(edited by Dantert.1803)
I want Tengu as the next playable race!
I see a lot of complaining about the human armors applied to the charr and all the issues and clipping, but people have to understand that making a full armor in 3d takes time, a lot of time, not just because of the 3d model but also for the rigging and implementation, if they had to multiply the time they spent for the armors for each race or just x2 you would have had to wait much more time for the release of the game. But such a thing is just insane from a production point of view.
Hm, with a second race on the same rig, that’d give them more incentive to do Charr armor right. Gimme Tengu!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Tengu is for the birds.
(seriously, 4 pages and no one said it? C’mon people!)
I’d make a serious third character if Tengu became a playable race. That’d be pretty cool.
I’d make four tengu, one for each of the Four Winds.
I’ve already made four sylvari for each of the four seasons, haha, why stop? xD
My two asura will have much to gripe about, it’s perfect, I can see it already,
“Get out of my lab, bird-brain; I don’t want you defecating all over my research. Go peck on someone your own size!”
Question for fans of the Tengu…or just anyone who feels like commenting I suppose:
Birds have various physical traits that differ with sex from plumage color and patterns to size although some have no visual difference in appearance (monomorphic). But consider Charr for a moment. Charr have obvious differences in appearance between males and females, namely size (males being slightly bulkier while females being more sleek in comparison), the style of horns and most notably the floof of their tails (ignoring specific apple loving outliers here).
So, what about Tengu? If made playable, should they have some dimorphism similar to some bird species? Or perhaps just differences made up in the minds of the devs (like under-arm plumage for one sex and not the other)? Or maybe female Tengu should just have boobs and nice hips? Or should Tengu male and female be identical except for perhaps voice?
Or maybe female Tengu should just have boobs and nice hips?
Please don’t do this. If female charr don’t have boobs, why the hell would something that isn’t even a mammal have them? I’m so sick of non-mammalian races in MMOs having boobs just to make them look “hot”. I really want Tengu but if the females look like this it will just ruin it for me. Besides, the differences between male and female Tengu are mentioned in the wiki. Here is a quote from the wiki: “The females of their species have plainer plumage and are typically larger than males.”
(edited by Opal.9324)
If they put them in game and had decent armor that shows off the feathers I would make one.
ANet may give it to you.
Ditto! I want a Tengu Warrior soooooooooo bad.
Out of curiousity, how many of you would make a tengu and actually put effort into the character, if they didn’t make a race change kit?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
If Tengu ever make it in as playable, I want a Penguin Tengu.
“A Pengu.”
Question for fans of the Tengu…or just anyone who feels like commenting I suppose:
Birds have various physical traits that differ with sex from plumage color and patterns to size although some have no visual difference in appearance (monomorphic). But consider Charr for a moment. Charr have obvious differences in appearance between males and females, namely size (males being slightly bulkier while females being more sleek in comparison), the style of horns and most notably the floof of their tails (ignoring specific apple loving outliers here).
So, what about Tengu? If made playable, should they have some dimorphism similar to some bird species? Or perhaps just differences made up in the minds of the devs (like under-arm plumage for one sex and not the other)? Or maybe female Tengu should just have boobs and nice hips? Or should Tengu male and female be identical except for perhaps voice?
I would actually avoid a boob hips difference but go for something like the charr, in the end if you see charr far away the only thing that makes you understand that it is a male or a female are the horns and tail, there are bodies for male that are as slender as female and with all the armor pieces on top you can’t really see the difference.
I trust in the ability of the devs to deliver the difference in more masculine or feminine head features and maybe shape of the tail/head plumage. I think it should not be restricted to color of the feathers because people would want to go creazy with that without choosing the sex to have a specific colour.
Out of curiousity, how many of you would make a tengu and actually put effort into the character, if they didn’t make a race change kit?
I would buy a new slot or delete a character for sure since I have all the professions and some of them are of the same race, that means same starting zone.
I’ve wanted to play Tengu since Guild Wars 1.
I’ll be surprised if we ever get to.
Or maybe female Tengu should just have boobs and nice hips?
Please don’t do this. If female charr don’t have boobs, why the hell would something that isn’t even a mammal have them? I’m so sick of non-mammalian races in MMOs having boobs just to make them look “hot”. I really want Tengu but if the females look like this it will just ruin it for me. Besides, the differences between male and female Tengu are mentioned in the wiki. Here is a quote from the wiki: “The females of their species have plainer plumage and are typically larger than males.”
