(edited by Revolution.6301)
Post 80: my opinion
if you enjoyed lvling to 80 you should enjoy being 80 aswell
the entire game is ‘’end game’’ what ever you enjoyed doin till 80 you can enjoy at 80.
as for wvw there should be patch about it on the 26th feb. ( don’t quote me on the exact date)
other then that if you still don’t enjoy it then i’m sorry to say but gw2 aint the game for you
Ask and ye shall recieve.
And this was where legendaries were supposed to take over as the “end game” quest but the way precursors are set up now, it makes it an exercise in frustration. Now if ANet would realize that if they made precursors easier to get, more people would prolly make em for alts which would mean more T6 mats needed to be farmed/bought which would mean more gem sales since T6 mats can be bought in LOT smaller chunks than needing 600g in 1 big lump sum. Plus each legendary is unique so it would be like a new “quest” per say for each toon vs doing AC or CoF for the 500th time on your 4th alt.
Am I legendary yet!?
Ask and ye shall recieve.
Problem is dailies more or less mean crap now since laurels buy crap. PvP is this game is crap since it really doesn’t get you anything imo. The only semi good thing is the guild quests but again, how long will those keep people “happy” and occupied til they get boring. I mean, i guess it’s better than nothing but it’s still not much.
Am I legendary yet!?
Ask and ye shall recieve.
The only semi good thing is the guild quests but again, how long will those keep people “happy” and occupied til they get boring.
Until we get a free content patch the next month. And the month after that. And the next month after that and the month after that, and the month after that and well, you see where this is going.
They are building a monster.
I had your problem OP.
I hit 80 and got my gear within a few days. I looked around and thought “Now what? 0__o”
In other MMOs, I’d dedicate a lot of time to Raiding and completing hard content, doing Dungeons, playing Battlegrounds, doing Group oriented content, search/camp for Rare items and cosmetics, work on gearing my character and so forth. Everything felt meaningful, everything I did was working towards a better Character.
But for some reason, I was having a hard time finding what to do in Guild Wars 2 at max level. To be honest, I think one of the main reasons is because it’s not laid out in front of you like a Traditional MMO. In addition, some of the things I enjoyed in Traditional MMOs, I do not enjoy in Guild Wars 2. For example, Battlegrounds/Scenarios/PVP. I don’t enjoy Structured and WvW is far too zergy. I still do WvW a lot, every day in fact, but it pales in comparison to DOAC and Warhammer (to the point where it’s painfully obvious). Lastly, GW2 is a “cosmetic game” but it lacks a variety of cosmetics. A lot of the “cool cosmetics” cost hundreds to housands of gold. On top of that, not a single “cool cosmetic” requires any type of Skill shown by the Player. Not my idea of a good time.
So, to answer your question
- Make Alts (I have 5 80s and working on my 6th. I get bored.)
- WvW
- Structured
- Map Completion
- Fractals
- Get the “Dungeon Master” Achievement
- Achievement farming in general.
- Farm
- Farm more……
- Do your Daily/Monthly
- Role play (if you’re into that)
- Jumping Puzzles
- Put together new outfits
- Farm more money for Cultural Tier 3
- Join a Guild (a good sociable Guild with an active tight knit community that hosts Events)
Yeah, that’s the best I can offer. Guild Wars 2 is pretty much a casual game to be honest. Sign on, play, sign off. No commitments, strings, requirements or anything of that nature. As such, it’s content is Casual. “Everything is end game” and “There is no end game” means hitting 80 isn’t all that important, it just opens more windows. Atleast that’s the theory.
PvE zones have already been completed. Personal Story can not be replayed.
You have these options:
If PvP gameplay doesn’t appeal to you, then you’ll get bored quickly as running dungeons is only fun for so long. If none of the above 3 things appeal to you…
ArenaNet has just the thing for you! Exotic gear is so last year, this year we have Ascended gear! That’s right folks, instead of spending a small sum of gold or running a few dungeons, you can grind the hours away doing things you don’t want to do just so you can be on the same level as everyone else!
Doing the things you enjoy doing and playing for the sake of playing is silly. It’s all about the carrots! Moar carrots!
It was really promising at the start. The game story was pretty cool and dungeons were fun the first few times. WvW was a blast and I put hundreds of hours into that. sPvP was also pretty promising. However, dungeons got old and significant problems appeared in sPvP and WvW. In addition, playing with little variation in sPvP and WvW for extended periods of time causes large burn-out.
