have to do cuz otherwise nobody will want u on their groups, u don’t have to be on a guild and do guild events like it was a 2nd job. Hell no GW2 is casual and we love it this way, we log in and just have fun doing whaever da hell we want. We don’t feel tied to it, we can just stop playing for 3, 4 days and come back and eveything is the same u can just jump in into the fun. I think that is the target audience GW2 is aiming at, ppl who don’t want to feel a game is a 2nd job, ppl who just want to log and have fun to forget about real life problems just for a few hours.
It is not meant to be epic, just enjoyable, the combat feels great, the graphics are amazing it a beatifull looking game. Notice every single WoW clone has died fast, cuz ppl who likes that kind of game will just go back to WoW in the end. In the other hand a games like GW1 or Lineage 2 lived for over 9 years allready and coexisted with WoW from the very beggining, and the only reasson for that is cuz ppl who likes those game dislikes WoW and,¡ they loved those games cuz offered a different experience.
So even while i understand everything u said, i think u are very right to feel that way, but this game, may be, is just not for u cuz some of us actually love this game the way it is. I’m sure they will include more WoW like content in the future to try atract some players like u, but in the end, the game will allways be what it is.

I can log on after work and finish my legendary?!!? ZOMG!!!

Seriously though, you can do what you want if you don’t mind getting the shaft. I am sure like you, like me.. You don’t mind working 40/50 hours a week for nothing, then this game is right up your alley.

I’m not even really that “hardcore” and I burnt through gw2 quick, I have roughly the same hours in Skyrim as I do gw2, pretty weak mmo fo sho..

Then….why are you playing? Why would you decide to play a game that isn’t fun to you, unless you just want to troll? People normally play games they like, not games they dislike. Seems like a simple choice, don’t do things you don’t like to do with your free time. Are the devs kidnapping people and locking them in a room with this game or something?

As you can clearly see, I am not playing.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


GW2 is the kind of game u come home tired from work and u can log in a do whatever da hell u want, u can PVE, PVP, WvW u can just jump in and have fun, that is why most of us love this game, there are no riad schedules or gear progression u have to do cuz otherwise nobody will want u on their groups, u don’t have to be on a guild and do guild events like it was a 2nd job. Hell no GW2 is casual and we love it this way, we log in and just have fun doing whaever da hell we want. We don’t feel tied to it, we can just stop playing for 3, 4 days and come back and eveything is the same u can just jump in into the fun. I think that is the target audience GW2 is aiming at, ppl who don’t want to feel a game is a 2nd job, ppl who just want to log and have fun to forget about real life problems just for a few hours.
It is not meant to be epic, just enjoyable, the combat feels great, the graphics are amazing it a beatifull looking game. Notice every single WoW clone has died fast, cuz ppl who likes that kind of game will just go back to WoW in the end. In the other hand a games like GW1 or Lineage 2 lived for over 9 years allready and coexisted with WoW from the very beggining, and the only reasson for that is cuz ppl who likes those game dislikes WoW and,¡ they loved those games cuz offered a different experience.
So even while i understand everything u said, i think u are very right to feel that way, but this game, may be, is just not for u cuz some of us actually love this game the way it is. I’m sure they will include more WoW like content in the future to try atract some players like u, but in the end, the game will allways be what it is.

I can log on after work and finish my legendary?!!? ZOMG!!!

Seriously though, you can do what you want if you don’t mind getting the shaft. I am sure like you, like me.. You don’t mind working 40/50 hours a week for nothing, then this game is right up your alley.

I’m not even really that “hardcore” and I burnt through gw2 quick, I have roughly the same hours in Skyrim as I do gw2, pretty weak mmo fo sho..

Then….why are you playing? Why would you decide to play a game that isn’t fun to you, unless you just want to troll? People normally play games they like, not games they dislike. Seems like a simple choice, don’t do things you don’t like to do with your free time. Are the devs kidnapping people and locking them in a room with this game or something?

