[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minami Kaori.2548

Minami Kaori.2548

Whats ignorant is expecting tailored free gifts from a faceless company that doesnt even know who you are, or even one thats going to even please the majority of the population. Had they done the same thing as GW1, altaholics would be claimed to be having an unfair ‘advantage’ due to receiving so many more RNG minis. I would bet anything the forums would be full of people raging about this. How they got slapped in the face for having fewer characters. It’s lose/lose for Anet any way they go when all it is, is a gesture.
Its ignorant to claim the gimmick gesture they do make is a ‘slap in the face’ or ‘crap’ or ‘garbage’ and go on about it like people are. If someone gave you a birthday card you didnt like, do you throw back in their face, call them names and demand something better? No, you graciously accept they did anything at all. And thats real life. A virtual life is not even close to being as serious as that.
Do you write any other software developer and demand a gift because you’ve been playing their games? Should I write Nintendo and demand a present on the Anniversary I bought their SNES? Should I write any other software developer that has online service other than MMO and demand a ‘present’ for the time invested playing and honing skills? No….because MMO’s have a unique sense of self-entitlement in their playerbases.

In real life, I don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a person / somebody to entertain me like I expect GW2 to do. You use a bad analogy there that doesn’t apply.
But since you insist, let’s do the birthday card analogy.

If someone shows up and gives me a birthday card with an ugly picture on it plus a bland text written in it, I accept it graciously and put it in my pile of cards I keep.
If that someone then 5 minutes later gives me the exact same birthday card with the exact same text in it again, yeah okay he’s weird, but I put it away and later might trow out the extra.
Then this person again gives the same thing to me 5-8-10 times in a row, yes, I will be weirded out and ask him what are you thinking here??
Then I find out he has given the same thing to everybody he knows, to top it all off.

Wouldn’t you ask that person, what is going on?

P.S.: I am not looking to fight here or call anyone names. I am simply looking for a discussion on what people thought of the Birthday Gifts, and maybe it will provide some feedback to ArenaNet.

P.S.2.: I don’t think people would have been “outraged” (as you put it) nearly as much as this if ArenaNet had decided to give something to their players that involved RNG.
When you think about it, real life birthday gifts are pretty RNG as well (from your point of view), unless you specifically asked for something and know for a 100% you’re getting it.

In GW1, I have never heard it from anyone in my guild or in local chat that people complained about their birthday gifts. Not once. Even though I was a whole year behind everyone in GW1, never did I think that I should be entitled to the same thing as those who started the game at launch.

Besides, if I really wanted one of the new birthday items, I could buy it at any time after they got released.

It was awesome.

(edited by Minami Kaori.2548)

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


In real life, I don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a person / somebody to entertain me like I expect GW2 to do. You use a bad analogy there that doesn’t apply.

I havent spent a dime on GW2 since I bought it. That being said, I think their cashshop is fine compared to many MMO’s and offers some good luxury items, even though the RNG aspect is debatable.
So…..if you spent hundred of dollars on it, you want a better present? What if I got that same better present having spent nothing?
Point is, we’d all get the same thing anyway, regardless of money spent, or you want to be rewarded better for spending more on it? Nowhere does it say you will receive any better treatment or ‘gifts’ due to spending more.
So, if you took your friend out to dinner often, picked up the tab for things over the year and/or treated them to things out of your own pocket….you would expect them to give you more than a card and would throw it back in their face and remind them of everything you spent on them over the last year? Do you rate all gifts from people based on what you’ve spent or ‘invested’ in them between birthdays?

(edited by MrRuin.9740)

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minami Kaori.2548

Minami Kaori.2548

In real life, I don’t spend hundreds of dollars on a person / somebody to entertain me like I expect GW2 to do. You use a bad analogy there that doesn’t apply.

