New patch, game running slow

New patch, game running slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zohmz.9745


The title pretty much. Don’t have the best pc, but it ran gw2 fine by all accounts…excluding world bosses, that understandably chokes a bit with the gajillion players.
patch just came out, now the game runs quite poorly for me, very jerky, can’t even 360 the camera without it stuttering, or walk from point a to b.

Anybody else feeling this?

New patch, game running slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zohmz.9745


For reals? Nobody?
Game is unplayable for me now, runs five for a few seconds then gets all jerky.
Other games fine, temps fine, all that stuff, just this one game since that patch.
Been playing for only a month or two, been enjoying it, but I’m going to have to retire the game now, sad story I know.


New patch, game running slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wasted.6817


New patch, game running slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lodius.5392


After patch I cannot even run a dungeon / WvW / PvP , etc without massive lag. I have gotten kicked from 2 Tequatl fights already.

I have an awesome computer with a high end graphics card and a 60mb connection.

but you know… the lag may be on my end.