New to GW2, not having fun
without reading all the coments, i actually get the mayor problems of the game, elitism/zekers (is the only way to play against hp sponges), that are killing the community, for a “solical” kind of game is pretty boring seen the you must have/been stuff is not only boring but kittening; agian is a personal opinion; if you try to go something diferent, you get kicked from partys and dungeos and so on, running is becoming more and more common. so yes the game mecanic is pretty boring.
on the other hand well you have crafting (the only actuall fun i get now), couse well i like farming, for me and my wife is the only interesting, yes interesting thing to do, couse well sometimes i even spend more time on the chat that actually playing, dungeons are boring, WvW is boring, PvP is… boring.
Speaking of which, anyone else notice that the only toxicity in the community exists around solo or small group content? And somehow this is where a great deal of complaints are being generated from?
Or maybe I’m misreading it. I often find that theres another line thats almost just prevalent. One side enjoys a little chaos, while the other loathes it.
I saw that I had made a comment on this 15 days ago and my comment has nothing to do with the OP lol. Weird merging going on.
TL:DR – “I don’t like horizontal progression.”
Which is perplexing because GW2’s gearing structure (and GW1’s for that matter) has always been horizontal.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Grindfest? Really? Are you kidding me? What are you grinding? The only “grind” is for achievements or skins and are entirely optional.
Skins aren’t really optional here. They make up at least half of the entire game economy and reward system. There’s not a whole lot to play for apart from these.
I experienced most of what the OP is feeling when I was new to the game as well. The only thing that really makes the game worthwhile are cosmetics. And it is a helluva grind to get most of the good ones.
Speaking of which, anyone else notice that the only toxicity in the community exists around solo or small group content?
sPvP is pretty bad atm.
I played it pretty much exclusively for the first 6 months after release and it had a great group of players. Just getting back into it as I can’t be kitten d running dungeons for my Legendary and every second game is filled with players cussing out fellow team mates for not running certain builds or getting anything but top score on the team list.
I feel sorry for the new players HoT will entice.It can be a pretty rude “all chat off” community atm.
Grindfest? Really? Are you kidding me? What are you grinding? The only “grind” is for achievements or skins and are entirely optional.
Skins aren’t really optional here. They make up at least half of the entire game economy and reward system. There’s not a whole lot to play for apart from these.
This game doesn’t take long to finish. After that it’s purely Grind Wars 2 outside PvP.
(edited by fireflyry.7023)
I quit reading the OP’s post after he/she stated they had 3 lvl 80s in 2 months time, and then stated they hated the “grindfest”.
Seriously???? 3 lvl 80s in less than 2 months and you think it is a grind?
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
Well i have to say ,that i like the idea , that everything got almost the same stats ,because other games only make you able to change your gear , if you spend real money for it.In Gw2 you doesn’t.
The Leveling system after 2-3 Characters it’s getting boring and you need to force yourself and somehow it makes you feel being punished to level another character again , if you are a new player.I mean every other person do it on this way = Tomes !How ?Because THEY had spent a lot of time for it or did alot of pvp,but pvp isn’t fun for everyone.So , if you wanna level your character you have to go to eotm and hope you are Green or good servers have the same dye likes yours or running like a zombie from one map to the other map to get exp or you gonna do pvp over and over again,but it’s getting boring and lame.Or you do dailies for writ of experience , but even that feels more longer to get 20 of them than to do pvp.
And with dungeons ? Yeah ,i agree like you said.You getting downed really quick , if you didnt dodged fast enough ( Well lags will always prevent this or your character will fail to use the animations and boom your downed … Subject A for example.)
On medium armor or Light armor its painfull as heavy armor you can eat kitten and you will survive and also deal a decent amount of dmg and have a decent survivability compared to medium or light classes,which makes me think to play heavy armor , but this is boring.I mean warrior and guardian aren’t that difficult to play.Also that the game itself and the community force you more or less to go for meta or for ZERKER or you go condi , but unless you don’t have a decent rotations for your condis.It will be useless.
So yeah getting downed by nearly everything , because medium armor or other stuff makes me feel totally useless and also i don’t get the feeling ,even , if i do that weird meta rotations as engi , that i do some decent damage in dungeons.I lay more down on the ground , than dealing damage ,while warriors hundred blades the kitten out of the enemy and im there and try to stay alive.Same for my ele.Sometimes i manage it to dodge and so on ,but sometimes i think anet should turn the health from medium or light armor to 1 hp , because they always lay down mostly by onehit in dungeons.
