Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cercie.1025


Please I am a minion necro and I’m finding the trebs aimed at my afk spot in Bitterfrost Frontier really inconvenient. Whenever I alt tab and spend three hours playing something else I come back to a dead necromancer. It makes going to sleep with the game running while I farm karma pretty impossible now. Even the ten other minion necro’s standing in the same spot find afk farming impossible.

*So in all seriousness this is a joke. Just as much as nerfing engie farming but not necro farming

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Fifth.8169


they should work on their afk kick system. Im always idle in many areas and I never ever get booted to the character select screen. It should be ~ 10 mins. but its nonexistent or was broken a long time ago and never fixed.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Major Domo.9250

Major Domo.9250

On a serious note, I think they’ve been treating the symptoms and not the disease – that certain skills (engie turrets, necro minions etc.) not only allow but encourage idle play. How about making these skills more active? Beefed up, mannable turrets for point defense? Controllable minions and ranger pets that reward micromanagement?

Interactive Guardian spirit weapons might be too much to ask for, however.


Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


What’s weird is the past few days, I have hardly seen any Necros loitering around berry trees when I do my berry run with my Ranger.

I kinda miss them, as they made the run a little bit easier, as I like to clear out each area before picking my berries, rather than training mobs over everyone, which seems to be the way many people do it.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: notebene.3190


On a serious note, I think they’ve been treating the symptoms and not the disease – that certain skills (engie turrets, necro minions etc.) not only allow but encourage idle play. How about making these skills more active? Beefed up, mannable turrets for point defense? Controllable minions and ranger pets that reward micromanagement?

Interactive Guardian spirit weapons might be too much to ask for, however.


I wouldn’t be very excited about changing those two classes so you had to manage those things more closely. While I’m not a turret Engi (except my healing turret, and the occasional elite turret…thing (I forget what it’s called…the box of surprises), I do use two minions on my Necro, and would hate to have to play busy body with them.

I think they should make turrets and pets stop doing damage and attacking and drop all agro if there hasn’t been any input in 30 seconds.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hyper Cutter.9376

Hyper Cutter.9376

they should work on their afk kick system. Im always idle in many areas and I never ever get booted to the character select screen. It should be ~ 10 mins. but its nonexistent or was broken a long time ago and never fixed.

It’s about an hour in PVE.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drecien.4508


I had no idea this had been implemented! Now I’m excited to go see the action unfold. :-)

14 level 80s All races/professions
Server-Blackgate, are there others?
Some must fight, so that all may be free. —Amora Soulkeeper.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Aww.. I liked being able to frolick from berry node to the next without being dogpiled by a million chill stacks from mobs.

Guess I’ll check it out later to see if it’s really any different.

Pls Nerf Trebs Aimed at Bitterfrost Frontier

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Squee.7829


There are no trebs in Bitterfrost. This was a purposefully exaggerated response to the Lake Doric trebuchets. Because apparently people are still bitter that they can’t get loot for sitting around and not actually doing anything.

And probably also bitter that this is what many necromancers in Bitterfrost are doing and they haven’t been nerfed yet. Probably because they weren’t as noticeable.

Leader and sole member of the “Bring Penguins to Tyria” movement.