(edited by Ursan.7846)
Sad Tequatl in his cage
The reason why Teq is a failure while Jormag is not, is because Teq used to be easier, then they changed it to make it more “fun”, and it’s not. It’s ignored by the vast majority of people who used to do teq, it’s meant to be open world, but is done as an instance most of the time. Most servers don’t do it. It’s a failure.
Anet put a single hard dynamic event in the game, and everyone screams bloody murder.
No, they took a previously enjoyable event and turned it into a procedural nightmare. It requires no more skill than it did previously, just the addition of 3rd party software and a level of organization that their software is incapable of handling. If they would have put a new event in the game that was a procedural nightmare I wouldn’t care nearly as much because I could safely ignore it, but taking out something fun and making it specifically unfun is amazingly bad design philosophy.
I don’t know about you, but I found the original Tequatl event to be underwhelming. In fact, I don’t like ANY of the dragon events. and most people ended up doing them for loot..not because they were great events.
Before they were zerged they were fine. Once the rewards were increased they were basically jokes. I don’t know if you think having giant dragons as a joke is good for the game, but I don’t.
The event made a mockery of these supposedly powerful foes. I’m not sure why people think they should be able to walk up to a dragon and beat it to death my stabbing it in the toenails, because I think it’s just silly.
There are 51 servers 24 for NA and 27 for EU
Yes, I realize the NA/EU split. I was simply taking numbers from the NA side, as TTS is a NA-only guild. EU has its version of a Teq-slaying guild, but as I do not participate in it, I will not make any estimates on it. I hope you see why your point is irrelevant.
All numbers aside, it’s rather obvious that the new event has not been a success.
Success is entirely a subjective assessment. The numbers however, do provide for an interesting perspective.
One must ask though, what are your standards for “success?” That every player does said content daily? That is highly unrealistic. Every player is not going to do every content everyday. GW2 has simply far too much content for that (Can you imagine doing every dungeon path, every world boss, some WvW, PvP, and LS stuff? Man….). If my numbers are to be believed, a significant portion of the population doesn’t even do Jormag. Does that make it a failure?
Food for thought, of course.
EDIT: Hmmm, I have strayed from my original purpose, and for that I must apologize. If you believe Teq is a failure, that is your imperative, and I should not comment on it.
I’ll leave this by emphasizing my original objective: Thousands of players do Teq everyday, and TTS is a great and simple-to-use resource for anyone interested in participating in successful Teq attempts. There is no rep requirement, there is no guest requirement, and there is no voicechat requirement. We do not alienate anyone, we are not elitist, and we welcome everyone with open arms.
If it were something new or added to the game I would have no issues with it. However it replaced something. Why?
What was the point of the revamp? I don’t know what their prerogatives were for sure, but if I may, I’ll assume it was b/c for the main adversaries in the game, they fell short of that “epic” feeling. So they decided on a revamp….a rebalance.
Now, it is in that “rebalance” where they went too far imo. It would be like rebalancing an underpowered class in pvp and making it op. Very simply put, too much can ruin a good thing.
Imagine if they changed everything so it too might require a specific guild just to complete. I guess they could only change five things…..
I don’t know about you, but I found the original Tequatl event to be underwhelming. In fact, I don’t like ANY of the dragon events. and most people ended up doing them for loot..not because they were great events.
Before they were zerged they were fine. Once the rewards were increased they were basically jokes. I don’t know if you think having giant dragons as a joke is good for the game, but I don’t.
The event made a mockery of these supposedly powerful foes. I’m not sure why people think they should be able to walk up to a dragon and beat it to death my stabbing it in the toenails, because I think it’s just silly.
Sigh. People are stabbing it in the foot because the design put the only hit boxes accessible to melee in the feet. Let’s not make immersion critiques unless we’re in fact questioning the game design choices that cause them.
The mechanics of new Teq may be quite a bit better, but the problems have been moved from the encounter mechanic level to the organizational level. It was supposed to be an open world raid style event aimed at a sweet spot of around 80 players. Instead, because of issues on the organizational level, it’s being completed more in dedicated overflows than anywhere else, and by much more than 80 people, according to Ursan.
