New Release Details! Video!
Looks like Scarlet…
got wurms.
This hands down made my day. lmao.
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Oh hey, we’re getting a feature patch sometime after March! Cool!
Unless they change the direction these living story patches have taken in the next update on the 21st, where it’s actually giving pve players something to do, it will be too little too late. They talk like the realize the problem with the living story, and the way patches have been handled, yet every release seemingly gets worse and worse. The tower of nightmares was bad living story patch, and to follow it up, they made an even worse living story update, followed by an even bigger disaster with the skin situation with the wintersday patch. Which also was a seemingly pointless living story update. None of which I even bothered to complete. The question is will this next one change that track record and truely give us something that paves the way for the major update in the summer? Or will it be the same scarlet, different day.
Not impressed by the interview, since he pointed out WvW season 1 as a “success”.
All that did was bring in a mass of fairweathers who checked off boxes on an achievement list, skewed the rankings, and then logged out of WvW to never play it again till offered another shiny carrot. Pretty much an example of how poorly the achievement system in general impacts the game… once the boxes are checked, the content is abandoned in favor of the next set of checkboxes.
It brought the achievement farming mentality to wvw. Don’t flip this camp, we are farming yaks. Don’t upgrade this, we get achievement if we lose it and take it back. We need to lose some keeps so I can destroy walls. etc etc. People not there for WvW, but for a checkbox.
WVW issues were not touched, nothing was done for long term WvW players, and tbh Season 1 was just a blip to be forgotten about.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
When they say “shake Tyria to it’s core” and “Tyria really won’t be the same” I really hope they don’t mean “we’re going to give it the Kessex Hills treatment wherein we tear down a beautifully crafted zone so we can say ‘see, the Living Story has a permanent effect on the world.’”
Not impressed by the interview, since he pointed out WvW season 1 as a “success”.
All that did was bring in a mass of fairweathers who checked off boxes on an achievement list, skewed the rankings, and then logged out to never play again till offered another shiny carrot. Pretty much an example of how poorly the achievement system in general impacts the game… once the boxes are checked, the content is abandoned in favor of the next set of checkboxes.
WVW issues were not touched, nothing was done for long term WvW players, and tbh Season 1 was just a blip to be forgotten about.
Again, it all comes down to what the developers value. If they’re simply after metrics…the number of players logging on…then the WvW Season 1 was a huge success. I don’t play WvW, so I’ll give you the PvE side of things. If they’re after log in metrics, then I’m sure the Living Story with it’s ever-refreshing Achievement Point checklist has been a success. If they’re after fun, engaging gameplay, however, then I’d argue the Living Story has been a resounding failure (even if it did have an occasional bright spot).
I personally must say I’m disappointed by this start…
Boring Bosses…
A Wurm. just somethign what we already have in the Caledon Forets also now too in the Bloodtide Coast ?
Very innovative…….NOT
Recycled Watch Knight in silver on Marionette Strongs in XXXXXXL super large ??
Seriously… and tons of recycled robotic enemies again which will be all the same, that we know from all of Scarlets invasions which I also hope will stop soon finally as they simply make no sense anymore to occur, once we finally end the Scarlet Arc.
I would have expected something better and when they implement a new World Boss, that it is really something completely new.
Bloodtide Coast is a good place for the patch ,the place has alot of water and could have been used for givign the game more underwater content, like an Underwater World Boss, something cool, like the Kraken for example, which would have been a thousand times better, than just another silly wurm
And instead of lettign us fight again against the same enemies that we already permanently fight against in the invasions, why couldn#t have we seen some kind of collaboration in regard of enemies, that are in those two maps.
The Inquest and the Svanir. Really, Scarlet has already made allieces with thwe Nightmare court, with the Dregde, with the Flame Legion, would be surprised if we would see gettign the Svanir and the Inquest more involved in the Bloodtide Coadt where the Inquest has some kinmd of underwater labs and the Svanir being in Lornars Pass, because those 2 enemies of the pact are so far the only ones, which have collaborated with Scarlet yet in the big style, other races have made alliances with Scarlet in the past already.
Not impressed by the interview, since he pointed out WvW season 1 as a “success”.
All that did was bring in a mass of fairweathers who checked off boxes on an achievement list, skewed the rankings, and then logged out to never play again till offered another shiny carrot. Pretty much an example of how poorly the achievement system in general impacts the game… once the boxes are checked, the content is abandoned in favor of the next set of checkboxes.
WVW issues were not touched, nothing was done for long term WvW players, and tbh Season 1 was just a blip to be forgotten about.
