Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crux Marionn.7925

Crux Marionn.7925

I will explain how to get 20 stacks within time limit & I will answer all questions at the end (:

To get 20 stacks for max rewards you need two things beforehand 1) movement speed & 2) map completion – without these you will lag behind and may not get 20 stacks within time limit.

The aim is contribute to an event and NOT finish it (as theoretically there is enough players WPing around to keep dps/event flowing). People who stay behind to finish will find themselves only able to earn 8-10 stacks within time limit.

To contribute all you need to do is make sure you damage the vine in the event you are at either by

A) Throwing an explosive pod u get from volatile husk [they have bomb icon on above their heads]
B) Using a catapult, to ensure you hit it, release it when the strength bar is charged up to 95-100%.
C) Direct DPS, if the vine shield is down it will become vulnerable for 30 seconds or so before re shielding itself [when shield is up and you try to attack it will kill u less than 10 seconds] – also if the vine shield is down, aim to kill it completely before moving on to ensure more event success for everyone (editted note per forum feedback)

Note : sometimes the dps no. doesn’t appear but as long as u know you threw the pod or saw the boulder from cata hit, your good.

According to forum posts: Killing mobs about 4-5 with good dps can also count as a contribute edited note

Try not to spend more than 1-2 minute at a place, If I am online I will lead as a commander and constantly ping WPs I am going to make sure every1 contributes to as many events as possible.

Please note events are buggy so sometimes you don’t get the contribution but Anet knows and is working to fix it.

This method allows you to get 20 stacks with 8-10 mins to spare, in that time left, please stay behind at events to help finish them completely, so that others may also get credits (:


(edited by Crux Marionn.7925)

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Donari.5237


I’ve gotten gold at events without ever using the special mechanic, just dpsing the heck out of mobs to protect those using the mechanics. Also, if you didn’t kill or at least severely damage a mob before the event goes to mop up, you will not get credit no matter how many of the leftover mordrem you slay.

Now, if you’re going to tag and run, it may seem you’re not getting credit for mere dps, because you won’t do enough. And it is true you get much more credit for using the mechanics.

Anyway, I wanted to clarify those points. I in no way, however, support actively working on tag and run techniques and expecting other people to actually do the work for you of completing the events. If everyone did that … you would not get your 20. You wouldn’t even get 10. All the events would fail.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ceesa.1350


The general rule of thumb is that if you do any damage to the vine itself, you’ll get credit.

For the catapult events, oftentimes people will get on a cata for 1-2 shots before leaving. Just pick a cata and stand next to it if all of them are in use and usually you’ll be able to snag it when they leave.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crux Marionn.7925

Crux Marionn.7925

The other commanders and maps I have been on are also using a similar method of claiming credits, I’m under the impression that there is enough players for everyone to keep the flow going ie land 1-2 direct dps and WP to the next event, I usually get credit for the participation 3-4 minutes after I was there.

Before I did this mass tagging, I always stayed behind to finish events which allowed me to only rack up 10 stacks no matter how much quickness, might or swiftness I was using and would also take 3-4 minutes to complete. Which has lead me to try this method.

And using this method I described, I usually hit 20 stacks with 10 minutes left to spare, which I then do stay behind to help finish events, ie slaying to get explosive pods but not using them etc. Also, if the vine shield is down my squad & I will stay behind to aiming to kill it with 30 secs that it is vul (ie completing it).

This is just one way to go about get 20 stacks, I am not saying it is perfect and I am always happy to be shown a new way which reaches both 20 stacks and event success (:

Just my subjective findings.

(edited by Crux Marionn.7925)

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KINGRPG.3492


It’s like farming money and karma in SW. 500G per day GG

Sorry for my beginner English / My Blog

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PyrateSilly.4710


I did the event once, just once. I got 41 without any problems and not using any “special” methods.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narrrz.7532


I got one hit on the last mob in the cleanup phase after the vine had been destroyed. that was my only contribution.
I got bronze credit and a stack.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bomber.3872


Thanks, this needs to be spread more. You can still see alot of people in mapchat having problems to reach 20 stacks (sometimes because of wrong instructions) or being toxic about people that only want to get their 20 stacks.

On further note: I really wish the toxcity in this community would stop. Currently it’s like at every mordrem invasion that people call you “selfish” or “unfriendly” or “not helping f2p player” if you try to explain and help others how to get 20 stacks. I really don’t understand why some have to be this toxic only because we play the game how anet wants us to play it!

IGN: Euer Verderben
[RUC] Riverside United Corps! For Riverside!

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inverse.2967


Thanks, this needs to be spread more. You can still see alot of people in mapchat having problems to reach 20 stacks (sometimes because of wrong instructions) or being toxic about people that only want to get their 20 stacks.

On further note: I really wish the toxcity in this community would stop. Currently it’s like at every mordrem invasion that people call you “selfish” or “unfriendly” or “not helping f2p player” if you try to explain and help others how to get 20 stacks. I really don’t understand why some have to be this toxic only because we play the game how anet wants us to play it!

No words…

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Titanium Pig.1462

Titanium Pig.1462

hmmmm….I almost never directly damage the vine, just mobs, and get full credit.

Here there be dragons!

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


This is like an admirable attempt to make people participate in events instead of leeching, only done with lies.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skillze.7689


in my opinon this event was a bad design that has lead to people not even caring wheather they complete the events or not and anet should rethink how newer events are handled in the future. bad design and bad implementation of something that could of been an enjoyable experience for new and old veterans. now all we do is get post’s on the forum’s of how to exploit the events for maximum rewards!! Not impressed

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ZudetGambeous.9573


Damaging the vine is very slow and not needed for event credit.

To go much faster attack 4-5 mobs, and make sure to do at least 10% of thief health in damage. That is all you need for event credit. They spawn in groups of 5 so just aoe one cluster then move onto the next event. Shouldn’t take more than 15 seconds per event.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


In short just hit few mobs with good damage build and move on next event,think most got that tactic on the first day as there is no mob loot or team reward.

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Daddar.5971


Got it! The advice boils down to: do the bare minimum to get credit, and let the losers/n00bs who are not in the know do your work for you. That attitude is exactly what made me leave other MMO’s and come to GW2. I’m sure you’re glad that others finish the events so you can get those blooms for yourself. Thanks for the pro tip!

‘Elite’ in all 9 professions. I take mediocrity seriously!

Modrem Invasion - 20 stacks within time limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ooshi.8607


I did the event once, just once. I got 41 without any problems and not using any “special” methods.

Screenshot or it didn’t happen. At 40 seconds roughly per event and you didn’t tag and run? Right…. Even with tag and run it would be extremely difficult to reach those numbers.

Got it! The advice boils down to: do the bare minimum to get credit, and let the losers/n00bs who are not in the know do your work for you. That attitude is exactly what made me leave other MMO’s and come to GW2. I’m sure you’re glad that others finish the events so you can get those blooms for yourself. Thanks for the pro tip!

It’s good advise, you are free to use it or not. Anyone that thought about how this event was set up would have reached the conclusion fairly easily that this is the only way of getting maximum reward.
I don’t agree with the way that the event was setup up, but no amount of kittening will change it so just play it like it was designed to be played.

PS – I can confirm that you don’t need to damage the vine to get event completion, killing a. Couple of mobs is enough.

(edited by Ooshi.8607)