I am an eu player, and i don’t speak the language you speak of as mother language.
And no i don’t play RP but i know what it is and i don’t have anything against players who do it.
I think it is nice that you do it.
And i don’t know why they assualt you for speaking english, i have no prob with it.And i understand that you want it to be better, everything can always be better, but sometimes it’s good to say good things, i liked my experience till now with the megaserver so that is wat i said.
i havend seen anything bad for me with the megaserver so why would’t i say what is bad about it, as i have nothing bad to say. (till now)
English is not my native language either. But what i describe happens often, especially on peak hours. As for the assaults? That makes two of us. Some people are trolls, you can’t save them all… But before the megaserver, Piken Square was lacking said trolls.
I’m in the game since the beta, and i usually never spend time in the forum for no reason. MMOs change, we adapt. The megaserver is a reason to make me…. “scream”.
I hope you won’t have issues with the megaserver like many of us do, but no. I don’t want it to be better. I want it to work. I want to have fun with the game, like i used to. I want to feel comfortable and level up my brand new engineer, which is now “locked” in Kessex Hills. Simply cause the zone won’t load, due to heavy population. And when it does load, i get either disconnections, bad lag, and of course a massive fps drop to 11 – 13….from 59 – 60 i used to get.
I won’t go into details on how it has affected my guild or friends, as we’re never together anymore. We’re just scattered everywhere, like napkins swept away by a gust of wind.
So i suppose if you like leveling up solo, and in PuGs simply by joining the now full “trains” you encounter everywhere, i’ll rest my case.
Either way, to return to the thread’s theme, yes. I do find leveling much more appealing now (at least it was, before the megaserver took over most of the game). Not due to the trains, or more players, simply cause as you move up the levels, your character got the “all powerful” feel it lacked before. It also feels like your character is learning stuff as he/she moves up the levels, and it brings satisfaction.
Plus, i love the dual sigil equips, they made my weapons so much powerful now, especially the chance to do stuff on critical hits. Much more fun, and makes you feel sorry for the creature you attack (not really).
To me, the leveling process always felt VERY stale from about 40 or 50 until 80. (I have 7 80s, so I’ve done this a bit now.) I’m hoping that the new system makes that process feel a bit better, that all the traits (and hunting them down) gives me plenty to do.
I intend to build a new character and try the whole process from scratch. Anybody else going to do the same?
I think there’s a lot of criticism before people have had a chance to really take it all in and try it out. Give it a shot, then come back and complain.
Yea, I plan to reroll a new character and take it from 0 to 80, with no 20 lvl jump, to see what the new system is really like. I tend to agree with you, as after a few 80s it begins to get a bit stale……but this new system might throw in an interesting new twist to it all.
Plus, it will also be interesting/enjoyable to experience 0-80 again with good populations in all the areas due to the megaserver. Being on Kaineng, with it’s lower population, led to exploring a lot of near empty areas with my characters pre patch.
(edited by Teon.5168)
To me, the leveling process always felt VERY stale from about 40 or 50 until 80. (I have 7 80s, so I’ve done this a bit now.) I’m hoping that the new system makes that process feel a bit better, that all the traits (and hunting them down) gives me plenty to do.
I intend to build a new character and try the whole process from scratch. Anybody else going to do the same?
I think there’s a lot of criticism before people have had a chance to really take it all in and try it out. Give it a shot, then come back and complain.
Yeah, started doing it when they announced the trait change. Thought I’d get a headstart and get used to no traits early. I’ve just about forgotten what it was like before already.
Plus, i love the dual sigil equips, they made my weapons so much powerful now, especially the chance to do stuff on critical hits. Much more fun, and makes you feel sorry for the creature you attack (not really).
Omg, this! You know what? I never even bothered with sigils and runes before this update for lower level characters since they were pretty much just wasted (imo) but now…double sigils!!
(edited by zenleto.6179)
I hope you won’t have issues with the megaserver like many of us do, but no. I don’t want it to be better. I want it to work. I want to have fun with the game, like i used to. I want to feel comfortable and level up my brand new engineer, which is now “locked” in Kessex Hills. Simply cause the zone won’t load, due to heavy population. And when it does load, i get either disconnections, bad lag, and of course a massive fps drop to 11 – 13….from 59 – 60 i used to get.
Ok, that truly sucks.
I intend to build a new character and try the whole process from scratch. Anybody else going to do the same?
Already started. Honestly don’t like it any better than pre patch. Up to 38, used a scroll, played around a bit in the starter zones and then zerged around in eotm. That’s over for now though because we are green this week and a lvl 38 character can’t do enough damage to get mob credit in that zergfest.