Again, it all comes down to what the developers value. If they’re simply after metrics…the number of players logging on…then the WvW Season 1 was a huge success. I don’t play WvW, so I’ll give you the PvE side of things. If they’re after log in metrics, then I’m sure the Living Story with it’s ever-refreshing Achievement Point checklist has been a success. If they’re after fun, engaging gameplay, however, then I’d argue the Living Story has been a resounding failure (even if it did have an occasional bright spot).
And that is the issue with metrics. When you make, say, JPs a must do on an achievement list it then you cannot point at the number of people doing them as an indication of how “popular” they are. Just how often they are done.
JPs are popular with those who enjoy that sort of thing, but metrics also include the number of people who loathe them, and just get them over with for a checkmark.
It is not a measure of success, quality, or popularity unless you measure the content alone.. with it not required for any other reason.
Something that’s been said before, and Colin Johanson said again in the linked interview:
“We have a couple of really big Guild Wars projects cooking in the background.”
We’ve been sitting at the table for a while, and we’ve had our fill of complimentary bread. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to feast on something more substantive. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to be served whatever it is they’ve been cooking on the back burner. Wait too long, keep it simmering on the back burner too long with promises that we’ll get to eat soon enough, and your hungry customers just might go to one of the soon-to-be-opening restaurants down the street.
When he first said this at launch I was like: AWESOME this game is going to kill every other MMO ever.
When he said it again 6 months later I was like: These things must be HUGE if they are taking so long, I can’t wait!
When he said it again at the 1 year anniversary I was like: You keep saying this but it never seems to happen… what’s the deal?
When he said it again now at the 1.5 year mark I am like: Bull kitten, i’m sure it will poop unicorns and rain bunnies soon too. You had your chance, the lies are just ticking me off now.
I would have expected something better and when they implement a new World Boss, that it is really something completely new.
Bloodtide Coast is a good place for the patch ,the place has alot of water and could have been used for givign the game more underwater content, like an Underwater World Boss, something cool, like the Kraken for example, which would have been a thousand times better, than just another silly wurm
I agree. This would have been an excellent opportunity to give us an underwater world boss and some more underwater content finally.
But alas, this aspect of the game, it appears, is once again going to be ignored.
The Wurm/Puppet alliance? I have to hand it to you ANet, nobody guessed that one would be next.
I’d shake your hand, but I worry about where you pulled that idea from.
When they say “shake Tyria to it’s core” and “Tyria really won’t be the same” I really hope they don’t mean “we’re going to give it the Kessex Hills treatment wherein we tear down a beautifully crafted zone so we can say ‘see, the Living Story has a permanent effect on the world.’”
This right here is a very big point for me. I love how pretty this game is, by and large. I hate Orr because of how ugly it is, though it does make for a good “this is the land of evil” feel when compared to the rest of the world. Making the rest of the world ugly to “evolve” it with the LS doesn’t make me want to play the game more. It makes me want to play the game less.
Now, with that all said…
Let’s not bash on the new fights too much until we know how they’ll play. I’m not much for taking down world bosses, just like I wasn’t much for Incarnate Trials in CoH. But one of the fights I loved most in CoH was the end of the Behavior Adjustment Facility trial, where you had to take down the robots Siege and Nightstar within a few seconds of each other to keep them from reviving. If that’s how the wurm’s three heads work, and the UI shows the life bars for all three throughout the zone, then it might have the same fun to it.
And there’s no telling what a giant clockwork puppet can do.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I would have expected something better and when they implement a new World Boss, that it is really something completely new.
Bloodtide Coast is a good place for the patch ,the place has alot of water and could have been used for givign the game more underwater content, like an Underwater World Boss, something cool, like the Kraken for example, which would have been a thousand times better, than just another silly wurm
I agree. This would have been an excellent opportunity to give us an underwater world boss and some more underwater content finally.
But alas, this aspect of the game, it appears, is once again going to be ignored.
Eww.. I would hate more underwater stuff personally. My lvl 80 toon with some Ascended gear still has a lvl 5 breather. Not a fan of getting wet.
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA
Something that’s been said before, and Colin Johanson said again in the linked interview:
“We have a couple of really big Guild Wars projects cooking in the background.”
We’ve been sitting at the table for a while, and we’ve had our fill of complimentary bread. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to feast on something more substantive. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to be served whatever it is they’ve been cooking on the back burner. Wait too long, keep it simmering on the back burner too long with promises that we’ll get to eat soon enough, and your hungry customers just might go to one of the soon-to-be-opening restaurants down the street.