I havent spent a dime on GW2 since I bought it. That being said, I think their cashshop is fine compared to many MMO’s and offers some good luxury items, even though the RNG aspect is debatable.
So…..if you spent hundred of dollars on it, you want a better present? What if I got that same better present having spent nothing?
Point is, we’d all get the same thing anyway, regardless of money spent, or you want to be rewarded better for spending more on it? Nowhere does it say you will receive any better treatment or ‘gifts’ due to spending more.
So, if you took your friend out to dinner often, picked up the tab for things over the year and/or treated them to things out of your own pocket….you would expect them to give you more than a card and would throw it back in their face and remind them of everything you spent on them over the last year? Do you rate all gifts from people based on what you’ve spent or ‘invested’ in them between birthdays?

What I wrote has not much to do with your “answer”.

No, I do not expect to be treated more special than another player who has spent nothing. I pride myself in supporting the games I like.
But it would be appreciated to treat everyone with a gift that suggests that they spent barely more than a few minutes discussing in a meeting as a side-note.

I like account/character birthdays. No, I did not create 8 characters expecting “OMG there be birthdays eventually!!”. Almost all my characters are above level 20, so I cannot use all my scrolls, nor can I gift them to a friend who might need it.

I love minis. I like that there is a Queen Jennah mini, even though I will probably never take her out of my storage, simply because I just don’t like her or anything to do with her. But why not let me chuck my extra Queen Jennahs into the forge, so I have a shot at something that would mean something to me?

Anyway… Please do not insult me on how you might perceive I treat my friends. I would, however, like it very much if you read through my post a few times before answering, and actually answer.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delryn.7235


I think the to level 20 scroll is straight up useless for most veteran players.

Right now I have no character under Lv20 and I have a character for each class.

Even if they added a new race I wouldn’t use the “to level 20 scroll” since introducing a new race would introduce new stories to experience, and I wouldn’t wanna skip past that.

And even if they added a new class, it’s something I’d wanna take slow and learn it as I go, so skipping it to Lv20 would also be bad since I would lose the experience of experimenting with a new class.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Whats ignorant is expecting tailored free gifts from a faceless company that doesnt even know who you are, or even one thats going to even please the majority of the population. Had they done the same thing as GW1, altaholics would be claimed to be having an unfair ‘advantage’ due to receiving so many more RNG minis. I would bet anything the forums would be full of people raging about this. How they got slapped in the face for having fewer characters. It’s lose/lose for Anet any way they go when all it is, is a gesture.

It’s not ignorant to expect something a company has done before in a previous installment of a game with the same name.

Perhaps if it’s lose-lose they shouldn’t have done it at all as others suggested, but if you do something once and do something similar again but not as good, it’s just not a smart idea. The best idea would’ve been either nothing or something completely different.

Its ignorant to claim the gimmick gesture they do make is a ‘slap in the face’ or ‘crap’ or ‘garbage’ and go on about it like people are. If someone gave you a birthday card you didnt like, do you throw back in their face, call them names and demand something better? No, you graciously accept they did anything at all. And thats real life. A virtual life is not even close to being as serious as that.

It’s not ignorance. Although I never called it any of these things myself, I do agree people are overreacting but it’s not ignorance. Don’t get hung up on that word. I called you ignorant because you indicate that you don’t get that people can be different than you are, nothing more. I also think they are overreacting but I do understand why and I just wonder why Anet chose this. I’ll gladly understand that as well if I ever get the opportunity.

Do you write any other software developer and demand a gift because you’ve been playing their games? Should I write Nintendo and demand a present on the Anniversary I bought their SNES? Should I write any other software developer that has online service other than MMO and demand a ‘present’ for the time invested playing and honing skills? No….because MMO’s have a unique sense of self-entitlement in their playerbases.

I don’t demand any such thing. I simply indicate that you could have a bit more understanding why people flip out over this. Don’t mistake understanding for agreeing, it’s not the same.

There is a lot of entitlement, but also that should not be confused with the expectations Anet has set themselves. I think the greatest disservice they’ve done themselves and the players is calling it GW2, because in essence this game doesn’t have much of anything to do with GW1. That created expectations that they weren’t going to fullfil.