Maps are not as fun as they could be due to the MegaServer issues. It’s either empty still or full of people whining about what language others are speaking. I’m tired of hearing the same complaints over and over.
Where do people see all these characters running out and about? I took my guardian for some map completion adventure and haven’t spotted more then four players while adventuring in mid-level zones. So I was left soloing events and champions as usual.
The megaserver changes are being rolled out from the lowest level zones to the highest, so it is quite possible you are just above the level where the roll out is at this point.
No they’re not:
Lvling without traits isn’t fun.
In your opinion.
Leveling 1-11 is fine without, but 11-30 isn’t? Even though the health of mobs has been adjusted accordingly?
I don’t even notice I’m not getting traits 11-30 now.
It’s not about needing traits cuz the content is hard. It’s about having access to traits to further enrich the gameplay. Traits are the defining factor to how your build plays. If you’re not noticing not getting traits, then your playstyle must be pretty dull. That’s not meant to be offensive. But you’re clearly not utilizing your toon to its fullest potential if you don’t miss your traits.
I don’t look at it as what they took away or that I’m missing. Instead I look at it as – what is the design of the game currently. Oh – no traits until 30. OK, I won’t bother about them until I get to 30 then. My gameplay is quite rich enough, thanks.
They seem to be having a rough time accepting that the game has changed. Instead of Looking at what they gained, they see what they lost. Like Looking at a cup 3/4’s full, and only seeing " it’s Not full." forget about the fact that before it was even more empty. it hasn’t been full for sometime. But….
A lot of people do not step back, and try to look at it from a viewpoint other than “How does this affect me?” Sometimes, knocking players back a peg is best for the game. I Know that I hate Monty hall type GM’s always did. Means when i get a dumb " sword + 3"… it means something!
Here is what I don’t understand about the complaints. Open world leveling content has to be tuned for the new player with their first character still learning how to play the game. If you already know how to play the game, that content is already going to be easy. If you also have a reasonably strong trait build that supports your skill and weapon selections, and have good gear with supporting attributes, that same content is now going to be stupidly easy. And you can’t make the content hard enough to be interesting to that player on an alt without making is way to difficult for the new player still wet behind their ears.
TLDR: Early trait points just make lower level difficulty even less challenging for experienced players on alts.
Most people who complain though are veteran players. I do understand how many new people have commented and said it sucks but I do honestly not believe that most of those people are new. Yes, I maybe misjudging, I maybe the worst humanbieng ever…but I am not really used to the fact that new players seem to understand builds, have followed all the updates to the game since months, are vets when it comes to other aspects of the game and then put an ending line ‘’I am still level 45 and I am not enjoying the game becasue of the trait change’’.
Now that you mention it, this Kinda makes sense. I mean How many times do we read." I’m a new Player. And I feel Nerfed. I prefer the OLD SYSTEM."
I mean… huh?
How does a NEW player know enough of the Old system to have a frame of reference? What level were they before the roll out? Too Low, and they have NO frame of reference to claim " I feel nerfed." Too high…. and they are not a new player.
Could you please relay the street name of that stuff you are smoking? Sounds like it makes everything that sucks appear to be fantastic…
How dare he have a different opinion than you!
As you think it is that bad, why do you play, why do you even bother to comment here.
You better can play some other game, but i think there is nothing like gw, ones you play gw2 you always miss things when you play an other mmo.I have a question for you, friend.
How much money is A-Net paying you to support the megaserver the way it is, and wanting it to expand?Are you a US player, by any chance? Cause if you are, then you’re probably oblivious on what’s going on in EU servers. So take your time and visit one, and see if you’ll be able to enjoy the game as you say… Unless of course you speak English, Spanish, German, French, Greek, and every other language the chat is getting these days. And i bet you don’t RP at all, or even not sure what that is.
And no, turning zone chat off won’t save the situation.
So to answer YOUR question, the reason we still “play” and bother to comment here, is cause we like the game. We like the new changes, i have no issue with the new leveling system, i have no issue with the changes. Heck, i adore the new wardrobe. However, the megaserver needs work. It’s in early alpha stages, and it should’ve stayed contained in a few areas, until ready for full deployment.
I like seeing more players in one area. MORE players, not zerg. And of course, not Zerg who assault me for either speaking English, or RPlaying.
So instead of praising them for giving us something broken, join our voices and help us push them to fix it, so it can work properly.
I am an eu player, and i don’t speak the language you speak of as mother language.