When he first said this at launch I was like: AWESOME this game is going to kill every other MMO ever.
When he said it again 6 months later I was like: These things must be HUGE if they are taking so long, I can’t wait!
When he said it again at the 1 year anniversary I was like: You keep saying this but it never seems to happen… what’s the deal?
When he said it again now at the 1.5 year mark I am like: Bull kitten, i’m sure it will poop unicorns and rain bunnies soon too. You had your chance, the lies are just ticking me off now.
Launch updates that were cooking and got released – WvW ranks, Breakout events, Currency Wallet
0.5 year updates that were cooking and got released – Player choice of design – Cutthroat politics release, Tequatl 2.0, (Thaumanova Fractal)
Year 1 updates that were cooking and got released – Gold in PvP, new maps, Ascended crafting, upcoming LS content
It’s all there…just the player visibility into which features applied where is vague. Not to mention most players here seem to think every last word of Anet is a promise written in blood to be carried out indefinitely. If something must change, they’ll change it. That’s why they don’t reveal specific projects, because the fragility of software design can cause any number of things to happen that would either delay said project or make it unreasonable to continue pursuit (budget, technical restraints, time, etc…)
(edited by Malchior.5042)
You know what will be great? If they released an update that had nothing to do with story whatsoever: adding guild features, fixing abysmal loot system, adding precursor hunt, fixing bugs and skills – all the features they promised in 2013.
In the Massively article they stated they would be doing exactly that shortly after the conclusion of the current LS arc.
Good Lord, they don’t get it, do they? It’s way past time to add new content. It’s over a year in and they’re still telling us things are in the works? He goes on about the break after season and the big patch – it can’t be just quality of life improvements. It can’t be more of “we’re trying to strengthen the core game”. The game needs to be an expansion – it needs a Factions, a Nightfall. Nothing Colin has said indicates they truly understand why a good many players are kittened off. I don’t care about a permanent addition of a dungeon path – I want a new dungeon. I don’t care about Rox, Raisin Brahams, or any of the others, – I want my character to expand and grow.
Good Lord, they don’t get it, do they? It’s way past time to add new content. It’s over a year in and they’re still telling us things are in the works? He goes on about the break after season and the big patch – it can’t be just quality of life improvements. It can’t be more of “we’re trying to strengthen the core game”. The game needs to be an expansion – it needs a Factions, a Nightfall. Nothing Colin has said indicates they truly understand why a good many players are kittened off. I don’t care about a permanent addition of a dungeon path – I want a new dungeon. I don’t care about Rox, Raisin Brahams, or any of the others, – I want my character to expand and grow.
+1, we scream it from the hilltops and the just close the curtains to the window.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
So much RAGE!!!!! Lol!
Probably because everyone expected Anet will try to redeem themselves for the Scarlet mess by hinting at / announcing a dragon or answering some of the myriad GW and/or GW2 mysteries. Instead, there’s a wurm boss (may or may not be connected to 6th Dragon) and some recycled watchwork stuff, as well as a new character. There are plenty of characters in PS-LS thus far, this just adds more questions than answers.
There’s enough dragon to kill atm and even Teq dont get enough attention cause of mechanics yet you want another? What if they introduce another Dragon and mechanics that will need more players to defeat than Teq? And at the same time precursor crafting will be release that will take more than the cost/time of ascended armor to complete? Will the rage stop?? Personally I like to see more Dragons alonglwith expac. But until then ill be content what Anet throws atm.
I’d rather have more dragons to kill than the slew of lesbian love stories, fembots, and rainbow shooting weapons. I’d love to see campaigns to clean Orr, I’d love to see the religions of the races expanded upon – like directly interacting with the Eternal Alchemy. I’m hoping the new character will be a bit more believable and in line with the lore. I doubt the rage will stop until ArenaNet actually expands on their game – treating it more like a game less like a 13 year old’s fan fiction.
As long as there’s hardcore gamer vs the casuals nahh the rage will never stop….
Something that’s been said before, and Colin Johanson said again in the linked interview:
“We have a couple of really big Guild Wars projects cooking in the background.”
We’ve been sitting at the table for a while, and we’ve had our fill of complimentary bread. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to feast on something more substantive. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to be served whatever it is they’ve been cooking on the back burner. Wait too long, keep it simmering on the back burner too long with promises that we’ll get to eat soon enough, and your hungry customers just might go to one of the soon-to-be-opening restaurants down the street.
