Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MasterYoda.8563


In GW1 Anet done the same thing added certain weapons to certain mobs knowing full well that players will farm them. (Icy Dragon sword, Totem Axe and more) So this is no different so put your tin foil hats away and good luck getting your weapons.

And where did you see anet saying “gw1 is anti grind”? People were grinding UW for like what? 8+ years and still are… What are people grinding that haven’t been nerfed since day one? yeahhhh, gl finding something because everything been nerfed in gw2

I never said Anet was anti grind with GW1, as you clearly missed what I said was the to contary. So don’t put words in my mouth and at best your just overreacting just like most people do on the forums. Proof when Anet announced offical forums, Trait system, Armor repair, way point cost, down state the list goes on people get all in an uproar.

No point in crying before the milk has been spelt!!!

Game Security Lead “Closing this thread,
your account,and your 384 other accounts”
GG Anet

(edited by MasterYoda.8563)

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sebulon.7683


They don’t need to make them daily, just reduce the drop rate of those cool new weapon skins to almost non-existent and we’re cool.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: foofad.5162


They are already almost non existent. I’ve been grinding for 30 hours or so and still not gotten the drop I want.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

There are more champions in this game than you might think. So it’ll force you to spread out a bit. Go run some dungeons. Did you know thy also have champions? And they give out a fancy daily reward all their own.

now please tell me the reason to waste time in a dungeon killing what? couple of champs when i can farm 6 in frostgorge in about 5 minutes or less… Dungeons are irrelevant and are only here for ‘fun’, when you’ve done hundreds of runs in the passed 11 months the fun part isn’t there anymore.

You heard it here first folks, fun is now irrelevant in a game.

Was fun, is it fun 11 months later when its exact same crap without any new goal? Its not, not for me at least. look at gw2lfg site or people lfm in LA you can easily see most people don’t care

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

They are already almost non existent. I’ve been grinding for 30 hours or so and still not gotten the drop I want.

yeah decreasing their drop rate is like deleting them completely. Drop rare is extremely low and setting it even lower would be like gambling a precursor in mystic toilet

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

yes! I can definitely see this nerf coming, just today I was angry about how my friend got genesis from one of them new boxes, even though I farmed more of them boxes then him but then, to much of my surprise I found colossus in one of the boxes today! The main point I am making is these also have chances of precursors, so yeah I can see the nerf very soon LoL.

(edited by Black Dragon.3784)

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: foofad.5162


That’s a terrible line of reasoning. Anet has stated repeatedly that they want more ways to get precursors.

Eilir Eirasdottir, Guardian, Tarnished Coast
Painbow.6059: Ignore what anyone else who doesn’t agree with me has said because its wrong.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Dragon.3784

Black Dragon.3784

It was not only the precursor I was pointing out, but how my friend and I got good drops in 1 day, between us we made 500g in hours. Not to mention every 2 hours someone in my guild or map chat shouts out they just made 100g off of a new skin. This does have a flaw though, if it continues like this the skins will drop to normal exotic prices

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


@ Nuka Cola.8520
So your making up something that you think they will do and then complaining about it? That kind of sad man at this point if this is all you can do i think you will never find any fun or joy here and more likely any other game.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

(edited by Jski.6180)

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucky.9421


There are many champs in the various nooks and crannies of the world. Maybe if champs were daily, people would venture out into the world to get more champs? Right now they just grind around in a circle which is kinda lame. And if you go outside a popular circuit to farm lesser known champs, you will be hard pressed to find people around to do it with you.

I don’t think it is a bad idea really.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilr.9675


Easy fix: add champions to more events that currently have none. Spread people out.

