(edited by Steeldragon.7308)
Potential new races to play as
None of the above. Bad enough the Charr were snowflaked to make them playable.
I’m sure that reading more suggestions will convince me the game is doomed.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Largos, skritt, tengu for me.
My choices are the Skritt, Kodan, Tengu with the possible inclusions of the Quaggen. Hylek and Dredge.
I find Ogres would be just too big in overall size to be practical and Centaur would have problems with armour etc… Not that either would be impossible to implement.
1.Tengu. 2.Pengu (Penguin Tengu but penguins are distinct enough from tropical birds for Pengu to be a different race while still keeping the same meshes). 3.Quaggans. 4.Humanoid Dragons. 5.Kodan. In all real life bear colors in addition to green, pink, and blue, who would come from tropical areas and hunt pythons and anacondas and some NPC green, pink, and blue Kodan in the northern forest areas would comment on the cold springs and tiny bugs.
My choices are the Skritt, Kodan, Tengu with the possible inclusions of the Quaggen. Hylek and Dredge.
Dredge are immune to blind while the Hylek are immune to poison so it’d be quite gamebreaking.
None of ‘em hold any appeal to me. Too freakish (Hylek) or disproportionate (Ogres) or ridiculous (Quaggan). I prefer my fantasy humanoid races heavy on the ’human’, light on the ‘oid’.
Personally, I think ogres had the most potential of all – they are very nearly human in appearance with just enough to set them apart, and have an established culture and way of life. It’s a shame they’ve got such ungainly, apeish physiques. They would have been perfect for another ‘evil’ looking race.
1. Gaki
2. The large insect-like Margonite being from Domain of Fear
3. A Word of Madness
Been asked since release, nothing ever gets added, i wouldn’t hold your breath op.
1. Tengu
That’s all, for me. >.>
Been asked since release, nothing ever gets added, i wouldn’t hold your breath op.
It’s very expensive to add a new race compared to adding a new profession or new zones. ANet would have to add:
- 22 new personal stories.
- Update all other personal stories based on changes that races have on the dialogue.
- A new home city (and, in theory, at least one new ‘home’ zone, comparable to Queensdale).
- Create new race-specific dialogue for a variety of situations.
- Hire voice actors for all the personal stories, LS2, HoT story, and skill/idle remarks, plus be prepared to rehire them all for LS3 and beyond.
- Create nine sets of new cultural armor.
- Update various achievements (or add new ones), for which race matters.
- Update every single armor in the game to work with the new race.
- Probably two dozen other things that other folks will think of off the top of their head, not to mention dozens of other things we don’t even know about.
tl;dr there’s a reason that ANet isn’t likely to deliver a new race, short of making them the focus of an expansion.
I did this thread once but have since changed my mind
1. tengu (only if females are hot and with feathers around open skin)
2. centaur (except for the npc voices :P…must be changed or goes to bottom)
3. skritt
4. largos
(edited by wolfie.7296)
Whether or not a new race will ever be implemented, the one I’d really love to see —
Why? Because that race fascinates me, its history is rich with lore, and out of all the maps the Shiverpeaks are my absolute favourites.
I’m sure as we get more expansions were bound to get new playable races. Of course it will be awhile but what are some races you would like to play as in the future?
Here are my top 5
1. Tengu
2. Kodan
3. Hylek
4. Ogre
5. Centaur
The only race I am truly interested in would be the Skritt. I think they would be a hoot to play.
If they couldn’t find the manpower to finish the new legendary weapons they promised us in HoT, why would anyone still be holding out hope that they’re going to allocate the considerable resources into a new race?
If they couldn’t find the manpower to finish the new legendary weapons they promised us in HoT, why would anyone still be holding out hope that they’re going to allocate the considerable resources into a new race?
It’s a completely different sort of effort. We still don’t know why effort on legendaries were suspended — we just know that the resources were re-allocated. It could have been that the original plan for legendaries was too ambitious (or too much work for the value it offered).