When he first said this at launch I was like: AWESOME this game is going to kill every other MMO ever.
When he said it again 6 months later I was like: These things must be HUGE if they are taking so long, I can’t wait!
When he said it again at the 1 year anniversary I was like: You keep saying this but it never seems to happen… what’s the deal?
When he said it again now at the 1.5 year mark I am like: Bull kitten, i’m sure it will poop unicorns and rain bunnies soon too. You had your chance, the lies are just ticking me off now.
Launch updates that were cooking and got released – WvW ranks, Breakout events, Currency Wallet
0.5 year updates that were cooking and got released – Player choice of design – Cutthroat politics release, Tequatl 2.0, (Thaumanova Fractal)
Year 1 updates that were cooking and got released – Gold in PvP, new maps, Ascended crafting, upcoming LS content
It’s all there…just the player visibility into which features applied where is vague. Not to mention most players here seem to think every last word of Anet is a promise written in blood to be carried out indefinitely. If something must change, they’ll change it. That’s why they don’t reveal specific projects, because the fragility of software design can cause any number of things to happen that would either delay said project or make it unreasonable to continue pursuit (budget, technical restraints, time, etc…)
Not a single one of those is a big feature though… half of those could be coded while drunk on your weekend off. None of them are even a sliver of an expansion feature that we keep getting told are coming.
If that’s the list of big exciting features then this game is in trouble.
Predictions for the boss fights:
- The mechanics will not involve turrets that are susceptible to AFK griefing
- The overflow problems from the Teq debut will still be present
- The first couple of days, every server will be all over it
- Some will say, “Too hard.” while others say, “Too easy.” but there will be few if any comments of “Just right.”
- Once the Achievements have been … achieved, people will complain the rewards aren’t good enough
- Attendance will fall off
- Those who come late to the party on most servers will be kool (kitten out of luck)
- Active Teq alliances in EU and NA will add the fights to their routine, and say that everything’s fine because “We’re doing it in overflows.”
- People on the big pop servers will complain that too many people are guesting
- For the permanent fight, those in favor will exaggerate the numbers doing it, while those opposed will insist no one at all does it
Disclaimer: I inhaled a bunch of fresh cynical during my walk
Predictions for the boss fights:
- The mechanics will not involve turrets that are susceptible to AFK griefing
- The overflow problems from the Teq debut will still be present
- The first couple of days, every server will be all over it
- Some will say, “Too hard.” while others say, “Too easy.” but there will be few if any comments of “Just right.”
- Once the Achievements have been … achieved, people will complain the rewards aren’t good enough
- Attendance will fall off
- Those who come late to the party on most servers will be kool (kitten out of luck)
- Active Teq alliances in EU and NA will add the fights to their routine, and say that everything’s fine because “We’re doing it in overflows.”
- People on the big pop servers will complain that too many people are guesting
- For the permanent fight, those in favor will exaggerate the numbers doing it, while those opposed will insist no one at all does it
Disclaimer: I inhaled a bunch of fresh cynical during my walk
I like #7. I’m gonna have to remember kool (kitten out of luck).
Please give us a keyring…
Makes me want to go back to GW1 and burn that tree to the ground before Scarlet ever has a chance to be born. I would gladly sacrifice the entire race of sylvari (and my own ranger as well) to be rid of Scarlet once and for all.
sigh… all this hype about the final four releases, fist patch back from a long break and what do we get? Two boring world bosses that will either be to hard and abandoned like the new Tequatl (the most poorly designed epic failure in ArenaNet history) or something like the KarKa Queen who is easy yet no body gives a kitten about it because of its location and effort involved to spawn it.
I honestly was expecting something good in these final four releases, did they learn nothing from the epic train wreck that was Tequatl 2.0?
Transfer to JQ
Teq is downed 3 times a day, and kakra is downed 3-4 times a day. After reset JQ has 3-4 overflows that all down Teq. (you will need to show up an hour before spawn to get a spot in a competent overflow)
I agree they aren’t the best design, especially for small servers, but they are done daily if you are actually looking to do them and not just complain. Hopefully this new boss scales better so we can do it with 20 people or 200.
Teq spawns 12 times per day. Your server does it 25% of the time. Other world bosses are done probably 70-80% of the time.
quote: " Following in the footsteps of the revamped Tequatl encounter, this release will introduce a brand-new, permanent world boss in the form of an ancient, polycephalous jungle wurm that lives beneath Bloodtide Coast."