People begin to play less due to lack of variation and gameplay issues, people then complain (legitimately) more, and ArenaNet has to do something. They could either focus on fixing those problems and adding quality new content, or introduce grind and gimmicky/temporary content. Ascended gear and the recent updates tell you which choice they made.
Rampage Wilson – Charr Engineer
Sea of Sorrows
(edited by Alarox.4590)
I truly had a blast up to lv 80, heck even doing the terribley written story was fun. The way the quests worked, DE worked was just amazing compared to almost any other mmo. I understand why the game got an 8ish out of 10.
Then came 80.
Honestly there isn’t alot to do. Once you finished up heart quests, finish the jumping puzzles there isn’t alot to do. You can play pvp, but imo pvp in Gw2 is boring compared to Gw1 due to a lack of builds you can create.
So your only choices are:
Dungeon grinding which involves:
1. Making money
2. Grinding for skinsAnd the same goes for any farming such as Orr Tunnel.
You can get legendary weapons but its just not possible for most players to ever see. The prec. weapons are getting more and more expensive, and getting the clovers becomes funny when you just can’t get them.
Really it just seems like there is nothing to do other then try and get skins. You can argue that you can make a new character but people who work/university lack the time. Of course its possible but some are not willing to put another 80 hours into it. And the story isn’t like Gw1 story where you actually cared about the character and did the with the Salad Man would die. But seriously why couldn’t Trahearne just die. But thats another argument.
Point is it would be nice to see other things to do. Even new places to grind would nice. And fixing WvW and making it as worth it as playing PvE would help.
What do you all think?
The part in bold has me confused. Why complain about nothing to do, then when a valid suggestion is made, say “I don’t have time”? If you don’t have time, the lack of anything to do shouldn’t bother you. There’s no sub fee, so feel free to put the game away until more content that interests you is released.
But to address the rest of the post, you should ask yourself what you did while leveling that you enjoyed the most, then do that. Dynamic events don’t stop happening when you hit 80. They are still out there for you to discover and participate in. I absolutely understand that there needs to be much more incentive to get you out there and doing events. No matter how much you enjoy an activity, it can sometimes feel like a waste of your efforts if at the end you don’t feel properly rewarded. Anet has acknowledged this and says they are working on it. We will have to wait and see. Still, my point stands that if you enjoyed events, they are still out there for you to enjoy.
Join a guild and make some friends. Most MMOs are better when playing with people. A lot of times, stuff that’s not fun on your own is a blast with people.
I don’t farm dungeons, but I run them pretty frequently with guildies. Not because the dungeons are so much fun, but because my guildies are so much fun. We’re having a blast.
A lot of times people solo through MMOs and never give the MMO part of the game a chance. Seems a shame.
Vayne got a point, guildies can make every single run in dungeon unique and fun. And it’s all about fun, that’s all.
Pain Killer [pK] | Blacktide EU | PVE: Corruptionmancer | PVP: Support Wellmancer
There’s a lot to do but with that being said it may not appeal to everyone. That’s understandable.. try something new you may end up liking it
Do what I do. Log on, do daily, log off. The lack of a real end game is what makes the end game boring. Currently playing a game with an end game and it’s glorious.
Once you get to 80 and get full exotics with the look you want there isn’t much left to really do.
Can’t wait till Wildstar comes out and we have non of thos end game nonsense but instead Eldar game
the easiest way to create endgame is
-reduce Karma from event
-reduce reward from dungeon
-Cultural armors more expensive
-more gears
-new skills require a lot of skill point
the easiest way to create endgame is
-reduce Karma from event
-reduce reward from dungeon
-Cultural armors more expensive
-more gears
-new skills require a lot of skill point
Wonderful ideas! Make endgame even more annoying.
the easiest way to create endgame is
-reduce Karma from event
-reduce reward from dungeon
-Cultural armors more expensive
-more gears
-new skills require a lot of skill point
There’s no way this guy is serious
You should make an alt (or more).
Currently, I have five lvl 80 characters in full exotic/ascended and I’m working on a 6th.
If leveling a character was the most fun aspect of the game for you… why not continue to do so?
the easiest way to create endgame is
-reduce Karma from event
-reduce reward from dungeon
-Cultural armors more expensive
-more gears
-new skills require a lot of skill point
What? I hope that is sarcasm. There is no way you’re serious.
You should make an alt (or more).
Currently, I have five lvl 80 characters in full exotic/ascended and I’m working on a 6th.If leveling a character was the most fun aspect of the game for you… why not continue to do so?