I really feel me weak and helpless in the game and make me feel like this game force you to play heavy armor classes to enjoy the game like other games does it to you.
Wvw is fun , if you ARE on the RIGHT server (sadly).
Also the Crafting system it’s such a pain for all those mats or the legendary weapons.I mean they look awesome.Hands on heart.Seriously , but those stats are same as asc stuff and well sad.Somehow.6 months or more , because you got a real life for one legendary ,which grants you maybe 10-15 % more dmg and some shiny effects.It’s eww … Atm im crafting asc armor , because i want it , but well.It feels so worthless.
So yeah A-net have some issues , but , if they will fix that .It will probably take a while and also include more bugs.That’s what dissapointed me so much.I mean new traitsystem and they streamed it and so on , but still so many bugs and it’s still not like they promised it.Some classes still lacking baselines and some traits still not working ,that well.
Please A-net take a deep breath and do atleast a really really nice expansion….
(edited by Chazz.6709)
Hello. I am an experienced mmorpg player and I’ve played all the big games so far. I’m new in GW2 (joined about 2 months ago) and so far I got 3 characters to lv80 and im working on another one atm. Unfortunately for me too the game is nothing close to fun, even though I got into it with so much excitement after all the comments and videos I’ve watched prior to purchasing. A couple of things that spoil the fun for me: the grindfest! its simply horrible and unrewarding (worst I’ve experienced in an mmo). Dungeon grouping! there is a general lack of direction when it comes to roles in a group environment and it tends to be very disappointing to new players who find themselves in a downed state all the time. It’s made me feel hopeless and helpless several times and that was even in the early dungeons where the game should be very forgiving. The world feels amazingly small and boring. The lore is plain boring for me, so much that I skip all cut scenes and dialogues. Crafting and gathering, also very dull (after playing ffxiv arr its going to be hard to find better or equal crafting/gathering). Gearing! From what I’ve seen so far (correct me if im wrong), gearing is horrible since basically you have two tiers of gear to choose from which is exotic and the upgrade, ascended. What I hate is that for example a karma berzerker exotic sword and a dungeon token exotic sword come with exactly the same stats and after that its all about different skins with no difference statwise. And finally I find ridiculous how the legendary weapon crafting concept works. You spend hundreds upon hundreds of gold and time to grind mats for a weapon with stats that are the same as an ascended weapon and all you truly get is a shiny skin
I have played a bit WvW and it was also boring, basically all I did was follow a huge zerg in a map and capture bases and occasionally fought with enemy zergs in battles that werent remotely fun. I havent done any pvp yet so I dunno how that works. No healers, no tanks, no dps, everyone is everything and everyone has to take care of themselves. I understand anet wanted to try a new approach but for me this is not working good. Sure some classes can support the group with some abilities but it’s minimal. I havent felt once that feeling of “bonding” with my group, like you have my back and I have yours. It’s everyone for themselves. Anyway that’s how it has been for me so far, I hope the expansion will make it more interesting somehow. I wanted to get addicted to this game for many reasons..
You are choosing to grind. You can do what ever you want to “make” gold. Me personally is sPvP. No waypoint costs, no armour repair, plus all the ToK to BLK farm. I’ve only been playing PvP for about 2 months, and made enough gold to buy most of the mats to make a legendary, buy some BLW skins. Make ascended wepons/armour, not to mention the ones I’ve had drop. 3 armour chests, 3 weapon chests and 2 rings.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
This game doesn’t take long to finish. After that it’s purely Grind Wars 2 outside PvP.
So out of curiosity, can you name one MMO that doesn’t have grind? Better yet, can you name one MMO that someone hasn’t been able to “finish” within a month?
Always confuses me when people try to make it seem like GW2 is somehow unique with regards to end-game content being repetitive once you’ve completed it all. Yea, no kitten, that’s how this genre works.
At least with GW2 when a new expansion comes out I don’t have to re-grind for gear because the current gear I grinded months for is now obsolete.