I hope it will not follow those footsteps too much or else his lair will just become another desert place.
quote: “[…] you and a hundred or so of your good friends can come back to face the wurm […]”
Boku wa tomodachi ga sukunai LoL
- Mike Obrien
(edited by Erick Alastor.3917)
So much RAGE!!!!! Lol!
Probably because everyone expected Anet will try to redeem themselves for the Scarlet mess by hinting at / announcing a dragon or answering some of the myriad GW and/or GW2 mysteries. Instead, there’s a wurm boss (may or may not be connected to 6th Dragon) and some recycled watchwork stuff, as well as a new character. There are plenty of characters in PS-LS thus far, this just adds more questions than answers.
If you did not read they said there where 4 more updates with her going to be in it this is the first of that 4. They even given dates when this LS arc is going to be over…. At this point your choosing to be uninformed in your complaining.
I haven’t said that I support all the rage, but I can understand it. Yes, I know that more is coming up, but so far it has been shown that updates bring very little in terms of a story, and 4 updates is not much to work with. I was under the impression that if big story developments will take place, it will be hinted at from the “beginning of the end”, cause decent story needs space.
Also, if you’ve read the thread, you would have seen that I would actually love to see the new boss, and am defending the Teq update which was very fun but in some servers it failed because of player inertia. The story, not mechanics, is the problem in the Living World, and 4 updates isn’t a long time to fix it.
[DV] – megaboss community
(edited by hedix.1986)
So much prejudice in this thread. Root of the word prejudice…to pre judge. People aren’t judging this release based on it’s own merit, or playing the release. They’re pre-judging the release based on other encounters which may or may not be indicative of what we’re going to see.
Or a two minute trailer.
I’m not saying it’s going to be great, nor am I saying it’s going to be bad. I won’t judge something before I play it.
Teq spawns 12 times per day. Your server does it 25% of the time. Other world bosses are done probably 70-80% of the time.
Mostly because it takes all of 10 minutes to down them….less in the case of SB… In general, people will choose easy every time.
As for this release, I will wait before I pass judgement. No sense in getting all worked up at this stage in the game (no pun intended.)
I hate how people can be so stupid and hate that much content that havent even play yet, you dont know if the bosses will be boring or easy or hard or anything, you dont know if the story will be the same crap, you dont even know the size of the whole update if it will be bigger or we will get only these bosses and some lore. I mean seriously chill out if you really are so bothered with all this dont play it.
Will this be on Teq level?
WTF why is the Watchknight temporary?
That looks so cool for a world boss!!! come on Anet, get you stuff together!!
sigh… all this hype about the final four releases, fist patch back from a long break and what do we get? Two boring world bosses that will either be to hard and abandoned like the new Tequatl (the most poorly designed epic failure in ArenaNet history) or something like the KarKa Queen who is easy yet no body gives a kitten about it because of its location and effort involved to spawn it.
I honestly was expecting something good in these final four releases, did they learn nothing from the epic train wreck that was Tequatl 2.0?
Transfer to JQ
Teq is downed 3 times a day, and kakra is downed 3-4 times a day. After reset JQ has 3-4 overflows that all down Teq. (you will need to show up an hour before spawn to get a spot in a competent overflow)
I agree they aren’t the best design, especially for small servers, but they are done daily if you are actually looking to do them and not just complain. Hopefully this new boss scales better so we can do it with 20 people or 200.
Teq spawns 12 times per day. Your server does it 25% of the time. Other world bosses are done probably 70-80% of the time.
Last night, after reset, I was a little late getting to Tequatl (I normally don’t do it, being mostly WvW but felt like it last night) and wound up in overflow. A really crowded, filling up fast overflow. A guild in there started spamming (in the best sense of the word) that they were organizing a kill in the overflow, put out TS information, etc. I think the guild was TSI or something similar… turns out this was what they were calling the “second overflow” due to one having filled already. Regardless, the dude in charge got this mishmash of players in TS, organized, and we took down Tequatl with a good four and a half minutes to spare. It was a blast, and many thanks again to that guild and the efforts they put in to make it a fun and successful go for everyone that showed up.
So… three times per day? That was three times nearly simultaneously. I think people are vastly understating how often Tequatl is beat in a given day.
WTF why is the Watchknight temporary?
That looks so cool for a world boss!!! come on Anet, get you stuff together!!
She’s only being tested by Scarlett. The implications are that she’ll be refined and we’ll see her again.
sigh… all this hype about the final four releases, fist patch back from a long break and what do we get? Two boring world bosses that will either be to hard and abandoned like the new Tequatl (the most poorly designed epic failure in ArenaNet history) or something like the KarKa Queen who is easy yet no body gives a kitten about it because of its location and effort involved to spawn it.