Maybe because when people play online role playing games they normaly like specific roles such as the mage or the warrior so they lick specfic classes and not everyone wants to have 7 max level characters just because there is nothing to do in the game.
To someone like me that would be a complete waste of time, what get another 3 characters to 80 and then face the same probelm and quit due to lack of end game i’d rather not repeat the leveling procces 5 times I enjoyed it the first time and the second not the sixth, seventh and eighth time.
So.. You loved the DE while leveling.. Why dont you enjoy them anymore >.<? they are still there
I already have 1 level 80 character (Human Elementalist). I have to say, it took me about 125 hours to get to level 80 (Yes, I take my time playing and not rushing like hell), and in those 125 hours, I enjoyed literally everything about the game. Although saying everything is an understatement. That’s because I haven’t done everything yet. In fact, I only finish 42 % of the map And I still have lots of unexplored territories and regions to cover. I still have dungeons to finish, gear to make, and all the like.
While it may sound grind-y and very repetitive.. it’s not, it’s because there is always something new in this game. Each day, I can always expect something outrageous, funny, epic or just awesome!
In short, the game’s end game (Which is the entire game) is pure awesome!
P.S. The story is actually very good (In my opinion), I like the characters(Yes, even Trahearne, he only seems boring because of his scholarly attitude), the way it was presented, the music, and the choices!
The excuse that you can’t make a new character because of uni / work is rubbish. If you got time to play your level 80, then use that time to level an alt instead. The only way you won’t have time is if you want it now. Who is saying you need to rush? Unless your heart is set on wanting to farm, and then you got that to do.
I also don’t understand the whole ‘putting another 80 hours in’. If you’re complaining about nothing to do, but there is something to do, surely that’s on the player?
While you’re at it, why not aim for 100% completion without any map icons enabled? No use of waypoints to travel? That’ll save you some cash. Do Mini-dungeons? See how many events you can find and do? You may discover some you haven’t done if you stick around.
Then we got Guild Missions that are coming in 9 days.
I’d say you find it boring because you’re trying to stick to the most efficient route of gaining wealth. It’s quite liberating to play without worrying about that.
Set your own challenges, work on ahievements. Anything other than ‘the most efficient / quickest way…’
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
(edited by TheDaiBish.9735)
Hitted 80 mid October, and I’m still playing everyday on the same character. There is enough to do that keeps my attention.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
I actually would have suggested alts pre-11/15. I now have 8 level 80 characters and have enjoyed exploring the races and professions. I wouldn’t suggest it as a strategy post 11/15 however as the grind to move them along the power curve is just too steep. I mean, seriously, 8 months to get an amulet for each of them…when there are other slots to grind out as well. Unfortunately, the steepness of the gear grind prohibits alts as an alternative for what to do at 80.
Monthly events are not the answer. They introduce more bugs and compete for developer resources around stabilizing and balancing the game. No, monthly events are a problem not a solution. We need appropriate prioritization which right now is core game. Then we need a release schedule which is 3-6 months but offers interesting content of a permanent nature that significantly adds to the game world. This would allow for a PTR in the development schedule.
GW2 is one of the best games I have played. There are issues, but they are relatively easy to fix. otoh, if they continue with head-scratcher solutions, given what’s on the horizon, we won’t be around for long debating what to do at 80.
What boggles my mind every time this topic comes up is all the people whining about end-game being about doing dungeons or something.
I’m sorry guys, but that’s what end-game usually /is/ in an MMO. Go over to WoW and what is the end-game? Once you hit max level, you run dungeons a whole lot. What do you do after that? Run more dungeons. Then maybe you run some harder dungeons(heroics) or some bigger dungeons(raids).
But in the end, the ONLY progress to be made in a game like WoW is via running dungeons for better loot. Period. At least in GW2 you don’t have to worry about grinding up better and better sets of gear. You can get all the cosmetics you want and do the dungeons, don’t do the dungeons, pvp, wvw, or whatever else floats your boat and you can still join up with friends whenever you like. They’ll never out-pace you.
Wish they had time trials for Jumping Puzzles, with best times for each server posted
WvW should be addressed in March and April. Guild Missions come up in 2 weeks.
Leveling an alt is A LOT easier than your first character. Assuming you’ve spent time gathering, you can craft up to 300ish for each expertise, do dungeons for exp and crafting money, and pretty much be done with it in 3 days at 3-4 hours a day.