I play SWTOR and I don’t expect them to give me mini’s because Bioware doesn’t do that. Anet did do it….guess what, people expect it again.

Really they should’ve let go of Guild Wars and made this a completely separate game with a different world and background.

They kept it in Tyria and it’s come to bite them in the kitten as a consequence. That’s why people have these expectations here and not in other games.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkCreator.9481


at least u guys got something, i didn’t even get anything at all and i’ve been playing since last year

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Glog.4275


Didnt get anything either, my account is 11 months old (according to forum posts atleast).

If its the characters that has to be 11 months i think im fubar. Pretty sure i deleted my first character after a month or two (fell for asura instead). Meh, i feel cheated.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mastermavrick.2439


I am one year old on three characters and nothing yet -.-"…. oh well in due time. I don’t mind this present vs Gw1 stuff — but /shrug… one less thing to play the economy i guess?

The Revenant Apostle [Rvnt]→ DragonBand
Kaiji Ruko – 80 Ranger, Revanat Shadowdeath – 80 Necromancer

(edited by Mastermavrick.2439)

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


I think what you are seeing here are current and/or former players of GW1 who liked how things were, and don’t like that GW2 does it differently. They don’t like that it’s changed, and wonder why it can’t be the same as before.

Are they whining? Yes. Are they entitled? Yes. But they also do have a good question, and I do think it deserves an answer.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


Cheap and Nasty as usual, seems to be a trend honestly..

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yanchoy.9176


I really wished there was a roulette or something and we get a chance to spin it. And you’ll see all the legendaries that would pass by the pin, but just would end up stopping on a precursor But I’d still be grateful for it, because of the thrill of finally having a legendary, after a year :o

But instead…..tynywayskbye.

/Snow white and the 7 dwarfs and their wives

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DarkWasp.7291


We should have been awarded a Trahearne voice pack.

“My urge to kill… is rising.”
“That one must have hurt.”
“Help me. I am down.”

^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Julie Yann.5379

Julie Yann.5379

It’s free and not very useful, kind of like many real birthday presents I have gotten in the past. I think that Anet really hit the mark on this one in terms of realism. I’ll gladly take it anyway.

Be careful what you wish for, Anet might just give it to you “HoT”
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I know it’s now GW1, but it’s the same company making one mistake after another, while they did it better in their previous game. Seems silly to upset people by doing something that clearly isn’t as cool as what they did in GW1. They couldve done something entirely different than this for all I care. But they gave a mini, like in GW1 but didn’t make them collectible. Why bring something in they clearly did in GW1 but make a lesser version of it? That just boggles the mind.

So no one ever complained about changes and stuff done in Guild Wars 1…is this your contention?

Do you know why Guild Wars 1 didn’t see forum issues like Guild Wars 2 does? Because it had no official forums and for most of it’s life, people went to Guru, where the moderators for most of it’s life were so strict it was worse than the military.

I made a negative post once about Guild Wars 2 and my thread was immediate closed. So yeah…hard to say that people didn’t complain about stuff done in Guild Wars 1, because people complain about everything all the time. I’ve been in lots of MMO forums and they’re all like this.

And I strongly suspect if Guild Wars 1 had an official forum (which they didn’t), it would have ended up much like this as well.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


I know it’s now GW1, but it’s the same company making one mistake after another, while they did it better in their previous game. Seems silly to upset people by doing something that clearly isn’t as cool as what they did in GW1. They couldve done something entirely different than this for all I care. But they gave a mini, like in GW1 but didn’t make them collectible. Why bring something in they clearly did in GW1 but make a lesser version of it? That just boggles the mind.

So no one ever complained about changes and stuff done in Guild Wars 1…is this your contention?

Do you know why Guild Wars 1 didn’t see forum issues like Guild Wars 2 does? Because it had no official forums and for most of it’s life, people went to Guru, where the moderators for most of it’s life were so strict it was worse than the military.