I honestly was expecting something good in these final four releases, did they learn nothing from the epic train wreck that was Tequatl 2.0?
Transfer to JQ
Teq is downed 3 times a day, and kakra is downed 3-4 times a day. After reset JQ has 3-4 overflows that all down Teq. (you will need to show up an hour before spawn to get a spot in a competent overflow)
I agree they aren’t the best design, especially for small servers, but they are done daily if you are actually looking to do them and not just complain. Hopefully this new boss scales better so we can do it with 20 people or 200.
Teq spawns 12 times per day. Your server does it 25% of the time. Other world bosses are done probably 70-80% of the time.
Last night, after reset, I was a little late getting to Tequatl (I normally don’t do it, being mostly WvW but felt like it last night) and wound up in overflow. A really crowded, filling up fast overflow. A guild in there started spamming (in the best sense of the word) that they were organizing a kill in the overflow, put out TS information, etc. I think the guild was TSI or something similar… turns out this was what they were calling the “second overflow” due to one having filled already. Regardless, the dude in charge got this mishmash of players in TS, organized, and we took down Tequatl with a good four and a half minutes to spare. It was a blast, and many thanks again to that guild and the efforts they put in to make it a fun and successful go for everyone that showed up.
So… three times per day? That was three times nearly simultaneously. I think people are vastly understating how often Tequatl is beat in a given day.
This has to be true, because I beat Tequatl several times a week with the TTS mega-guild. It’s more than just a guild, it’s a guild of guilds. I’m sure that’s who you ran into.
We often have more than one overflow that we take over to beat Tequatl. Anyone can apply and join it as a secondary guild, and just rep at the right times to participate. They just have to go to ttsgamers.com and apply.
Anyone who thinks Tequatl isn’t done isn’t paying attention.
sigh… all this hype about the final four releases, fist patch back from a long break and what do we get? Two boring world bosses that will either be to hard and abandoned like the new Tequatl (the most poorly designed epic failure in ArenaNet history) or something like the KarKa Queen who is easy yet no body gives a kitten about it because of its location and effort involved to spawn it.
I honestly was expecting something good in these final four releases, did they learn nothing from the epic train wreck that was Tequatl 2.0?
Transfer to JQ
Teq is downed 3 times a day, and kakra is downed 3-4 times a day. After reset JQ has 3-4 overflows that all down Teq. (you will need to show up an hour before spawn to get a spot in a competent overflow)
I agree they aren’t the best design, especially for small servers, but they are done daily if you are actually looking to do them and not just complain. Hopefully this new boss scales better so we can do it with 20 people or 200.
Teq spawns 12 times per day. Your server does it 25% of the time. Other world bosses are done probably 70-80% of the time.
Last night, after reset, I was a little late getting to Tequatl (I normally don’t do it, being mostly WvW but felt like it last night) and wound up in overflow. A really crowded, filling up fast overflow. A guild in there started spamming (in the best sense of the word) that they were organizing a kill in the overflow, put out TS information, etc. I think the guild was TSI or something similar… turns out this was what they were calling the “second overflow” due to one having filled already. Regardless, the dude in charge got this mishmash of players in TS, organized, and we took down Tequatl with a good four and a half minutes to spare. It was a blast, and many thanks again to that guild and the efforts they put in to make it a fun and successful go for everyone that showed up.
So… three times per day? That was three times nearly simultaneously. I think people are vastly understating how often Tequatl is beat in a given day.
This has to be true, because I beat Tequatl several times a week with the TTS mega-guild. It’s more than just a guild, it’s a guild of guilds. I’m sure that’s who you ran into.
We often have more than one overflow that we take over to beat Tequatl. Anyone can apply and join it as a secondary guild, and just rep at the right times to participate. They just have to go to ttsgamers.com and apply.
Anyone who thinks Tequatl isn’t done isn’t paying attention.
TTS! That’s it! Thanks Vayne, and apologies to TTS for not remembering… it was my first run with you all. People like TTS make the game a better place.
To kill Tequatl 2.0 you have to transfer to the right server, at the correct time, be in a specific guild, be in the precise overflow and use teamspeak.
And people think that Tequatl 2.0 was a success?!
If Tequatl 2.0 was a success he would be getting killed multiple times a day on every single server, that is the definition of success.
Right now i wouldn’t be surprised if less than 5% of GW2 playerbase has killed Tequatl at all.