Honestly, there is plenty to do that has already been mentioned…and soon we’ll be able to add events ourselves with the guild missions.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
There is a difference between an activity before level 80 and that same activity at level 80. Before level 80 you can see how that activity is advancing your character. So you are doing it not only for the activity itself but also to advance your character. However at level 80 you are essentially just doing it for the purpose of the activity itself. And let’s be honest, there really isn’t anything that inherently fun about doing DEs more than once, and sometimes not even doing them once. Most of the heart quests are entirely forgettable and generally pointless, heck it’s hard to even know you did or are doing them because they have no relationship to anything and the game world is exactly the same before you start and after you complete it.
I already have 1 level 80 character (Human Elementalist). I have to say, it took me about 125 hours to get to level 80 (Yes, I take my time playing and not rushing like hell), and in those 125 hours, I enjoyed literally everything about the game. Although saying everything is an understatement. That’s because I haven’t done everything yet. In fact, I only finish 42 % of the map
And I still have lots of unexplored territories and regions to cover. I still have dungeons to finish, gear to make, and all the like.
While it may sound grind-y and very repetitive.. it’s not, it’s because there is always something new in this game. Each day, I can always expect something outrageous, funny, epic or just awesome!
In short, the game’s end game (Which is the entire game) is pure awesome!
P.S. The story is actually very good (In my opinion), I like the characters(Yes, even Trahearne, he only seems boring because of his scholarly attitude), the way it was presented, the music, and the choices!
Does arenanet pay you people to write such lavish things? This is a bit unrealistic
However at level 80 you are essentially just doing it for the purpose of the activity itself.
Oh no, you mean people playing the game to enjoy the game instead of playing it to improve their characters? Heresy!
I am huge pvp’er so there is so much for me to do. But for the op who does not like any pvp (either type) I understand
Glancing at your post history, you seem to have been making these same complaints over and over for weeks. Was there really a need to make another thread?
All I do is WvW now that I hit 80. I find everything else too tedious, but that’s just me.
I have a guardian sitting on lvl 70 that I just can’t bring myself to finish leveling. The personal story is so boring and bland, I’ve already experienced all the open world events on my main, so doing those again doesn’t appeal to me. Dungeons I hit up every so often mainly to complete my monthly or FOTM if I need gold.
Frankly the OP has a point. If I didn’t have WvW (which needs massive improvements to keep people interested), I wouldn’t be playing either. Hell, if there was an alternative to GW2 at all, I wouldn’t be here. At the moment it’s something to play until TESO launches.
Having you gotten 100% map completion yet?
In my humble opinion, rushing to 100% is as silly a mistake as rushing to level80. I’ve seen so many players rush to 100% for the Legendary component, and it saddens me to think that they’re missing out on half the content within the zones.
ArenaNet is consistently trying to add dynamic events in various places and you miss out on so much of that by rushing through it all.
I’m at 43% and have two level80s. I’m enjoying myself, and don’t feel there’s nothing to do. Reaching level80 hasn’t changed anything.
There are so many interesting events and characters. Taking it slow is the best way to play, especially if you’re short on time.
When I get to 100% map completion, I’ll have gotten at least a year’s worth of gameplay which is more then what anyone can ask of a $60 pricetag.
And by then, maybe an expansion or tons of new content will be available.
Absolutely not boring.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
However at level 80 you are essentially just doing it for the purpose of the activity itself.
Oh no, you mean people playing the game to enjoy the game instead of playing it to improve their characters? Heresy!
You clearly are failing to understand the point I am making. People can enjoy an activity when it accomplishes dual purposes (the activity and the leveling) but not enjoy the activity when it only accomplishes a single purpose (the activity). When a player plays a game the reason why they play it or the thing which leads to their enjoying the game might only be the dual purpose and not the single purpose. There is nothing wrong with that anything more than there is something wrong with enjoying the game only from the single purpose. It is simply the recognition that different people gain enjoyment from different things or in different ways.
Therefore playing the game solely for the joy of seeing your character grow stronger is just as valid a purpose as playing the game to watch the particle effects when doing DEs.
And I agree that a lot of the DEs are very dull (especially the long escort missions, YAWN!) and for the most part the heart quests are extremely repetitive and pointless, and exploration becomes a chore when you are forced to go above and beyond just admiring the scenery (which gets repeated between zones so it ceases to be novel).
(edited by Ellisande.5218)
Ask and ye shall recieve.