I made a negative post once about Guild Wars 2 and my thread was immediate closed. So yeah…hard to say that people didn’t complain about stuff done in Guild Wars 1, because people complain about everything all the time. I’ve been in lots of MMO forums and they’re all like this.

And I strongly suspect if Guild Wars 1 had an official forum (which they didn’t), it would have ended up much like this as well.

One of the best strawman posts I’ve ever seen.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sanedude.9450


gw1 birthdays>gw2 birthdays.

I played gw1 since jan. 2006, and what can i say? the gw2 birthday gift is trash. gw1’s system was awesome, it was an actual surprise. Unlike gw2 where everyone gets the same thing. It was nice to show off what you got in gw1 to others, or to sell and make good money depending on the mini. Here is my opinion on the matter of my character’s birthday:


[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chemiclord.3978


I suspect if you were to pin an Arena.net developer down, they would tell you the primary reason is that in GW1, minis were a cosmetic free thing handed out once a year, and with their popularity, Arena.net realized a potential cash cow.

So in GW2, Minis being purchased is part of their income stream, and them giving you even a random one from the Year 1 set (like has been suggested), is money out of their pocket.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Soja.5918


Halfbaked garbage. The Queen Jennah mini is nice, I suppose… but why do I need 5+? Did ANet not think that mini trading WOULDN’T be big with the way it went over in GW1? (It was madness.) What makes no sense to me is the experience scroll. I have zero (0) alts out of 10 under level 20. That makes this item less than worthless to me. And the birthday booster? Nice, I guess, though I have to question the thoughtfulness of a friggin consumable as a birthday gift. A themed hat of some sort or something would’ve been much preferred. I could look at it as some sort of magical cake, I suppose.

The Crystal Desert beckons us. Ascension awaits us.

Keirlann Aurion – Ranger – Chieftain of the Ace Guard [AceG]

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


It was a nice gesture, but I didn’t really need 5 Mini Jennahs. It would also have been nice if the Experience Scroll has just been a Skill Point scroll instead; at least those would actually have been of use to my level 80’s.

The Birthday Booster is nice though.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I know it’s now GW1, but it’s the same company making one mistake after another, while they did it better in their previous game. Seems silly to upset people by doing something that clearly isn’t as cool as what they did in GW1. They couldve done something entirely different than this for all I care. But they gave a mini, like in GW1 but didn’t make them collectible. Why bring something in they clearly did in GW1 but make a lesser version of it? That just boggles the mind.

So no one ever complained about changes and stuff done in Guild Wars 1…is this your contention?

Do you know why Guild Wars 1 didn’t see forum issues like Guild Wars 2 does? Because it had no official forums and for most of it’s life, people went to Guru, where the moderators for most of it’s life were so strict it was worse than the military.

I made a negative post once about Guild Wars 2 and my thread was immediate closed. So yeah…hard to say that people didn’t complain about stuff done in Guild Wars 1, because people complain about everything all the time. I’ve been in lots of MMO forums and they’re all like this.

And I strongly suspect if Guild Wars 1 had an official forum (which they didn’t), it would have ended up much like this as well.

One of the best strawman posts I’ve ever seen.

Thank you. I’m very proud of it.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


I have a problem and it’s a big one for me.
After playing for 12 months, making 9 characters on lvl 80 I finally have a birthday…. And it sucks BIG time…
Great 9 boxes and what’s inside?
9 minis of the same queen jenach that everyone got… Great… Oh wait there are also 9 scrolls with xp for lvl 1-20?!
Getting one each 5k achievement points was ok, but really?
For all my friends with usually 4 or more characters on lvl 80 or near lvl 80 its as useless as the queen’s mini.

Give us some skins or gems or even 1 black lion claim ticket instead of the scroll that is useless for everyone who has more than one character. Let’s face it, after 1 year of playing if someone wanted to have multiple characters they already have them made on lvl 80. If not that means they don’t want to play them so it’s useless gift..