It was a epic failure, one the greatest failures in MMO history, and ArenaNets lack of commitment to fix it speaks volumes about the state of the game.
And now they are adding two more…
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
To kill Tequatl 2.0 you have to transfer to the right server, at the correct time, be in a specific guild, be in the precise overflow and use teamspeak.
And people think that Tequatl 2.0 was a success?!
If Tequatl 2.0 was a success he would be getting killed multiple times a day on every single server, that is the definition of success.
Right now i wouldn’t be surprised if less than 5% of GW2 playerbase has killed Tequatl at all.
It was a epic failure, one the greatest failures in MMO history, and ArenaNets lack of commitment to fix it speaks volumes about the state of the game.
And now they are adding two more…
Actually I stumbled into an overflow, hopped on TS and was part of the kill, so reality is giving you a very puzzled look right now. Most people weren’t even speaking, just a couple that were leading the event, and a lot of people weren’t even in TS, they just hung with the main group.
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
If you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified as a super mega massive epic failure.
The developers should have fixed Teq within the first two weeks of its update after seeing this catastrophe. The fact that they have done nothing and now are proceeding to add two more Tequatl clones is bringing this game to an early grave.
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
If you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified as a super mega massive epic failure.
The developers should have fixed Teq within the first two weeks of its update after seeing this catastrophe. The fact that they have done nothing and now are proceeding to add two more Tequatl clones is bringing this game to an early grave.
No, if you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified by you as a super mega massive epic failure.
There’s a difference.
To kill Tequatl 2.0 you have to transfer to the right server, at the correct time, be in a specific guild, be in the precise overflow and use teamspeak.
And people think that Tequatl 2.0 was a success?!
If Tequatl 2.0 was a success he would be getting killed multiple times a day on every single server, that is the definition of success.
Right now i wouldn’t be surprised if less than 5% of GW2 playerbase has killed Tequatl at all.
It was a epic failure, one the greatest failures in MMO history, and ArenaNets lack of commitment to fix it speaks volumes about the state of the game.
And now they are adding two more…
You don’t have to be in team speak. I’m never in team speak. You DO have to know the fight. And you know, to beat a raid, you have to make a schedule with your guild, show up at the right time….a real raid anyway, not the baseline raid finders stuff.
“Real” raids require groups and schedules. The difference here is you don’t have to limit it to X number of people. And if a couple of people aren’t on the ball, you really don’t think they can finish the event?
Talk about making mountains out of molehills.
By the way, this guild does Tequatl many times a day. You only have to show up for the time you want, and if you don’t show up,. it’s not like the raid police come knocking on your door.
If I don’t do it for three days and decide to show up for a raid because I have nothing to do at raid time, I do it.
I’m not really sure what the big deal is.
They are over reacting because they don’t like to sign out to character select and click guest.
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
If you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified as a super mega massive epic failure.
The developers should have fixed Teq within the first two weeks of its update after seeing this catastrophe. The fact that they have done nothing and now are proceeding to add two more Tequatl clones is bringing this game to an early grave.
No, if you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified by you as a super mega massive epic failure.
There’s a difference.
All content should be capable of being done on every single server. The only time this wont happen is if the server population has dropped significantly and in that situation servers would have to be merged.
So either every single server in this game has to be merged to the one/two servers that defeat Tequatl multiple days a day.
You accept that Tequalt is a epic failure.
Any server is capable of completing it. They don’t because they don’t want to put in the effort. Similar to people complaining about having to guest.
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
If you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified as a super mega massive epic failure.
The developers should have fixed Teq within the first two weeks of its update after seeing this catastrophe. The fact that they have done nothing and now are proceeding to add two more Tequatl clones is bringing this game to an early grave.
No, if you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified by you as a super mega massive epic failure.
There’s a difference.
All content should be capable of being done on every single server. The only time this wont happen is if the server population has dropped significantly and in that situation servers would have to be merged.So either every single server in this game has to be merged to the one/two servers that defeat Tequatl multiple days a day.
You accept that Tequalt is a epic failure.
What are you going on about? You’re not making sense. Last night at 7PM eastern Tequatl went down at least three times just from the regular and two overflows, and I don’t know if there were more overflows because the second one was hard-capped.
I doubt there are any servers without the people to beat Tequatl. It’s possible there are those that don’t bother to put in the effort to try, but your argument is so far removed from the reality of it all as to be baffling.
As i have already said tens of times, the fight itself isn’t even challenging when you know the spots and have a general understanding of the fight.And neither is the real problem.