Don’t really have to elaborate on what you don’t want. I’m asking the opposite: elaborate on what you DO want.
I know what the wiki says but ‘plainer plumage’ can mean various things. How do you want to differ the females and males plumage?
I would actually avoid a boob hips difference but go for something like the charr, in the end if you see charr far away the only thing that makes you understand that it is a male or a female are the horns and tail, there are bodies for male that are as slender as female and with all the armor pieces on top you can’t really see the difference. I trust in the ability of the devs to deliver the difference in more masculine or feminine head features and maybe shape of the tail/head plumage. I think it should not be restricted to color of the feathers because people would want to go creazy with that without choosing the sex to have a specific colour.
Well male Charr do have noticeably more musculature when viewed without armor. On a biological standpoint, I’d count that as being bulkier.
Back to Tengu, I’d agree that color shouldn’t be limited by sex but perhaps the size of plumage could be the difference? Having females have prominent head plumage and styles while males have the same but for tail plumage?
Or maybe female Tengu should just have boobs and nice hips?
Please don’t do this. If female charr don’t have boobs, why the hell would something that isn’t even a mammal have them? I’m so sick of non-mammalian races in MMOs having boobs just to make them look “hot”. I really want Tengu but if the females look like this it will just ruin it for me. Besides, the differences between male and female Tengu are mentioned in the wiki. Here is a quote from the wiki: “The females of their species have plainer plumage and are typically larger than males.”
Don’t really have to elaborate on what you don’t want. I’m asking the opposite: elaborate on what you DO want.
I know what the wiki says but ‘plainer plumage’ can mean various things. How do you want to differ the females and males plumage?
I would actually avoid a boob hips difference but go for something like the charr, in the end if you see charr far away the only thing that makes you understand that it is a male or a female are the horns and tail, there are bodies for male that are as slender as female and with all the armor pieces on top you can’t really see the difference. I trust in the ability of the devs to deliver the difference in more masculine or feminine head features and maybe shape of the tail/head plumage. I think it should not be restricted to color of the feathers because people would want to go creazy with that without choosing the sex to have a specific colour.
Well male Charr do have noticeably more musculature when viewed without armor. On a biological standpoint, I’d count that as being bulkier.
Back to Tengu, I’d agree that color shouldn’t be limited by sex but perhaps the size of plumage could be the difference? Having females have prominent head plumage and styles while males have the same but for tail plumage?
Male charr have the option to be bulkier but the main difference is the head.
Agree about the different plumage on the head and tail but I guess as I said before that the majour difference would be in the face features, the female, as an example, could lack the small fangs on the side of the beak or they could have fluffy plumage on the legs
Tengu is for the birds.
(seriously, 4 pages and no one said it? C’mon people!)
Hey, that’s sexist. Boys can enjoy Tengu too!
..wait, you didn’t mean “bird” as in “dame, chick, gal, or lady”?
mehjustgimmemybirdehs! #90$ontheline
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Honestly… I think the Tengu really do have the best shot at the next playable race.
The only other clear one I can see is, ironically, the Dredge – There’s enough space in the Steamspur mountains to fit Dredge starting areas into before shoveling them into the rest of Tyria, and temperate mountains with expansive underground areas would provide a unique starting zone that’s completely distinct from the other zones. Living World events could give the current dredge areas the overhaul they need, as the Moleariat Collective finds itself forced to ally with the Pact against the dragons. “We have always been at war with the Dragons! We have always been Allied with the Pact!” They can also add a tetris minigame!
Of course, there’s sufficient old-guard loyalists to maintain Dredge as enemies as well. The biggest problem might be cultural redundancy/similarity with the Charr.
Biggest problem with Dredge is that they’re ugly naked mole people, and nobody would want to play as them.
But with Tengu… they may need to make Gliding free and instant to everyone with the Xpac, and make their starting areas really shine with gliding. But otherwise, they are really quite distinct from the other five races.
Skritt are too ubiquitous, decentralized, and unique-minded to be playable. Kodan are just furry, boring Norn.
As much as I would LOVE a new playable race, like tengu, skritt, or largos, the logistics are just completely unfeasible for it to happen. And thats okay. theyre good reasons, valid reasons, why anet just can not. not will not, CAN NOT.
