Please, Think Before You Type!

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1508


I’m not worried about swearing and such i use it regularly when i need too.

Just wanted to give a heads up to the international folks, Aussies swear alot we pretty much live with it, its not a huge deal.

The shop keepers swear the postal gal swore just the other day.. it happens we move on, i’m not sure how other countries work but its pretty normal here.

I would never report folks for swearing they are emotional and annoyed, they will get over it just move on.

(edited by Dante.1508)

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Villious.8530


Oh my kittening god, holy kitten!
Are you seriously bringing kids who have suecided into this whole thread?
Jesus christ I am done with with this thread. You people NEED to stop takeing swear words so kitten seriously.
inb4 I receive another moderators infraction point for expressing my freedom of speeche! Yeeehaaaw!

You have my sympathy.

No kidding. I don’t know whether to pity people like this, or just hope that natural selection takes over…

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I get the whole not-offending-people. Nobody should be insulted or ridiculed, especially in a game.

But why is everyone so sensitive these days? If someone says that something is g**, they’re not hating on homosexuals. They’re just using coloquial slang. I get how it can grate at some people, but really, just let it roll off you. Somebody very close to me has Down Syndrome, but I don’t rage at people who say that such-n-such is kittened. It’s just vernacular. Words change over time. Terrific doesn’t actually mean great/wonderful. But the useage has changed over time and that’s how we now use it.

I’m using terrible analogies I’m sure. But my point is that while freedom of speech shouldn’t infringe upon other people, I feel like people in general are just becoming more and more sensitive. Everyone is looking for a way to feel victimized and it’s getting old. Where did our pride go? Where did our sense of strength and self-esteem go? Just stand up, hold your head high, muscle through it, and earn what you get. Nobody’s words can take that away.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I feel like people in general are just becoming more and more sensitive.

No it is the other way around. People these days are becoming less sensitive of others, less respectful, they live in their own little bubble and there is very little sense of community. This is especially prevalent on the Internet because people think they can say what they want, to anyone they want, when they want and hide behind a curtain while doing it. They don’t take into consideration that there is a real person on the other side of the monitor.

I don’t mind cursing for the most part but when I hear someone cursing up a storm at say the grocery store, I cringe because it is disrespectful and unnecessary.

The Burninator

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Siphaed.9235


I wrote a long post and the site crashed on me … O.o

Anyway, I’ll make it shorter. I agree wholeheartedly with the sentiment behind the OP. However, I think it’s much more complicated than you make it seem. For instance, what makes a word offensive doesn’t tend to be the word itself. No word is inherently offensive – it’s the context and intent behind its use that makes it so.

Therefore, substituting “bookah” in place of another swear/curse word doesn’t do anything except superficially change the word. In terms of context, in the world of Tyria the asura use that term offensively to describe others they consider inferior to them. That is offensive. If we simply decided to say “bookah” instead of "f****er*, the implied intent and context is still enough to cause offense and I don’t think it would avoid doing so necessarily.

Also, people have very different opinions on what causes offense. Someone may not find constant swearing offensive, whereas someone else does. Also tone is hard to convey in text, not to mention language barriers etc. While intent is sometimes obvious, sometimes use of language is not.

I completely agree that people could certainly learn to think a little before they type, but I do not think it’s a simple as the OP makes it seem.

My post was at medium between simplistic and complex due to the nature of the audience that it was written for. I know that a person’s personality cannot be changed. But I did hope to alter the perspective of some so that a bit of thought is put into what’s being said rather than just being blurted out.

And the “F-word” is by far the least offender of the bunch up there from my original post. The other words offend easier because they’re taking original words out of context and pushing them into the boundary of hate speech. And then these twisted words are used casually as curse words without any regards to who they effect or offend.

Take for [a rather extreme] example the “N-word”, in how it was used for the longest time as an insulting term of oppression and hate. In the past few decades the word has been twisted within certain cultures that it’s okay for said cultures to use casually as a term of endearment. Yet, the word is still considered heavily offensive if used by those outside the culture for reasons of it’s original discriminatory intentions (the whole Paula Dean fiasco is an example of such).

I get the whole not-offending-people. Nobody should be insulted or ridiculed, especially in a game.

But why is everyone so sensitive these days? If someone says that something is g**, they’re not hating on homosexuals. They’re just using coloquial slang. I get how it can grate at some people, but really, just let it roll off you. Somebody very close to me has Down Syndrome, but I don’t rage at people who say that such-n-such is kittened. It’s just vernacular. Words change over time. Terrific doesn’t actually mean great/wonderful. But the useage has changed over time and that’s how we now use it.

I’m using terrible analogies I’m sure. But my point is that while freedom of speech shouldn’t infringe upon other people, I feel like people in general are just becoming more and more sensitive. Everyone is looking for a way to feel victimized and it’s getting old. Where did our pride go? Where did our sense of strength and self-esteem go? Just stand up, hold your head high, muscle through it, and earn what you get. Nobody’s words can take that away.

As explained above, the words’ skewed meanings are being expressed as “curse words” in negative fashion. That slang is used to express a demeanor towards someone to emphasize a stereotype that to be such is something offensive.

I’d also like to point out that “Freedom of Speech” only applies to Public and Government locations. These forums and accompanying game are privately owned, operated, and monitored by Arena.Net. As such, all rules and regulations related to what can and cannot be said are controlled by them. This is why you’re not allowed to talk about other video games, call out developers directly, create hate speech, and other rules outlined in the Terms of Service.

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neural.1824


Swear all you want. Fine by me. Free speech and all that.

Do it in a job interview and I will put your resume in the circular file and find someone else, and there isn’t a single thing you can do about it, because you can’t prove it.
So please, let your words flow freely, it helps corporations weed out people who would otherwise be a blemish on their reputation with the general public.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Please, Think Before You Type!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


I’d also like to point out that “Freedom of Speech” only applies to Public and Government locations. These forums and accompanying game are privately owned, operated, and monitored by Arena.Net. As such, all rules and regulations related to what can and cannot be said are controlled by them. This is why you’re not allowed to talk about other video games, call out developers directly, create hate speech, and other rules outlined in the Terms of Service.

I know. I noticed my post became increasingly worldly and less GW2-focused. What started out as my views on in-game behavior devolved into social commentary.

Isn’t there an optional language-filter option in the game? If you’re offended by the cursing of others, turn on the filter. Otherwise, don’t complain. If people are being inflammatory, ignorant, racist, mean, rude, etc in a way that language filters can’t understand, report them. There is a policy that every player agrees to to be allowed to play. However, I do suggest people not being so sensitive that they feel that everyone is a bigot or hatemonger and needs to be reported. Use discretion and know that not every curse word is used in a cruel way.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)