Q: Using a macro program to switch gear?
I am afraid this is a borderline case and would really like to hear more from Anet on this.
Personally I would still find this as an acceptable use of macros. After all it can be only used out of combat and if used mid combat can cause more problems than what it helps out of combat.
As such in my opinion it doesn’t give any unfair advantage to the player, it only offloads a tedious task from the player to the macro program.
Still it’s borderline as it encroaches a lot more toward botting than say using a macro to take hud-less screenshots (what alt-printscreen was used for in the past).
Hi DoM.
The use of 3rd Party apps (such as the one you mention) is forbidden and punished in GW2. Please, refraim from making use of them.
Since this post has been answered, I proceed to close the thread.