The problem is all in the number of people required to even have a chance to do it. The base scaling is far too high, basically.
Why do people guest in other servers and organize via guilds to do that? Because they’ll be sure there will be enough people there if they do so. Cause it is useless to even try otherwise. And people don’t stay in a map doing nothing for tens of minutes just to see if there will be enough people – unless they already know they will come.
The end result is of a Tequatl that isn’t even tried in most servers and gets done in a couple servers full of guesters and in some of the overflows (either by guilds or by random people).
Want to fix it? Reduce the base scaling. Just that.
Arnath, I suggest you read the previous 2 posts.
Teq is being done on major servers and not small ones, yes, however bear in mind that this is the case with a lot of things. Champ trains don’t always run on small servers, some dynamic event bosses don’t get dine on small servers, it’s very common for small servers to just not do it.
Guest. Seriously. It’s there for a reason. Not everyone wants to do it, but there are tons of people who do.
If you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified as a super mega massive epic failure.
The developers should have fixed Teq within the first two weeks of its update after seeing this catastrophe. The fact that they have done nothing and now are proceeding to add two more Tequatl clones is bringing this game to an early grave.
No, if you have to transfer/guest for any content in this game then that content is immediately classified by you as a super mega massive epic failure.
There’s a difference.
All content should be capable of being done on every single server. The only time this wont happen is if the server population has dropped significantly and in that situation servers would have to be merged.So either every single server in this game has to be merged to the one/two servers that defeat Tequatl multiple days a day.
You accept that Tequalt is a epic failure.
Every game has problems with low pop servers. Anet has provided a solution to this, which no other game really has. People say there’s a problem. There is. The problem is people won’t adapt. Server mergers aren’t necessarily the only or best answer to this problem.
But the funny bit is you guys still don’t understand. Tequatl, at most hours of day, isn’t fought on ANY server. It’s fought on an overflow.
So if you joined the guild and you stood in Sparkfly on your own server and you asked for a taxi, you wouldn’t even have to guest.
It’s better to light a single candle that to curse the darkness.
Another thing I’d like to add is that I was sad because I never got to kill the new Teq. One day, I said, lemme just hang out on Blackgate for a bit, and see if anything is happening. I went there, 45 minutes later Teq started, we killed him, was fabulous.
So I was sad, then I put in the effort to click guest, and then I was done. Yay.
Tequatl slaying guilds are just a workaround for a terrible design choice.
If it had a reasonable scaling to begin with, no one would even have bothered to do such guilds.
BTW, why is the Durmond Priory involved in researching the dragon? Don’t the orders only care about Dragons?
Does this indicate that the wurm is dragon-related?
No, the orders deal with all major threats to Tyria (local and global). The Priory’s main thing is to research old artifacts and retrieve (and archive) lost and current knowledge.
Tarnished Coast
Something that’s been said before, and Colin Johanson said again in the linked interview:
“We have a couple of really big Guild Wars projects cooking in the background.”
We’ve been sitting at the table for a while, and we’ve had our fill of complimentary bread. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to feast on something more substantive. It’s time to tell the cooks we’re ready to be served whatever it is they’ve been cooking on the back burner. Wait too long, keep it simmering on the back burner too long with promises that we’ll get to eat soon enough, and your hungry customers just might go to one of the soon-to-be-opening restaurants down the street.
When he first said this at launch I was like: AWESOME this game is going to kill every other MMO ever.
When he said it again 6 months later I was like: These things must be HUGE if they are taking so long, I can’t wait!
When he said it again at the 1 year anniversary I was like: You keep saying this but it never seems to happen… what’s the deal?
When he said it again now at the 1.5 year mark I am like: Bull kitten, i’m sure it will poop unicorns and rain bunnies soon too. You had your chance, the lies are just ticking me off now.
They’ve already stated that the past year was for polish, with no new massive content releases. They haven’t lied.
Tarnished Coast
Tequatl is too far in one direction in terms of difficulty. I’ve done the TTS raids. I have to get there an hour before the overflow fills up, park there. I don’t have to be on TS, but given that it’s mostly TTS members in the overflow, I know they all are.
If they want raid content, put Tequatl in an instance. I like difficulty, but this much coordination for an open world boss is a little silly. I think he could be scaled down quite a bit, still be difficult, but still be done by a regular zerg. Especially given how we knocked Zhaitan out of the sky with technically a group of 5 (no, I don’t count NPC’s) and his lieutenant is busy destroying everyone.