The only grind in GW2 is an optional gold grind because gold buys happiness. If you are cool being and looking broke, then there isn’t even a gold grind. You can complete everything in this game without having to grind, you just might not look fashionable.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
This game doesn’t take long to finish. After that it’s purely Grind Wars 2 outside PvP.
So out of curiosity, can you name one MMO that doesn’t have grind? Better yet, can you name one MMO that someone hasn’t been able to “finish” within a month?
Always confuses me when people try to make it seem like GW2 is somehow unique with regards to end-game content being repetitive once you’ve completed it all. Yea, no kitten, that’s how this genre works.
At least with GW2 when a new expansion comes out I don’t have to re-grind for gear because the current gear I grinded months for is now obsolete.
The only grind in GW2 is an optional gold grind because gold buys happiness. If you are cool being and looking broke, then there isn’t even a gold grind. You can complete everything in this game without having to grind, you just might not look fashionable.
QFT. Excellent post and right on, imo.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
This game doesn’t take long to finish. After that it’s purely Grind Wars 2 outside PvP.
So out of curiosity, can you name one MMO that doesn’t have grind? Better yet, can you name one MMO that someone hasn’t been able to “finish” within a month?
Always confuses me when people try to make it seem like GW2 is somehow unique with regards to end-game content being repetitive once you’ve completed it all. Yea, no kitten, that’s how this genre works.
At least with GW2 when a new expansion comes out I don’t have to re-grind for gear because the current gear I grinded months for is now obsolete.
The only grind in GW2 is an optional gold grind because gold buys happiness. If you are cool being and looking broke, then there isn’t even a gold grind. You can complete everything in this game without having to grind, you just might not look fashionable.
^All of this! I have the look I want for all of my characters. And I don’t care for what the “new” cool look is. Who knows maybe this time next year I’ll have a legendary. I always fine it amusing that people think they need a mountain of gold to play a game. Because you know, that’s all there is to do in the game, never mind about everything else you could do, you know have fun playing the game instead of worrying about getting gold quickly.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Sorry. Grinding, roles, zerging, levelling up characters for the sake of levelling them up? No wonder you’re not having fun, that’s not what this game was all about!
Don’t play GW2 like other MMOs. Do stuff for the fun of it, explore, try new things. If you’re just going to max a character, get best in slot gear and want to raid with the holy trinity, then you’re not going to have fun here – because that wasn’t the purpose of the game.
Sorry. Grinding, roles, zerging, levelling up characters for the sake of levelling them up? No wonder you’re not having fun, that’s not what this game was all about!
Don’t play GW2 like other MMOs. Do stuff for the fun of it, explore, try new things. If you’re just going to max a character, get best in slot gear and want to raid with the holy trinity, then you’re not going to have fun here – because that wasn’t the purpose of the game.
We play GW2 so we can dress up our characters and complain about the meta. :P
Going to beat a dead horse but I think the NPE completely ruined the early impressions that people have of this game.
I used to think of this game as the greatest one for leveling, but last week I created my first new character since the NPE patch and it felt even worse than the FF14 or Wildstar leveling experience. The excessive unlocking was silly, pointless and just annoyingly frustrating. Their focus groups must have been composed of people with absolutely no interest in gaming to mangle the early moments of the game this much.
What’s worse is that even if you use an Experience Scroll to skip the early levels, you’ll have to spend 10 minutes acknowledging 20 levels of unlocks, even though you obviously know those things if you have an Experience Scroll.
To the new players, you used to unlock weapon skills by actually using the weapon, giving you a sense of fast early progression and discovery, and you kept trying to get different weapons to unlock more and more weapon skills. Because you wanted to unlock all weapon skills, you naturally wanted to do more hearts and events in the early game, and the game hooked you up quickly. It could get a bit annoying later to unlock skills for weapons you probably aren’t excited about (like the underwater weapons) but it’s still much more exciting and engaging than the NPE experience.
The first story mission being unlocked at level 10 also contributes to deteriorate the early experience in my opinion. If story is such an important piece of this game’s PvE, show it at level 1. Since leveling the first 10 levels is so fast now, make the missions of the first chapter go from level 2 to 10. Other chapters should go something like level 17-20, 27-30, 37-40, etc. otherwise there’s too much wait between missions.
Instead of controlling the rate at which the player unlocks things, give him a chance to discover the feature on his own then pop a tutorial message box when he does for more information. If the player hasn’t discovered something that you think he should have a long time ago, THEN pop a message to say “Hey, GW2 has X feature. Go to Y to try it.”