As you can clearly see, I am not playing.

then why are you on the forums? There’s a lot of games that I bought, but didn’t like. You won’t see me present on forums dedicated to those games though.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


GW2 is the kind of game u come home tired from work and u can log in a do whatever da hell u want, u can PVE, PVP, WvW u can just jump in and have fun, that is why most of us love this game, there are no riad schedules or gear progression u have to do cuz otherwise nobody will want u on their groups, u don’t have to be on a guild and do guild events like it was a 2nd job. Hell no GW2 is casual and we love it this way, we log in and just have fun doing whaever da hell we want. We don’t feel tied to it, we can just stop playing for 3, 4 days and come back and eveything is the same u can just jump in into the fun. I think that is the target audience GW2 is aiming at, ppl who don’t want to feel a game is a 2nd job, ppl who just want to log and have fun to forget about real life problems just for a few hours.
It is not meant to be epic, just enjoyable, the combat feels great, the graphics are amazing it a beatifull looking game. Notice every single WoW clone has died fast, cuz ppl who likes that kind of game will just go back to WoW in the end. In the other hand a games like GW1 or Lineage 2 lived for over 9 years allready and coexisted with WoW from the very beggining, and the only reasson for that is cuz ppl who likes those game dislikes WoW and,¡ they loved those games cuz offered a different experience.
So even while i understand everything u said, i think u are very right to feel that way, but this game, may be, is just not for u cuz some of us actually love this game the way it is. I’m sure they will include more WoW like content in the future to try atract some players like u, but in the end, the game will allways be what it is.

I can log on after work and finish my legendary?!!? ZOMG!!!

Seriously though, you can do what you want if you don’t mind getting the shaft. I am sure like you, like me.. You don’t mind working 40/50 hours a week for nothing, then this game is right up your alley.

I’m not even really that “hardcore” and I burnt through gw2 quick, I have roughly the same hours in Skyrim as I do gw2, pretty weak mmo fo sho..

Then….why are you playing? Why would you decide to play a game that isn’t fun to you, unless you just want to troll? People normally play games they like, not games they dislike. Seems like a simple choice, don’t do things you don’t like to do with your free time. Are the devs kidnapping people and locking them in a room with this game or something?

As you can clearly see, I am not playing.

then why are you on the forums? There’s a lot of games that I bought, but didn’t like. You won’t see me present on forums dedicated to those games though.

Why are you on the forums fanboy? Shouldn’t you be playing? Can’t Anet defend themselves or do they need you here to rescue them from every nay-sayer?

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


Me and everyone I know has treated this game like a Single Player game, where you play enjoy for he hours you get out of it and then put it down. Which really isn’t what an MMO is traditionally and that’s where people are feeling indifferent.

As I now know 0 people that have interest or play this game and I “completed” the game 2 months ago I took a break in decemeber and have probably logged in for all of 4 days over Jan. It took me 2 months to reach max and i’ve had 2 months of not playing so i’ve had time to gather my thoughts.

One I really love the game, one of the better mmos on the market but not the best but better than most. It lacks in longevity to a point where it’s actually worrying this may be from my own experince but every single person I know who bought this game on launch or any time after has stopped playing completely and either said they have completed the game and won’t go back or they’ll wait a year and see if they improve what needs improving.

Me im looking for a MMO to call home like many people do, you know the game you play as your main mmo, saidly GW2 will never be a main mmo to a high majority of people while people LOVE the game there is nothing making them want to play causing them to just stop logging in and find other games which hold this desire to log in. I’m personally hoping TESO will be my main mmo because it sounds amazing so far.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


GW2 is the kind of game u come home tired from work and u can log in a do whatever da hell u want, u can PVE, PVP, WvW u can just jump in and have fun, that is why most of us love this game, there are no riad schedules or gear progression u have to do cuz otherwise nobody will want u on their groups, u don’t have to be on a guild and do guild events like it was a 2nd job. Hell no GW2 is casual and we love it this way, we log in and just have fun doing whaever da hell we want. We don’t feel tied to it, we can just stop playing for 3, 4 days and come back and eveything is the same u can just jump in into the fun. I think that is the target audience GW2 is aiming at, ppl who don’t want to feel a game is a 2nd job, ppl who just want to log and have fun to forget about real life problems just for a few hours.
It is not meant to be epic, just enjoyable, the combat feels great, the graphics are amazing it a beatifull looking game. Notice every single WoW clone has died fast, cuz ppl who likes that kind of game will just go back to WoW in the end. In the other hand a games like GW1 or Lineage 2 lived for over 9 years allready and coexisted with WoW from the very beggining, and the only reasson for that is cuz ppl who likes those game dislikes WoW and,¡ they loved those games cuz offered a different experience.
So even while i understand everything u said, i think u are very right to feel that way, but this game, may be, is just not for u cuz some of us actually love this game the way it is. I’m sure they will include more WoW like content in the future to try atract some players like u, but in the end, the game will allways be what it is.