When I saw 2nd pack of minis went live I was sure I will see them inside my birthday box and get 1 mini of queen in mail for account… No, spend gems and get nothing real for playing for a year… It’s all so disappointing just like not getting skins for having Digital Deluxe for a year and now they decided to add a giveaway with 500gems armors…

I don’t like complaining but I have had it with the way ANet says so many time that they want to feel that we are rewarded… I’m sooooooo rewarded for playing for a year… Next time think about your players and ask yourselves if you want to get some dirty scraps for your birthday present in real live….


(edited by Septemptus.7164)

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


you look like raging Raving rabbids :P


[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


And you maybe could write nothing next time if you dont have anything constructive to say.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neve.7134


It’s just the 100th irritating thread about it. Why no posting under the others that say the same exact thing? You should just accept the fact or, if you are that angry, write to the support. These raging threads are no constructive at all too.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


They should have awarded the gifts based on the account age, not the characters. Players might have whined, but what difference would it have made ? More than 1 Mini Queen is useless (even just 1 is), not a lot of players have any use for experience scrolls, and no one cares about the boosters.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanderer.3248


you look like raging Raving rabbids :P

I’d spend gems on that mini.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


- Give us NPS that will trade minis for random 2nd series minis
- Make the same NPC change scrolls for claim tickets or 20slot inventory bags
Thats what is usefull for 1 year old character/account

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


- Give us NPS that will trade minis for random 2nd series minis
- Make the same NPC change scrolls for claim tickets or 20slot inventory bags
Thats what is usefull for 1 year old character/account

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kirschwasser.3972


Or make the scroll give ten skill points, because that’s about ten levels on any character.

… I’d be gravy with that.

I mean, I don’t particularly care about the b-day presents one way or another. Free stuff is free.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


Oh another thread about this. Well, I will say this. It seems to me that giving every character the exact same mini, while they add over 40 mini’s to the gem store is something that upsets people.

And the L20 scroll, which is given to people who mostly don’t need it, seems another.

While the first part is a shame and I can understand that everybody gets the same is a bit disappointing, I find the second part the most baffling part of this.

I mean, I would think that the people who’ve played for a year and played actively would be the ones who least need this. It’s the first time I’ve seen an item in a game like this where you can pop the scroll and you’re level 20. Now I’ve always said I found the leveling too long and boring because after level 30-40 it becomes meaningless, but giving out a L20 scroll does indicate to me that Anet acknowledges this issue. Why give out scrolls like this if people enjoy leveling new characters? I guess there must be a lot of people with characters that are very low level that never progress beyond level 2 or 5 or whatever, because why else would they even bring out scrolls like this?

I think it would’ve made more sense to make the scroll a 1 per account thing that everybody gets, to sort of revitalise alts in general. Oh well.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: yorick.1305


A damp squib, but if that’s what ANet are saying which is basically, we’ll give you mini’s but we want something from you first. Currency or IRL bucks.

Just have to get used to it. After all, it’s their game, their license.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


So no one ever complained about changes and stuff done in Guild Wars 1…is this your contention?

Do you know why Guild Wars 1 didn’t see forum issues like Guild Wars 2 does? Because it had no official forums and for most of it’s life, people went to Guru, where the moderators for most of it’s life were so strict it was worse than the military.

I was on gwguru a lot and it never felt so strict as you describe. I don’t think I ever got an infraction or posts deleted there and you know what I’m like

I made a negative post once about Guild Wars 2 and my thread was immediate closed. So yeah…hard to say that people didn’t complain about stuff done in Guild Wars 1, because people complain about everything all the time. I’ve been in lots of MMO forums and they’re all like this.

I wonder if it was closed because it was about GW2. Before GW2 was out people speculated about the game and I put some negative comments there. Never got closed or deleted though.

And I strongly suspect if Guild Wars 1 had an official forum (which they didn’t), it would have ended up much like this as well.

This I do agree with. Not to say that there was never anything negative on gwguru. There certainly was. But there was another forum for GW1 that was used a lot (the name escapes me now) and that was a total cesspool.