A large fraction of players would likely try a new race, whereas only a small fraction of players is interested in any particular legendary. Thus, the value to the community per ANet staffer might be better for adding new races, relative to the value for legendaries — i.e. even though it’s more work (maybe, probably), it might be more efficient.
I think it’s worthwhile and interesting for people to discuss their favorite races, even though I can’t imagine we’ll see a new one anytime soon.
Allocating resources for a new races is the best way to go for them, Legendaries touch a small amount if people and even though I really miss them I think that as they are right now they are not integrated into the game well enough, so races is the best to also add enough new content also for the casual players.
For me TENGU of course! It is the more interesting lore wise , we were already teased before the release of the game about them and they were taken out probably because of not enough time to develop them properly.
We find Tengu everywhere and most of them speak about the fact that they are thinking to join forces with the other 5 races. We also have a cool tengu in the guild hall with a new skin different from the old tengu models.
Oh and we have a big Tengu’s city on the side of LA with a big door communicating with the current capital…they will not keep that hidden forever.
If you can tell me the same for the other races I would accept that Tengu are not the only choice possible.
Not even the Kodan have the same amount of stuff to be said about.
Cheer folks!
And abandon your chances of having quaggan skritt and hylek…they will never be implemented, NEVER…look at the lore…. And they are stupid, yes especially quaggan… If I could I would exterminate them…..they are soooo annoying..
:D No hard feelings!
(edited by Dantert.1803)
First expansion took them 3 years, I wish you luck in your waiting.
Well, ANet basically has everything in place for the tengu race. They got their capital right next to LA and the lore says that they’re currently waiting before choosing a side in this conflict (though I still don’t understand how they could consider siding with the dragons). Primordus has a minion spawn right next to their dominion, so a large scale attack could very well make them side with us and thus enable them as a playable race.
My favourite would be the Largos though. They’re a mystical race that we don’t know much about, so the possibilities for interesting lore are endless. Also they’re an underwater race. How cool would it be to get an underwater capital and the 3 years overdue underwater combat overhaul? I know there are a lot of Tengu fans, but if I had to choose between these two I’d definitely pick Largos. Hopefully we’ll get both.
As for technical limitations: As far as I know the Tengu share a skeleton rig with the Charr and the Largos share their skeleton rig with the Humans. Armor and outfit meshes would only need minor adjustments to work. For those that know Caliente’s BodySlide for Skyrim: a similar tool could be used to automatically convert the meshes and thus save 90% of the work required.
I believe adding these races one at a time with the upcoming expansions could work. Add the Tengu when Primordus attacks and add the Largos when Steve(Bubbles) attacks.
I would buy a permanent Skritt transform tonic that left all class abilities intact.
Considering the lore re Tengu I cant understand how they will fit. Only a tiny minority of canthan Tengu had a very tenuous peace with Humans. All mainland Tengu were KOS to humans.
They remain Xenophobic. They stood callously and slaughtered anyone who got near their precious gate during the Battle of LA. Refugees. Innocents. They picked a side, Theirs.
Krait, anyone? Jumping animation might get tricky.
Considering the lore re Tengu I cant understand how they will fit. Only a tiny minority of canthan Tengu had a very tenuous peace with Humans. All mainland Tengu were KOS to humans.
They remain Xenophobic. They stood callously and slaughtered anyone who got near their precious gate during the Battle of LA. Refugees. Innocents. They picked a side, Theirs.
Every one of the playable races has a faction that would have done the same thing. Bandits, Flame Legion, Nightmare Court… It’s easy to imagine that the Tengu have one too.
That very event could be causing political shifting within the Tengu society, causing that faction to lose power and more open minds to come into control.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
In Vanilla GW2 there is a race underwater in some of the last chapters.
I don’t remember the name of the race but they are really exotic, even more rare than the exalted by now.
They should come back soon, I miss them, but since there will never be a UW update that wont happen soon.
100% chance if any new playable race come with the next xpac it will be Kodan and not tengu imo. Kodan are already playable in EoTM if you do the forge event FR side. Their home the shiverpeaks is already there to add a home instance too as well. So a lot of the leg work has already been done. But for anet to go ahead with this idea they would need a lot more selling points before people even consider buying the next xpac after H.O.T and anet know it.
