More Emotes...
I’d like more Emotes too. =)
I would love /filthyzerkers emote complete with a bright red face and tears!
Why no thank you (/thank) emote yet? Surprising.
There are plenty of sparsely used and probably unused voice lines too that would fit new emotes pretty well.
I actually recently decided to embark on a quest to become a master of the Om. I was pleasantly surprised to hear all sorts of new dialogue from my character I’d never heard anywhere before.
I could see some of the lines being used for possible emotes, such as /boast, /flirt, even maybe a /joke or /silly.
For the toast!
/ slap make it happen
Different Belcher’s Bluff signature moves seem to trigger pretty unique dialogue lines, atleast for Charr characters. “Back in my Day” seems to trigger flirty type lines. “Boast” triggers lines I could see being used for a /joke or /silly. “Critique” lines could be used for a /taunt.
Some examples of the lines I’ve heard:
Back in my Day
Female Charr
Who wouldn’t be jealous of me, wouldn’t feel threatened by me?
I know you like what you see…
The only thing better than me, is you and me.
Male Charr
All is fair in love and war…
Love conquers all, sweetheart.
Mm mm mmh, you smell like (battle?)
You. Me. Moonlight. Dining on (raw steer?)
Mmm, you rub my fur the right way.
Female lines
Give me death, or give me meat.
I’m as Charr as Charr can be. But I just wanna be me.
Wambo wambo woo!
These are my claws. There are many like them, but these are mine. They are my warband, they are my life. I must master them, like I must master life.
And you think it takes YOU a long time to dry your hair…
No plan ever survives contact with an Asura.
I said I’m a vegetarian. And the sylvari… fainted.
Friendly fire is never friendly.
The only unfair fight is the one you lose.
Be professional. Be polite. But plan to kill them anyway.
Ridiculous. Charr would never be silly.
Is that your backside or your face?
You’re dumber than a herd of humans.
You’re like a morning hairball – everybody hates you.
Look at your frail little body…
Don’t bore me.
I might document the remaining lines, maybe do the ones on my Sylvari next.
For the toast!
(edited by Halcyon.7352)
I put together a quick compilation of the relevant lines from Belcher’s Bluff.
For the toast!