I think because this is an official forum, it’s combined the two, or at least the cesspool made it over here. And you’re right, MMO forums in general are like this also from my experience.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milennin.4825


1. The Miniature Queen Jennah is nice, but it’ll be sent to my bank to collect dust there the first time I’ll press Deposit All Collectables. I’d love to see a Miniature equipment slot so I can actually make use of these guys. Other than that, no complaints from me.

It’s called an invisible bag. Put your mini in there and it will never be sent to the bank unless you do it on purpose.

I use a 20-slot Exotic bag at top to keep additional equipment in, to make my current weapons go there if I change weaponsets, and to keep regular loot out of it. A hidden bag is useless because my changed equipment would go into my equipment boxes instead (which is where all the regular junk loot goes into) and any loot that goes in a hidden box doesn’t show up on a merchant…

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


In GW1, I have never heard it from anyone in my guild or in local chat that people complained about their birthday gifts. Not once. Even though I was a whole year behind everyone in GW1, never did I think that I should be entitled to the same thing as those who started the game at launch.

GW1 didn’t have birthday gifts from a GW sequel to compare to.

But actually I complained about my B-day gifts in GW1 becouse I was always so unlucky so I never got any cool minipets and I got alot of duplicates while my friend got realy awesome Mini’s and he was only logging in for opening the gifts and didn’t actually play the game.

This way it is not unfair and no one will get the shorter straw.

I agree though level bosster to level 20 is kinda huh? I mean I have been playing for a year!

I got my Jennah Mini and I like it and the booster isn’t bad iether.

BTW it isn’t realy our characters birthdays, it is Guild Wars 2 birthday, we should be giving Anet presents.

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community – http://www.alphas.se/
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[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


They should have awarded the gifts based on the account age, not the characters. Players might have whined, but what difference would it have made ? More than 1 Mini Queen is useless (even just 1 is), not a lot of players have any use for experience scrolls, and no one cares about the boosters.

No one cares about magic find boosters? Ummm kay.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


We need 16 threads to complain about the birthday presents? Why make a new thread to say what people have said in half a dozen others. It’s not like you have to search they’re all on the front page.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Enjoyluck.2618


You complain about free stuff TROLOLOLO????

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Septemptus.7164


A damp squib, but if that’s what ANet are saying which is basically, we’ll give you mini’s but we want something from you first. Currency or IRL bucks.

Just have to get used to it. After all, it’s their game, their license.

And many rage quiters won’t work for their license too much, so if you dont know it, they actually listen on what we have to say.
At least from time to time.

PS. And for now in-game rage is great, maybe even better than forums rage.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


No one cares about magic find boosters? Ummm kay.

As a birthday gift ? Not really.
And actually, not even Anet cares about it, since they plan on removing MF in the future…

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


They should have awarded the gifts based on the account age, not the characters. Players might have whined, but what difference would it have made ? More than 1 Mini Queen is useless (even just 1 is), not a lot of players have any use for experience scrolls, and no one cares about the boosters.

No one cares about magic find boosters? Ummm kay.

I am pretty sure a number of players logged in just for those MF boosters. Of course after a couple of days this will be forgotten again, but I think the boosters got the least amount of flack on the forums here, aside from a couple of people who didn’t realise it was a temp boost.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


No one cares about magic find boosters? Ummm kay.

As a birthday gift ? Not really.
And actually, not even Anet cares about it, since they plan on removing MF in the future…

Actually they plan on removing magic find from armor and weapons….not from the game.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Claudius.5381


When I got presents from relatives in my childhood I didn’t like I was too well-educated to groan about them. That didn’t mean I liked them. But I respected my relatives because they thought of me. And now, being a grown-up, I know how difficult it is to get a fitting present for a nephew or niece you don’t know as well as your own children.

So I won’t groan about the presents I got from ArenaNet. It is a nice gesture. I even like the mini. But I need only one. Scrolls are useless. The boosters are not much – all in all I am underwhelmed. But I don’t groan. Not publicly. Only in this little private cozy forum entry. Don’t tell ArenaNet about it.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BowmasterSol.3457


Thank you for the free stuff Anet. Here is my opinion on the gifts as I experienced it.

