Lets gather CS drop rate data

Lets gather CS drop rate data

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

We’ve all seen topic and thread upon threads about the Cursed Shore and its vast lack of loot, we have all asked Anet to look into it, but we don’t ever seem to post proper numbers, this community on here it vast, and covers nearly all timezones across the planet, we could easily build a topic here to show the loot is lower than normal,

I know that ANET have proposed a change in the 2nd half of the year, but im not sure it will make a difference, I have friends quitting this game daily because they are bored with trying to farm end game zones and getting no loot,

I asked a guild mate to join me in Cursed Shore today to farm events, and roam the map for events, we ran approx. 100-140% MF in the time we spent,

The first thing we noticed was there didn’t seem to be any events, everything was contested but there didn’t seem to be any events going to help uncontest these area’s, the main one was Anchorage waypoint, was contested the entire time but no events popped to allow us to uncontest it..

In the roughly 1h20mins we where down there, we did

Jo Fasts WP Event
Reclaim Gavberns Landing x2
R&D Waypoint event x 2

We also did another random 9-11 event that where kill xx enemies or kill this veteran, we also did the pirate boss in the ship to the south,

This was the Loot that dropped in all that time.

25-30 silver ( event rewards )
4 clumps of risen
8 random whites
18 random blues
7 random greens
1 rare
36 coffers
58 porous bones
2 BLTC chests
3 scrap metal
1 Large Scale
4 Intricate totems
2 ruby crystals
34 heavy moldy bags.

Some of them drops came from random enemies as we where running between events, the 1 event that stood out was the 1 north of R&D where you kill the champ that spawns where plinx used to be, that champion dropped NO LOOT at all, ( thought all champs where supposed to drop loot??? )

I don’t want this to turn into a troll fest, for those who are interested in seeing the drop rates, go and farm it for about 90 mins and post back what you get, because we are being led to believe nothing is wrong.

(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)

Lets gather CS drop rate data

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tadz.2870


7 valuable Scrap metal
7 Hard leather strap
3 Discarded Garments
12 Whites
12 Blues
7 Greens
44 Porus Bones + 13 other assorted Trophies
1 Unidentified Dye
27 Dragon Coffers

1 of each T6 Mat

19 T5 Mats + 12 Crystals + 4 thick leather sections + 2 silk scraps + 1 Pile of vile essence


Lets gather CS drop rate data

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Sorry, just a question… If I “farm” one map I do that for the duration of my food buff or a little more since I got the impression that after 60min of farming on the same map sets of the DR so should you base this test on 60min instead of 90-ish? I could be wrong, I’m not into this farming thing.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community – http://www.alphas.se/
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Lets gather CS drop rate data

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ok I Did It.2854

Ok I Did It.2854

As Anet refuses to tell us how the DR kicks in, im not sure, i got my Rare in the last 10 mins i was there, i guess DR only kicks in maybe if you are sitting in 1 place farming.