New Activity - Snowboarding!

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


I was just doing my favourite past-time; Sliding down the edge of Rata sum to see if I can survive all the way to the end and then i thought… What if this was an actual PvP Activity…

Sort of like the old FF7 Snowboarding mini-game:

I specifically chose this video as it shows what happens when you hit certain objects along the course. It would be really cool to have something like this added to the edge of Rata Sum as a mini game or you could just pop it into Hoelbrak where there is actually snow.

Either way, just thought it could be quite fun and competitive.

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New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: narwhalsbend.7059


We still don’t have Polymock, and you think they’re going to add something else?

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sevans.4619


I came here to mention the FF7 mini-game, but you beat me to it OP.

Saethe — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Maguuma

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


Could be a fun mini game for Wintersday.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I’d play it. Might be the only mini game/activity other than bell choir (and the mythical Polymock) that I’d actually enjoy.

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New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazuli.2098


I’d play it. Might be the only mini game/activity other than bell choir (and the mythical Polymock) that I’d actually enjoy.

I like bell choir too although I was pretty awful when I first tried it. Hope it comes back with Winter’s Day this year.

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


We still don’t have Polymock, and you think they’re going to add something else?

Erm… I’ll sum this up:

Belchers Bluff, Crab Toss, Sanctum Sprint, Southsun Survival…

They have been added before Polymock, so the answer to your somewhat rhetorical question is; Yes, I think they would!

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New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shayne Hawke.9160

Shayne Hawke.9160

There’s already a racing minigame with Sanctum Sprint. The way it works is fundamentally different from what you’re describing, but it’s unlikely that they’ll add another racing game when the first one they put in has so much room for polish.

YT channel - GW2 Activity vids and more
Activities are dead.
Sanctum Sprint record times: any checkpoints – 39.333, all checkpoints – 1:55.633

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


City of Heroes had a holiday winter resort with both a slalom run and a “luge/bobsled” run for achievements based on completion times. It was an enjoyable side venture.

Of course it was in it’s own pocket dimension along with the nightclub and caged space monkey fights.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


As much as I like the idea for it as a gw2 unique minigame, I’m also for it, that Anet first and foremost should finally do, what they should have done already for the game release date and implement finally all those missing Minigame Activities, that should have been in the game from begin on.

  • Polymock
  • Bar Brawls
  • Shooting Range

just to name the 3 most known ones which we are waiting for 2 years now and Bar Brawl Achievements were already in the game and got removed (whyever!)

ANet should hold finally onto their words and make out of the explorable Toowns, what they said what towns should be like in GW2.

Entertaining unique places, full of activities, which you want to revisit everytime every now and then

But currently, all the towns (except Divinities reach, even due to missing all its activities) are nothign else than freaking ghost towns mostly since 2 years and not compareable with DR in regard of its felt lifeliness.

ANet once said, that GW2 would have later over several douzens of different activities if I fremember myself right!!
I ask myself, where the heck all those activities are. We have currently only like a hand full and blecher buff I don’t count as activity, because its not pvp centric, like all the other activities like sanctum sprint, crab catching or southsun survival.
Just as a noite, all these 3 activities we got so far came only into the game because of living story season 1 as part of the patches….

I can’t be, that we see only new activities being added to the game, when a living story patch introduces them…. or do we have to wait now, until living story season 546, until we finally get Polymock, because of the story getting finally somehow to Rata Sum in a way, that enables ANet to give the patch a reason, why polymock is finally there?

I doubt it.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cries Of Sorrow.5864

Cries Of Sorrow.5864

We already have snowboarding, it’s a random encounter and appears whenever the server starts lagging.

Main Elementalist:Train Of Thought
Alt Warrior: Burning Paris
Best Ele build EU.

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

We already have snowboarding, it’s a random encounter and appears whenever the server starts lagging.

Don’t you mean rubberbanding?

Or as I like to call it, “being teleported by Arenanet because they’re angry that I don’t buy gems and want to harass me until I succumb.”

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



ANet should ask themself for every town for once the question:

Why should I as a player go to visit Rata Sum?
Why should I as a player go to visit Lion’s Arch ?
Why should I as a player go to visit Divinities Reach ?
Why should i as a player go to visit the Grove ?
Why should I as a player go to visit the Black Citadel ?
Why should I as a player go to visit Hoelbrak ?

If the REASONS for doing so range just between 1 to under 3, then those towns are in a dire need for redesign and absolutely need more activities and other thigns, which are a good reason for why a player should want to go visit the town and that more than just only once and beign done with the town then forever.

