Remember, remember, 15th of November
Let's Talk About the Skin Lottery
Remember, remember, 15th of November
I have mixed feelings about it. I bought the 2 handed chainsaw and the one handed a long time ago. I paid 175g for the 2 hander and it was a good chunk of change for me at the time so that my character could have one. I like the lottery for these skins because it doesnt hurt the value of the skins on the market but it also puts some more of them in circulation for people that weren’t playing when they came out. As with anything in this game if you want an item, the best course of action is to earn the money and buy what you want.
I just wish ArenaNet would put as much time and effort into a non-RNG solution for precursors as they do with the gem shop. I am one of those people that likes to give money to games because they seem to care more about quality and player enjoyment over cash grabs and lock boxes. That is why I said I have mixed feelings about this in my first sentence. ArenaNet has slowly gone from being the company that cared about making an awesome game that was for players with the belief that if you make it awesome people will want to support your game to, just going with the lowest common denominator cash shop tactics found in any two-bit f2p game on the market. Might as well just start selling Lock boxes with a chance at a precursor in them on the gem shop.
They didn’t mind hurting the value of last years skins.
True, but you can see how much work went into the design of quite a few of the first year skins. Both the chain swords have unique sound effects. The quality of weapon design in how intricate it is has gone down considerably. The second year ones pale in comparison in terms of design quality. I won’t argue which set is better because that comes down to personal taste, but you can see how more work went into the first year designs.
I’d personally like to see more skins of that quality for players to be able to earn in game. The lottery is cool and all(at least they weren’t outright for sale for 5-7 tickets)but a cash shop skin doesn’t have the same value to me as say, a Fractal skin(Hint: the Fractal skin holds more value to me).
Sorry but I have to disagree with that. The longbow is similar to the short-bow so looks just as ‘special’. The great-sword from last year has the bat special effect.
I was did not get any skins of the first year mainly because I figured I would be able to get them the year after, else I would have put more effort in it. I did get the two skins I wanted last year. (including all the other stuff like the mini’s).
Now I still not have a viable go at first years stuff but the last years stuff I have all got devaluated. You see how that makes people feel cheated twice? So yeah I think there would be nothing wrong with giving us now also another fear go at the first years Halloween and this lottery is not that. It’s not fun and it’s not a really viable option. It really looks like a way to get people to spend a lot of money on tickets.
Edit: Ah I see they did also put mad memories in so you can now also get that skin in a viable option. Guess what I got that one the first year, so make that cheated 3 times.
now don’t get me wrong. I don’t really mind that all those things do become available in a viable way again. But then they should also have done that with the weapon skins.
(edited by Devata.6589)
Edit: Ah I see they did also put mad memories in so you can now also get that skin in a viable option.
You actually cannot. The event is glitched, and while you can start it, you cannot finish it. No book for anyone.
Remember, remember, 15th of November