Yeah… I’m excited about guild missions. Depending on how they are done I think they will be awesome.
Wish they had time trials for Jumping Puzzles, with best times for each server posted
I love this idea. Actually, I believe the game has a lot to offer in terms of end game content. Dungeons, WvW, JPs, exploration, etc. The problem is that the distribution of rewards and/or incentives for each category of activity in the game need a major overhaul. And this one idea can actually give purpose to JPs if they never want to up the chest reward to become worth it at the end of a JP or any in-game activity. Scoreboards where players see who’s on top and who’s the best at this or that will definitely add a lot more meaning to every single activity you enjoy playing be it PVP, dungeon, WvW, or Jumping Puzzles. Players love to brag. They will do anything to improve their e-pins. Heck, even the upcoming Guild Missions can do with scoreboards so that guilds can prove who’s the best of the best outside of WvW. Popularity, pride, e-pin, purpose.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
(edited by Gallrvaghn.4921)
The problem is, unlike WOW, you are not directed to do anything in particular. In WOW you are directed to grind dungeons. Maybe more end game direction is in order?
I already have 1 level 80 character (Human Elementalist). I have to say, it took me about 125 hours to get to level 80 (Yes, I take my time playing and not rushing like hell), and in those 125 hours, I enjoyed literally everything about the game. Although saying everything is an understatement. That’s because I haven’t done everything yet. In fact, I only finish 42 % of the map
And I still have lots of unexplored territories and regions to cover. I still have dungeons to finish, gear to make, and all the like.
While it may sound grind-y and very repetitive.. it’s not, it’s because there is always something new in this game. Each day, I can always expect something outrageous, funny, epic or just awesome!
In short, the game’s end game (Which is the entire game) is pure awesome!
P.S. The story is actually very good (In my opinion), I like the characters(Yes, even Trahearne, he only seems boring because of his scholarly attitude), the way it was presented, the music, and the choices!
Does arenanet pay you people to write such lavish things? This is a bit unrealistic
Seriously? How the hell does Anet even pay me? Besides, that’s in my opinion anyways, no need to get all kitten about it. It may sound unrealistic but the reason why I can expect something happen each day is because of my friends there, they always do something.
And yes, I have spent more than 100 hours in the game and I only reached 42% of map completion, believe it or not.
Also, I find Trahearne interesting, despite other people thinking that he’s boring. Like I said, the reason why he’s boring is because of his scholarly attitude.
Anyways, what I want to tell you is that this game is just great. It may have a few issues with it but I learned how to curb my expectations from it. In other words, you can say I am just optimistic about the game.
…the entire game is ‘’end game’’
Look! 3 moons and a flying pig!
We’ve been awake since March 2007! Please help!
“GW2 the game with more rolls than roles!”
I already have 1 level 80 character (Human Elementalist). I have to say, it took me about 125 hours to get to level 80 (Yes, I take my time playing and not rushing like hell), and in those 125 hours, I enjoyed literally everything about the game. Although saying everything is an understatement. That’s because I haven’t done everything yet. In fact, I only finish 42 % of the map
And I still have lots of unexplored territories and regions to cover. I still have dungeons to finish, gear to make, and all the like.
While it may sound grind-y and very repetitive.. it’s not, it’s because there is always something new in this game. Each day, I can always expect something outrageous, funny, epic or just awesome!
In short, the game’s end game (Which is the entire game) is pure awesome!
P.S. The story is actually very good (In my opinion), I like the characters(Yes, even Trahearne, he only seems boring because of his scholarly attitude), the way it was presented, the music, and the choices!
Does arenanet pay you people to write such lavish things? This is a bit unrealistic
Seriously? How the hell does Anet even pay me? Besides, that’s in my opinion anyways, no need to get all kitten about it. It may sound unrealistic but the reason why I can expect something happen each day is because of my friends there, they always do something.
And yes, I have spent more than 100 hours in the game and I only reached 42% of map completion, believe it or not.
Also, I find Trahearne interesting, despite other people thinking that he’s boring. Like I said, the reason why he’s boring is because of his scholarly attitude.
Anyways, what I want to tell you is that this game is just great. It may have a few issues with it but I learned how to curb my expectations from it. In other words, you can say I am just optimistic about the game.
One of the problems you have to deal with in the forums is that some people tend to consider you to be wrong if your opinion is not in line with theirs.
With that being said, I agree with you that the game is great and I am not yet bored of it.
