Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strato.4389


It is dense cause you fail to use all information available. You are spending too much time with your lips planted somewhere, and not enough time actually reading the valid complaints.

As if the anti-farming script, and the karma changes weren’t knee-jerk reactions. That is hilarious. If I knew I wouldn’t get punished for exploiting I would of done it too. Seems to be the only way to keep up in this game.

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tradewind.6913


All information available, such as? Perhaps you can share some of your erudite knowledge with us on what exactly is missing from this discussion. Or is this about to devolve into an argument over semantics when it comes to “knee-jerk” vs “emergency” vs “necessary?” They can all be applied to the changes brought forth recently, the only difference is viewpoint.

Again I just posit the idea that you’re either a) too idle to change, or b) too stubborn.

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lollie.5816


Yeah it’s getting too punishing to hunt crafting mats. A few people farm relentlessly and they end up making the game worse for the rest of us by making it impossible to pause for a few minutes and TRY to get a few drops with this friggin anti farming code. Not happy.

Risen Grubs disabled? Why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SHM.7628


If karma gear wasn’t worth it, then what’s the problem? People were farming karma in ridiculous quantities by “botting/exploiting/whatever” repeat events, buying the gear and either reselling it, or salvaging it for materials in large quantities. This was obviously not intended…so, it got changed?
I’m not sure why this is a shock. Things change all the time in mmo’s, either becoming easier or more prohibitive depending on what the developers see

This is a dense response. They got changed in prices -AND how they function-. Karma gear is now soulbound, unsalvagable, and unsellable. Which it should of been in the first place. On top of that, their prices got raised by 300 fold.

So, what is your next reason? Cause there is none. You can’t magically get 250k~ karma a day to make exotic weapons from these vendors. If they didn’t want people farming karma, repeat events would of been removed. So instead, we get…

Karma prices raised to unrealistic values pre-80.
All karma items non-salvagable/sellable/soulbound on buy (should of been like this from the start).

Bots win, players lose.

Want to farm your own materials? Hope you like spending 2-3 silver to waypoint to the next zone every 30 minutes.

Drastic measures were not needed on the players, but on the people exploiting to get insane sums of money. Yet those people that exploited are still here, and the botters have never got banned.

Thank you! Someone needed to say it.