My Issues with GW2

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Srsly. The game is one of the best games I have played in a long time and the best MMO I ever played but you made sooooo many rookie mistakes and stuff that should not have happened in the first place, that I really question if you had enough time to get everything done.
To me as a customer it looks like the end of the game was rushed because someone pressured you to bring it out and lets be honest there is no talking around it. There are up to now major bugs in traits of all classes, events start to get buggier the later the game gets and you are not aware of some basic mechanics of you own security system at launch.

I can understand that every new game has some issues but if they start to stack up that much you should step up and tell you costumers rather then keep trying to fix stuff as it comes up.
I am not aware what the live team does but a big part of there job right know should be to just find out what is bugged because before that balancing is pretty useless.
For the love of the game you should think about some sort of way to make the time where the game is only a shade of itself a bit more fun for use. Because if it stays this way you will barley done by the time you want to bring out a new add-on or big patch and the gods save use if it happens again.

I don’t want to be negative or anything but A-net you made a great job at GW1 and you made the foundation for a even great game with GW2 just don’t waste it buy rushing stuff and trying to work at to much at one.

Some may call me picky or akitten or what ever for this post. Well go ahead if you don’t agree. But I think if a game like this comes you and the team shows so much effort they should bring it to the end and not stop half way through ( like with the Asura what the hell did you think when you made female Asura just use the male faces , hair and wear all male amour? ) and make it fell like you lost interest.

I hope to get some answers about why some stuff ended to be like it turned out but I guess I can’t expect to much.

Also sry for any kind of bad spelling/ grammar English isn’t may native language


My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salfos.4091


This game is pretty good for how huge and how much there is.
1. Your point on security – Anet system was not hacked, Hackers were smart and hacked other sites and just crossed check with GW2 accounts where ppl used same passwords, so shame on the ppl for being lazy with passwords.
2. Bugs, have you ever coded? Im not trying to be mean or anything, but I have some programming and when you fix one thing and it works, something else goes wrong and when you fix that the previous thing rebugs up. Its a lot of work, if you missed out on time windows when bugs where fix, im srry i had them and just gotta check every once and awhile and report them.
3. You can never be prepared when a game launches you can never be prepared what happens since you never test with that many ppl.
4. Not every race needs to have distinctive male and female body parts to tell them apart. The only way to tell charr apart are by there faces.
Im not saying your a jerk or anything but some of these points are weak and im just explaining from what I experience.

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Some of the stuff is in later areas and it would spoile quite a lot for ppl who didn’t see that part of the game yet. But if you want some examples take the last Stroy fight on the air shipe. That is one big thing you should check befor you finish the game, or the temple of the gods in orr. When I found them I was like awesome but then they where bugged and I could do nothing… The list could go on but the general froum is not the palce for that all I wanted to say with my post is that A-net ( or ther bug check team) did fail at there job. There I said it. They failed it and there is no doubt about it and rather then to tell us “Hey we know there is a lot of fuss and there is stuff that should not be we are sorry” A-net waits for use to find bugs and then fixes them.

1. It is not the system. It is how it could even be that there was no stop for randome trying out e-mails and actually telling if it was used or not. It is a hugh lack on there said to tell what is wrong and they did change it. Sure the ppl who use the same pw and e-mail over and over are to blame as well but A-net is sure not the guys who made no mistakes in that case.
2. I did and I learned that major bugs in core elements can be put out before going live 90% of the time by just using the program like a normal user. I am not sure if you finished the story yet but the bug at the end is SO massive that no one can tell me that A-net could have over looked it.
3. I never said anything about the launch. It is about how bugs and glitches are handled. A-net just keeps silent till it gets to big.
4. Dunno but I think that Female Asura should not run around with there chest totally bare even if there are no boobs . If they cover them with underwear in first place they should act like there is something. A lot of the other races female armor works around them having breast and the charr and Asura are a bit left out of this but simply giving them no love because of that is lame. But I understand if it is not that imported for you.


(edited by LaronX.8079)

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


The game was definitely pushed out too early by the publishers

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Salfos.4091


I will defend Anet again in saying that they are not failing at there job, but maybe put a little more focus at late game bugs, because think of it like this, they have what (fake numbers) 100 people in the late game area reporting while they have 3000 players in the lower tier levels constantly reporting bugs there. So the main idea would be to focus on where the largest base is first as that is where most activity. The fact that the higher tiers may be ignore is just that there is a clear priority when it comes to debugging, but hopefully as more ppl spread out it will get better. They are not going to constantly avoid it. It is just makes most sense to keep to where the majority is.

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaronX.8079


That still does not explain why stuff that is basicly everyones bussins like the story end is so bugged and major stuff in later areas like drac champions ( The Shatterer ) or in genral bug stuff that you see within a few miniutes when you try it ( you can tell me you can over see that something is never free even if you reset the server which is supposed to reset the state at this point I would take a closer look at it) Also it is big in the later areas but it is by far not limited to that. A lot of things went wrong in the starting areas ppl explored in the BW and some stuff didn’t get fixed till the game came out. There is no excusse for some thing like that. Also I am not sure but I think A-net did put an unstable build up on the servers after they got crushed in the headstart, don’t pin me up on that but a lot of fuzz happend after that “fix”


My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Phy.2913


If they waited till the game was perfect they’d never get to release it.

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valkyrie.2678


There are already nice answers here. Still, I’d like to add;

ANet has never got a security breach. Hackers didn’t steal passwords directly from ANet’s servers but instead, some fan websites and other places. That was Blizzard who didn’t notice there was a security breach for longer than a month.

Bugs are always there to be fixed in time. Coding is complex, tough, tiring even for an engineer. Luckily, ANet addresses issues quick enough.

As for male female thing, how do you tell a male dog from a female dog? -No offence charrs- That’s called being realistic. I know, it is not always necessary since this is a fantasy MMO, but it would be so awkward if it was very obvious a charr is female. Think about the Charr, their culture, theme. It’s undertandable. Same for the Asura.

Last, you are never able to create that ‘perfect’ game without actually launching it. This has been talked about why many times so, I don’t see it necessary to type more about it.

Have fun!

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rocksors.7830


>Thinks game launches don’t have numerous bugs.
>Blames Anet for third party sites being hacked.

>Calls… other people…. rookies?


Isle Of Janthir [AR]
Rocksors: 80 Guardian, Althalus: 80 Thief, Birigitte: 80 Ranger, Roacsors: 80 Warrior

My Issues with GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LaronX.8079


Maybe my English is to bad but I try to get my point across.

I don’t blame A-net for getting hacked. I blame A-net for giving out if that e-mail is used for a gw2 account or not.
That is a rookie mistake and if you don’t get it, let me give you an example. If you would go to the bank and tell them a random number and they would tell you if it belongs to a bank account or not. When you get one right you make a bank transfer. I am pretty sure you would tell your bank that it made a mistake for giving out you bank number . But according to your logic they did nothing wrong they didn’t get hacked right?
But he why think about something just use the same answer over and over you sure get it right one time.