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”
The problem is, unlike WOW, you are not directed to do anything in particular. In WOW you are directed to grind dungeons. Maybe more end game direction is in order?
I’d say the opposite. More sandbox features should be put in. Less themepark, more sandbox
For me the game becomes playable at 80 because I don’t enjoy the journey to get there at all (but I love being at 80).
The whole game isn’t ‘end game’, level 80 for me is ‘begin game’, there is no end game in WvW (that’s where I mostly play). The lead up is a 79 level grinding waste of time that I did once for the story but cringe the next half dozen times I repeat for alts (especially since nurfed drop rates is getting more common).
Do you know, a common request I hear in my Guild is “can someone who knows how to craft please level up my alt to 80 for me? I’ll pay, here’s 50 something gold!”
It’s because a sub 80 character is weaker and less fun in WvW than an 80, it’s that simple. It would be nice to be able to level your low level toon effectively in WvW (it can be done I know, but not easily, the amount of xp my 80 gets is amazing, I’ve go an endless pool of spare skill points that I can’t use), but my low level alts in WvW can’t get kills so they level painfully slow.
Until WvW gets some love I’m stuck doing dailies with alts and WvWing with my only level 80 toon. If I could level at the same rate as in PvE I’d never be in the PvE area except to run the odd dungeon for monthlies.
do fractals, or jump puzzles, or dungeons, or temples (grenth is a blast at least).
The problem is, unlike WOW, you are not directed to do anything in particular. In WOW you are directed to grind dungeons. Maybe more end game direction is in order?
I’d say the opposite. More sandbox features should be put in. Less themepark, more sandbox
That would be ideal… but 99% of the population would still just grind a legendary.
There are some very good sandbox games out there, this I don’t believe could become one of them though.
It may just be that your original statement was wrong.
Please try again.
The problem is, unlike WOW, you are not directed to do anything in particular. In WOW you are directed to grind dungeons. Maybe more end game direction is in order?
I’d say the opposite. More sandbox features should be put in. Less themepark, more sandbox
That would be ideal… but 99% of the population would still just grind a legendary.
There are some very good sandbox games out there, this I don’t believe could become one of them though.
cannot be a sandbox.
its all about anet releasing better/harder content.
grenth is a good step.
However at level 80 you are essentially just doing it for the purpose of the activity itself.
Oh no, you mean people playing the game to enjoy the game instead of playing it to improve their characters? Heresy!
You clearly are failing to understand the point I am making. People can enjoy an activity when it accomplishes dual purposes (the activity and the leveling) but not enjoy the activity when it only accomplishes a single purpose (the activity). When a player plays a game the reason why they play it or the thing which leads to their enjoying the game might only be the dual purpose and not the single purpose. There is nothing wrong with that anything more than there is something wrong with enjoying the game only from the single purpose. It is simply the recognition that different people gain enjoyment from different things or in different ways.
Therefore playing the game solely for the joy of seeing your character grow stronger is just as valid a purpose as playing the game to watch the particle effects when doing DEs.
And I agree that a lot of the DEs are very dull (especially the long escort missions, YAWN!) and for the most part the heart quests are extremely repetitive and pointless, and exploration becomes a chore when you are forced to go above and beyond just admiring the scenery (which gets repeated between zones so it ceases to be novel).
That’s like saying I play chess because I like the way the pieces look, rather than why the game is actually designed.
There are games, grindy games, where the entire game is pretty much leveling afterwhich you embark on some kind of end game. And there’s nothing wrong with those games. This isn’t really one of them, though.
Playing this game, you’ve got a couple of options at “end game”, but for a lot of us, we love and enjoy the world. If all you want is advancement and that’s all you care about, this probably isn’t the game for you. That’s the bad news. The good news is there are dozens and dozens of games that you can ride the gear treadmill as high as you like.
This game was designed for people who want the other kind of game…and it’s one of the very few that offer an immersive open world experience as something to viably do at max level.
I mean even the marginally higher stats of ascended gear have sent half the population into a tailspin, so obviously this game isn’t about that kind of progression.
If you don’t like that, nothing anyone can say will make any difference at all.
Need to post something. The stupid forum doesn’t show me the entire thread and I am stuck at the edge of page 1 after returning from a link ….
My main issue is generally there truly is little to do.
Jumping puzzles would be fantastic if they were WORTH doing. If they put a rare/exotic in every chest at the end of a jp (better rewards = more challenging jp) then there would be somthing to do. This is an easy fix that Anet can do.