Is it possible to move from Eu Sarver to NA?
Does it help to switch the server to another within Europe, Which has more English speakers?
In theory, yes. The game before Megaservers had servers in EU that people of different languages had “claimed”. You can test whether or not the game puts people of the same server/language together by guesting to EU servers that had been claimed by English speakers.
Edit: why don’t you get a free account, put it on a NA server and see if Ping is acceptable and the population better?
ANet may give it to you.
(edited by Just a flesh wound.3589)
I’m on Aurora Glade and I’m often in map instances with English map chat. It does occasionally happen that I’ll end up in a French/German shard (but I assume that happens to all of us). I’d go with Just a flesh wound’s advice of guesting to some of them.
In answer to the title yes you can move from EU to US servers. The only issue you may have is that outside of prime time hours it may seem to be quieter than you’re used to. I mean there’s still folks around but it’s not like prime time (for obvious reasons).
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
what is prime time ? i play in 0-2 am (after wife go to sleep.. )
so in NA is like noon \afternoon, is it primetime?
and for the free accont, can i have 2 account (pay+free) ?
and where i can see the ping?
I believe prime time is generally 5pm – 11pm. If you’re playing at midnight – 2am UK time that will be 7pm – 9pm eastern so you’ll be in the middle of prime time. There’ll be quite a few folks running around then (possibly a few more than you’re used to).
Yes you can have two accounts. When you’re logged in if you open the options menu the ping will be at the bottom right hand corner.
The Family Deuce. Asuran Adventure Specialists.
Just be aware that a free to play account is more like an extended trial account and has restrictions on chat, trading (both by trading post and player to player), number of character slots, ability to buy gems with gold and restrictions on where you can go (can’t go in to Lions Arch till level 35 for example). So it’s good for looking at the options before you transfer but not necessarily good for playing long term.
Here are a list of the restrictions
ANet may give it to you.
yes i do free only to check the ping from NA, but mybe its not good to see the english in chat becouse the restrictions ?
yes i do free only to check the ping from NA, but mybe its not good to see the english in chat becouse the restrictions ?
You can be sure there will be English in the chat in the NA servers, restrictions or not.
Good luck.
yes i do free only to check the ping from NA, but mybe its not good to see the english in chat becouse the restrictions ?
The restrictions are on the free to play accounts’ ability to chat. There are no restrictions on seeing chat.
ANet may give it to you.
Does it help to switch the server to another within Europe, Which has more English speakers?
In theory, yes. The game before Megaservers had servers in EU that people of different languages had “claimed”. You can test whether or not the game puts people of the same server/language together by guesting to EU servers that had been claimed by English speakers.Edit: why don’t you get a free account, put it on a NA server and see if Ping is acceptable and the population better?
It’s a lot more than in theory.
Actually, i’m playing with the game in English, and with both my french guild, and EU community one. But my map chat is always filled with french even when reping my EU guild. I’m on Vizunah Square.