The game should also have a “battle class room” in the home cities where it let you practice things like dodging, a bit like the Heart of the Mist.
Except you aren’t a new player. It’s aggravating leveling up when you are use to your max level, twinked out character. Pre NPE it was annoying waiting to get your weapon swap. Or annoying unlocking a utility slot but having not enough skill points for a skill in that slot. At least now you don’t trap yourself because you were buying up skills as fast as possible.
NPE was a lot worse before this last pass.
The PS was changed because too many players were using it to level their character and became confused as what to do because the next link in the story is above their level. The PS wasn’t a tutorial or introductory series of quests that’s found in other MMOs. So they locked the whole chapter to whatever the max level was for that chapter so now the level gaps occur more naturally between chapters than within them. This does make sense.
RIP City of Heroes
(edited by Behellagh.1468)
Except you aren’t a new player. It’s aggravating leveling up when you are use to your max level, twinked out character. Pre NPE it was annoying waiting to get your weapon swap. Or annoying unlocking a utility slot but having not enough skill points for a skill in that slot. At least now you don’t trap yourself because you were buying up skills as fast as possible.
NPE was a lot worse before this last pass.
The PS was changed because too many players were using it to level their character and became confused as what to do because the next link in the story is above their level. The PS wasn’t a tutorial or introductory series of quests that’s found in other MMOs. So they locked the whole chapter to whatever the max level was for that chapter so now the level gaps occur more naturally between chapters than within them. This does make sense.
And I’m not a new player and I prefer the NPE to the old ways, even though there were individual things better about the old way. But not that many by my count.
You cant find wow or FFXIV in a b2p game.
I find having a partner helps a lot. My friend and I, we play a lot, and we do different things. We recently started to try to earn some of the achievements and such. We level a main to level 80, had fun exploring the world. I even got her out of her, always likeing rangers and got her to try a new class. Playing alone can be hard, and that might add to the boredom, but having at least someone you play witha lot, makes it more fun, that how i continue to play.
Hello. I am an experienced mmorpg player and I’ve played all the big games so far. I’m new in GW2 (joined about 2 months ago) and so far I got 3 characters to lv80 and im working on another one atm. Unfortunately for me too the game is nothing close to fun, even though I got into it with so much excitement after all the comments and videos I’ve watched prior to purchasing. A couple of things that spoil the fun for me: the grindfest! its simply horrible and unrewarding (worst I’ve experienced in an mmo). Dungeon grouping! there is a general lack of direction when it comes to roles in a group environment and it tends to be very disappointing to new players who find themselves in a downed state all the time. It’s made me feel hopeless and helpless several times and that was even in the early dungeons where the game should be very forgiving. The world feels amazingly small and boring. The lore is plain boring for me, so much that I skip all cut scenes and dialogues. Crafting and gathering, also very dull (after playing ffxiv arr its going to be hard to find better or equal crafting/gathering). Gearing! From what I’ve seen so far (correct me if im wrong), gearing is horrible since basically you have two tiers of gear to choose from which is exotic and the upgrade, ascended. What I hate is that for example a karma berzerker exotic sword and a dungeon token exotic sword come with exactly the same stats and after that its all about different skins with no difference statwise. And finally I find ridiculous how the legendary weapon crafting concept works. You spend hundreds upon hundreds of gold and time to grind mats for a weapon with stats that are the same as an ascended weapon and all you truly get is a shiny skin
I have played a bit WvW and it was also boring, basically all I did was follow a huge zerg in a map and capture bases and occasionally fought with enemy zergs in battles that werent remotely fun. I havent done any pvp yet so I dunno how that works. No healers, no tanks, no dps, everyone is everything and everyone has to take care of themselves. I understand anet wanted to try a new approach but for me this is not working good. Sure some classes can support the group with some abilities but it’s minimal. I havent felt once that feeling of “bonding” with my group, like you have my back and I have yours. It’s everyone for themselves. Anyway that’s how it has been for me so far, I hope the expansion will make it more interesting somehow. I wanted to get addicted to this game for many reasons..