I say bring in a whole new race, one that’s never been seen before and has arrived in Tyria after being unsettled by whatever the next dragon turns out to be.
100% chance if any new playable race come with the next xpac it will be Kodan and not tengu imo. Kodan are already playable in EoTM if you do the forge event FR side. Their home the shiverpeaks is already there to add a home instance too as well. So a lot of the leg work has already been done. But for anet to go ahead with this idea they would need a lot more selling points before people even consider buying the next xpac after H.O.T and anet know it.
ANet announces the new race: Kodan
Day one of the new race, a female Kodan is spotted with bubblegum pink Mohawk hair, the black wing backpack, skimpy armor and named Catfood Breath (or something as equally charming).
I can hardly wait. :P
ANet may give it to you.
I say bring in a whole new race, one that’s never been seen before and has arrived in Tyria after being unsettled by whatever the next dragon turns out to be.
If that’s the case then T-Rex humanoids! :D The face, feet, and hands would need tweaking on the armor meshes though. Male T-Rexes can be voiced by someone who can do a convincing original Boba Fett and Female T-Rexes voiced by someone who can do a convincing Kim Possible.
…Or a T-Rex helmet from the gemstore to look like I have a big lizard head with sharp teeth.
Am I the only one wants Dwarf?
As much as I would love to see new playable races, this gets hashed to death every other month. Its just not possible. Anet would have to sink enormous amounts of money into rehiring every VA and duplicating a ton of cutscenes with new races, not to mention entirely new lore and storyline. Its just not feasible with the budget and manpower. It will never ever happen.
In Vanilla GW2 there is a race underwater in some of the last chapters.
I don’t remember the name of the race but they are really exotic, even more rare than the exalted by now.
They should come back soon, I miss them, but since there will never be a UW update that wont happen soon.
the Largos?
Am I the only one wants Dwarf?
Yes. You are.
/end thread
I want the next player race to be ooze!
None of the above. Bad enough the Charr were snowflaked to make them playable.
I’m sure that reading more suggestions will convince me the game is doomed.
This. With making charrs playable they took alot story out of guilwars. Could have been so much more instead of that ghosts of ascalon thing.
I dont think that any of the other races ingame got enough lore to be on the same level than the races we have atm.
Therefore i still pick zombie gorillas of orr.
The only two races that make sense based on both gameplay, lore and biology are Tengu and Largos, whom I suspect may even go as far as to come in a single expansion.
Its ballsy, but A-net needs to be if they want to keep their playerbase playing at this point, I actually feel both races have a bone to pick with the sea, and with dragons.
Ill be fair:
The Largos and The Tengu
These guys make sense not just because the Tengu have established lore, and the Largos do not (making both ripe breeding grounds for playability) but also because of gameplay details. Making a Tengu playable race is as easy as pulling another charr/asura on them, simply unifying the armor to one gender would work with exceptions in certain outfits and maybe one new tengu only racial attire.
While Largos have male and female they are already able to wield unique weapons, this easily means gameplay wise they could simply be updated to wield every weapon type. As for the wings on their back, since we have an abundance of wings/gliders we already have a fairly rational idea as to weather those things are real or just some kind of bio-organic technology.
(Or a racial ability).
The other thing is the Largos and Tengu fantasy, both of these guys offer a fantasy most other races cannot equalise, respectivly, the Tengu offer us an eastern fantasy (asian/mayan) while the Largos offer a very Arabic and equally Dark Fantasy theme both giving us essentially a little cantha, and a little elona in subtle forms respectivly.
The only other race I could see actually making sense is the Skritt, or possibly Centaurs. The Kodan unfortunatley are far too similar to the Norn to the point one of the Norns elite racials is literally a Kodan if one eliminates the difference between polar and bear.
Id love stone dwarves to make a return but they wont fit unless a-net pulls them out of a Post apocolyptic scenerio my thinking would be Fallout Vault style, where a stone-dwarf race has been locked away in secret waiting to be unleashed on the dragons.
