Level boost from pre purchasing Path of Fire
Yes, you get the boost as soon as you pre-purchase. It will show up in an included shared inventory slot.
Can i delete this boost-item without using it?
I have all professions and i don’t need another one. But additional shared slot would be very usefull
And what would happen if i will use this boost-item on a character with 80 lvl?
If you use the insta 80 boost on a lvl 80 character you receive the following:
5 Teleport to Friend, 2 Gold, Celebratory Dye Pack, Dye Pack, Celebration Booster, 4 15 slot leather bags, 25 Mango Pies, 25 Superior Sharpening Stones, Mystic Salvage Kit, Orichalcum Sickle/Axe/Pick.
You also unlock waypoints in Drytop, Strait of Devestation, and Frostgorge Sound. I believe you also get the lvl 80 Equipment Package, which includes weapons and armor that are lvl 80 exotic. Usually Soldiers stats. Wiki shows Necros get Rabid, Thieves Valkyrie.
Thank you for your answer And what would happen with hero-points earned by this character before?
If you use the insta 80 boost on a lvl 80 character you receive the following:
5 Teleport to Friend, 2 Gold, Celebratory Dye Pack, Dye Pack, Celebration Booster, 4 15 slot leather bags, 25 Mango Pies, 25 Superior Sharpening Stones, Mystic Salvage Kit, Orichalcum Sickle/Axe/Pick.You also unlock waypoints in Drytop, Strait of Devestation, and Frostgorge Sound. I believe you also get the lvl 80 Equipment Package, which includes weapons and armor that are lvl 80 exotic. Usually Soldiers stats. Wiki shows Necros get Rabid, Thieves Valkyrie.
That’s correct.
If you have more than 1 level 80 it’s worth thinking about which one you want to use it on. The equipment you get is soulbound, and it cannot be sold (either on the TP or to a merchant), salvaged or put in the Mystic Forge, so if your character can’t use it you’ll have to delete it.
It has the same skins as the highest tier of crafted equipment, so it might be worth checking whether you’re missing any of those skins.
Since I already have enough level 80’s (and enough Tomes and Scrolls to level more characters easily) I used the boost on my engineer and got a bunch of skins unlocked and some new weapons for her (I normally use pistols but a rifle is nice to have just in case, and the underwater weapons were good as I hadn’t gotten around to getting exotic ones yet).
The other stuff is account bound, so you can pass it around as-needed.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Thank you for your answer
And what would happen with hero-points earned by this character before?
They’ll keep them.
Leveling up to 80 awards exactly enough hero points to unlock all the core skills and specializations. Using the boost will give you all those points and automatically use them to unlock the core skills and specs.
Any extra hero points you’ve gotten from challenges will be available to use towards the elite spec, and you’ll be able to get more from hero challenges, either in core maps or in HoT (and presumably PoF once it’s released).
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Thank you very much for your answers!
I just use it for a Ranger. Got gear and weapons and two pets, along with the other stuff. I had to do HoT to get Druid unlocked which took me two days (and get a decent staff). The original map is mostly blank so I will have to run around and unlock ports.