Looking to get back into GW2

Looking to get back into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxXTheMaxxXxX.6057


Due to school and the release of other recent games I stopped playing GW2 entirely. I think that I want to get back into playing, so I logged in last night and I felt extemely lost. Is it worth it to get back in to playing (i.e. am I still geared enough to do content if I was able to do FOTM 40+ with my chars before) What have I missed in terms of living story, balance changes, etc? I stopped playing around the release of rewarked teq, Scarlet’s map invasions, cursed shore champ ember farming. Not sure which of those came last.

(edited by XxXTheMaxxXxX.6057)

Looking to get back into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mercury ranique.2170

mercury ranique.2170

FotM have been changed in the way how level progression works, and if I udnerstand right, you have been set back to level 30. This is due to the introduction of ascended gear. I’m not a big FotM player, so I can’t say how much AR you need for level 30+ content and if you can manage that with your current gear.

As for living story:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9LrN-LD-ZI this short vid should help you to refresh the living story so far. It is a month ago, so I summerize:

Scarlet placed probes around the world to search for ley-lines. They had the additional effect that it woke a giant three headed wurm in blood tide coast. This is a world boss event off the same difficulty level as Tequatl.

On top off that she developped a mass destruction weapon wich she tested in Lornar pass.

Using Scarlets diary and her holo recordings, and going through all other evidence we deducted that something or someone is controlling scarlet, like a second personality in her head (bit like gollem/smeagol) and that her next target is Lion’s Arch.

You prolly noticed what happened after in Lion’s Arch

Arise, ye farmers of all nations
Arise, opressed of Tyria!

Looking to get back into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flintgold.5761


In short, yes, your gear should still be fine & if you like the game, play it.

Looking to get back into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: XxXTheMaxxXxX.6057


FotM have been changed in the way how level progression works, and if I udnerstand right, you have been set back to level 30. This is due to the introduction of ascended gear. I’m not a big FotM player, so I can’t say how much AR you need for level 30+ content and if you can manage that with your current gear.

As for living story:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9LrN-LD-ZI this short vid should help you to refresh the living story so far. It is a month ago, so I summerize:

Scarlet placed probes around the world to search for ley-lines. They had the additional effect that it woke a giant three headed wurm in blood tide coast. This is a world boss event off the same difficulty level as Tequatl.

On top off that she developped a mass destruction weapon wich she tested in Lornar pass.

Using Scarlets diary and her holo recordings, and going through all other evidence we deducted that something or someone is controlling scarlet, like a second personality in her head (bit like gollem/smeagol) and that her next target is Lion’s Arch.

You prolly noticed what happened after in Lion’s Arch

Thank you:)

Looking to get back into GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MidnightSun.7964


The same thing happened to me a couple of weeks ago. I needed to make some slight changes to my build and gear, but once I started playing again it all came back really fast. Just have fun with the game. If you aren’t having fun then you owe it to yourself to find a game that is fun. GLHF.

<insert something witty>