I would love to play as a Tengu too! Although ever since I first met the Kodan in Lion’s Arch I have wanted to play as a Kodan. There are lots of other races that I could see working as playable characters, like the Grawl, Skritt, Hylek, and Itzel. But, my favorites are Tengu and Kodan.
Male charr have the option to be bulkier but the main difference is the head.
Agree about the different plumage on the head and tail but I guess as I said before that the majour difference would be in the face features, the female, as an example, could lack the small fangs on the side of the beak or they could have fluffy plumage on the legs
You know, there IS precedent for that in GW1 – one of the Canthan tengu models didn’t have those fangs. They never really seemed to make up their minds what the difference between male and female tengu was in GW1 though – you saw the blurb about the females being larger and more drab-colored, but Talon Silverwing and Soar Honorclaw looked basically exactly the same. We later (in BMP, forget whether WoC was the same) saw the different models used to distinguish between Angchu and Sensali instead, but some of each were used for both tribes in the original GW Factions release.
In GW2 it’s probably relatively fair to say all the tengu we’ve seen so far (which are, incidentally, also all male – as yet unexplained) are more colorful, so they might be going back to that – but that said, if they actually do become playable, I suspect having all the females being confined to boring color options would elicit a widespread “…really?” from the playerbase. Not sure whether it would actually happen. The no tusks/fangs possibility has some plausibility, but… doesn’t mean it’ll happen of course.
But hey, ArenaNet (I forget who the responsible designer was, Linsey maybe?) did an excellent job on the female charr, so I’m sure they could come through again here.
One other detail to feed speculation further – you might have noticed that the voice modulation on tengu changed a bit in HoT (including for previously-existing NPCs). That may be going somewhere… doesn’t necessarily mean “Half-Life 3 playable tengu confirmed” but still.
Stormbluff Isle ( http://www.stormbluffisle.com )
Since race offers hardly anything to the gameplay, I vote against it. Sure it looks cool, but
I’d rather see ANet put that same creative effort in expanding the available Armours/looks for the current races/genders.
Without making them Gemstore purchases or hidden behind RNG drops.
I don’t think you could play a skritt unless you were a special snowflake one. Don’t they have variable intelligence based in the number around (or at least need multiple communicating to complete a complex though due to their low attention span)? A single skritt is too stupid to be the PC.
I would love to play a centaur but that wouldn’t wok in this game for obvious reason.
On the tengu gender issue I did see this the other day
PSA to people wanting Largos-
They are no longing giving any love to underwater anything. They stated as much in the AMA. They even are no longer developing anymore underwater legendaries. It just ain’t gonna happ’n cap’n.
Tengu however- Shut up and take my money Anet!!
Honestly, I think the Tengu are the only VIABLE race that might someday be playable.
Now I’m just looking at this from a logical viewpoint. I know some people want Skritt or Kodan or Largos (even heard people say they want Dredge???), everyone has their own personal favorite race, but the Tengu really are the only race that’s in a good spot to become eventually playable should Anet decide to. I mean, they were a strong candidate for one of the playable races during development of GW2 and even have a portion of the map sectioned off as their starter city (Dominion of Winds). There’s even concept art of what I’m assuming would’ve been choices that the player could make when creating a Tengu. And it just would seem to fit the best story-wise. They can finally open up their gates and the Tengu can finally be much more integrated into the world (as player-controlled characters).
Now I know Anet has said before that adding a new race “doesn’t really add anything to the game.” But that’s not entirely true. Just because a new race won’t “shake up the meta” or anything like that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have an impact on the world of GW. I guarantee you that if they became playable, you’d be seeing a TON of Tengu roaming the world because most people would love to have a brand new race to play with. And look at it this way as far as the next expansion goes: I seriously doubt that Anet is going to add any more professions to this game. They’ve got their nice little 3×3 setup with each armor class having a fair amount of professions to choose from, and I don’t think they’ll want to throw that off. So that’s a big piece of content that will likely NOT be included (creating a brand new profession takes a ton of work, so where is that extra work gonna go? MORE raids???). Also keep in mind, elite specs were originally going to be added as updates to the game (for free, I would think), whereas now they’ll only be included with expansions. So if Anet releases an expansion like HoT in which people were already complaining about the serious lack of content for a $60 price tag, but MINUS an entirely new profession, that’s going to be even LESS packaged content than HoT. That probably won’t sit well with most players.
