Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nickczh.6341


I guess in their mind it’s labeled properly… but as far as I can remember, the names were always reflections of the styles of armor, so this is the first and only instance of this ever happening in my knowledge in the history of guild wars…. so I feel that it’s breaking the system of [prefix] XStyle armor [suffix].

I suppose that’s what I get for having confidence in the system AMIRITE?! haha. :P

No, don’t do that. I had a named helm with Carrion stats. One day I decide to transmute the look of a Berserker helm I bought off the TP. After transmuting, the name remains as Berserker helm. It doesn’t change to Carrion helm, although I believe this is a problem only when transmuting named pieces.

So, don’t go by name. Go by Preview and Stats.

80 Necromancer, 80 Warrior

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryoki Hokishami.2756

Ryoki Hokishami.2756

I’m sorry, but what did you expect for 30 tokens? an unique skinned armor piece? People get the full in 3 paths if that were true.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Minda.9270


Day one when I saw this and thought the same thing.

Me: /Map Hey guys, is there something wrong with the dungeon armor? They all look the same…

Someone Random: Nah man, just click the other tab.

Me: oh, thank you

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


I’m sorry, but what did you expect for 30 tokens? an unique skinned armor piece? People get the full in 3 paths if that were true.

It DID seem a bit odd, but a lot of things in this game seems easier than in the first, so I didn’t think too much of it.

Elyl Jrend

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vespers.1759


i buy the rares because i want rares for my under 80 characters. the problem here is you didn’t pay any attention at all and bought the wrong gear.

you should probably be more careful or you’ll lose 180-300 tokens when you buy the wrong piece of exotic gear instead of 30.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sleel.8365


It’s misleading as hell. If this was a product from a store, I would be entitled to a lawsuit.

Do you sue Great Value brand every time you buy their corn flakes expecting it to taste like Kellog’s corn flakes?

Yes. If it was named Kellogg’s. It was called Nightmare, and wasn’t. That is mislabeling. Labeling isn’t the customer’s responsibility.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


It’s misleading as hell. If this was a product from a store, I would be entitled to a lawsuit.

Do you sue Great Value brand every time you buy their corn flakes expecting it to taste like Kellog’s corn flakes?

Yes. If it was named Kellogg’s. It was called Nightmare, and wasn’t. That is mislabeling. Labeling isn’t the customer’s responsibility.

I was also going by the old rule of name determines appearance… Apparently Guild Wars don’t play by that rule anymore.

Elyl Jrend

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


Yes. If it was named Kellogg’s. It was called Nightmare, and wasn’t. That is mislabeling. Labeling isn’t the customer’s responsibility.

Why would you look just at the item name when buying something for the looks? You’ve got a preview feature, use it. If you don’t like the previewed look, don’t buy it. If you buy it anyway, try equipping it first before transmuting it then.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


the Preview Button still works, last time i checked.

there are 2 kellogs – the one has dried strawberry and the other one got nuts. obviously you bought the one with nuts.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


are we still having this conversation?

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


Yes. If it was named Kellogg’s. It was called Nightmare, and wasn’t. That is mislabeling. Labeling isn’t the customer’s responsibility.

Why would you look just at the item name when buying something for the looks? You’ve got a preview feature, use it. If you don’t like the previewed look, don’t buy it. If you buy it anyway, try equipping it first before transmuting it then.

OMG I did… but I thought the cabalist preview was a glitch/bug since there’s so many other bugs about.

I looked up TA armor on a bunch of sites, and none of them mentioned “Oh by the way, the rare armor is just regular armor appearance.”.

Also I figured why would they be selling regular armor at the dungeon vendor?

Elyl Jrend

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nurse.1085


Just for the record, all Rare armor from the Dungeon vendors look the same. Personally, I preview armor before I buy it. And by my logic, it wouldn’t make sense for them to give you “special looking armor” for 60 tokens. That’s 1 dungeon run.

PS: You’ll never get a refund. Their customer service is very strict on that. The only thing you’ll be getting is a lesson learned.

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


are we still having this conversation?

Apparently. As long as people who haven’t read the thread keep asking me why I didn’t preview, i’ll keep explaining it for people who didn’t read.

Elyl Jrend

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


Just for the record, all Rare armor from the Dungeon vendors look the same. Personally, I preview armor before I buy it. And by my logic, it wouldn’t make sense for them to give you “special looking armor” for 60 tokens. That’s 1 dungeon run.

PS: You’ll never get a refund. Their customer service is very strict on that. The only thing you’ll be getting is a lesson learned.

Yes yes, we’ve established this last night.

What’s wrong with elite armor from one dungeon run? I mean it was just the hat and pauldrons. I thought they were eliminating the grind, but I guess not.

Elyl Jrend

(edited by ophidic.1279)

Nightmare cowl... is not a nightmare cowl?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ophidic.1279


Even still… it’s way faster than grinding up all that plat and rare mats the way it was in GW1.

Elyl Jrend