New Halloween Decorations expensive

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kitsumeo.8754


As a fan of Guild Hall decorations I have been looking forward to the new decoration, only to be disappointed by the amount of materials needed for it.

In comparison to the Lunar New Year and Super Adventure Box decorations the latest decorations added “Fractal Decorations” and the “New Halloween Decorations” have been nothing more than expensive and in some ways feel ridiculous in terms of required materials.

Below an example of the costs required for 1 decoration.

Stack of Candy Corn = 2g to make it easy for the following examples
(At current they are valued a lot more, about 2.8g to 2.35g)

  • Hanging Tree around 15g+
    Simple Finishing Kit
    15 Globs of Ectoplasm 4g 20s
    25 pumpkins/2500 Pieces of Candy Corn = 10g
    3 Basic Trees = 72s
  • Demon Statue around 25g+
    Fine Finishing Kit
    10 Steel Chisels = 4g19s
    50 Pumpkins/5000 Pieces of Candy Corn = 20g
    5 Basic Boulders = 1g.2s
  • Mausoleum around 34g+
    Master’s Finishing Kit
    13 Ancient Bones = 3g
    75 Pumpkins/7500 Pieces of Candy Corn =30g
    4 Basic Columns = 96s
  • Eternal Flame around 142g+
    Master’s Finishing Kit
    10 Essence of Light 110g
    75 Pumpkins/7500 Pieces of Candy Corn = 30g
    1 Basic Grave Marker = 2g
    (Edit on this one, light gone up to 50g so this decoration is now 500g+)
  • Mad Moon around 270g+
    Grandmaster’s Finishing Kit
    100 Mithril Ingot =1g
    250 Globs of Ectoplasm/25000 Pieces of Candy Corn = 70g
    250 Pumpkins = 200g

I find that they are all too expensive, aren’t decorations suppose to be fun?
For 270g I can buy 1125 Basic decorations, is the Mad Moon more awesome than a full guild hall filled with 1125 Basic decorations?
Also the fact that power sellers are taking advantage of sellable decorations ingredients like Essence of Light doesn’t make it any easier on the costs, as I write the Essence of Light have gone up to 14g and will probably go up to 20g+ or higher over night.

I love decorations but you really need to consider is this what you want decorations to be? I get it that some things are harder to get and require some work but there is only so much to where the costs can go, especially if we talk about timed event items which are required for the decorations (pumpkins in this case)

If you need any help or feedback on how to improve decorations in terms of costs and materials required feel free to contact me and I would be happy to sit around the table to share my experience and thoughts on how to change it into something everyone would enjoy. (Apart from the power sellers)

Remember decorations are suppose to be fun.

Kind Regards,

Guild Leader of Whitelions [Claw]
Practise makes perfect.

(edited by Kitsumeo.8754)

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wanze.8410


Remember decorations are suppose to be fun.

Kind Regards,

Oh wouldnt it be horrible to take your guild in a game called Guild Wars into a Hidden Garden and wage war on Air Elementals to farm Essences of Light in order to decorate your guild hall with the trophies you have earned.

Were is the fun in that?

Lets just buy it on the trading post and complain about the price.

Tin Foil [HATS]-Hardcore BLTC-PvP Guild
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

Are you trying to first day buyout decorations for a one-man guild or something? Our guild has 6 core members and we figure it will be little trouble to gather enough pumpkins over the course of the event to deck out our hall.. the non-festival components can be gathered at our leisure.

Good, Fast, Cheap. Choose any two.


New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Remember decorations are suppose to be fun.

Kind Regards,

Oh wouldnt it be horrible to take your guild in a game called Guild Wars into a Hidden Garden and wage war on Air Elementals to farm Essences of Light in order to decorate your guild hall with the trophies you have earned.

Were is the fun in that?

Exactly. Since there aren’t that many air elementals in there (and their respawn rates aren’t great either), that hunt would be mostly standing in one place and complaining.
Not really fun.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pixemath.5673


I have to disagree with everything decoration related that people say. Guild scribing wasn’t intended for one person to be actively involved in, with no prior effort from the guild.

I personally have a guild of 350+ members. And I can tell you this now, you have to envelop a sense of community, or else your guild just won’t work with you.

Being in a Guild is a lot more complicated than just some friends hanging out, as some people do seem to keep this mindset. If you want things for your “GUILD” hall.

Get the guild involved more!

I know, I know… You can’t force people, this I have seen first hand plenty of times. But! You can however, encourage people to donate. We’ve made more than 200 pumpkins in around 10 hours from donations alone already.

I say all of this from a calm, officer-like point of view. But, it really is true. Guild Wars 2 has the name “Guild” in it for a reason. If your guild refuse to help, then why are they even there in the first place? I hold a lot of pride for my guild, because most have helped me get through a lot of terrible life issues, and I’ve made friends of them all.

Don’t do things alone. Split the costs. 10 people can make your job 10x easier.