As for the other fantasies, well, the Skritt could work because they would represent another small race, and between the Quaggan and the Skritt, the Skritt actually could be fun to play as their own species has enough lore and potential within that lore to be something interesting.
Centaurs could work purley as an exotic thing, we dont really have fantasy settings where non mount based races could be played, and since GW2 currently lacks any real mounts (excluding teh broom/carpet which you could easily adjust centaurs to ride on) the Centaurs could work primarily because their race isa ctually 90% already in game, you’d just have to give them model adjustments to allow their models to be slightly more HD, and give them a unique lower body appearence (while keeping the upper body mostly the same as other races).
Also, regarding the whole personal story thing.
Its easy to fix that affair, new races being added simply need their own version of it, not tied to Zhaitan or the Dragons, but rather a spin-off story stand-alone from the main personal story itself.
Its fairly easy to deal with, simply dont allow them to play any content their race isnt relevent to storywise, so if say, Tengu, they cant play LS3-2 or HoT story, but can still explore the zones/use gliders etc.
This would be a fairly reasonable thing to do since “they were not there” and it makes sense to not include them, plus its easier for the devs.
(edited by CaptainVanguard.4925)
Dredge.. MASTER RACE!! ^____^
I want to play as an ascalonian ghost. It would be lovely in a full radiant armor and Chaos Glowes At least a tonic would be cool.
My second choice is an aquatic race, but not the quaggans or skrits. Something else. Surprise me Anet Maybe a race created by a watery[sic] elder dragon, or something. I don’t know, I’m not a designer after all
Been asked since release, nothing ever gets added, i wouldn’t hold your breath op.
It’s very expensive to add a new race compared to adding a new profession or new zones. ANet would have to add:
- 22 new personal stories.
- Update all other personal stories based on changes that races have on the dialogue.
- A new home city (and, in theory, at least one new ‘home’ zone, comparable to Queensdale).
- Create new race-specific dialogue for a variety of situations.
- Hire voice actors for all the personal stories, LS2, HoT story, and skill/idle remarks, plus be prepared to rehire them all for LS3 and beyond.
- Create nine sets of new cultural armor.
- Update various achievements (or add new ones), for which race matters.
- Update every single armor in the game to work with the new race.
- Probably two dozen other things that other folks will think of off the top of their head, not to mention dozens of other things we don’t even know about.
tl;dr there’s a reason that ANet isn’t likely to deliver a new race, short of making them the focus of an expansion.
They have to add 6 or 7 new personal story steps only. After the Act II is started it doesn’t matter a lot which species the player come from.
(edited by Rinn.2375)
Am I the only one wants Dwarf?
Yes. You are.
No, you are not the only one, but then again I want an Under Water Race
In Vanilla GW2 there is a race underwater in some of the last chapters.
I don’t remember the name of the race but they are really exotic, even more rare than the exalted by now.
They should come back soon, I miss them, but since there will never be a UW update that wont happen soon.
the Largos?
Yep, they look powerful and awesome I want them.
Tyria seems to be a pretty big place. Maybe there are other races out there yet to be encountered. I think a dinosaur-like race would be cool.
I want to play as an ascalonian ghost. It would be lovely in a full radiant armor and Chaos Glowes
At least a tonic would be cool.
My second choice is an aquatic race, but not the quaggans or skrits. Something else. Surprise me AnetMaybe a race created by a watery[sic] elder dragon, or something. I don’t know, I’m not a designer after all
Been asked since release, nothing ever gets added, i wouldn’t hold your breath op.
It’s very expensive to add a new race compared to adding a new profession or new zones. ANet would have to add:
- 22 new personal stories.
- Update all other personal stories based on changes that races have on the dialogue.
- A new home city (and, in theory, at least one new ‘home’ zone, comparable to Queensdale).
- Create new race-specific dialogue for a variety of situations.
- Hire voice actors for all the personal stories, LS2, HoT story, and skill/idle remarks, plus be prepared to rehire them all for LS3 and beyond.
- Create nine sets of new cultural armor.
- Update various achievements (or add new ones), for which race matters.