Just some suggestions:
1. Just stop with dungeons. Fractals are newer and better for the most part. Go back to dungeons with guild mates.
2. Find a guild. Having people to play with and chat about game mechanics will pull you in better.
3. Try to open your mind. There are roles in dungeons. Sure everyone is DPS, but heals/stab/blinds/might/fury/stealth/portal/ect create a lot of roles for everyone. These roles extend into PvP and WvW where DPS stops being king.
4. Look into the combo fields and combo finishers. For some classes half of what they do is in that system,
5. Legendaries also rotate stats for free. Ascended gear is also a good goal. Both of those give you something to shoot for and care about accumulated wealth.
6. Try WvW with a guild in team speak or something like that. Zerker is not the go-to here but the game itself is very dynamic (except for this week). It’s also a good place to burn money just to help your server achieve glory. Upgrades, siege, commander tags, ect.
Yeah, this game isn’t for you. Everything you listed is a hallmark of this game: no gear treadmill, no holy trinity, being able to get gear however you want (dungeons, pvp, crafting, buying it off TP), and when it comes to leveling the journey is as important as the destination. Basically this game isn’t a rush to level 80 so you can grind a bunch of dungeons so you’re able to grind even more dungeons.
It sounds like you love everything about the standard MMO, and all the things that GW2 tried to modify/do without. So yeah, unless you can break out of that frame of mind, this game isn’t for you. But at least you gave it a try.
Best post, and end of thread.
Regarding the discussion on the first page: I do not consider skipping some (or even all!) mobs meta-play or speed running. Speedrunning involves that +restricting playstyle elements. When I make my own groups, I label them “non speed run” but that doesn’t necessarily imply that we MUST kill everything on sight. What I ask in the beginning is if we’ll be skipping such and such, as I generally don’t mind killing/skipping-I only object to restricting playstyles to maximum DPS, which is a fair choice but not for me and many other players. So in short, “not a speedrun” doesn’t mean “no skips”, so no “breach of contract” is made if we skip some mobs during a relaxed run.
Yeah, this game isn’t for you. Everything you listed is a hallmark of this game: no gear treadmill, no holy trinity, being able to get gear however you want (dungeons, pvp, crafting, buying it off TP), and when it comes to leveling the journey is as important as the destination. Basically this game isn’t a rush to level 80 so you can grind a bunch of dungeons so you’re able to grind even more dungeons.
It sounds like you love everything about the standard MMO, and all the things that GW2 tried to modify/do without. So yeah, unless you can break out of that frame of mind, this game isn’t for you. But at least you gave it a try.
“This game isn’t for you”?
Research: ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMO Manifesto, "we just don’t want players to grind, “no grind to get to the fun stuff” “no one enjoy grinding”
“Guild Wars 2 maker ArenaNet has been criticised by players for having what looks like double-standard”.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Yeah, this game isn’t for you. Everything you listed is a hallmark of this game: no gear treadmill, no holy trinity, being able to get gear however you want (dungeons, pvp, crafting, buying it off TP), and when it comes to leveling the journey is as important as the destination. Basically this game isn’t a rush to level 80 so you can grind a bunch of dungeons so you’re able to grind even more dungeons.
It sounds like you love everything about the standard MMO, and all the things that GW2 tried to modify/do without. So yeah, unless you can break out of that frame of mind, this game isn’t for you. But at least you gave it a try.
“This game isn’t for you”?
Research: ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMO Manifesto, "we just don’t want players to grind, “no grind to get to the fun stuff” “no one enjoy grinding”
“Guild Wars 2 maker ArenaNet has been criticised by players for having what looks like double-standard”.
It’s a tiny bit of problem that some times gets overblown since ascended gear isn’t required for anything other than very high level fractals for the agony resistance slots. For the lower level fractals you can do it just with ascended jewelry that you can get with laurels which you get just by logging in. It’s really not a big deal at all IMO.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide –
Yeah, this game isn’t for you. Everything you listed is a hallmark of this game: no gear treadmill, no holy trinity, being able to get gear however you want (dungeons, pvp, crafting, buying it off TP), and when it comes to leveling the journey is as important as the destination. Basically this game isn’t a rush to level 80 so you can grind a bunch of dungeons so you’re able to grind even more dungeons.
It sounds like you love everything about the standard MMO, and all the things that GW2 tried to modify/do without. So yeah, unless you can break out of that frame of mind, this game isn’t for you. But at least you gave it a try.
