No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: synk.6907


People play healers because it’s relatively easy to do. Sorry, but I played a healer for a long time and it is easy to do.


The amount of times I’ve been all but AFK as DPS in other games and still doing my job or topping meters is pretty amusing. You can’t do that as heals. APM can easily be much higher for a healer in most encounters, doing old content not withstanding.

DPS is always the easiest role**. The same scrub DPS that your group carries would wipe everyone as heals, probably as tank, too.

** This is not to say that good players won’t make it shine brightly, of course!

Anyway, I suppose this is all rather off-topic for this thread. You can still be an ace "healer" in the game -- just remove the idea that you’re on red bar support and maximize how often you can cover your enemies in boons, strip conditions, and mitigate damage. Likely you will be dodging and DPSing in the process. No stick in the mud healers here.

(edited by synk.6907)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Guardian and Elementalist can offer excellent party support if you want to fill that niche. Engineer and Necromancer can as well to a certain degree.

I hope Glyph of Revival get’s a buff. It was pretty cool when it brought back dead folks. It’s function still rocks.

But if it’s only going to work on downed folks, I hope that glyph get’s a range and cool down buff someday.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: digiowl.9620


Getting ride of dedicated healing( by dedicated healing I healing that is able to outheal burst dps or dps from multiple sources) it has forced people to play the game to survive.
Its forced people to be aware of boss situations ( dodges, healing, blocking, etc.)

If you make a build that has no defense.
Your going to die, often.
If you make a build that at least has some defensive utilities or weapon moves
You will do fine as long as you pay attention and play the game.

Nah, all that is needed 99% of the time is making sure your not the one standing in the mobs front arc for their pr second attack. Their AOEs are a different kettle of fish, tho mostly because Anet have managed to design maps that limit or counter the very movements that are supposed to keep us alive. AOEs that fill the whole platform people are standing on are but one example. Sure, that dodge makes you invulnerable. But if you dodge a bit too soon, and there is no real countdown for the duration between when the circles appear and the actual effect hits, and you find yourself getting out of the dodge the moment the effect actually hits.

And it swings the other way as well, because the constant movement makes non-burst AOEs from the players side pointless unless they are in the very death trap rooms that i mentioned before because the mob can’t be pulled out of the AOE constantly.

The difference between full armor and no armor in this game comes down to surviving maybe one extra blow (if the attacker do not crit). Not worth it when you can dump the same gear and trait points into crit related numbers and bring the mob down faster.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Everyone can be a tank.

Ammm, no. Actually, nobody can be a tank in GW2. Because the defining characteristic of a tank is aggro control. It’s not dmg soaking or mitigation or defence. Those are just bonuses that are utterly worthless if you can’t keep the enemy on you. And since GW2 has no real aggro table and no means of generating aggro…everybody can be tanky, but nobody can be a tank.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gehenna.3625


People play healers because it’s relatively easy to do. Sorry, but I played a healer for a long time and it is easy to do. The lure of playing a healer is the guarantee of a raid slot. Plain and simple. But only for so long. Eventually everyone memorizes the content to such degree and outgear it to such degree that you literally can do it without any heals at all. So, what changed? Players learned where the fire was. Players learned to move. Players gear got better and the mobs got dumber. Healing becomes redundant. So in essence, you never really needed the heals… you only needed to pay attention. GW2 is training wheels off. Responsibility for your own actions. Stand in fire… you die. Die enough, you learn not to stand in the fire. Eventually you don’t stand in the fire and guess what, you never even had a healer there. How is this possible? Unfathomable.

Healers can easily DPS… healing is about DPSing your fellow players with heals. If you can spam heals, you can spam DPS. So just imagine yourself healing the mobs to death. I will heal you to death… you will die to my heals. Take that, you evil mob you. If you think healing is any different than DPS, you are wrong. It’s exactly the same thing only you are focused solely on your teammates instead of the mob. The only difference is that you aren’t guaranteed a slot because of some role you are playing. Heals and DPS are the same. Just different spells. Spam away.

I’ve never seen such a load of bs about healing.

Don’t even know where to begin here, so I will just make one point here just as an indication.

