Next specialisations: Armour choices
It’s an interesting idea. Specializations can already be required for using types of equipment (specialization weapons,) so it’s not too far-fetched an idea that applying a profession could disable your current armor class and enable another one. As long as it’s done as a whole, it would avoid the mixing-and-matching problem, while opening up new looks for people.
Counterpoint: One of the problems with ascended armor is how difficult it is to build additional sets for alternate stat builds. Needing to build an additional set(s) for a specialization in a different armor class compounds the problem. Also, it might make balancing even more difficult, if, say, bunker eles suddenly have access to heavy armor.
How about an even more brittle glass cannon thief in light armor? Or dagger/pistol in heavy armor?
Honestly though, I think this messes with the balance too hard. Classes are balanced around their armor class, and as long as that new specialization doesn’t extremely limit what classes can do it will only result in total chaos. At that point, however, you could just add completely new classes instead.
Therefore, I’d rather see new uses for old weapons with future elite specializations.
Well, I did mention I know it would be a pain in implementing, and thus balancing. But I still would like to hear ideas on this theme. Even if it’s just a pipedream
There would be no reason not to choose heavy armor.
This sounds awesome, but it would require the entire armor system be overhauled.