“This game isn’t for you”?
Research: ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMO Manifesto, "we just don’t want players to grind, “no grind to get to the fun stuff” “no one enjoy grinding”
“Guild Wars 2 maker ArenaNet has been criticised by players for having what looks like double-standard”.
Well, there’s no grinding for the “fun stuff.” Unless you consider crafting a Legendary/having Ascended gear for all your characters for each currently available nomenclature “fun” (maybe), but then it’s safe to assume you would be in the minority. No content is gated by grindy gear quests, save high level Fractals, which is by design.
Yeah, this game isn’t for you. Everything you listed is a hallmark of this game: no gear treadmill, no holy trinity, being able to get gear however you want (dungeons, pvp, crafting, buying it off TP), and when it comes to leveling the journey is as important as the destination. Basically this game isn’t a rush to level 80 so you can grind a bunch of dungeons so you’re able to grind even more dungeons.
It sounds like you love everything about the standard MMO, and all the things that GW2 tried to modify/do without. So yeah, unless you can break out of that frame of mind, this game isn’t for you. But at least you gave it a try.
“This game isn’t for you”?
Research: ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 MMO Manifesto, "we just don’t want players to grind, “no grind to get to the fun stuff” “no one enjoy grinding”
“Guild Wars 2 maker ArenaNet has been criticised by players for having what looks like double-standard”.
Aside from the questionable interpretation of the manifesto, covered in great detail elsewhere, the fact is, it is STILL different from every other game out there.
The content isn’t gated by that higher armor, and it’s the only tier. Hell the expansion isn’t introducing a new tier, nor is it raising the level cap.
So I’m not really sure what you’re point is. Unless you can find lots of MMOs that don’t introduce new tiers of gear and don’t raise the level cap.
OP I was thinking the same way like you before I started to play GW2 3 months ago. Allow me to give you my view of things. I played Aion for 4 years I’m not bragging but I made 4 sets 65lvl PvP only AP gear on +15 have multiple Mythical weapons
on +15 and that’s all on one char not to mention the other 6 of them. And all of that costed me enormous time effort a lot of nerves and a lot of dissapointment during making. What I realized is that this was much more repeatative than here. Because every single patch new gear, oh look a new instance new world boss and so on. This is a grindfest to stay competitive. I’m a hardcore player so I want to rush for things as fast as I can. Don’t get me wrong Aion is an amazing game I just had enought of it.
Being in here and left that mentality (gear/holy trinity etc…) behind makes it a lot more fun for me. I can do what I want when I want. I don’t have to worry about someone out gearing me or not having a specific gear to join a dungeon or World/Arena PvP. All of this breaks the chain for me “You must have that or do that” thing. Playing for 3 months already made a Twilight have ascended set
and full accessories, and I don’t have to bother for anything at all except getting a nice skin or a colour when I want one. The game doesn’t push me around to do stuff because I must have them In order to enjoy it. I can leave as I please without bothering that I will leave my premade alliance for 24 man dungeon for example. Elitist’s here
compared to other MMOs are nothing. Since there is no real gap between you and them except skill wise, everything in here is practice and knowledge
about how things work. You stated that you made 3 lvl 80’s in two months well seems like you got a bit burned out there, take it easy.
About the grinding being not that rewarding at some places/dungeons path’s its true you are right there. The “having your back thing feeling”. That guardian behind you poping that stability or curing your conditions at a critical moment is someone having your back for example. Try to look at the game on a different way and you may enjoy it. All the best
Hello. I am an experienced mmorpg player and I’ve played all the big games so far. I’m new in GW2 (joined about 2 months ago) and so far I got 3 characters to lv80 and im working on another one atm.
In two months you probably played this game for more time than I played in almost three years.
No wonder you’re finding it boring and a grind fest.
Not every game is about quantity. I play relatively little GW2, and I find it to be a perfect game for that style of casual play. This game is only a grind if you want it to be one. The gear system here means that you’ll never need to grind anything, and will still be able to participate on any content that you wish to.
I think as a new player what i hate the most is those cheaters in pvp, they make copies of themself then 1 shot you.
I think as a new player what i hate the most is those cheaters in pvp, they make copies of themself then 1 shot you.
