Posts from the future
Below are a couple of future posts I would love to see, but doubt I ever will – lol
" For Christ sake, not ANOTHER Rangers are OP post! (facepalm)"
“These polls don’t mean anything. And what did you expect, of course Engineers are the most played class, because they’re totally easy-mode. Also, Warriors being in last place in popularity does not mean the class is broken; it’s just a very difficult and nuanced class that most people can’t handle. "
“Once again the new skins have a ton of clipping issues on my Human and Norn toons. I guess I should have rolled a Charr or Asura in order to have decent looking armor.”
by level 80 should have the best statistical loot in the game.
We want everyone on an equal power base.”
[Dungeon: after stacking, now lining, please fix mob AI]
[-Devs- After listening your suggestions we decided to add a new race, it’s an acquatic race, they sparkle, they’re excellent swimmers and well armored, let us introduce to you: The Thundershrimp]
[Remove vertical progression from PvP]
[Mesmer iWarden after deeply staring at the mob now turns ostile against his caster and does the whirling moves]
[PvE is EZ AZ PIE]
[Ascended stats infusions maths]
[Nerf sigil X]
[Found Rahn ghost near some Lion’s Arch debris: he says it was another moment of “it looks close, I can jump there”]
[Subclasses are OP and way too grindy]
[The reasons I’m entitled to rebuke entitled people]
[-Devs- new title added for playing the trading post: The Flipper]
[Stop the Zerker meta improving other stats please, orz]
[Bolt of linen more expensive than Charged Lodestone?]
[PvE is 2hard]
[No more reason to mix runes/stats or assign only 10/20 traits: build flexibility is in danger]
[[Merged] The Cantha Thread: bump]
- Mike Obrien
(edited by Erick Alastor.3917)
[Juanito will take over Tyria]
[Anet, please nerf the Palawa Joko event.]
[Sylvari confirmed puppets of Mordremoth?]
[Who the heck is Scarlet and why do people want her back?]
[Now people can craft precursors my Twilight is worthless! Reimbursement needed.]
[SAB World 3 too easy, only died 87 times on Zone 1.]
[I’m quitting, for reals this time]
[Gem Prices out of control, 750 gold for 100 gems is too much]
[Please bring back the ranger]
[Someone has something I don’t have]
[What am I gonna do with 574753 skill points?]
[Yearly achievements too much of a grind]
[Living Story updates— 2 Months is too long of a wait!]
[Fix the search function, already]
[WvW— no updates for the last 16 years. Do they even care?]
[WvW— Remove Teq please]
[After 43000 hours, still no precursor]
[Finally, I got Yakslapper! Now I can work on my will!]
[WvW— Remember when there was more than 2 servers?]
[Close PvP— there’s only 2 people playing it]
[Why did you add shoes to Queen Jennah?]
[The Molten Quaggan Alliance invasion is too hard!]
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
[Nerf Thieves]
[Stealth is OP]