And no i don’t play RP but i know what it is and i don’t have anything against players who do it.
I think it is nice that you do it.
And i don’t know why they assualt you for speaking english, i have no prob with it.And i understand that you want it to be better, everything can always be better, but sometimes it’s good to say good things, i liked my experience till now with the megaserver so that is wat i said.
i havend seen anything bad for me with the megaserver so why would’t i say what is bad about it, as i have nothing bad to say. (till now)
We have an expression:
" Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good."
I agree with you. Just because the changes are not perfect, we cannot say " go back to the Old mess, unbtil you come up with perfection."
Sometimes good enough for now, is good enough… for now.
So they have added a chat function for language, this must be helping the language racism.
So does this makes the mega server a lot better, or do you guys still think there is so Mitch bad ?
Till now I didn’t see anything bad for me, only more fun in lvling
Could you please relay the street name of that stuff you are smoking? Sounds like it makes everything that sucks appear to be fantastic…
I’ve been leveling my engi in Ascalon the past couple of days in a low lvl map
and I have to wonder the same thing!
I’m glad MegaServers provides a good experience leveling new characters/ alts for you.
We just did Guild missions and had to search for a empty “overflow” cause there were 5 guiilds standing in line for the puzzle, we cooped the rush and were invaded by another guild while doing the challenge…
My waypoints are not readable anymore, dungeons bosses are on a scheme instead of a trigger, no longer showing me where to go for bosses and the schedule so nicely thought of by Anet casues havoc with my RL, so I do not do any bosses anymore. Wait until you are 39 with 1 kid and a household… If you’re still plying you’ll know what I mean.
Always nice tgo have help, aslso nice scaling has been adjusted… really wondering how the temple of lyssa will be with 350 ppl, guess the purple gorilla will turn the whole of Orr to one desolate glass mass with 1 hit…
Other events I can barely play, seeing only flashes and blobs instead of fights,My epilepsy finds this a interesting development and consequently makes this game an interesting rollercoaster of good times and Partial Complex Attacks leaving me zombielike, about the same I guess like other 150-350 1 spammers.
There were a lot of other problems for other people which are all interesting. Bu only 1 is truly needing mention
This game lags and stalls due to huge loads . caused by zergs. Ppl do not seem to notice events are better when these are played by 20-40 ppl oppsosed to 100-250 just because of the amount of data which has to be transferred, and redistributed. Causing game lag, network lag to be precise. Ppl are running huge systems to have a good experience and just see the performance going right into the gutter due to multiple instances of players put together…
I myself run a hex core i7 with 2 GTX 780-‘s I can reach 140-180 FPS in empty regions.
With guildies with good systems in instances I run 100+FPS, when in instances with general ppl, my framerate is 100+ but sometimes down to 40, in zergs it can be as bad as 12 under 3 my game instacrashes. … Not because the GPU’s are bad, but because the network load is so high, and as an effect I just DC. And me having a 100dwn/20up Mbit cable connection doesn’t solve it. Only 1 person in a zerg needs a mediocre connection (ping wise or data wise) to turn all of our experiences into sluggish skipping trash.
Making all of the servers bigger doesn’t alleviate this problem, it just makes it worse. Even minimizing info , reducing packages still creates this problem. ppl useing wireless instead of wired connections create this problem. slow computers create this problem… And it’s worsened by the megaserver, witch in itself is a beautuful idea but completely the most stupid idea considering the technology part…
But still I’m happy you are happy leveling now cause you find other ppl. Unfortunately the rest of the game suffers a LOT, lost a lot of character and performance due to the illusions spun by A-Net’s staff. Programmers are not Network specialists, but they surely could have communicated this and though about better ideas.
I really hope there will ba a change leaving you to play a nice interesting game in low level and for others a lag free choice in the world bosses/ lvl 80 area’s and event areas…
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Old trait system was better, could get access to better move speed, lowering attack cooldowns or adding a little bit of added power and crit to feel more powerful, now it just feels like you get nothing for leveling and feels slow.
I agree the Mega server is nice, to see others, but I’ve still ran around empty zones. And I’m not talking about the obscure ones that were completely empty before, but the 15-25 zones. Those emptier zones really hurt with the trait issue, not to mention many of the professions have movement increases locked behind their traits, again adding to the grindy feel because I can’t even move as quickly from poi to vista.
You won’t notice the lack of traits if you roll guard, warrior or ranger (hide behind the bear) and press 1.
Roll mesmer or ele and even the skill point challenges become ‘interesting’, especially if you rely on dropped gears and only runes that you salvage, like a new player would need to do.
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