The very existence of the TTS Alliance is a mark of the apathy with which the majority of the player base has greeted this event. Players who want to do the event are unable to gather the numbers on their own servers. To do so, they join a cross-server alliance. A few large servers do the event, the rest don’t.
Before ANet converts additional meta events that are being utilized on most servers into events that are aimed at one segment of the population and as a consequence will be under-utilized, they should be looking at the lessons learned from the rejection of this one by a large segment of the player population.
I don’t know about you, but I found the original Tequatl event to be underwhelming. In fact, I don’t like ANY of the dragon events. and most people ended up doing them for loot..not because they were great events.
Before they were zerged they were fine. Once the rewards were increased they were basically jokes. I don’t know if you think having giant dragons as a joke is good for the game, but I don’t.
The event made a mockery of these supposedly powerful foes. I’m not sure why people think they should be able to walk up to a dragon and beat it to death my stabbing it in the toenails, because I think it’s just silly.
Sigh. People are stabbing it in the foot because the design put the only hit boxes accessible to melee in the feet. Let’s not make immersion critiques unless we’re in fact questioning the game design choices that cause them.
The mechanics of new Teq may be quite a bit better, but the problems have been moved from the encounter mechanic level to the organizational level. It was supposed to be an open world raid style event aimed at a sweet spot of around 80 players. Instead, because of issues on the organizational level, it’s being completed more in dedicated overflows than anywhere else, and by much more than 80 people, according to Ursan.
The very existence of the TTS Alliance is a mark of the apathy with which the majority of the player base has greeted this event. Players who want to do the event are unable to gather the numbers on their own servers. To do so, they join a cross-server alliance. A few large servers do the event, the rest don’t.
Before ANet converts additional meta events that are being utilized on most servers into events that are aimed at one segment of the population and as a consequence will be under-utilized, they should be looking at the lessons learned from the rejection of this one by a large segment of the player population.
I don’t think any event Anet makes will require the same organization as the Tequatl event. People are assuming that will be the case, I’m assuming it won’t.
They have the metrics. They see how many people are doing it/won’t do it.
The bigger problem with the Tequatl fight is how important the turrets are anyway, and that makes the entire encounter won or lost on six guys.
Amazing the difference between content you have years to design and that which you don’t. Things will likely not get better. The LS will continue to be half thought out, poorly implemented, and bug ridden until they realize that making good content takes time they are not giving their development team.
Amazing the difference between content you have years to design and that which you don’t. Things will likely not get better. The LS will continue to be half thought out, poorly implemented, and bug ridden until they realize that making good content takes time they are not giving their development team.
Fair enough comment. People complain, because most of the content they got with the vanilla game was very well designed. Events needed tuning, some stuff was too easy, but overall, the open world was a great experience.
Now we have the Living Story and content updates every two weeks. Unfortunately, those updates feel rushed, and in no way as polished as the content in retail.
I really wish, they would take the time on content, they actually need, and present us a big content patch every 3 monthes and a expansion every year, with the quality level we had, when the game was released.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
(edited by Kaiyanwan.8521)
Amazing the difference between content you have years to design and that which you don’t. Things will likely not get better. The LS will continue to be half thought out, poorly implemented, and bug ridden until they realize that making good content takes time they are not giving their development team.
Fair enough comment. People complain, because most of the content they got with the vanilla game was very well designed. Events needed tuning, some stuff was too easy, but overall, the open world was a great experience.
Now we have the Living Story and content updates every two weeks. Unfortunately, those updates feel rushed, and in no way as polished as the content in retail.
I really wish, they would take the time on content, they actually need, and present us a big content patch every 3 monthes and a expansion every year, with the quality level we had, when the game was released.
You guys have the shortest memory of all time.
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like. It launched with more buggy dynamic events than you can shake a stick at. It launched with stuff that wasn’t rewarding at all so players stopped doing it. Let’s not glorify the launch of Guild Wars 2…it was a buggy mess. Only now is it the kind of game that you might even get at a game launch. It’s improved immensely.
And a lot of the living story things we’re seeing are good stuff. You may personally not like them, but that doesn’t stop Twilight Assault from being one of the better dungeons in the game. You may not like Tequatl but lots of people do. And many of the mini games, the Zephyr Sanctum, the new jumping puzzle (Not so Secret) they’re all good quality content.