I can log on after work and finish my legendary?!!? ZOMG!!!

Seriously though, you can do what you want if you don’t mind getting the shaft. I am sure like you, like me.. You don’t mind working 40/50 hours a week for nothing, then this game is right up your alley.

I’m not even really that “hardcore” and I burnt through gw2 quick, I have roughly the same hours in Skyrim as I do gw2, pretty weak mmo fo sho..

Then….why are you playing? Why would you decide to play a game that isn’t fun to you, unless you just want to troll? People normally play games they like, not games they dislike. Seems like a simple choice, don’t do things you don’t like to do with your free time. Are the devs kidnapping people and locking them in a room with this game or something?

As you can clearly see, I am not playing.

then why are you on the forums? There’s a lot of games that I bought, but didn’t like. You won’t see me present on forums dedicated to those games though.

Why are you on the forums fanboy? Shouldn’t you be playing? Can’t Anet defend themselves or do they need you here to rescue them from every nay-sayer?

I’m on the forums, because I enjoy having discussions and I enjoy ready what people like, what people suggest, what is coming next. I like being an active part of a community, that’s why I enjoy playing MMOs in the first place. If you don’t enjoy being part of this community (having in mind that you don’t like and don’t play this game) I end up questioning how by any means can it be satisfying to go to the forums of something that you don’t like to rage at it? Doesn’t it just bring lots of negative emotions into your life?

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ATTHWSM.7840


Seriously though, you can do what you want if you don’t mind getting the shaft. I am sure like you, like me.. You don’t mind working 40/50 hours a week for nothing, then this game is right up your alley.

I’m not even really that “hardcore” and I burnt through gw2 quick, I have roughly the same hours in Skyrim as I do gw2, pretty weak mmo fo sho..

Then….why are you playing? Why would you decide to play a game that isn’t fun to you, unless you just want to troll? People normally play games they like, not games they dislike. Seems like a simple choice, don’t do things you don’t like to do with your free time. Are the devs kidnapping people and locking them in a room with this game or something?[/quote]

As you can clearly see, I am not playing.[/quote]

then why are you on the forums? There’s a lot of games that I bought, but didn’t like. You won’t see me present on forums dedicated to those games though. [/quote]

Why are you on the forums fanboy? Shouldn’t you be playing? Can’t Anet defend themselves or do they need you here to rescue them from every nay-sayer?[/quote]

I’m on the forums, because I enjoy having discussions and I enjoy ready what people like, what people suggest, what is coming next. I like being an active part of a community, that’s why I enjoy playing MMOs in the first place. If you don’t enjoy being part of this community (having in mind that you don’t like and don’t play this game) I end up questioning how by any means can it be satisfying to go to the forums of something that you don’t like to rage at it? Doesn’t it just bring lots of negative emotions into your life? [/quote]

This guy…. carebearing for GW2. I actually never thought of GW2 as a single player game, but this guy pretty much hit it for me. Itsa great game, I had a lot of fun, the community was generally legit and THE DEs were sick, like I really liked that idea and other mmos should start doing that.

The game got screwed because it has nowhere for players to go. Dont say roll an alt, why? It takes 5 minutes to get top tier gear, and you can quest to 80 with crafting in like 3 days. So whats left? GRINDING (which MMOS need, its part of them, so stop complaining about it) dungeons for skins? LOLOL… really? Im going to run some of the EASIEST (aside from Arah 4/TA with pugs) dungeons ever designed so I can look cooler?

