Mesmers trolling with their portal
That is something you can report them for.
Hillarious. Just like throwing random Shadow Refuges as a thief while skipping with stealth in dungeons.
I’ve never done that but still think it’s funny.
Use at your own risk.
It’s never happened to me (yet!), but I giggled when I read the underwater port thing. How can people even call this harassment? I would be in stitches if I was the victim of a particularly creative one that led to me dying horribly. Portal pranks have been in every online game I’ve played that had them. I’ve never done stuff like this myself, but come on. Some people are just too easily offended or take everything way too seriously. I definitely agree that truly nasty behaviour from players should be reported without mercy, but an innocent joke like this doesn’t even come close to that. Besides, repair costs are free. :P
Today, while doing Tequatl battery events on my guardian, I saw some people running to the jump pad at over 30s remaining on the countdown.
Noticing that it was off cooldown, I decided to amuse myself by telling them to “Feel my wrath!” as I gave them quickness. It succeeded in amusing me at no great detriment to them by making their launch land only 2/3 of the way to the next jump pad, and I can live with that.
Mesmer portals can be used to more detrimental effect than that by killing people or sending them somewhere they can’t easily get back from, but given that you need to interact with it (and I don’t remember portal activation ever taking precedence over looting a ground chest or talking to the LA banker) first, it seems unworthy of punishment.
Trolling is having fun @ the expense of others. Sometimes, trolling can result in both parties being amused. Trolling is griefing alike when the consequence is recipient being annoyed.
Joke is usually intended to cheer every1 involves, the teller and the recepients.
Putting mesmer portal to troll is borderline griefing depending on outcome.
If you put a portal on Megadestroyer end chest to lava, resulting in lots of ppl dead, yes report away. It’s not the end of the world for the Mesmer who performed it cuz he is laughing away, for recipients it’s time wasted. The value of time is subjective to each person. So the mesmer can’t say it’s harmless joke.
For instance, 10 seconds difference could mean a parent playing a game, intending to stop after megadestroyer, failed to stop his son/daughter from hurting him/herself when playing.
Please stop justifying trolling just because you are having fun and think it’s harmless for yourself.
(edited by Pino.5209)
As a mesmer I know to practice safe hex. Never use somebody else’s portal without knowing where it will end up or being reasonably certain and willing to live with it if you are wrong.
In some cases you can take a guess though. When placing bombs at Tasha’s gate there is enough certainty to know a portal there will go to one of the 3 bomb locations, you just do not know which one.
I have also ran into the portal at a megadestroyer chest in the lava and died. I am not sure why the chest lands there or how the mesmer even does it without burning. Then again, I avoid doing megadestroyer if at all possible anyway.
(edited by Menadena.7482)
everyone who wants to report those people who try to make some funny portal jokes…
they should try to remind themselves that they are playing a GAME
dont take it so serious guys
especially since you dont get any harm but losing a few seconds time …
you should have a laugh when taking a portal that leads to your death xD
i ALWAYS take random portals that i see^^
i never know what awaits me
sometimes i fall to death when taking it
sometimes i get teleported to a place where a party is going on
sometimes i get ported to weird but awesome places outside of the normal map
always worth taking a portal^^
and btw
you can only report him if he SAID his portal leads to a safe place
if not then you took it at your own risk!!
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:
(edited by Orangensaft.7139)
For instance, 10 seconds difference could mean a parent playing a game, intending to stop after megadestroyer, failed to stop his son/daughter from hurting him/herself when playing.
If the parent doesn’t notice their child hurting themselves to the knowledge of absolutely no one then it isn’t anyone’s fault. You might as well say the same thing about something cracking a line of jokes, causing that parent to read the chat for ten seconds longer than they otherwise would have. Or giving good and interesting advice!
Obviously pranking shouldn’t be a free for all but “a crazy scenario might happen in real life” is a terrible reason compared to “having your gameplay disrupted constantly is unfun”.