I think you guys are confusing personal preference with bad content. Because a lot of the content is fun to play…for many of us, anyway.
Because a lot of the content is fun to play…for many of us, anyway.
Personal preference as well. What you think is fun and what I think is fun are two very different things. I don’t consider rehashed content to be fun. You do. I don’t consider spamming 1 while in a huge fight fun. You might. See the problem?
I played WoW for a long time. I still do from time to time. I do raids. I like that. It’s fun for me. Is it fun for you? Probably not.
Teq might be a raid, but it’s not the raid type that I like. I don’t like a raid boss with two mechanics. I like at least half a dozen that require more coordination from the team than “STACK! DROP BOONS! BUBBLE! OK KEEP STACKED TIGHT AND DPS SOME MORE GUYS WE GOT THIS GUY!”
That’s not a raid. That’s what we do in WvW to the Castle Lord and Tower Lords, and..oh, almost every champion/legendary/boss in the game.
I personally would prefer him to be instanced, but the 5 player limit makes me feel like it would be a kittenty as kitten experience.
– Euripides
I think you guys are confusing personal preference with bad content.
And you confuse personal preference with good content. That is somehow better ?
Honestly, the dungeons are the weakest spot of GW2 anyway. They feel like an artificial left over made for players of other MMOs to have a place to crawl. They are the least innovative part of the game.
If I want to play dungeons in a group, I have far superior options in other games.
As I said, encounters needed polish, but the over all experience was satisfying. You had a personal story that was fairly bad, but at least you have been part of it, and your face showed up in the one or other cutscene.
You had worldbosses, that were challenging (I saw them fail, in the first month after launch), but people actually tried them.
Now over time, they polished the game, the stuff that was in vanilla release so to say, and most of it happend to be just fixing (well they ruined Orr though) and people are ok with it. Unforunately, the new stuff that survived the Living Story two week death cycle like Tequatl seems to be out of place.
It is not much in the first place. The permanent content we got since the start of the LS is so little, that people would like to at least be able to do all of it. Taking a big dragon out of the schedule was a bad decision.
If the success ratio of an open world event is around 5%, this open world encounter needs fixing.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like.
As someone who always chides others for making unprovable statements like this, I would have hoped you’d refrain. You have absolutely no idea if this is true.
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like.
As someone who always chides others for making unprovable statements like this, I would have hoped you’d refrain. You have absolutely no idea if this is true.
Well, dungeons were and are still trash filled nighmares, with some hp sponge bosses in between. How would anyone like this kind of stuff anyway?
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like.
As someone who always chides others for making unprovable statements like this, I would have hoped you’d refrain. You have absolutely no idea if this is true.
Well, dungeons were and are still trash filled nighmares, with some hp sponge bosses in between. How would anyone like this kind of stuff anyway?
You’re projecting your dislike for the game onto others.
The game launched with 8 dungeons which most people don’t like.
As someone who always chides others for making unprovable statements like this, I would have hoped you’d refrain. You have absolutely no idea if this is true.
Well, dungeons were and are still trash filled nighmares, with some hp sponge bosses in between. How would anyone like this kind of stuff anyway?
You’re projecting your dislike for the game onto others.
Ok, I will reformulate it a bit.
How could anyone, that has been looking for an exciting new experience, made for people who do not like MMOs enjoy gameplay, that is the essence of what most people see as main part of MMOs nowadays in MMOs, dungeon crawling.
Especially as those dungeons were made in the same scheme: Trash, boss, trash, boss, rinse, repeat.
The Leveling & Open World Compendium
I think you guys are confusing personal preference with bad content.
And you confuse personal preference with good content. That is somehow better ?
I defend content I like. I don’t come to the forums talking about all the great content. I talk do people who claim there’s no meaningful or no good content, because that’s surely a statement of opinion stated as if it’s some kind of fact.
Since I don’t initiate the conversation, I’m quite comfortable with refuting their opinion with mine, while pointing out that it’s just opinion.
People try to use language to make things sound worse than they are. I use language to combat that.