I’ll make an example with DR here:

Why should I as a player want to go visiting DR and come back?

  • Because I can play Shooting Range there (and only there)
  • Because I can play Bar Brawls there
  • Because I can find there Item Traders for Town Unique Weapons
  • Because I can find there Item Traders for Town Unique Armors
  • Because I can fidn there Item Traders for Town Unique Crafting Materials
  • Because I can find there Karma Vendors for Town Unique Karma Items
  • Because I can participate there on Town Unique Dynamic Events
  • Because certain special human related holidays are celebrated there every now n then.
  • Because the Laurel Vendor there has Town Unique rewards
  • Because I can fulfill here for Queen Jennah special Scavenger Hunts and other meaningful tasks she pleases ME to do for her to get at the end for doing them some meaningful rewards
  • Because I can go here constantly to the Crown Pavillion, DR’s special Collosseum to fight either duels, or tournaments against countless of monster waves to honor my battling skills and fight every now and then on special days agaisnt mighty Pavillion Champions like Liadri the Concealed Darkness & Co. (and see every now and then also new Champions appearing…)
  • Because of my Player House in my Home Instance
  • Because of allowing me to use Playback Mode to hear any of GW2’s Songs ect. whenever I want in the game, also all of those from older living stories, when you want to hear again maybe the music from scarlet invading lion#s Arch for example, you could hear it from Uzolans Playback Mode.
  • Because of getting Order Missions from the 3 order headquarters in the Town
    ect. pp

Thats the kind of amount of REASONS, that every single town of GW2 needs and sadly this is currently far away from beign so the case.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CrimeDog.5614



ANet should ask themself for every town for once the question:

Why should I as a player go to visit Rata Sum?
Why should I as a player go to visit Lion’s Arch ?
Why should I as a player go to visit Divinities Reach ?
Why should i as a player go to visit the Grove ?
Why should I as a player go to visit the Black Citadel ?
Why should I as a player go to visit Hoelbrak ?

If the REASONS for doing so range just between 1 to under 3, then those towns are in a dire need for redesign and absolutely need more activities and other thigns, which are a good reason for why a player should want to go visit the town and that more than just only once and beign done with the town then forever.

I’ll make an example with DR here:

Why should I as a player want to go visiting DR and come back?

  • Because I can play Shooting Range there (and only there)
  • Because I can play Bar Brawls there
  • Because I can find there Item Traders for Town Unique Weapons
  • Because I can find there Item Traders for Town Unique Armors
  • Because I can fidn there Item Traders for Town Unique Crafting Materials
  • Because I can find there Karma Vendors for Town Unique Karma Items
  • Because I can participate there on Town Unique Dynamic Events
  • Because certain special human related holidays are celebrated there every now n then.
  • Because the Laurel Vendor there has Town Unique rewards
  • Because I can fulfill here for Queen Jennah special Scavenger Hunts and other meaningful tasks she pleases ME to do for her to get at the end for doing them some meaningful rewards
  • Because I can go here constantly to the Crown Pavillion, DR’s special Collosseum to fight either duels, or tournaments against countless of monster waves to honor my battling skills and fight every now and then on special days agaisnt mighty Pavillion Champions like Liadri the Concealed Darkness & Co. (and see every now and then also new Champions appearing…)
  • Because of my Player House in my Home Instance
  • Because of allowing me to use Playback Mode to hear any of GW2’s Songs ect. whenever I want in the game, also all of those from older living stories, when you want to hear again maybe the music from scarlet invading lion#s Arch for example, you could hear it from Uzolans Playback Mode.
  • Because of getting Order Missions from the 3 order headquarters in the Town
    ect. pp

Thats the kind of amount of REASONS, that every single town of GW2 needs and sadly this is currently far away from beign so the case.

THIS. This, Sir, is I game I would want to play! Sadly… Well, you know the rest.

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


Why? Because that’s where the TP, bank and crafting stations are. Why? Because I need to visit for map completion. Why? Because it’s the easiest locals to farm for transmutation charges.

Do I like your reasons. Yea. But it’s not like there aren’t reasons already.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


Map Completion is a 1 time only thing, nothign that is a reason for why you would want to revisit any of the towns later again.
TP, Bank and all the other crap is nothing unique, all towns have them …
all towns give you for explorign them to 1005 ONCE a transmutation charge..

Belle, if you count reasons, then come up at least with compelling reasons that aren’t just one time activities which you are doing in these towns just only once and be done forever with them after that and likely with the complete town also too, like its now the case.