How do you propose to report a single Mesmer from maybe 20 at a world boss event, espically when everyone is standing on top of the chest,
The easier thing to do would be to wait a few seconds and the portal will close.
On the topic of trolls, the best I seen was when the old bag farm at Union Waypoint in Malchor’s Leap, where someone took the portal gun stood in middle of zerg and teleported over the edge, as there was no restrictions on the number of people who can go threw it, nearly the entire zerg who was randomly press F to collect loot, went for a trip over the edge and died.
Yeah I don’t trust portals anymore. Was doing Taihda with the gate almost down. Saw a portal in front of a gate, thought it would take me to kegs to help. Nope, took me to Laughing Gull waypoint. Had to rush around the island to get back as Taidha spawned. Not fun.
Take portals at your own risk.
Imo, as soon as you do something to deliberately annoy other people, you should be prepared that there might be consequences. I doubt that Anet will ban you or do anything drastic if there’s just a few reports though.
I think those situations are funny and in most cases wouldn’t bother with a report, but I can understand if someone gets angry. And depending on the situation, it could be impeding in addition to annoying. Saw a vid a while ago, where in eotm the portal sent people from a chest straight off the islands, plummeting to their deaths. So now those people had to somehow try to get back to the train somewhere on the other side of the map and the zerg was suddenly a good amount of people short, which might cause problems when meeting the enemy zerg.
For a game that has no consequence for dying “troll portals” really isn’t what I would consider harassment. The player takes the chance when they enter a portal, they also should accept the consequences(which there is little). Last I’ve checked you still need to “F” on a portal to enter, so only activate portals from people you trust if you are so concerned.
For a game that has no consequence for dying “troll portals” really isn’t what I would consider harassment. The player takes the chance when they enter a portal, they also should accept the consequences(which there is little). Last I’ve checked you still need to “F” on a portal to enter, so only activate portals from people you trust if you are so concerned.
In these situations the portals are placed in a location where the Mesmer knows a lot of people will be headed to, and a place where they will likely be mashing F, and not even notice the portal.
well i remember once being dissapointed because i used an innocent looking portal out in the nowhere expecting to get portet to like 3 champs at once or on the top of a mountain with no chance to survive and in the end i got a jp chest for free man those mesmers really stepped up their trolling game!
You know how when you were a kid your parents told you not to get into a stranger’s car? Extrapolate that advice and consider the following: Maybe don’t jump into a stranger’s portal if you don’t know where it goes. Nobody can force you to enter a portal. If you don’t know where a portal leads and you jump on through it anyway, it’s on you.
As for this being reportable, that’s never going to happen. How do you distinguish between trolling and people not being very good at placing portals? If I do a dungeon with a pug and they’re not very good which leads to me having a bad time, can I report them for trolling?
Sweet Kormir’s blindfold, reporting people for portals. Come back and discuss this when a Mesmer appears in a shower of butterflies, puts a gun to your head and forces you to press F while standing over their portal. Until then, take some personal responsibility for your actions.
While I am a proponent of not taking offense to things people SAY, it’s what people actively DO that people should take offense to. This is one of those things that it is okay to be bothered by it. You can block a player and you will never have to deal with their ‘verbal abuse’ ever again, but that doesn’t work for player grieving like what the OP brought up. Sure, you could just wait a few seconds for the portal to go away, but everyone quickly rushes in, spams F (default interact key) to loot and go about their way, but with the spamming people will loot and the hit the portal (sometimes portal takes priority it seems). It’s too easy to fall into a portal trap.
But fear not! I have a solution! If you look at your keybinding settings there is a way to bind ‘loot’ to a different key from interact. Spam THAT key and you will only loot without interaction. For example, I have my loot set to F and my interact set to R. It works. Mesmers have no portal power over me.
