(edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643)
Reviving the Revive Orb
What EW said. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Tone-Down-Revive/first#post6316978 from the thread you linked says changes would be PvP only.
Hold on a sec! On the one hand you will nerf the players abillity to revive downed allies, but on the other hand you buff a gemstore item for reviving people? Am I the only one, who thinks, that’s a bit fishy? Split the reviving changes wise for PvP and PvE with the planned Update please.
Every dev post I saw in that topic said the changes would be PvP only, and revive orbs don’t work in PvP, so I can’t see how the two are related.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I liked the ghost, RIP ghost, you will be missed.
Poor guy. I wonder if he’ll be able to find new employment.
I liked the ghost, RIP ghost, you will be missed.
Poor guy. I wonder if he’ll be able to find new employment.
Isn’t he also the Ghostly Mail Carrier?
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Now we just need an ‘account pocket’ in the inventory panel where keys and the gemstore consumables go, so we don’t have to carry them around or waste account-wide inventory slots with countless items we hardly ever use and we never miss until that one time we actually needed them but forgot to bring them along, so they only end up accumulating in the bank.
Exactly. I see no reason why gem-store consumables aren’t in their own account inventory
for use at any time. It would make them more desirable to buy/use.
• When defeated, if you have an orb in inventory, you will receive a UI option to ‘Consume a Revive Orb’ alongside the usual “Return to Waypoint” option.
Sarah Witter
Just to be sure, you dont have to be outfight to use an orb?
When everybody of my group is outfight the orb is not real an option for me….
Nice! Thanks for the update on this, I’ve been thinking revive orbs are useless lately, like, to the point where, if you can actually survive and use it, your whole team is probably OOC already since if you get hit once you’re back down.
What is the point of having a minus (in combat for a minute)? You can’t use these in raids, WvW or PvP. That leaves dungeons and regular PvE. Are so many people doing dungeons that a full minute of in combat is needed?
Maybe arenanet needs to rethink this item. It’s expensive to buy for what it does and most of the time there’s a waypoint nearby so it’s easier to waypoint then run back rather than use something like that.
You’re assuming that Ring of fire and all future zones will have multiple waypoints.
I read that the new map wouldn’t have multiple waypoints,
Oh god really? Are they really keeping with the “Not enough waypoints to let you get into the action/area you want to be” bullkitten again? Why the hell can’t they stop that behavior and properly seed the map with enough waypoints to make travel not a headache. It’s bad enough that Silverwastes lacks any waypoints in the entire West and North areas (And one of the non-starting waypoints has a gate preventing access/exit more than half the time, and the other’s flat-out contested because of the dumbest event ever), and they blew up the waypoints in the Southwest of Brisban and middle of TImberline falls (Leaving massive swaths of land uncomfortably far from functional waypoints), and Tangled Depths has its most important waypoint contested every cycle because of the most irritating champ event ever…
I haven’t read anything about Waypoints in the new map, more or less. Maybe the poster can provide a link. I’d be curious to see what the Devs have to say.
I wonder if the new maps have fewer waypoints in response to people on this forum insisting waypoints make the game too easy and stop people exploring maps properly, and asking for all of them to be removed, or to be reduced to 1 or 2 per map, at the entrances.
I’ve not seen anything either way but it wouldn’t be the first time they acted on a player suggestions that wasn’t universally approved of.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I have around 150+ of these left from BL chests over years of opening them, never really bothered using any other than breaking out of maps if things went south.
I used a few in dungeons. Other than that they are never needed. Once you learn to use your active defenses you’ll die less, if any at all in PvE.
I don’t really grasp the notion of the 60 second combat lock, though. Perhaps that’s the downside to dying. In that time you could literally be in the same spot alive if you had just waypointed, then again the new maps might be more vertically challenging/vast.
PRO-TIP WITH CURRENT REVIVE ORB: If you’re going SOLO with no one around to cause AOE mob aggro skills DO NOT move your character AT ALL after being revived from the orb for the duration of the sickness debuff (10 seconds) no mobs will attack you; even if they’re directly on top of you.
Not even kidding, just tested that in Bloodstone Fen on a pile of those nasty hammer-throwing warriors and irritating mesmers. The mobs literally just stood there like I didn’t exist for the duration of the revive sickness debuff.
In other words – don’t move or touch anything once you use the orb and you shouldn’t be getting insta re-deaths.
Hope that helps.
so! (contains an Ember bay jp spoiler) about the “new functionality” of this orb.
I have a few orbs from old BL chests/dailies from forever.
I figured I’d use a revive orb in the Ember Bay sliding puzzle (because all I do in there is slide).
I died in the lava river not far into the entrance. I figured “what the heck, do this here because of checkpoint use later.”
I used an orb, it gave me a timer of 1 min. Unfortunately, I died instantly (because of lava?). I tried to use my 2nd one—even though I was still in the lava on my 2nd death—but it had a cooldown of ONE MONTH, 2 WEEKS, AND 5 DAYS? I thought I was seeing crazy sorcery on my screen! I waited the 1 minute timer thinking it was a bug, but I came here to this forum because it has to do with “new orb functionality for the EB patch.”
did something change for the worst if you try to use 2 orbs back-to-back like that?
no screenshot, I was too mad that I wasted my first one that is now 250 gems…
can anyone confirm and share thoughts on this impossible…witchcraft? that there is that severe of a penalty to try a 2nd orb within a minute?