So no, Tengu won’t alter the core gameplay (they’ll have a few racial utilities but nobody really picks those anyway), but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be enjoyed and appreciated by THOUSANDS and thousands of players. Including a brand new race with their own personal story elements and whatnot would definitely help make an expansion pack really FEEL like an expansion pack. And heck, fluff it up a bit with, I dunno, MORE EMOTES while they’re at it. I’m sure they don’t take THAT much work (compared to creating and balancing a new profession) and it would be greatly appreciated by a large chunk of the casual community, especially the roleplayers (the original GW had a ton of emotes compared to GW2), because they’re just as much a part of this game as everyone else. I’d really love it if we could interact with the environment like sitting in chairs, sleeping in beds, drinking at taverns, leaning against walls, stuff like that (pretty sure players in ESO can do all that). But that’s just my own wishful thinking.
Anyway, since Anet is a business and a business is all about making money, here’s another way to look at it: I bet there’d be a pretty big surge in character slot expansions bought from all the people who’d want to create their own handful of male and female Tengu. I know I’d buy several myself.
I’d be happy enough just being given access to their city.
Yeah, of all the races Tengu are the most likely to be added because of a number of things, including the aforementioned basic Charr animations and the fact that the Dominion of Winds map looks like it could fit nicely in the existing world* (albeit a bit too close to two already existing starting zones and cities).
But “most likely” doesn’t mean, you know, likely. Adding a new race would require much more of a rework than you’d think, what with the entire personal story and other related areas that would need a significant adjustment.
If I were a betting man, I’d say there won’t be another playable race. But if there will be, it’ll be Tengu for sure.
*In other news, we’re going after Kralkatorrik next. I mean, THE GATE IS RIGHT THERE, in Fields of Ruin.
They could do it like other games, get to level 80 and unlock tengu as a playable race, and they could skip a tengu story for the zhaitan section but it would be better if they map a story for them and tell the playerbase they are and it will take some time to get it ready, we are happy with knowing we get some new race and storylines plus they can take all the time they need to implement a tengu story plus other tengu things.
It would stop some complaints at the very least ????
Honestly, I think the Tengu are the only VIABLE race that might someday be playable.
Now I’m just looking at this from a logical viewpoint. I know some people want Skritt or Kodan or Largos (even heard people say they want Dredge???), everyone has their own personal favorite race, but the Tengu really are the only race that’s in a good spot to become eventually playable should Anet decide to. I mean, they were a strong candidate for one of the playable races during development of GW2 and even have a portion of the map sectioned off as their starter city (Dominion of Winds). There’s even concept art of what I’m assuming would’ve been choices that the player could make when creating a Tengu. And it just would seem to fit the best story-wise. They can finally open up their gates and the Tengu can finally be much more integrated into the world (as player-controlled characters).
Now I know Anet has said before that adding a new race “doesn’t really add anything to the game.” But that’s not entirely true. Just because a new race won’t “shake up the meta” or anything like that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t have an impact on the world of GW. I guarantee you that if they became playable, you’d be seeing a TON of Tengu roaming the world because most people would love to have a brand new race to play with. And look at it this way as far as the next expansion goes: I seriously doubt that Anet is going to add any more professions to this game. They’ve got their nice little 3×3 setup with each armor class having a fair amount of professions to choose from, and I don’t think they’ll want to throw that off. So that’s a big piece of content that will likely NOT be included (creating a brand new profession takes a ton of work, so where is that extra work gonna go? MORE raids???). Also keep in mind, elite specs were originally going to be added as updates to the game (for free, I would think), whereas now they’ll only be included with expansions. So if Anet releases an expansion like HoT in which people were already complaining about the serious lack of content for a $60 price tag, but MINUS an entirely new profession, that’s going to be even LESS packaged content than HoT. That probably won’t sit well with most players.