You know how when you were a kid your parents told you not to get into a stranger’s car? Extrapolate that advice and consider the following: Maybe don’t jump into a stranger’s portal if you don’t know where it goes. Nobody can force you to enter a portal. If you don’t know where a portal leads and you jump on through it anyway, it’s on you.
Apparently, you haven’t read the thread, so i will sum it up for you. We’re not talking about portals in random places. We’re talking about portals getting placed where people are likely to click “f” for completely unrelated reasons. Usually without even seeing there is a portal, and certainly without wanting to enter one.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
This kind of reminds me when Death Knights would use frost walk to kill you when jumping in to water.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
You know how when you were a kid your parents told you not to get into a stranger’s car? Extrapolate that advice and consider the following: Maybe don’t jump into a stranger’s portal if you don’t know where it goes. Nobody can force you to enter a portal. If you don’t know where a portal leads and you jump on through it anyway, it’s on you.
As for this being reportable, that’s never going to happen. How do you distinguish between trolling and people not being very good at placing portals? If I do a dungeon with a pug and they’re not very good which leads to me having a bad time, can I report them for trolling?
Sweet Kormir’s blindfold, reporting people for portals. Come back and discuss this when a Mesmer appears in a shower of butterflies, puts a gun to your head and forces you to press F while standing over their portal. Until then, take some personal responsibility for your actions.
Because that’s exactly what happened here.
Mesmer using Urkel voice “Whoops, did I do that?”
I’m not even mad at this one, I’m more annoyed at the ones during Teq which could have an affect on dps.
Placing a portal directly underneath a chest or piece of siege in WvW is not poor portal placement, it’s down right trolling and trolls get reported. The only guy that finds this funny is the kitten placing the portal. If Anet decides to do something about it all the better. Until then, trolls will get reported.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
That is something you can report them for.
No1 asking those people to use the portal
That is something you can report them for.
No1 asking those people to use the portal
In the case one being dropped on top of a loot chest, the person “using” the portal was only trying to open the chest and was instead ported away.
That is something you can report them for.
No1 asking those people to use the portal
and no one asked you to sneakily place a portal there either.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
Funny, or spiteful?
What do you think?
In fact, it’s rather hilarious to see what tricks you mortals fall for. I’m not that malignant myself, but I can appreciate a good joke.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War
As with many jokes, the joke can be funny, except maybe if you’re its victim. If this is the sort of thing that annoys someone, they’d be well advised to look before they click. Fortunately, I’ve run into only one or two cases in GW2 where one clickable overlay another to the point that I couldn’t click on the one I wanted to use.
In the betas for GW2 portals automatically ported anyone who entered them or who had them placed under them. Anet clearly didn’t intend for this behavior to troll people.
Instead of trying to find/punish those who place troll portals, what if ANet just changed the priority, so that [f] gets loot first and portals after. (Portals should remain relatively high on the list: in combat and during WvW, you want that portal ASAP.)
In the betas for GW2 portals automatically ported anyone who entered them or who had them placed under them. Anet clearly didn’t intend for this behavior to troll people.
Yah. I remember that. In one of the betas, mesmers kept new chars from going to the Norn starter area by putting down portals in front of the asuran gate. The new chars of course didn’t know what those were and were ported away. They also dropped portals on top of AFK people and moved them in front of hostile mobs. Shortly after that, ANet put in the ‘accept portal’ prompt.
ANet may give it to you.
I personally, would find that rather funny.
But I might just have a weird sense of humor.
It’s definitely in poor taste, whether it’s funny or not.
Had a Triple Trouble triple decap fail because of this. They put the portal down on the kegs. With so many people there no one could see the keg to click on it. Had to have been more then 1 Mesmer because the portals lasted about 3 minutes which killed our triple
Best NA rallybot on EU
Putting aside that funniness is subjective and immeasurable, it’s always intrigued me why mesmer portals are excluded from the rule that other quick move skills (e.g. lightning flash) are subject to; i.e. that you have to be able to walk from the start to the finish. In a game which espouses equality, this seems like an odd exception. Clearly, it’s very useful and creates all kinds of new gameplay possibilities, but why just the one skill for the one profession, rather than giving each profession a skill like this? Other than ‘because Anet decided to do it that way’ have any other reasons been suggested for this oddity?