-Since we’re supposed to be playing the game one person per account and since minis are account bound, giving away the same mini feels redundant. In GW1, duplicates were okay since you would trade for something you didn’t have.

-I agree that the experience scroll is best off being +20 levels. Going from 1 to 20 isn’t that greater of a time difference then going from 60-80. If all other characters are above 20 like mine are, then the scroll is of no current use as is. I also think it is a bit weird that the birthday character’s gift is most probably going to be used for some alt that isn’t celebrating a birthday yet.

-The booster is nice but does not make a great impact on its own. If we are celebrating the character’s special day, then I suggest increasing the percentage to something big like 300%. You would actually feel the boosts greatly and get that special awesome feeling for the whole day.

Knowledge is power.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zenleto.6179


I thought I’d just put this in here.

I started playing in January so I haven’t received anything yet in the way of birthday presents. I’ll be getting four or five at the beginning of next year and they will come in handy since with my current leveling program I’ll be getting a bunch more to 80 sometime in October and then spend the rest of the year enjoying my horde of 80s before I start the whole thing over again. It’ll be long time before the XP scroll things will be wasted on me.

I’d imagine I’m in a group of players so small that minority groups wouldn’t even notice us.

I don’t really care about the other items, or what happened in other games.

Fire up the Hyperbowl ma, we’re going to town!

Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Actually they plan on removing magic find from armor and weapons….not from the game.

Oh yeah that’s right. But in the end I’m a bit biased against MF in this game…RNG is RNG.

But again, as a birthday gift, a 24h booster isn’t a great gift. Neither is an experience scroll you could get in. The only thing that marks the birthday is a mini pet which unfortunately you’ll end up getting way too many.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Actually they plan on removing magic find from armor and weapons….not from the game.

Oh yeah that’s right. But in the end I’m a bit biased against MF in this game…RNG is RNG.

But again, as a birthday gift, a 24h booster isn’t a great gift. Neither is an experience scroll you could get in. The only thing that marks the birthday is a mini pet which unfortunately you’ll end up getting way too many.

The mini pet marks the birthday…you’re right. You only need one for that. It marks the day. The 24 hour booster is pretty cool. I have a number of characters so I get a number of boosters. In fact, I can boost myself right now for a week solid if I want….that’s a pretty decent birthday present.

If they made them 2 week boosters, with five character slots, everyone would get 2.5 months of boosts….probably a bit on the OP side.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Excursion.9752


I am not upset about the items handed out at least its something. You would think on the other hand that you would want to really reward veterans for playing your game. At this given moment it seems like most people are discouraged. That would be something for anet to think about.

Blast from the past here but when I played Ultima Online / UO back in the day every year you played the game they gave you a ton of options of what you could possibly select. The catch was that you only get to select one item from the list and the rewards got better each year your account progressed. It was nice because you could turn around and sell these items to other players so there was a way to collect everything if you set your mind to it.

| 80 (Guardian) Rusty Tooth | 80 (Warrior) Razer Tooth | 80 (Ranger) Eir Stegallkin |
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrRuin.9740


And you maybe could write nothing next time if you dont have anything constructive to say.

Maybe you could even casually glance at the forums and see theres already threads and posts about this from other entitled players already instead of making a new topic.

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zavve.8205


oh boo hoo just be happy you actually received anything

[Merged] Opinions on Birthday Presents

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoPP.7034


One thing that occurred to me is that this game always promotes itself as an ‘alt friendly’ game. There are many examples where this is simply just not the case and this is another.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t regret the slots I bought at launch or the 8 lvl 80’s I now have. HOWEVER I now have 8 identical mini’s i can do nothing with and a +20 exp scroll I can’t use. So the best thing I got was something that’s impermanent?

Looking at what they did in GW1 for birthdays, ANet should have removed themselves from mini’s altogether if they weren’t at least going to emulate GW1 or surpass it. Instead they went a step backwards…

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”