Rune, Crest Overhaul
Yeah I saw that video. Not likely they’ll redo runes/crests/etc at this late date but it sure would open up some interesting builds if they did.
ANet may give it to you.
and for Crests to have some value already.
When was the last time you looked at the prices for crests?
Can we not give Arena net terrible ideas that would break the game and increase the power creep? God, Woodenpotatoes is irritating and so are his sheep.
He… gave a lot of reasons why they probably haven’t.
I agree that thee is a massive amount of wasted potential in the system, but it rightfully(IMO) is appropriately a low priority.
(edited by Ticky.5831)
This is my take on runes and how to make them more interesting to play with. (wrote this a while ago.)
I’m somewhat against this.
When they redid trait lines the base stats were 916 + 300 from the line itself with +30% condition duration or boon duration, now we have 1,000 base with only 20% boon duration for most and “picked” condition duration with 33% or more. The big hit though is going from 1216 to 1,000.
If they do the same thing to runes that’s just another 175 pt. hit that won’t be compensated for adequately. With every one of these “improvements” characters seem to grow progressively weaker.
What ANet needs to do with Runes and Sigils is this:
1) Implement finally Jeweler 500/Chef 500, and use in this case Jeweler 500 to craft something with that you can turn Exotic Runes/Sigils into accountbound Ascended Runes and Sigils that work as accountbased unlocking items to unlock the effects of runes and sigils permanently for your account for usage in PvE/WvW in the same way how you can use all the effects of unlocked sigils and runes in PvP to quickly change out those effects outside of combat at will.
Ths is the first and foremorest biggest and best quality of life improvement that MUST HAPPEN together with finally the introduction of te Build Template System that makes usage of the unlocked accountbound Sigils and rune sets, as only these would become able to be used together with the Build Template System to quickly exchange out your builds per button press – plus this would give the Build Template System a meaningful concept of Character/Account Progression
2) Next must happen, that Anet finalyl takes all Sigils and runes much stronger into consideration when they make overall class balance changes.
So far has anet ignored them way too much.
Sigils and Runes need to receive PvP specific own effects, that will make them much easier to balance, while it allows at the same time also Anet to make Sigils and Runes for PvE and WvW far more interesting, powerful and fun, without that any changes in either direction screw over players from an other game mode.
The same thign has finally to heppen also for all Skills and Traits. PvP needs to become its 100% isolated own unique balanced gameplay mode, where changes in any part of it don’t affect anymore the rest of this game, os that we players also aren’t forced anymore to wait on some stupid PvP tournaments to end first, before we get to see useful/senful skill balanvcechanges ect for the rest of the game
3) After that need Runes to be streamlined.. remove minor and major runes, these items are 100% useless garbage, that nobody needs
Strengthen therefore the other upgrade types of the early game and more things like Seals, Talismans, Medaillons,Crests, gemstones ect. much more useful and equally poerful to Rune Sets.
Upgrades, which give only Stas, but no helful sideeffects shold be in their Stats they boos much much more powerful than Runes – clearly superior over them. Runes should be clearly more the hybrid upgrades, which give significantly lesser Stats, but provide theirful their helpful unique passive effects that can complement and improve builds and skill effects more effectiely than most oftenly just pure Stat Boosts do, simply because the pure Stat Boost upgrades are just underwhelmingly too weak.
AT an early design stage of GW2 it was intended, that accessoires that give pure stats would boost the charascter stats much more, than they do currently since the launch of thre game.
Somwhere between beta phases and release of the game Anet did the decision to massively nerf down the effects of accessoires/upgrades which is a decision I think should be partially reverted for the sake of more build diversity and makign all upgrade types with each other more equal…..
Or do you know alot pf püeopl, which prefer playing their classes for example with a pure Crest Setting???
I don’t know any person who woul’d do this, basicalyl crippling their own effectives down, because using rune sets is so much more useful and effective for improving your overall build, than to go for pure stat boosts, simple due to pure stat boost upgrades beign way too weak to make up for the difference.
There is no build diversity in this game, as long using Rune Sets is the absolute non plus ultra in this game and the way to go, if you want to be competitive, because using anything else, than a synergizing rune set is crippling yourself and nmaking your character not competitive enough.
Upgrades need to get streamline essentially into 3 clear options that should end up being each in their own ways being equally powerful/useful for the player.
- Runes = No Stats, Pure Unique Passive Effects that you receive only when using the full Set, means you get the positive effect only when you use 6 riunes of the same type together, have only 5 runes of a type together = no bonus effects, making each set more valuable this way because you need to have now 6 of the same type first to get better, Runes get handled basically now as all or nothing upgrades, therefore wil lthey provide the best passive effects and lose all their stats, because when you want Stats, you should rather take Crests or Gemstones now better
- Crests = Medium Stat Boosts, Inferior Passive Effects, No Unique Bonus Effects from using Sets that you receive also when not using the Crest as Set, allowing therefore to mix various Crests together as you like instead, making Crests therefore more flexible than Runes as they dont come with an all or nothing mechanic.
- Gemstones = Superior Pure Stat Boosts, No Passive Effects
The streamlined Runes are then a Max level character only upgrade, before you become Level 8, all characters will be able to use only Crests and Gemstones as also their weaker pre forms
Lvl 10-30 = Seals = Stats + Side Effects = Range from +10 to +35
Lvl 31-60 = Talismans = Stats + Side Effects = Range from + 40 to + 80
Lvl 61-80 = Crests = Stats + Side Effects = Range from +85 to +100
Lvl 10-30 = Ornaments = Pure Superior Stat Boosts = Range from +25 to +75
Lvl 31-60 = Medaillons = Pure Superior Stat Boosts = Range from + 80 to +150
Lvl 61-80 = Gemstones = Pure Superior Stat Boosts = Range from + 155 to +200
I think this would be a first good step towards also a bit better overall game balance and build diversity to strengthen the other upgrade types to become more equal with Rune Sets asnd their unique set bonus and side effects that are oftenly far more useful, than just pure stats currently which wouldnt be anymore as much the case, when Rune Sets would provide no stats anymore and thefore the other upgrades provide only stats with upgrades of the jeweler type beign the strongest ones for that, if you just desire to have just pure stat boosts with their effects beign at max level double as strong as that of the crests which are then the kind of hybrid upgrade between rune sets and gemstones..