So no, Tengu won’t alter the core gameplay (they’ll have a few racial utilities but nobody really picks those anyway), but that doesn’t mean they wouldn’t be enjoyed and appreciated by THOUSANDS and thousands of players. Including a brand new race with their own personal story elements and whatnot would definitely help make an expansion pack really FEEL like an expansion pack. And heck, fluff it up a bit with, I dunno, MORE EMOTES while they’re at it. I’m sure they don’t take THAT much work (compared to creating and balancing a new profession) and it would be greatly appreciated by a large chunk of the casual community, especially the roleplayers (the original GW had a ton of emotes compared to GW2), because they’re just as much a part of this game as everyone else. I’d really love it if we could interact with the environment like sitting in chairs, sleeping in beds, drinking at taverns, leaning against walls, stuff like that (pretty sure players in ESO can do all that). But that’s just my own wishful thinking.
Anyway, since Anet is a business and a business is all about making money, here’s another way to look at it: I bet there’d be a pretty big surge in character slot expansions bought from all the people who’d want to create their own handful of male and female Tengu. I know I’d buy several myself.
It also adds low-level content to the game, reducing ‘New Player Lockout’, and encouraging people to try out the new low-level zones.
One of the big problems I think the current Expansion pack is that it added too many Level 80+ zones, and not enough Level 1-75 zones. Why buy an expansion that won’t offer you anything for months?
Out of curiousity, how many of you would make a tengu and actually put effort into the character, if they didn’t make a race change kit?
Out of curiousity, how many of you would make a tengu and actually put effort into the character, if they didn’t make a race change kit?
I’ve actually put off making a Guardian and Necro because I have enough Charr, Asura and Sylvari (And 1 Human is more than enough). Not sure if I’d make a Guardian Tengu but I’m definitely holding out for a Necro Tengu.
A armor or an outfit would solve the problem.
A armor or an outfit would solve the problem.
You can’t customize outfits. And armor pieces that morph your body into a Tengu makes no sense not to mention again, you can’t customize the armor you wear over that.
Also, I simply don’t understand why people look so hard and often to work-arounds for a problem that Anet doesn’t have. Anet doesn’t need quick cheap fixes for races…they already do a top notch job on making races interesting and distinct. They also don’t need to save on effort, we pay them enough money that they have the resources to make things happen.
Yeah, of all the races Tengu are the most likely to be added because of a number of things, including the aforementioned basic Charr animations and the fact that the Dominion of Winds map looks like it could fit nicely in the existing world* (albeit a bit too close to two already existing starting zones and cities).
But “most likely” doesn’t mean, you know, likely. Adding a new race would require much more of a rework than you’d think, what with the entire personal story and other related areas that would need a significant adjustment.
If I were a betting man, I’d say there won’t be another playable race. But if there will be, it’ll be Tengu for sure.
I realize that “most likely” doesn’t translate to “likely.” No one is saying that Anet is going to for sure add a new playable race with this next expansion or even the one after that. I’m just saying that it would be a really cool way to make an expansion pack truly feel like an expansion. And the Tengu would be the best and “most likely” candidate.
But honestly (and I’m not taking a direct shot at you, Ariurotl. I’ve heard this excuse several times before), I absolutely hate it when people use that as an argument for why Anet won’t put in a new race. “It requires too much WORK! It’s a lot of WORK to add a new race! They aren’t gonna put that kind of WORK into this game!” Isn’t that, you know, Anet’s job as a game developer? To work on games? Like God forbid Anet actually puts hard work into this next expansion.
Yes, adding a new race will most assuredly not be a simple task. There was a little hope when they changed the Tengu animations from the Charr ones, but there would still be a lot more work to be done to actually make them fully playable. But you know what? EVERYTHING takes work. And It’s that kind of work that many of the players would love and appreciate. I would hope that with future expansions (as Sartharina pointed out) Anet will add some content that you don’t necessarily have to be level 80 with awesome gear to enjoy. Having a new race to start the game with would be a FANTASTIC way to do this! Enjoyable for brand new players and veteran players who want something new (not grindy and hardcore) to experience.
(edited by Leviathan.6327)
I realize that “most likely” doesn’t translate to “likely.” No one is saying that Anet is going to for sure add a new playable race with this next expansion or even the one after that. I’m just saying that it would be a really cool way to make an expansion pack truly feel like an expansion. And the Tengu would be the best and “most likely” candidate.
But honestly (and I’m not taking a direct shot at you, Ariurotl. I’ve heard this excuse several times before), I absolutely hate it when people use that as an argument for why Anet won’t put in a new race. “It requires too much WORK! It’s a lot of WORK to add a new race! They aren’t gonna put that kind of WORK into this game!” Isn’t that, you know, Anet’s job as a game developer? To work on games? Like God forbid Anet actually puts hard work into this next expansion.