As a new player, I hate those bow guys even more who keep you a mile a while knocking you down with their doggies while they stick arrows in you from across the map. They are clearly the most overpowered cheaters in PvP right now.
Hello. I am an experienced mmorpg player and I’ve played all the big games so far. I’m new in GW2 (joined about 2 months ago) and so far I got 3 characters to lv80 and im working on another one atm. Unfortunately for me too the game is nothing close to fun, even though I got into it with so much excitement after all the comments and videos I’ve watched prior to purchasing. A couple of things that spoil the fun for me: the grindfest! its simply horrible and unrewarding (worst I’ve experienced in an mmo). Dungeon grouping! there is a general lack of direction when it comes to roles in a group environment and it tends to be very disappointing to new players who find themselves in a downed state all the time. It’s made me feel hopeless and helpless several times and that was even in the early dungeons where the game should be very forgiving. The world feels amazingly small and boring. The lore is plain boring for me, so much that I skip all cut scenes and dialogues. Crafting and gathering, also very dull (after playing ffxiv arr its going to be hard to find better or equal crafting/gathering). Gearing! From what I’ve seen so far (correct me if im wrong), gearing is horrible since basically you have two tiers of gear to choose from which is exotic and the upgrade, ascended. What I hate is that for example a karma berzerker exotic sword and a dungeon token exotic sword come with exactly the same stats and after that its all about different skins with no difference statwise. And finally I find ridiculous how the legendary weapon crafting concept works. You spend hundreds upon hundreds of gold and time to grind mats for a weapon with stats that are the same as an ascended weapon and all you truly get is a shiny skin
I have played a bit WvW and it was also boring, basically all I did was follow a huge zerg in a map and capture bases and occasionally fought with enemy zergs in battles that werent remotely fun. I havent done any pvp yet so I dunno how that works. No healers, no tanks, no dps, everyone is everything and everyone has to take care of themselves. I understand anet wanted to try a new approach but for me this is not working good. Sure some classes can support the group with some abilities but it’s minimal. I havent felt once that feeling of “bonding” with my group, like you have my back and I have yours. It’s everyone for themselves. Anyway that’s how it has been for me so far, I hope the expansion will make it more interesting somehow. I wanted to get addicted to this game for many reasons..
TBH i actually liked farming at Dry Top and Silver Waste. All of the zones look great and no other game come close to the epic environment in this game so far from all the other MMOs i’ve played
Yeah, like other people said , maybe the game isn’t for you. The mean comments are unnecessary but it kind of sounds like you are playing this game with expectations for it to be another game like WoW or something.
Pve:If you aren’t having fun it is probably because you were in the same places the whole time. Levelling shouldn’t feel like a grindfest all the time, the way I’ve gotten my characters to 80 has taken much more time than you (half a year for one, 3 months for the other), and maybe your disinterest is an offset of you rushing through the part of the game that was most interesting. Leveling your first character should have opened up the world to you. Unlike what you said, the world of gw2 is MASSIVE. And the lore is very interesting too. Look up WoodenPotatoes, he is awesome. The personal story lore isn’t even mildly interesting but if you travel around and pay more attention to what the CPUs say, you will know the lore is quite deep and interesting.
WvW: The only reason you aren’t enjoying this is because you aren’t playing it the way it really should be played. I personally wouldn’t be mindlessly running around in a zerg unless I am trying to level a character. Go with some friends, try to flip camps/sentries on your own, etc.
Dungeons: This is a part of the game you might as well not participate in, because Gw2 goes against everything about the trinity, which personally is my favorite feature of this game. You might not be able to leave the mindset, but this system is farm more superior, because some classes are capable of having all 3 attributes, EG; Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, and those that can’t besides the unfortunate exception of warrior unfortunately can do things outside of the trinity, like deceiving enemies through stealth/illusions, being able to move quickly and avoid damage, etc. Honestly, this game’s mechanics can cater to people who like games like WoW, if you choose to play the game that way but not vice versa.
Last of all, get in touch with the community! Doing things with your friends, and guilds make things way more entertaining. For example: When I joined the guild Ethereal Guardians, I had a lot of fun playing with sensible people in contrast to most pugs I get.
I really like how 90% of the time, you can join a group, and not have to be a class of something to join, only like the 10% sometimes people looking for something, and that them, as pretty much stated, anyone can do pretty much everything.