Queensdale is going to need a serious Spawning frequency nerf First (think along the lines of 2 hours before they respawn, otherwise people will just Guest to other servers to try and steal their Champs too)

People won’t go anywhere else if they already have a “Comfort Zone” to stay in.
IOW: the same reason COF1 was over-farmed even though it wasn’t the most profitable gold farm in the game

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Token.5098


I think I’d actually prefer it if every champion would only drop one champion bag per day, it’d make people move onto the next champion into the next area/zone instead of running the same path over and over again. And it would make some of these weapons more rare and more expensive, I mean Entropy is 75g right now, that hammer should be around 200g like Genesis.

(edited by Token.5098)

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


Honestly, I think things are fine. People farm Pavillion. People farm Orr. People farm Frostgorge. People farm Queensdale. That is variety.

A few weeks from now, a LOT of people will get tired of farming champs (not everyone, of course.) People are after skins, gold, mats – once they acquire them they will ease up on farming.

The update that introduces 500 crafting is on the horizon – I’m willing to bet it is going to be a HUGE gold+T5/6 mat sink – this is in preparation of the massive demand that will ensue.

This is the most fun, social, rewarding time I’ve spent in GW2 since the first few weeks after launch. Playing the TP is not very fun…farming a dungeon path over and over is not fun (COF p1) either – so I did neither. This is the first time I have felt like I can earn enough gold/materials in a reasonable time frame to start to acquire some cosmetic looks for my characters. Please don’t nerf this unless it is of great concern that it went too far and may have a negative impact on the overall economy.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Well, farming champs is already a complete waste of time… in a week or so the last of the new skins will be below 5g and people will just buy them off the TP instead of trying to find one.

There is no reason to make these drops daily.

The one I want is almost at 3g. I am waiting for it to hit 2g.
I hope they keep farming.

2 or 3 dungeon runs to get what I want rather than waste hours upon hours farming? YEEEESSSSS!!!!!!!!

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: azurrei.5691


I think I’d actually prefer it if every champion would only drop one champion bag per day, it’d make people move onto the next champion into the next area/zone instead of running the same path over and over again. And it would make some of these weapons more rare and more expensive, I mean Entropy is 75g right now, that hammer should be around 200g like Genesis.

No, it’s the other way around – Genesis should be 75g like Entropy! The one skin I want and it is the most rare

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


It was not only the precursor I was pointing out, but how my friend and I got good drops in 1 day, between us we made 500g in hours. Not to mention every 2 hours someone in my guild or map chat shouts out they just made 100g off of a new skin. This does have a flaw though, if it continues like this the skins will drop to normal exotic prices

That is ignoring something extremely obvious. The 500g has to come from somewhere. It didn’t come from killing champions unless you are also managing to kill between 1,000 to 5,000 champions an hour. It also destroyed 75g in the form of fees and taxes. How long does it take to make 75g just killing the champions excluding any profit from selling these new weapons?

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


I think I’d actually prefer it if every champion would only drop one champion bag per day, it’d make people move onto the next champion into the next area/zone instead of running the same path over and over again. And it would make some of these weapons more rare and more expensive, I mean Entropy is 75g right now, that hammer should be around 200g like Genesis.

Last night in map chat, after joining the champ zerg I was in, someone made an observation that was painfully accurate “Well, after 6 months, Arenanet finally got people to kill champions”.

In my experience, that’s pretty accurate. Be it Cursed Shore, Frostgorge, Kessex Hills, Timberline, etc. When leveling characters through those zones casually (taking a couple days here and there), I’d see the same champion event on the map daily, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an instance of someone had killed it earlier and it just respawned.
I think the change Arenanet made to the loot dropped by champions is indicative that there is some factual data behind players wanting some reward for the risk.
When you risk a couple silver in repair fees in order to get a drop that is worth around 60copper, people simply are going to pass and go do something else.
A minority of folks here on the forum think that people who want loot need to leave the game and go do something else, but if their attitude was prominent among the playerbase, Anet wouldn’t have made the changes.
Truth is, the majority of players want compensation for their effort. Legendaries, cultural armor, gem store items (for those who want to convert gold to gems for purchasing) are carrots dangling out on a 3mile long stick. People are not going to stop and waste a bunch of time on a champion that only moves them forward an inch, when killing another 4 mobs in half the time will move them forward 5 inches or more.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


I think I’d actually prefer it if every champion would only drop one champion bag per day, it’d make people move onto the next champion into the next area/zone instead of running the same path over and over again. And it would make some of these weapons more rare and more expensive, I mean Entropy is 75g right now, that hammer should be around 200g like Genesis.