Yes, adding a new race will most assuredly not be a simple task. There was a little hope when they changed the Tengu animations from the Charr ones, but there would still be a lot more work to be done to actually make them fully playable. But you know what? EVERYTHING takes work. And It’s that kind of work that many of the players would love and appreciate. I would hope that with future expansions (as Sartharina pointed out) Anet will add some content that you don’t necessarily have to be level 80 with awesome gear to enjoy. Having a new race to start the game with would be a FANTASTIC way to do this! Enjoyable for brand new players and veteran players who want something new (not grindy and hardcore) to experience.
The hard work in question is the dev’s ability to keep from quitting in despair, because they’d know they should be working on Skritt as a playable race instead.
Please add Tengu so I can continue to make Dead Parrot jokes until everyone hates me and my life ends when a mob of torch wielding villagers ties me to a Murphy Bed and folds it into a wall, killing me
The hard work in question is the dev’s ability to keep from quitting in despair, because they’d know they should be working on Skritt as a playable race instead.
Please add Tengu so I can continue to make Dead Parrot jokes until everyone hates me and my life ends when a mob of torch wielding villagers ties me to a Murphy Bed and folds it into a wall, killing me
That’s an oddly specific fetish. o_O
Really though, render unto me playable birdies.
Get it? Render? Computer graphics? Kaw-haw-haw! (I might be a little out of it right now.)
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632
Please add Tengu so I can continue to make Dead Parrot jokes until everyone hates me and my life ends when a mob of torch wielding villagers ties me to a Murphy Bed and folds it into a wall, killing me
That’s an oddly specific fetish. o_O
Really though, render unto me playable birdies.
Get it? Render? Computer graphics? Kaw-haw-haw! (I might be a little out of it right now.)
It’s a Monty Python joke. Classic!
This Tengu.
E’s passed on! This tengu is no more! He has ceased to be! ’E’s expired and gone to meet ‘is maker! ’E’s a stiff! Bereft of life, ‘e rests in peace! If you hadn’t nailed ‘im to the perch ’e’d be pushing up the daisies! ‘Is metabolic processes are now ’istory! ’E’s off the twig! ’E’s kicked the bucket, ’e’s shuffled off ‘is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-TENGU!!
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
I understand people saying that for them a new race isn’t the best choice but as for raids there are people that enjoy that kind of content, so deal with it.
To the devs I would ask to consider the option of a new race for the expansion, also to add volume to the content and make it feel like a true GW expansion. I really hope that the statement that Colin made for Hot that they thought adding a new race wasn’t the best choice to add content in this expansion will not be followed for the next one.
I am waiting since before the release of GW2 to play as a Tengu, hearing that it was dropped before the release was really a though one, I can’t stand all the teasing with the big wall and the big door in LA with the Tengu saying that they will soon decide whom they will fight against and who are their allies.
So please!
Continuing the discussion, I like the idea someone had posted about before about the
Tengu story and making it a requirement to reach level 80 + story mode completion to unlock Tengu as a playable race on your account.
At that point, the story doesn’t have to be about Zhaitan and the undead but just aiding the Pact against the will of your countrymen (countrybirds) or changing political stands of your homeland to join in the fight or utilizing your race’s resources to hold off the next big threat behind the scenes so it doesn’t cause something catastrophic during the battle against Mordremoth. That’s 3 different angles you can craft the Tengu story around and possibly many others. Just try to make the story rewards line up with the original story rewards and make new achievements in this story mode to give players another angle to want to tackle a new character.
I think that pretty much covers all the issues of making the new race except the work involved (duh! it’s going to require effort on someone’s part! Need a handful of new maps, some story work, etc) and the clipping (nothing to do about it. ****’s going to clip, even if you’re human. Take the Charr armor skins, edit the feet, hands and head…lots of work, yeah).
I just hope enough people would appreciate at least part of the work that would be involved if ever the team decided to commit resources to it.
I hope we’re not forced to have a level 80 tengu if they’re released because I might wanna get sub-t5 stuff like linen from salvaging PvP reward track greens. I already have characters at all tier points (except for t1 since it’s not really in high demand) for materials however but still.