A DPS player drops his mouse on the floor and picks it up. Continues to DPS.

A healer player drops his mouse on the floor and picks it up. Party wiped.

If you think healing and DPS are essentially the same, you are wrong.

It’s a game forum. The truth is not to be found here.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blackwolfe.5649


I love tanking, did it for 3 years in wow and other games, as well as healing. But I still wouldnt want it in gw2.

Colin Johansen casts – Working As Intended
Colin Johansen hits you for 239407889 damage
Game over

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kalizaar.4729


There are many forms of support in GW2, just not in the obsolete form of refilling healthbars.

I guarantee you that -this- way of healing is much more satisfying and engaging than obsolete healing could ever hope; it requires a lot more to master than old healing tho.

Eh, personal preferences I suppose. Don’t get me wrong, I’m really enjoying this game and the combat is fun. However, like the OP in every other game I really enjoy playing a character with a focus on healing and while playing GW2, no matter what type of character I play, I don’t get the same rush.

I won’t quit the game or whine about it, but it’s a simple fact to me that if I play GW2 I can’t get that particular feeling I get when playing healing classes in any other game. That’s just how I, and a couple of my friends, and apparently many other people, feel.

I just had to learn to accept that and enjoy what IS in this game. And for a healer playstyle fix I’ll simply have to spend time in some other game for a while if I want it.

Having said that I definitely wouldn’t cry one tear, except maybe in joy, if ANet were to somehow introduce a healing focused play-style without ruining the current balance. I just don’t see that happening though.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoreChief.8391


Hello Guild Wars 2.

Since I logged in on the game i was verry surprised,
The graphics where good, no quests and stuf and a verry good comunity-based gameplay.

But a little problem for me was; i couln’t be a healer.
Healing yourself, yes. Others, no.

Before i start playing this game i played World of Warcraft. I liked the game but became sick of doing quest after quest after quest.

De good side of that coin was healing. EVery race could heal (like we can do too) but in a different rate. you got Healing Over Time healer, Instant healers, or Area Of Effect healing. I really liked that (not that i want go back) and it’s a shame everyone can heal himself so they don’t need supporting people like me to help them (other than killing the enemy)

Actually i hoped Arenanet had something to offer for every player, onfortunatly not for me. I am not complaining about leaving the game (when that was the case i would have left without saying that) but i just hope Arenanet will think about this.

Yours Faithfully,

There is no room in this game for people who want something designated just for themselves. If you want to be a ‘healer’ type, look at the party-healing-oriented guardians. That’s your healer, and it’s as close as they should ever get to one.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorOverlord.8620


The OP presents their desire in a reasonable way but no game can make every player happy. If you want to RP an evil character GW2 is not your game. If you want FFA PvP GW2 is not your game. There’s nothing wrong with wanting those sort of things, but one can’t expect a single game to do it all.

Also if GW2 had simply copied the class trinity and used healer-centric classes (and thus requiring the use of low-damage, aggro-attracting tanks to give the healers purpose) then players would be complaining that ArenaNet did not do anything new and just copied previous mechanics. And those complaints would be 100% right.

GW2’s combat mechanics are not a huge leap in change but at least it is movement away from the stagnation that has been the trademark of MMOs for years. Unfortunately, change usually leaves behind people who want what was done in the past.

Check my GW2 Comic Dynamic Events (Short Google Link to Fan Content Forum here)

(edited by DoctorOverlord.8620)

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Knote.2904


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

Instead : LF3M Fractal 23, Fractal 15, Fractal 11, Fractal 3, Fractal 45.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fuz.5621


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.


You want dps/tank/healer? There are plenty other mmorpgs out there for you.

Don’t try to ruin this one.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Idle talk, as always, “there are plenty other mmorpgs”. Name a couple, then, where
- you can level without killing, just by helping NPCs,
- you have a nice, detailed, liverly world with NPC-chats worth to listen to,
- you can craft as good equipment as you can get by other means.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vvp.8512


No healers, no tanks. Don’t ask for stuff that would ruin the game.

LF2M healer and tank for hours and hours and hours and hours, no sorry, no.