Last night in map chat, after joining the champ zerg I was in, someone made an observation that was painfully accurate “Well, after 6 months, Arenanet finally got people to kill champions”.

In my experience, that’s pretty accurate. Be it Cursed Shore, Frostgorge, Kessex Hills, Timberline, etc. When leveling characters through those zones casually (taking a couple days here and there), I’d see the same champion event on the map daily, and I’m pretty sure it wasn’t an instance of someone had killed it earlier and it just respawned.
I think the change Arenanet made to the loot dropped by champions is indicative that there is some factual data behind players wanting some reward for the risk.
When you risk a couple silver in repair fees in order to get a drop that is worth around 60copper, people simply are going to pass and go do something else.
A minority of folks here on the forum think that people who want loot need to leave the game and go do something else, but if their attitude was prominent among the playerbase, Anet wouldn’t have made the changes.
Truth is, the majority of players want compensation for their effort. Legendaries, cultural armor, gem store items (for those who want to convert gold to gems for purchasing) are carrots dangling out on a 3mile long stick. People are not going to stop and waste a bunch of time on a champion that only moves them forward an inch, when killing another 4 mobs in half the time will move them forward 5 inches or more.

I don’t think there was ever much risk in terms of repair cost. Once you have fought a champion once you basically know how things are going to turn out next time. It’ll either be ‘walk in the park’ easy(but still time consuming) or ‘not really worth the effort regardless of reward’.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


I think that Anet is probably changing its mind on how to treat farming, and basically giving in to the demand for it. They will have to gradually adjust the rest of the game, including the economy, to compensate, I guess.

They made a game which had a certain design manifesto, but I think they’ve realized that most players aren’t interested in the game they designed, they just want a game that gives shinies like every other MMO.

This is sad or exciting, depending on where you stand, I suppose.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


They don’t need to make them daily, just reduce the drop rate of those cool new weapon skins to almost non-existent and we’re cool.

Then it would really require heavy farming. And since the skins would be worth way more then, the incentive to do that farming would also be greater. I know that’s what hardcore farmers would want. It doesn’t mean it would be good for the game.

I think that Anet is probably changing its mind on how to treat farming, and basically giving in to the demand for it. They will have to gradually adjust the rest of the game, including the economy, to compensate, I guess.

Up to that point they had a very schizophrenic treatment of farming. On one side, they nerfed every farming opportunity to the ground, as long as it involved real drops (leaving gold farms like CoF alone). On the other, the game was designed so that most of the rare mats, when needed, were needed in quantities that couldn’t be acquired any other way but through heavy, heavy farming. This increased incentive to farm for people that could devote lot of time and effort to it – but only to them. This design practically created “professional” farmers.
Now it’s finally opening to the casuals. With few more changes, perhaps soon farming itself will become something obsolete as a longterm activity.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

(edited by Astralporing.1957)

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kokiman.2364


I can see this happening from a mile away, and its funny because when you give nice looking skins to farmable mobs in an over nerfed game, you know people will be farming them. They increased respawn timer of champs and it did nothing, next step is to make this **** daily as their whole game. When/if champs reward become on daily rotation i think its absolutely fair to call this game Daily Wars 2.

And this is a problem? It’s not like every area has at least 3 champions..

GuildWars 2

Currently playing Heart of Thorns.

Next nerf: Champ reward once a day!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

Putting some sort of limit might force people to spread out and kill the champions that, even now, are left alone to run rampant. Every zone has a ton of them, so you’d have to farm pretty kitten hard to run out.