Remember that!

(edited by Pixemath.5673)

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Svarty.8019


IMO Tattered bat wings need to be more available. They aren’t in the recipes you list above, but they go into the Scarecrow decoration, Nightfury and now endless tonics.

Nobody at Anet loves WvW like Grouch loved PvP. That’s what we need, a WvW Grouch, but taller.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


I agree with the bat wings needing to be more available or less required just for a scarecrow. The pumpkins seem easy enough to get for a guild working together though.

Some extra suggestions;

- exchange candy cobs for pumpkins ( ie 1 cob = 10 pumpkins).
- or convert 1 cob back to 1000 candy.

I’ve stored some candy as cobs for storage reasons, so it would be nice to use those. As it stands they are useless for decorating, even though they are essentially just re-packaged candy

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: jheryn.8390


Our guild is what I would consider medium sized. Around 100 guild members with about 50 of them consistently active. We really don’t have much problem getting what we need out of the 50 active players.

We are willing to do things like getting the Essences of Light as a group. We all chip in for things we want to build.

Our members are very generous and give A LOT of gold worth of items and well…. …gold.

Yes these things are not cheap, but part of it is working together as a guild to be able to afford them.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


The mad moon is literally the biggest waste of gold in the game. It is a terrible decoration.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


The mad moon is literally the biggest waste of gold in the game. It is a terrible decoration.

I haven’t got it yet. Is it because of the size? It looks quite small in the wiki pic

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CommonSense.4697


It’s as tall as my human character. It’s a snow globe basically. It’s terribly misleading and Terribly expensive.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


I have to disagree with everything decoration related that people say. Guild scribing wasn’t intended for one person to be actively involved in, with no prior effort from the guild.

I personally have a guild of 350+ members. And I can tell you this now, you have to envelop a sense of community, or else your guild just won’t work with you.

Being in a Guild is a lot more complicated than just some friends hanging out, as some people do seem to keep this mindset. If you want things for your “GUILD” hall.

Get the guild involved more!

I know, I know… You can’t force people, this I have seen first hand plenty of times. But! You can however, encourage people to donate. We’ve made more than 200 pumpkins in around 10 hours from donations alone already.

I say all of this from a calm, officer-like point of view. But, it really is true. Guild Wars 2 has the name “Guild” in it for a reason. If your guild refuse to help, then why are they even there in the first place? I hold a lot of pride for my guild, because most have helped me get through a lot of terrible life issues, and I’ve made friends of them all.

Don’t do things alone. Split the costs. 10 people can make your job 10x easier.

Remember that!

I have to disagree with everything in here. If it works out for you, and for your guild, that’s great, for you, but it doesn’t work for plenty of other players, and the way it works for you shouldn’t be the only way it can work for them. Decoration and Scribing prices definitely are way too high, period. They need to come down, period. There is nothing to be gained by arguing otherwise, period.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


It’s as tall as my human character. It’s a snow globe basically. It’s terribly misleading and Terribly expensive.

I feared as much. I’ve delegated it to the bottom of the list for now.

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FrizzFreston.5290


I don’t understand why they put in so many essences of light into one decoration once again. They had finally nerfed the loads of essences out of the previous decoration that needed it just to put them back into this?

Also, don’t suggest that farming those air elementals is in any way a guild activity, or earnable, let alone fun. It’s a horrible mindless grind. If there’s 3 people there it’s already hard t get a hit in sometimes. Let alone 5 to 10. And since it isn’t an event it doesnt scale, so great.

There’s more of these rarer materials, that I like for their special places where they are obtained, but because of their abysmal droprate they are in no way fun to go get. ALthough you could argue that there is the TP, which imo is really not something you can do together as a guild either.

I would suggest to add mini missions just to farm a few of these items. It’s something to do, while getting the stuff you want, without relying on farming simple mobs and RNG. It could be limited to once per week if the value of the item should be retained somewhat.

I don’t think the amount of gold value in the OP is painting a genuine picture though. 15 gold for one pretty amazing decoration is barely anything. It would take 7 people and their daily gold value to make it. One day.

That said, guild-team play is very badly promoted throughout this game, and I’m not surprised that not everyone picks up on that. (Guild missions once a week or multiple times a week gives you barely anything tangible imo.) Let alone that people care about decorating their guild hall over their personal goals.

“It isn’t working!” CL4P-TP
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik

New Halloween Decorations expensive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: khani.4786


Next year I would like to be able to trade in fangs, skills & nougat (and the refined counterparts) for something either for the guild hall or personal rewards.

My guild banded together to buy pumpkins and two of us farmed the essences so we managed to make at least one of every new halloween decoration. Unless you’re trying to do it all on your own, then it isn’t too bad.

But, yes the mad moon is tiny for what I spent making it. it does fit in the Mausoleum nicely or on top of a column….but I do wish it had been much bigger.