Shrug Not a huge deal and not the end of the world. Would I put a portal there? No, but that’s just because I don’t play jokes like this. Honestly, if people would slow down a bit instead of randomly spamming keys, this would be solved all on its own.
Putting aside that funniness is subjective and immeasurable, it’s always intrigued me why mesmer portals are excluded from the rule that other quick move skills (e.g. lightning flash) are subject to; i.e. that you have to be able to walk from the start to the finish.
Because the mesmer that put it does need to be able to move from point a to point b in order to place a portal. It’s not like Kasmeer portals, that can be placed away from the caster.
Most of the skills that return you to a place you were when you activated the skill work the same, actually..
Remember, remember, 15th of November
This kind of reminds me when Death Knights would use frost walk to kill you when jumping in to water.
Haha everyone did that on ToC at Anub’arak, them memories…
On topic, it’s just a troll/joke or w.e you want to call it, some people are so salty and serious in this game, lighten up.
Because the mesmer that put it does need to be able to move from point a to point b in order to place a portal. It’s not like Kasmeer portals, that can be placed away from the caster.
It’s probably my misunderstanding of how the portal work from what I’ve read so far. I had the impression they could be cast at a distance. I’ve made my first mesmer now and am leveling up to see for myself.
As has already been stated, there’s ways to circumvent troll portals. Stop being a kittening zombie mindlessly spamming f everywhere to get your phr33 p1xel5, have some self awareness and wait for a portal to disappear or move to a different spot where you’re not underneath the portal and then press f, or use your mouse instead.
I think portal jokes are hilarious, and I’ve fallen prey of many of them, as well as being the predator. For the Megadestroyer, if you die in the lava then just WP back to the volcano, the WP is uncontested after you kill the world boss and it’s really not a big deal. Lighten up, learn to take a joke.
This was more fun back in WoW where I could Warlock-Portal people out over a high cliff.
As has already been stated, there’s ways to circumvent troll portals. Stop being a kittening zombie mindlessly spamming f everywhere to get your phr33 p1xel5, have some self awareness and wait for a portal to disappear or move to a different spot where you’re not underneath the portal and then press f, or use your mouse instead.
I think portal jokes are hilarious, and I’ve fallen prey of many of them, as well as being the predator. For the Megadestroyer, if you die in the lava then just WP back to the volcano, the WP is uncontested after you kill the world boss and it’s really not a big deal. Lighten up, learn to take a joke.
Are you new to GW2 ? If you are new or have just been hibernating for the last 3 years then listen up. People who defend this kind of trolling are in the same boat as those you use to defend the idea that if people don’t want to see profanity in the chat then they can just turn it off or grow a thicker skin. Well how that that story end huh ?
I’ll tell you how it end, it ended with the suspended/banned hammer falling down on people.
You know portals go both ways right? :p Just press the activation key again and you return back where you started. But I agree it’s annoying when I’m forced to point and click something maybe twice a week
It can be funny under the right circumstances, but only if it isn’t used to the detriment of players during events. I’ve seen mesmers use portals to completely ruin Triple Trouble Wurm attempts on organized maps and all it does is make a lot of people upset and angry.
I’d forgotten how much fun could be had with portals. Think I might need to start using my mesmer again.
Welcome to the Internet, exposing characters since the early 80’s.
These are hilarious, any other good ones?
As has already been stated, there’s ways to circumvent troll portals. Stop being a kittening zombie mindlessly spamming f everywhere to get your phr33 p1xel5, have some self awareness and wait for a portal to disappear or move to a different spot where you’re not underneath the portal and then press f, or use your mouse instead.