- Update every single armor in the game to work with the new race.
- Probably two dozen other things that other folks will think of off the top of their head, not to mention dozens of other things we don’t even know about.
tl;dr there’s a reason that ANet isn’t likely to deliver a new race, short of making them the focus of an expansion.
They have to add 6 or 7 new personal story steps only. After the Act II is started it doesn’t matter a lot which species the player come from.
I only counted Act I steps. The are 5 races, two major choices for each race, and several times in each ‘path’ offering a choice of column A vs column B, for a total of 22 new instanced ‘stories’.
But if you want to call it “6 or 7,” no problem — all the other changes still need to happen.
the tl;dr remains the same: it’s very costly to add a new race to GW2.
I only counted Act I steps. The are 5 races, two major choices for each race, and several times in each ‘path’ offering a choice of column A vs column B, for a total of 22 new instanced ‘stories’.
But if you want to call it “6 or 7,” no problem — all the other changes still need to happen.
the tl;dr remains the same: it’s very costly to add a new race to GW2.
Oh, I see, but your math is still off a bit, because the first PSS is the same in the Act I. For example, The Wild Hunt is the first step if you choose the Norn race no matter what. So it’s 19 after all They did 16 much more complex story steps for HoT.
I think it’s doable to add a new race to the next expansion.
Edit: minor issue whit the quoting system
(edited by Rinn.2375)
On the idea of new races, what if the Forgotten created Forgotten/human hybrids (using magic, one would hope, and not mood lighting and a Barry White record). There would be a logic to this considering their history with humans, Glint, and Glint’s interactions with humans.
They could look like humanoid dragons, basic human structure with dragon-ish heads, tails, and wings. Basic gliding would be a natural ability for them (if they’re part of an expansion, that should be fine as you’d have access to it anyway), and racial skills could actually be breath weapons.
Unlikely? Yes. But it’s always bugged me that we hear about Elder Dragons all the time, but not much is made of this implying there being more than just a couple of non-elder dragons out there. Not that these would be “real” dragons, but they would hint that there were more at one time.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
I would like to see
Largos, would be great, they could make a whole expansion called the “Endless Ocean” and have several fully underwater zones. Largos would need to have dual fractions, those that shunned even hated the outsiders, and those that welcomed them. This would require some work, but I think it would be great way to really put Underwater Combat back into the game in a real sense.
Dwarf, this would need to be added as a playable race with some kind of Primordus expansion, where the players venture deep into the earth, however Dwarf would need to be an unlocked Race, not simply a race you could play, but, if you did a series of achievements, you could make a single dwarven character, and zero personal story, as they would joining the game as part of the pact, after all the LS series and after the players PS was complete, they are joining on behalf of a Pact Commander who slew Zhaitan, (So completing your PS at least on one character would be a required Achievement)
Tengu and Kodan are top for me.
1) Tengu
2) Itzel
3) Kodan
4) Largos
5) Skritt
Fort Aspenwood
Been asked since release, nothing ever gets added, i wouldn’t hold your breath op.
It’s very expensive to add a new race compared to adding a new profession or new zones. ANet would have to add:
- 22 new personal stories.
- Update all other personal stories based on changes that races have on the dialogue.
- A new home city (and, in theory, at least one new ‘home’ zone, comparable to Queensdale).
- Create new race-specific dialogue for a variety of situations.
- Hire voice actors for all the personal stories, LS2, HoT story, and skill/idle remarks, plus be prepared to rehire them all for LS3 and beyond.
- Create nine sets of new cultural armor.
- Update various achievements (or add new ones), for which race matters.
- Update every single armor in the game to work with the new race.
- Probably two dozen other things that other folks will think of off the top of their head, not to mention dozens of other things we don’t even know about.
tl;dr there’s a reason that ANet isn’t likely to deliver a new race, short of making them the focus of an expansion.
I don’t disagree with you, but you know it seems the fashion here with Anet to say its in the too hard basket..
I sometimes wonder if they can add anymore content at all, are they really that bad off.
How about a Ghost?
How about Pokémon?