Instead : LF3M Fractal 23, Fractal 15, Fractal 11, Fractal 3, Fractal 45.

The dungeon finder system is a separate issue from party composition. I don’t understand how this argument keeps being thrown out as to why the trinity wouldn’t make a difference.

Plainview (80 Engineer) SoR

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Omega.1473


Idle talk, as always, “there are plenty other mmorpgs”. Name a couple, then, where
- you can level without killing, just by helping NPCs,
- you have a nice, detailed, liverly world with NPC-chats worth to listen to,
- you can craft as good equipment as you can get by other means.

Name another one out there that has those and doesn’t have trinity based combat.

You can’t. So if the people crying in this thread get their way, all you’re doing is swapping one demographic for the other. Both sides can’t be happy in the same game.

You’re going to have to find those things PLUS trinity combat in some other new game because changing the combat here to suit your needs will only serve to alienate those who love it as it is.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Setsunayaki.4907


Except there are dedicated DPSers and there are Dedicated Tanks too and healers.

Just not in the way one expects.

There is no Magic Power in this game. So the days of standing still and taking hits basing it all on your total health and magic power are gone.

Everything is handled through builds and skill systems. I can heal other players but other players now have to use their own self-heals. However I can supplement it with my own healing skills, attunement swap and some other support.

I can actually do a decent job. It prevents the entire BS where players just stand still taking damage and being healed and the battle is won because the healers magic power doesnt drop to zero.

The trinity still exists but it doesnt work like it used to.

I run with Toughness/Vitality/Power and some decent builds. I look for support builds that help and balanced builds….So there is actually a place for support players.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pcharky.6954


As a person who has primarily played support and healing classes in games past, I have to say GW2 is a refreshing change of pace. Cure spamming is a load of bullkitten, and the “Holy Trinity” can go the way of the dinosaur as far as I’m concerned. GW2 is one of the best MMO games I have ever played.

~ Pcharky ~ Engineer ~ Tarnished Coast ~ [PiNK] ~

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talyjta.9081


Name another one out there that has those and doesn’t have trinity based combat.

I didn’t do idle talk about games being there. It’s up to those who claim “there are many MMORPGs” to prove their words. And they can’t. As always.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TWMagimay.9057


Idle talk, as always, “there are plenty other mmorpgs”. Name a couple, then, where
- you can level without killing, just by helping NPCs,
- you have a nice, detailed, liverly world with NPC-chats worth to listen to,
- you can craft as good equipment as you can get by other means.

Forsaken World and Tera come to mind…

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kuari.8106


no need of that class of healer, is useless and you will never learn to real survive with it.

Not really sure where you’re getting your information from joe-bob. I played a disc priest in wow and could whip anyone’s asset – yes, a weak, lowly healer like a priest could whip your asset any day bub. Perhaps you just either suck at the game or were rude to the healers and that’s why they didn’t heal your sorry self. I don’t know but I’ve been playing probably from before you were in diapers and the only time a healer doesn’t heal is when they’re dealing with annoying fks.

Or maybe he just doesn’t like the standard trinity or dealing with arrogance of “I’m the healer, do as I want or screw you” which is pretty common in games where they are required. Lot of reasons possible beyond the ones you give in that arrogant display. Just because someone doesn’t like something does NOT equal unskilled. He’s right though, the standard trinity is not needed. There are ways to still do the roles of the trinity in a semi-dedicated way, just you need to do more in addition. The only issue I’ve seen in that regard in this game are from people who can’t adapt to something new.

No, clearly Joe-bob says: “no need of that class of healer, is useless and you will never learn to real survive with it.” This is utter crap and that was my point.

Actually it kind of isn’t… trinity style fights, healing is a requirement because of the unavoidable aspect of many of the larger scale fights and a lot of people use it as a crutch to ignore the aspects they CAN do something about. Without it, you’re forced to think more.

No place for gamers like me... (I am a healer)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jayne.9251


I was always always always a healer in all MMO’s I played. So when I researched classes for GW2, I picked an elementalist, because aside from guardians, they were considered the “healers” … maybe try one of those two classes? You can heal your group mates with them.

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