Really Devs, One against 20 in the story mode
I did the story mission twice with different loadouts. It was incredibly easy. Found it boring. Hopefully there’s harder content further in.
The beta story instance was more challenging than most, but after playing through it as a condi ranger (a spec I have 0 hours of experience with) and not even getting downed, I’d say it’s not that bad.
Here are some tips from when I started first playing the game and was terrible at pve.
(1) If you are at around 1/4 health, just run away and gain some health back. If the bad guy follows, keep running and don’t run into the fire. If playing necromancer, use staff and set wells down as you run, it will apply conditions and drain their health (slowly but it will). The one main lionguard charr doesn’t go down so he will keep attacking which should take the bad guys off of you (until the village but even then they are attacking the villagers).
(2) Take your time if your having trouble. Don’t try to rush through the instance and hang back if you need to.
(3) Don’t get angry or annoyed if you die, just get up, breathe, and go back into the fight. Chances are you took down some of those 20 before you died and now the numbers are reduced so just keep chipping away.
(4) Also you can get out of the instance and grab a person or 2 to help you. You should have at least four people you’re used to working with from medium to high fractals. If your in a guild, you can ask them for help as well.
I am really bad at fighting. I am a scaredycat and feel overwhelmed really fast during fights. That’s why I only play PvE.
Mudplubs tips all make sense and helped me a lot in the past. I was able to complete most of the storyline alone, just because I didn’t give up and was really patient(with a lot of swearing and shouting, but whatever…)
But I still have a problem with tip number 4. I am painfully shy. It’s very hard for me to find others who are willing to help me. I wish I could finally complete the whole storyline, but it’s so hard to do alone. The lfg tool is useless most of the time.
Today I was lucky and finally found someone who helped me with S2 Epidsode 8, the mystery cave. But it took me awhile to find someone. I was so thankful for the assistance, that I gave that person 1 gold. I wish I could’ve done it without help, but for me it’s simply not possible. I am not that good. And like I said, I get scared really easily. That dragon was so scary, holy moly! xD
I wish we could have useful, helpful NPCs/henchman if we need the help. I don’t want to bother others. I don’t want to search for help and feel awful just because I wasn’t able to find someone that day. I don’t think they should change the difficulty. Because I think most players are rather good and able to defeat those monsters easily. But I wish people like me could choose to hire henchman to make playing the story solo a little bit easier.
That aside…even I found the story mission in the PoF preview rather easy. That says a lot! xD
Here’s the thing. While I get the responses by people, the op’s voice speaks for many of the casual players who left this game. Remember the casuals make up the overwhelming majority of this game. I have seen, read about, and heard this comment over and over again and it really is a valid point. People are not going to play a game they feel unsuccessful in. I played almost every character class in the demo and some of them had the same issue while some seemed better equipped to deal with it. Regardless of how hard or easy you personally believe it is, if someone feels like they can’t win and that its unfair, they will quit the game. Keep in mind I am not trying to justify anything or anyone’s opinion, but rather pass along what marketing reports tell developers over and over again as one of the main reasons why people leave some games.
Here’s the thing. While I get the responses by people, the op’s voice speaks for many of the casual players who left this game. Remember the casuals make up the overwhelming majority of this game. I have seen, read about, and heard this comment over and over again and it really is a valid point.
That’s why I say: Don’t change the difficulty. But give us noobs the option to hire henchman who will help us if we need it. That way everyone can be happy and gets what he wants.
If you can’t do a fight like that solo then you obviously don’t know your class well.
I am really bad at fighting. I am a scaredycat and feel overwhelmed really fast during fights. That’s why I only play PvE.
Today I was lucky and finally found someone who helped me with S2 Epidsode 8, the mystery cave. But it took me awhile to find someone. I was so thankful for the assistance, that I gave that person 1 gold. I wish I could’ve done it without help, but for me it’s simply not possible. I am not that good. And like I said, I get scared really easily. That dragon was so scary, holy moly! xD
I understand your feelings. Go do pvp or WvW everyday for two weeks. You’ll never feel that way about PvE again. I’m not some elite player, but once you have fought other players you won’t care about dying at all becaue you will die so much. And you’ll start to notice PvE mobs move like molasses compared to human controlled toons.
I mostly WvW these days with occasional forays into PvE, but back when I PvE’d a lot if I started to feel like the mobs were getting tougher, I’d go fight some real people to sharpen my skills and timings.
My philosophy for PvE is: “If you are bored you don’t have enough aggro.”