In my opinion, the combat system is so unattractive
Hey here is an idea!…Lets all target a tank, stand flat footed and spam rotations…oh wait
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
solution: split the pve skills from pvp/wvw balancing alrdy kitten Why balance PVE skills when a good number of players just like to dungeon/DE every day?
Hey here is an idea!…Lets all target a tank, stand flat footed and spam rotations…oh wait
Just like how most defenders say that this combat system is far from lacking depth, the same is true of the trinity system’s combat. If you think trinity combat is basically that, then I’m assuming you never did a raid or the challenges further along in the dungeon. Not saying raids are devoid of your occasional softball tank n’ spank fights, but there are some really tough ones too. I use raids because trinity systems especially shine in bigger fights and the difference between say a class with a tanking tree that fixates on block/parry and a class with a tanking tree that fixates on dodge/armor is quite noticeable.
I was infracted for this post for some reason. Apparently the forum conduct rules here just let them infract you for anything. Be careful.
Best combat system in an MMO by a street.
Huge L2P issue here with the OP. Dodging and timed interrupts are your friend, oh yeah and also changing your skillbar around when needed also helps. The graveling scavengers? Wow, I put a stability skill in my bar through that area so I don’t get kd’d and get eaten up.
Guess what, if someone is wailing on you with an axe, well yeah you’d better freaking move or it’s advantage them.
Gees, do you really just want to stand there and spam a skill rotation? Is that fun for anyone?
I also feel like the fights are generally boring.
I’m not against the dodge system because it’s actually the only thing preventing me from falling asleep while fighting… I like the reactivity that it implies.
The skills however… I swear thinking about them just made me yawn.
Except when I decide to make a combo (that my party will not even notice) I could easily press the keys randomly as it would make no real difference.
It is especially disappointing considering how much the combat system of GW1 was interesting.
I loved to adapt my play style depending of if the foes were melee fighters or casters. Keeping an eye on annoying foes (like the Wardens of Earth for example) while fighting others to make sure to interrupt their big damage dealing skill and saving my party a hard time. Putting a life drain on the foes that are likely to die the last to enhance my survivability during the whole fight.
In comparison GW2 make me feel like it was designed for 10 years old kids.
I’m still a total newbie at GW2 (I just got my thief to level 18), but I tend to agree with the OP. For most fights I find myself running in circles and dying all the time. The fights go by so fast, I don’t know how to learn from my experiences. My wrists get tense and I get tired of combat very quickly. Even fighting single normal mobs is a touch and go situation. I’m not sure I have the nerves for this type of combat.
However, plenty of people like this game’s combat system as it is, so who am I to complain? GW2 ain’t the only game in town.
(My single-digit frame rates don’t help either!)
I also feel like the fights are generally boring.
I’m not against the dodge system because it’s actually the only thing preventing me from falling asleep while fighting… I like the reactivity that it implies.The skills however… I swear thinking about them just made me yawn.
Except when I decide to make a combo (that my party will not even notice) I could easily press the keys randomly as it would make no real difference.
It is especially disappointing considering how much the combat system of GW1 was interesting.
I loved to adapt my play style depending of if the foes were melee fighters or casters. Keeping an eye on annoying foes (like the Wardens of Earth for example) while fighting others to make sure to interrupt their big damage dealing skill and saving my party a hard time. Putting a life drain on the foes that are likely to die the last to enhance my survivability during the whole fight.
In comparison GW2 make me feel like it was designed for 10 years old kids.
the game has such things, however, unless you are low manning or doing like high level fractals, or certain dungeons, you wont need to use this type of gameplay.