I think portal jokes are hilarious, and I’ve fallen prey of many of them, as well as being the predator. For the Megadestroyer, if you die in the lava then just WP back to the volcano, the WP is uncontested after you kill the world boss and it’s really not a big deal. Lighten up, learn to take a joke.
Are you new to GW2 ? If you are new or have just been hibernating for the last 3 years then listen up. People who defend this kind of trolling are in the same boat as those you use to defend the idea that if people don’t want to see profanity in the chat then they can just turn it off or grow a thicker skin. Well how that that story end huh ?
I’ll tell you how it end, it ended with the suspended/banned hammer falling down on people.
Oh, absolutely not, you’re just linking those things together because you apparently dislike them both. I think overt profanity and swearing at people in chat is tasteless and rude. Nasty behaviour has no place in games. But mesmer portals aren’t that, they’re just some harmless fun. And no, I’ve never done this myself. :p
It’s definitely trolling/not cool if it’s done to strangers on stuff like, an organised triple wurm run or to ‘sabotage’ pvp matches or something (if that’s a thing), but that’s not really what people are discussing here as far as I’ve seen.
everyone who wants to report those people who try to make some funny portal jokes…
they should try to remind themselves that they are playing a GAME
dont take it so serious guys
especially since you dont get any harm but losing a few seconds time …
you should have a laugh when taking a portal that leads to your death xDi ALWAYS take random portals that i see^^
i never know what awaits mesometimes i fall to death when taking it
sometimes i get teleported to a place where a party is going on
sometimes i get ported to weird but awesome places outside of the normal mapalways worth taking a portal^^
and btw
you can only report him if he SAID his portal leads to a safe place
if not then you took it at your own risk!!
No, they should be banned. They are intentionally causing harm by placing hostile portals at locations where they can’t be seen and where people will be pressing F so they end up taking it without their knowledge.
Let them mesmers have fun. I don’t even bother anymore, and I find it quite hilarious!
As has already been stated, there’s ways to circumvent troll portals. Stop being a kittening zombie mindlessly spamming f everywhere to get your phr33 p1xel5, have some self awareness and wait for a portal to disappear or move to a different spot where you’re not underneath the portal and then press f, or use your mouse instead.
I think portal jokes are hilarious, and I’ve fallen prey of many of them, as well as being the predator. For the Megadestroyer, if you die in the lava then just WP back to the volcano, the WP is uncontested after you kill the world boss and it’s really not a big deal. Lighten up, learn to take a joke.
Are you new to GW2 ? If you are new or have just been hibernating for the last 3 years then listen up. People who defend this kind of trolling are in the same boat as those you use to defend the idea that if people don’t want to see profanity in the chat then they can just turn it off or grow a thicker skin. Well how that that story end huh ?
I’ll tell you how it end, it ended with the suspended/banned hammer falling down on people.Oh, absolutely not, you’re just linking those things together because you apparently dislike them both. I think overt profanity and swearing at people in chat is tasteless and rude. Nasty behaviour has no place in games. But mesmer portals aren’t that, they’re just some harmless fun. And no, I’ve never done this myself. :p
It’s definitely trolling/not cool if it’s done to strangers on stuff like, an organised triple wurm run or to ‘sabotage’ pvp matches or something (if that’s a thing), but that’s not really what people are discussing here as far as I’ve seen.
The two examples were world boss events. One was a tequatl where a failed battery event is a failed Tequatl. So teleporting people to their death is a good way to fail a battery, especially the North battery where people are needed the most as it is the furthest away and most people don’t go there.
The destroyer thing is just a kitten move, no different than harassment and should result is the same punishment.
No, they should be banned. They are intentionally causing harm by placing hostile portals at locations where they can’t be seen and where people will be pressing F so they end up taking it without their knowledge.
Don’t think they should get banned but Anet should make it so portals don’t take priority over siege weapons/blueprints, chests, trap activators, etc.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”