Petition to change pvp daily
I wonder if people complaining about this realize that you need 5 pvp dailies done to fulfill the daily reward chest.
And there are 6 pvp dailies available.
I think you’re right, Jzaku. You dont’ need to do the tournament, if you don’t want. I finish the PvP daily in four regular matches every day.
I think you’re right, Jzaku. You dont’ need to do the tournament, if you don’t want. I finish the PvP daily in four regular matches every day.
Indeed, there is absolutely no reason to play a tournament to get your daily. You don’t need more than 4 games to get it.
a) Making it matches played will make lots of people join Tournaments just for the achievement, join then wait until you lose… ever thought of that?
b) Petition threads aren’t allowed on these forums as far as I know.
Yeah and I think A.Net should give players, who can prove that they are casual, max pvp rank because otherwise they will never reach it even though they paid the full prize for the game (so they should have access to everything in the game)
Currently playing Heart of Thorns.
I haven’t found any reason to finish pvp dailies (but they do get done on their own really fast). sPvP portion is such a liberating, grind free place to test out ideas and builds (before I invest for actual WvW gear), I, honestly, see no reason why I’d grind it for ‘pvp dailies’.
If you read the post it is’nt about getting the daily done, it’s about wanting to keep up on the ap without having to spend 2+ hours sometimes on just the pvp daily. Or having to log with it unfinished. Also if you played tpvp in its current form or again read my post what you describe is allready happening anyhow.
Maybe they should give ap for people who reply while actually reading the content of the post.