Whats the point? If you can clear a dungeon with what you have, youll always be able to clear it, and your not ever getting BETTER items to advance to HARDER dungeons. THIS is why GW2 is failing, but its something that IM sure ANET will figure out. They did so much right, and their not going to fail its MOST DEDICATED players. (those of us that can clear Fractals 30 …for items that only affect Fractals…)

For the thousandth time, people complaining about " OMG ILL LEAVE IF THEIRS RAIDS " or " ILL QUIT FOR THIS " are the people ANET shouldnt be worrying about. Its their players that are asking for progression and harder things to do that ANET should worry about, because they put the most time into this game, and they generally understand more about it than your average player. Holy crap people, if someone is decked out in better gear than you, how does it ruin your game play? It doesnt. So stop with this " OMG ILL QUIT IF THEIRS a new tier " crap.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kenshinakh.3672


The game is designed around more of a horizontal progression when compared to WoW. Horizontal vs Vertical, that’s a matter of taste.

There’s much more to the game than just progressing, and please don’t say hardcore players want vertical progression because “hardcore” has many different perspectives.

The good points of the end game on GW2 is that you’re not forced to get gear for stats (well, you do have to get gear a bit to start off lol). So what does it boil down to? Skills. Skills along and enjoying the dungeon fights and actually playing the game for fun instead of just gearing up and up and up. Now, you can argue that gearing up is fun itself, and I agree since I found it fun when I played other MMOs. But GW2 is different, and I like the taste it gives.

Scaling is something I thought is brilliant. You have great game content throughout the world, so why not? It’s actually enjoyable to level where I want without being tied down by “Oh, this zone is too low level, time to just skip it”. You do get stronger if you’re a high level going to a low level, but you’re not going to just one shot an event boss. Is it more “hardcore” and harder to play solo? Yes, downleveling does make the game more challenging. Now, I can see some types of people who dislike it, but those people usually enjoy destroying low level NPCs in other MMOs. Basically, downleveling adds more replay in the game.

Also, we know there’s going to be more dungeons, and possibly larger scale fights later as the game gets its patches. You won’t get a gear treadmill but you got your endgame there. Do all the dungeons, all the story mode, all the explorable paths, and that’s your endgame. But remember, your goal is to have fun, not to gear up and up and up. That’s GW2’s design and it’s different from most MMOs for that reason.

I quote myself.

ATTHWSM.7840, are you saying the only way you’ll have fun is by getting stronger gear on every single time GW2 does a content patch? When has gaming turned into “let’s farm and just gear up because that’s the only thing that is fun”? I’m exaggerating a bit, but GW2 designed the endgame to be as it is now so that people don’t HAVE to dungeon and keep up to keep a competitive edge. Your gear stats reach a limit, and then all you have to worry about is having fun playing a dungeon. Do you get it now? The end game in GW2 is purely for you to have fun. You’re not going to uber pawn people with new shiny gear, but at the same time, you don’t have to whine about not having enough time to play and be geared as the guy who beat you. The horizontal progression lets you expand on your skills instead of falling back to the mind set of “oh, I lost because I’m not geared.”.

How this game can be interesting to people like me

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azjenco.9425


then why are you on the forums? There’s a lot of games that I bought, but didn’t like. You won’t see me present on forums dedicated to those games though.

Why are you on the forums fanboy? Shouldn’t you be playing? Can’t Anet defend themselves or do they need you here to rescue them from every nay-sayer?

Alright, these days going onto a gaming forum and calling a fan of said game a fanboy doesn’t make you look cool, it got old like ten years ago. It just makes you look like a kitten.

It’s also nonsensical to try and point out that the only reason to go to a game’s forum is to moan and call it bad “because if the game is so good, then why are the fans on the forum and not in game ha-yuk”. See how stupid that sounds when you stop to think about it?

The reason he’s here is to talk about the game, the same as you, and the end result of that reason, believe it or not, is the same as yours. He, just as much as you, wants this game to be great.

However, clamoring that a game needs to change its fundamental design to cater to your own standards is ludicrous. What, just so it can be exactly like another game you like? ANet specifically wants this game to move into a new direction, its supposed to refine the features it already has, not throw in the towel and jump back on the trusted old rusty train that everyone’s been riding for the past few years.
Do you really think the games that innovated back then got all their ideas spot on right out the gate?

GW2 is what it is, and it will elaborate on those concepts, refining them, and hone them. So, why jump onto forums and demand the game become what you want it to be? Moreover, when people actually say they gasp enjoy what the game delivers, insulting them makes you look like an kitten hat, not the other way around.

(edited by Azjenco.9425)