I want to play as a Centaur. I am sad so few seem to want that
I would love for the centaur to become a playable race, so you’re not alone on that.
I understand the challenges in making a fully customizable centaur race to play, as there are lots of factors to consider. However, I’m waiting for a company to stop being so intimidated by the thought, take that challenge, and break the mold with something truly unique and impressive by introducing playable centaurs.
I’m not expecting centaur to become playable, mind you. They’re just on my impossible wishlist, lol. Logically, IF we ever get a new race, it really has to be the tengu, which I would still be excited for. There’s a ton of lore behind them, and there’s some solid story-telling and customization options they can provide with the inclusion of the tengu.
Nope….we all want Largos to be the next playable race, none of us want to play an ugly overgrown chicken.
Largos? You mean those out-of-place, butterfly winged, drow wannabes? Not in a million expansions would I ever care for that lame race.
I want to play as a Centaur. I am sad so few seem to want that
I would love for the centaur to become a playable race, so you’re not alone on that.
I understand the challenges in making a fully customizable centaur race to play, as there are lots of factors to consider. However, I’m waiting for a company to stop being so intimidated by the thought, take that challenge, and break the mold with something truly unique and impressive by introducing playable centaurs.
I’m not expecting centaur to become playable, mind you. They’re just on my impossible wishlist, lol.
Logically, IF we ever get a new race, it really has to be the tengu, which I would still be excited for. There’s a ton of lore behind them, and there’s some solid story-telling and customization options they can provide with the inclusion of the tengu.
Sad thing is, I think Anet and GW2 are the most qualified to take up that challenge. It’s rare to see an MMO that has distinctive races to the point most are at least half unique. But most MMOs make slightly-altered-humans as their spectrum of races.
Sad thing is, I think Anet and GW2 are the most qualified to take up that challenge. It’s rare to see an MMO that has distinctive races to the point most are at least half unique. But most MMOs make slightly-altered-humans as their spectrum of races.
A couple of weeks ago I would’ve agreed with you, Leo… but since they gave us the “it’s too hard/too much effort” excuse for why we received such a sad amount of new armor sets with the HoT expansion, I’m not so sure anymore. However, I’d certainly like to be proven wrong about that someday…
I’ve posted before about races and probably will again, but basically – YUS
At that point, the story doesn’t have to be about Zhaitan and the undead but just aiding the Pact against the will of your countrymen (countrybirds) or changing political stands of your homeland to join in the fight or utilizing your race’s resources to hold off the next big threat behind the scenes so it doesn’t cause something catastrophic during the battle against Mordremoth. That’s 3 different angles you can craft the Tengu story around and possibly many others. Just try to make the story rewards line up with the original story rewards and make new achievements in this story mode to give players another angle to want to tackle a new character.
That’s actually a pretty great idea instead of trying to figure out how to implement them into the current starter story. A “continuation” type of story would be a really fun way to encourage players to get through their personal stories by rewarding them with the secrets of the Tengu!
I think that pretty much covers all the issues of making the new race except the work involved (duh! it’s going to require effort on someone’s part! Need a handful of new maps, some story work, etc) and the clipping (nothing to do about it. ****’s going to clip, even if you’re human. Take the Charr armor skins, edit the feet, hands and head…lots of work, yeah).
That’s basically what I was saying earlier. Yeah, making a game takes work. But that’s exactly what it’s going to take to make an expansion pack good/fun/interesting/NEW. Again, another arguably light expansion pack like HoT without a new profession to help fatten it up will end up feeling extremely lacking in content, so they probably shouldn’t do that again. Elite specializations and a few new grindy maps will not cut it a second time around.
I just hope enough people would appreciate at least part of the work that would be involved if ever the team decided to commit resources to it.
I would! I would appreciate the hell out of it!
The Kodan merchant in LA is annoying enough with his “Life is a trial” and “Coda the judge, Coda the jury” and “I greet you like…yadda yadda”. I think I’d go mad if I was exploring with a Kodan toon and it kept spouting inane dialogue like that.
At least the Tengu are quiet.
I would do anything to play as a Centaur. Anything… ._.
Anything, huh? Hmmm………well, as it happens, if you send me all your gold you will get good fortune and centaurs will become a playable race. Don’t hesitate. Send your gold now.