SPVP season tournament teams would make spvp so much better!!!

SPVP season tournament teams would make spvp so much better!!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: slycem.7695


Hi now that im 80 and have full exotics and what not my focus has shifted to spvp what i planed to do before this game came out. The tournament system right now feels a bit like you play to for the fun of it and not for the sense of accomplishment. what im hoping for is leader board system Example-you and 4 other players can start a team and see what team has the best record and such for lets say a 3month period i dont want to say it but what im getting at is wow arena.. i understand arena net not wanting to copy other games but some other games have really amazing things that would make this game just a little more enjoyable then it is. i have no issues with the game at all i love this game for what it is but still wouldn’t mind seeing small stuff like that. what do you guys thing would you be okay with this idea or against it?