None of the towns has any reason, why you should revisit them, after you have explroed them to 100% once, there are no town unique activites in them, like Anet stated, that towns would have them at release.
Anet went even so far and made out if the minigame activities a time gated crap accessible from LIONS ARCH, completely removing for example a reason for why we should go visit Hoelbrak at all… because why visit Hoelbrak, when I could go play Keg brws every X days from lions Arch ??

Does this make any sense to you ? For me NOT

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


First, alts.

Second, don’t care, I park my character in a city every night to use the TP/Bank and all those things you don’t care about. I personally hated LA as it was a lag fest and I couldn’t do my business there without a bunch of hyperactive players who just had to make as much noise as possible. I like my city because the crowds are smaller and show a bit more self control.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


First, alts.

Second, don’t care, I park my character in a city every night to use the TP/Bank and all those things you don’t care about. I personally hated LA as it was a lag fest and I couldn’t do my business there without a bunch of hyperactive players who just had to make as much noise as possible. I like my city because the crowds are smaller and show a bit more self control.

Do I understand you right, you want no improvements for all the towns, because your reasons are alternative characters that you park there out of lazyness (what has nothing to do with town improvements at all) and fearing, that if ANet would improve the towns how they should work like basically announced from them, that they become only more laggy and noisy???

Don’t you think thats not some kind of really selfish reasoning to deny cause of such personal problems many other players and the game itself its needed improvements to get some lifeful towns, that offer enough reasons for why you would want to revisit them.

If you just want a place wheres its not laggy and not noisy where you can do all your tasks by parking lazy your alts there for doing things like TPing, banking and crafting, you should have bought that permanent airship ticket that sends you to an airship instance with all the important npcs that you need.

Or you should support the general idea of Anet implementing finally guild halls/islands like in GW1, so that guilds get a general instanced head quarter with all the important npcs in, where you can then park your alts in to have quick access to these npcs in a silent place.
I don’t see a reason, why we should have for this literally ghost towns, when lifeful towns with many activities and attractivities would be much more fun for everyone.

PS: I could see Snowboarding becoming a very nice Hoelbrak unique activitiy which would be a nice reason for why I would want to go revisit Hoelbrak for whenever I want to play it. I absolutely dislike the current Lions Arch NPC, that forces us under a time gatign to play the activities, which would be all good reasons to go visit their corresponding towns/locations

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

(edited by Orpheal.8263)

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Not sure if the current engine can easily support snowboarding. Most of the current events basically have you moving around on the ground, snowboarding will probably require ANet to change the physics engine a bit. Although if they did do so I’d love it if they could implement sliding in other parts of the game i.e. sliding down hills and taking less damage than the current model where you’re basically falling down a slightly steep hill at full speed and end up dead at the bottom.

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


No, I like your suggestions Orpheal, I’m just saying the cities aren’t as deserted as you claim.

We are heroes. This is what we do!

RIP City of Heroes

New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coopziana.1802


As much as I like the idea for it as a gw2 unique minigame, I’m also for it, that Anet first and foremost should finally do, what they should have done already for the game release date and implement finally all those missing Minigame Activities, that should have been in the game from begin on.

  • Polymock
  • Bar Brawls
  • Shooting Range

just to name the 3 most known ones which we are waiting for 2 years now and Bar Brawl Achievements were already in the game and got removed (whyever!)

ANet should hold finally onto their words and make out of the explorable Toowns, what they said what towns should be like in GW2.

Entertaining unique places, full of activities, which you want to revisit everytime every now and then

But currently, all the towns (except Divinities reach, even due to missing all its activities) are nothign else than freaking ghost towns mostly since 2 years and not compareable with DR in regard of its felt lifeliness.

ANet once said, that GW2 would have later over several douzens of different activities if I fremember myself right!!
I ask myself, where the heck all those activities are. We have currently only like a hand full and blecher buff I don’t count as activity, because its not pvp centric, like all the other activities like sanctum sprint, crab catching or southsun survival.
Just as a noite, all these 3 activities we got so far came only into the game because of living story season 1 as part of the patches….

I can’t be, that we see only new activities being added to the game, when a living story patch introduces them…. or do we have to wait now, until living story season 546, until we finally get Polymock, because of the story getting finally somehow to Rata Sum in a way, that enables ANet to give the patch a reason, why polymock is finally there?

I doubt it.

If polymock was added again in the same kind of style as GW1 where you had to hunt for new pieces, I’d play it constantly and certainly would keep me off the forums for a while lol.

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New Activity - Snowboarding!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lioka qiao.8734

lioka qiao.8734

I want a snowboard. So many places in the shiverpeaks would be awesome to shred powder in, especially lornar’s pass.

Little red Lioka