Reintroducing books, Scarlet´s Journal-style

Reintroducing books, Scarlet´s Journal-style

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illi.3647


Hey. So, I finally got into Scarlet´s Lair and got her journal. When I first read it (I wasn´t wearing headphones), I thought "I got a book that is readable and gives me lore and story! Thats awesome! ". And it became even more awesome when I found out it has voiceover.
So…Back in the days, there was this idea of books with lore, there was even colectibles tab in the bank for them. Some lore, in some way, was supposed to be get even from skill points (if it was in form of these books too, I don´t know). It was deffinetely in the betas, at least in those for press. You got the system implemented, but you scrapped it because you weren´t OK with the system. All the time, lore enthusiasts (yes..not nerds. Enthusiasts! ) were asking for this, you were saying that only text you can provide us is by that small dialogue window and it´s not fit for a book.
Behold! We have a book in that small dialogue window, a physical (well, digital) book we can read (and even have multiple coppies, there are journal scraps in the lair after completing it first).
I just has to ask…did something changed in your book-policy? And if not…would you finally consider to add a functionality like this? All it takes is pull all the books you made out of the drawer and put it into game somehow. Just add that little collectible tab for books. This way, you can provide us old lore, and new, LS lore too. Would be so awesome. And with the voiceover (maybe different one for general lore, for personal story lore, and LS lore? or even the same, I don´t care!), it´d bu just this more awesome. Please, think about it ANet Thanks and keep up the good work!